51 research outputs found

    Identification of Best Practices to Aid Streamline the Transportation Project Development Process: A Study of the States Department of Transportation

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    In the United States, federal, state, and local governments are responsible for addressing their residents\u27 transportation infrastructure needs. Similar to most States Department of Transportation (State DOTs), the South Carolina Department of Transportation (SCDOT) is responsible for owning, operating, and maintaining a large transportation system for the state. The SCDOT has the 5th largest highway system in the United States, and like most states, the state of South Carolina’s (SC) transportation system needs have continued to expand. SCDOT is under growing pressure for efficient and effective transportation project delivery to address the need and continued expansion. The pressure is due to high demand, limited funding sources, stakeholders’ concerns, federal and state policies, and intense public involvement. Due to increasing demand and pressure to meet its key strategic goals, SCDOT is taking initiatives to deliver projects as efficiently and expeditiously as possible. One of the efforts undertaken by SCDOT is streamlining its preconstruction Project Development Process (PDP). The PDP is a core function of state DOTs and is strategically crucial for highway projects because it assures adequate selection and planning phases. This research study aims to streamline the SCDOT PDP to enhance, streamline, and improve project delivery by identifying PDP best practices that are applicable for a state DOT comparable to SCDOT’s organizational structure and transportation program from the literature review, delivery partners’ input, and the practices utilized by other state DOTs. An Explanatory Sequential Design is used to meet the research’s goal. Preliminary semi-structured interviews are conducted with SCDOT to identify the agency’s current PDP practices and suggestions for improvement. An administrative questionnaire is utilized to obtain input from state DOTs and SCDOT’s delivery partners to gain insight regarding PDP best practices. Structured interviews with comparable state DOTs are conducted to probe PDP concepts, gain an in-depth understanding of PDP best practices, and identify PDP best practices. The identified PDP Best Practices are assembled based on the data, analysis, and findings supported by five different data sources, National PDP Survey, Comparable State DOTs Interview, Secondary State DOTs Documentation, SCDOT SMEs Interview, and ACEC-SC Survey. The analysis of all data sources is used to assemble twelve (12) PDP Best Practices, which are numbered and categorized into five categories. Finally, this research study provides a ‘Model’ for the methodology used by other State DOTs to systematically assess their current practices and obtain input/suggestions for process improvement from the agency’s own SME’s and their external delivery partners that are providing professional services

    Green packaging from a company’s perspective: Determining factors for packaging solutions in the German fruit juice industry

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    In Germany, extensive legislation aims at getting companies to engage in eco-friendly packaging. A common packaging challenge centers on fruit juice products the packaging of which ranges from carton container, to glass or plastic bottles. This study examined the prevalence of Green Packaging in the Baden-WĂŒrttemberg fruit juice industry. Expert interviews reveal that these companies make packaging decisions based on bottling volume and financial resources and not on Green Packaging concerns. Concerns about product quality, packaging functionality and convenience prevail because the market values these factors above all. This means Green Packaging will be implemented only when eco-friendly packaging becomes a ‘must-have’ product feature. The study also revealed that the retail channels used by these companies push back against returnable bottles because of their handling costs. Interviewees also expressed their opinion that consumers’ demand for Green Packaging does not suffice to drive change in existing practices. Our recommendation is that smaller companies focus their packaging decisions on existing returnable glass bottles thereby both minimizing change over costs and maximizing green marketing potential. For larger companies it is possible to take on a pioneer role in the field of Green Packaging

    Investigating the impact of health analytics on the cost and quality of care for patients with heart failure

