1,406 research outputs found


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    Enabling true responses is an important characteristic in surveys; where the responses are free from bias and satisficing. In this thesis, we examine the current state of surveys, briefly touching upon questionnaire surveys, and then on time diary surveys (TDS). TDS are open-ended conversational surveys of a free-form nature with both, the interviewer and the respondent, playing a part in its progress and successful completion. With limited research available on how intelligent and assistive components can affect TDS respondents, we explore ways in which intelligent systems such as Computer Adaptive Testing, Intelligent Tutoring Systems, Recommender Systems, and Decision Support Systems can be leveraged for use in TDS. The motivation for this work is from realizing the opportunity that an enhanced web based instrument can offer the survey domain to unite the various facets of web based surveys to create an intelligent integrated multi-mode TDS framework. We envision the framework to provide all the advantages of web based surveys and interviewer assisted surveys. The two primary challenges are in determining what data is to be used by the system and how to interact with the user – specifically integrating the (1) Interviewer-assisted mode, and (2) Self-administered mode. Our proposed solution – the intelligent integrated multi-mode framework – is essentially the solution to a set of modeling problems and we propose two sets of overreaching mechanisms: (1) Knowledge Engineering Mechanisms (KEM), and (2) Interaction Mechanisms (IxM), where KEM serves the purpose of understanding what data can be created, used and stored while IxM deals with interacting with the user. We build and study a prototype instrument in the interviewer-assisted mode based on the framework. We are able to determine that the instrument improves the interview process as intended and increases the data quality of the response data and is able to assist the interviewer. We also observe that the framework’s mechanisms contribute towards reducing interviewers’ cognitive load, data entry times and interview time by predicting the next activity. Advisor: Leenkiat So

    Energy Conservation Strategy Research for Residential Building Refurbishment in Urban area of China

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    The main purpose of this study is to establish a design strategy framework for residential building refurbishment in urban area of China. By studying of the advantage research and case studies in Europe, complete methodology and innovation technology would be proposed as the result of this research. Exploratory research for energy conservation design strategy for residential districts is also drawn up. The result of this research would cover the shortage of energy conservation design strategy for existing residential building refurbishment and also put forward the instructional principles for low carbon emission city development. Through the literature review, building energy consumption in the world level is summarized and comparison between that of Europe and China is made to improve the fesibility for making research on the topic of urban residential building refurbishment in China. By the analysis of influence elements for existing residential building in urban area, reasons for implementing residential building refurbishment project could been summarized into three aspects. Study on existing legislation and regulations for building in China is made and then the regulations which are specific for building energy efficiency and residential building design is categorised into different sustainble typologies. In China, until now there is neither systematic research nor complete building design regulations for building refurbishment and the innate complexity of residential building refurbishment project. But with the limit of energy and territory, energy shortage and sustained growth of requirement for residential buildings in urban area in China is the urgent conflict which could restrict sustainable development of China and increase energy crisis in the