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    The healthcare industry is under tremendous pressure to improve the quality of care and provide more patient centric care, while reducing costs. The potential use of data analytics to address these health system issues has raised significant interest in both research and practice. Health Analytics is central to informing and realizing the systematic quality improvements and cost reductions required by healthcare reform. Fundamentally, the contribution of IS and analytics research in healthcare is to identify and study the impact of interventions that can make a significant difference to the quality and cost of care. This dissertation is concentrated on patients with heart failure (HF). HF is the number one killer in the world, and is the largest contributor to healthcare costs in the United States. Moreover, HF is one of the six conditions used by the Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services (CMS) to exercise fiduciary control over health systems by monitoring both the quality and cost of care. Specifically, my larger research question is “How can we identify and inform impactful transition of care interventions that manage costs and improve resource allocation efficiencies while providing improved quality of care for heart failure patients?” We adopted a mixed-method approach to study the impact of transitional care in a healthcare system for patients with heart failure. This dissertation includes three essays. In the first essay, I use qualitative methods to study the nature, sources and impacts of information coordination problems as HF patients’ transition through the patient flow in a health system. I propose a set of interventions based on my analysis of information and control errors along the continuum of care to inform the design of appropriate interventions that improve the cost and quality of care. In the second essay, I empirically evaluate the impact of these interventions on cost and quality of care measures such as all cause readmissions, heart failure readmissions, ER visits, length of stay, and cost of care. Analysis suggests that multicomponent complex transitional interventions have significant impact on reducing 30-day readmission and ER visits. The third essay is dedicated to understanding the impact of heart failure patient’s self-care behaviors. I developed and validated an assessment tool for patients with heart failure to monitor and score their condition accurately. Together, these essays investigate impactful transition of care interventions that can help healthcare organizations improve quality of care and manage costs from the clinical, administrative and patient perspectives

    Green packaging from a company’s perspective: Determining factors for packaging solutions in the German fruit juice industry

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    In Germany, extensive legislation aims at getting companies to engage in eco-friendly packaging. A common packaging challenge centers on fruit juice products the packaging of which ranges from carton container, to glass or plastic bottles. This study examined the prevalence of Green Packaging in the Baden-WĂŒrttemberg fruit juice industry. Expert interviews reveal that these companies make packaging decisions based on bottling volume and financial resources and not on Green Packaging concerns. Concerns about product quality, packaging functionality and convenience prevail because the market values these factors above all. This means Green Packaging will be implemented only when eco-friendly packaging becomes a ‘must-have’ product feature. The study also revealed that the retail channels used by these companies push back against returnable bottles because of their handling costs. Interviewees also expressed their opinion that consumers’ demand for Green Packaging does not suffice to drive change in existing practices. Our recommendation is that smaller companies focus their packaging decisions on existing returnable glass bottles thereby both minimizing change over costs and maximizing green marketing potential. For larger companies it is possible to take on a pioneer role in the field of Green Packaging

    Personal financial management technology: extending UTAUT2 to understand the determinants of the acceptance and use

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    Degree Not ListedDepartment Not ListedStuart HeckmanAs researchers explore interventions to improve financial decisions beyond financial education and access to financial advisors, experts believe that technology will reshape the financial services industry by democratizing access to insights in real time (Lee & Shin, 2018). Personal financial management (PFM) technology is a type of financial technology with the opportunity to influence responsible financial behavior at scale, as it enhances consumer awareness and provides targeted recommendations (Li & Forlizzi, 2010). PFM technology includes common features such as net worth tracking, budgeting, credit score monitoring, investment tracking, and goal planning. PFM technology collects, consolidates, and presents financial data in a concise user interface on a website or through a mobile application (Dorfleitner et al., 2016). Consumers access PFM technology through standalone tools such as Mint.com or as an integrated feature provided by their financial institution (Tajimi, 2021). PFM technology can only drive change if individuals accept and use this innovative technology. So, understanding the factors that influence this technology’s adoption is critical to future innovation development. This study leveraged the extended unified theory of acceptance and use of technology (UTAUT2) and a systematic literature review of studies that used unified theory of acceptance and use of technology (UTAUT) or UTAUT2 to identify key variables that influenced consumer financial technology adoption that are both part of UTAUT2 and extensions. The combination of the broader information systems review and concentrated focus on consumer financial technology served as the foundation for the conceptual framework, hypotheses, and analysis. To test the hypotheses, this study leveraged primary data collection using a survey specifically designed to collect the preceding measures. After collecting responses, a strict quality control procedure was implemented to ensure high-quality responses were used in the PLS-SEM analysis. The analysis followed the steps outlined by Hair et al. (2019), including an evaluation of the measurement model, an evaluation of the structural model, and assessment of predictor relationships. Seven relationships were statistically significant in the model. Performance expectancy, hedonic motivation, habit, gender, and number of financial accounts have a positive effect on PFM technology use. Age has a negative effect on PFM technology use and number of financial accounts has a positive moderating effect on the relationship between habit and PFM technology use. An importance performance map analysis found that hedonic motivation and habit are important predictors of PFM technology use but with room for improvement. Three practical implications from this study could have a positive effect on financial institutions and consumers. First, PFM technology providers should use gamification to improve hedonic motivation and make using PFM technology a habit. Second, PFM technology providers should communicate both the financial and intrinsic benefits of using PFM technology when acquiring consumers. Third, financial institutions should invest in PFM technology, as it attracts consumers with more financial accounts that are more likely to be a fit for a variety of financial products


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    This research aimed to measure the initial perceptions of CCTV+ among U.S. journalists in 2011, a moment that marked the launch of CCTV News Content or CCTV+, a global news service by CCTV. The research was based on an analysis of surveys (n=572) with managers and directors of U.S. news agencies. Survey data collected was complemented with analysis of qualitative data from open-ended interview questions to explore how ideological factors influence U.S. journalists’ selection of news through CCTV+. The research found that the most important attributes of news coverage in U.S. journalists’ decision-making to use a foreign TV news service are: timeliness of international news content, relevance to the local audience, and editorial independence. The research also identified accuracy, objectivity, and entertainment value as the top 3 news values that influence U.S. journalists’ decision-making. Regarding news topics about China that are of interest to U.S. journalists, the top3 topics are natural disasters, China’s relationship with the U.S. and North America, and quality of consumer products in China. The research addressed the main factors that prevent U.S. journalists from using CCTV+. They are irrelevance to their audience, lack of familiarity with CCTV, and concerns about CCTV’s editorial independence from the government. In addition, the research identified three challenges faced by global contra-flows of information, from non-Western news sources to Western publics, in the context of globalization. They are U.S. journalists’ preference of U.S. sources for international news and coverage, perceived lack of relevance to local interests, and concerns about foreign news agencies’ credibility and editorial independence. The study provides important guidance about news feeds distribution to international news agencies, especially to those that are producing contra-flows of information and aspire to voice perspectives that are different from U.S.-led Western news agencies. As a means of strategic communication in the U.S. news market, international news agencies can focus on partnering regularly with U.S. news agencies/networks while feeding news content that is relevant to the U.S. local audiences. Without trying to change bilateral ideological perspectives, international news agencies can also consider providing entertaining, interesting, and impactful news feeds that inch closer to U.S. journalists’ professional expectations

    Greening industrial production in China : reinvent a cleaner future through policy, strategy and technology

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    Notre recherche vise Ă  dĂ©couvrir pourquoi et comment les entreprises industrielles rĂ©pondent aux problĂšmes environnementaux dans « l'atelier du monde ». Nous Ă©laborons une approche interdisciplinaire en intĂ©grant la modernisation Ă©cologique (MÉ) et l'hypothĂšse de Porter pour analyser l'action environnementale des entreprises aux niveaux mĂ©so et micro. Ces perspectives en sociologie et en gestion postulent une relation positive entre la protection environnementale et le dĂ©veloppement Ă©conomique. Pour Ă©valuer la pertinence de ces perspectives, notre analyse se concentre sur l'identification des facteurs qui influencent les actions en rĂ©seaux d'acteurs et d'institutions, ainsi que sur le lien entre la rĂ©glementation et l'innovation. En utilisant les mĂ©thodes mixtes (observation participante, sondage et entrevue), nous avons collectĂ©, lors de l'enquĂȘte de terrain (2013-2014) dans le delta de la RiviĂšre des Perles, des donnĂ©es en provenance de plus d'une centaine d'entreprises dans quinze secteurs industriels. Quatre rĂ©sultats clĂ©s se dĂ©gagent de cette Ă©tude. D'abord, 88% des entreprises interrogĂ©es ont pris des mesures. Notre typologie d'entreprise montre que les « traĂźnards » rĂ©sistent Ă  l'action et que les « suiveurs » changent Ă  contrecƓur leur comportement. Les « adeptes » adoptent des technologies propres Ă©prouvĂ©es; tandis que les « Ă©co-innovateurs » crĂ©ent de nouveaux produits. En outre, les rĂ©glementations strictes, les prĂ©occupations financiĂšres et la concurrence sont les dĂ©terminants de l'action. Les firmes assujetties aux lois sĂ©vĂšres ont tendance Ă  se conformer. Celles qui desservent des marchĂ©s concurrentiels sont susceptibles d'innover. De plus, les rĂ©glementations strictes sur l'innovation produisent des rĂ©sultats mitigĂ©s. Ces rĂ©glementations semblent nĂ©cessaires, mais elles sont insuffisantes pour dĂ©clencher l'Ă©co-innovation. La relation entre le gain Ă©conomique et environnemental est dynamique et dĂ©pend du type de mesures environnementales, des caractĂ©ristiques d'entreprise et des facteurs contextuels. Enfin, les affirmations de la MÉ sont partiellement confirmĂ©es par nos rĂ©sultats. Ces derniers rĂ©vĂšlent l'implantation rĂ©pandue des instruments de marchĂ©, laquelle indique l'Ă©mergence de l'« Ă©conomisation » de l'Ă©cologie. Contrairement aux Ă©tudes antĂ©rieures, la nĂŽtre montre que les acteurs Ă©conomiques contribuent Ă  « Ă©cologiser » l'Ă©conomie. L'État partage les responsabilitĂ©s environnementales avec ces acteurs tout en exerçant son pouvoir cohĂ©sif. Pour faire avancer la recherche, nous proposons de conceptualiser un modĂšle hybride et d'incorporer la thĂ©orie de l'acteur-rĂ©seau dans un cadre Ă©largi.The research aims to discover why and how Chinese industrial firms in the world's workshop are responding to environmental issues. We elaborate an interdisciplinary approach by integrating ecological modernization theory (EMT) and the Porter hypothesis. These sociological and strategic management perspectives postulate that economic growth can be associated with environmental protection. The perspectives complement one another through combining micro-level and meso-level analysis of corporate environmental actions. To assess the validity of the Porter hypothesis and the explanatory power of EMT, attention is given to identifying factors affecting actions and to analyzing the regulation-innovation nexus and institutional networks. Using mixed-methods research techniques (participant observation, survey, and interview), we conducted our 2013/14 fieldwork by accessing a sample group of over 100 firms from 15 industry sectors located in the Pearl River Delta region. Four major findings emerge from our analysis. First, 88% of the surveyed companies took environmental actions. A typology of the enterprises illustrates that "laggards" displayed resistance and "takers" took action reluctantly. "Followers" were inclined to adopt proven clean technologies, whereas "eco-innovators" created new products. Secondly, stricter environmental regulations, financial interests, and competition are key factors for driving corporate actions. The sampled firms subjected to stricter requirements tended to be compliant and achieved environmental goals, and companies serving competitive markets were most likely to be industry leaders engaging in eco-innovations. Our third finding reveals mixed results in the effects of stricter regulations on eco-innovation and on the financial outcome of environmental improvements. Stricter regulations appear necessary, but they are insufficient for triggering eco-innovation. The relation between economic gain and environmental benefit is dynamic, depending on the type of environmental actions, firm characteristics, and contextual factors. Finally, the claims made by EMT are partially supported by our fourth finding, wherein wide application of market-based instruments suggests the emergence of the "economization" of ecology. Contradictory to prior research, our study shows that economic actors contribute to "ecologizing" the economy. The state shared environmental responsibilities with non-state actors, while exercising its coercive power. For future research, we propose conceptualizing a hybrid model and incorporating actor network theory into a broader framework

    Performance in a Dual Distribution Irish Building Society: The Role of Human Resource Management and Leadership

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    This thesis explores the subject of organisational performance in a partially franchised organisation, the EBS Building Society, a retail financial service business. It focuses on understanding why, in a dual distribution system, a franchised outlet outperforms a non-franchised outlet within the same organisation. In particular it examines the potential impact of Human Resource Management (HRM) and leadership practices at both the level of the individual and of the unit. Many studies have examined the link between HR practices and performance, however, few have studied the system of practices within a retail financial services network. This thesis is concerned with the behaviours of the managers of franchised units of the EBS Building Society and how those behaviours may potentially explain why managers outperform their colleagues in the company manned branch network from a financial perspective. Specifically, the study will highlight the current performance measures that are pertinent to both franchised and non-franchised outlets and it will set out to connect these measures to the HRM practices and leadership styles of managers in EBS units. In particular, the study explores the nature of the linkages between HRM/leadership practices and behaviours, focusing in particular on three possibilities: Empowerment, Perceived Organisational Support (POS) and Work Intensification to understanding how HRM or leadership impacts on performance in organisations. The Study found that, as anticipated, HRM had a positive indirect effect on employee service interaction behaviour with empowerment having the greatest consequence. There was also evidence that agency status within the EBS contributes to service quality, in part through the development of higher levels of unit-level employee service behaviours and unit level leadership. The importance of the research lies in the fact that it offers, for the first time, some evidence on the impact of HRM and leadership practices within a hybrid franchised financial firm in Ireland. It also offers for the first time a comparison of the three different possibilities or mediators and their explanatory powers on HRM and leadership and their effects on organisation performance by adopting a multi-level approach
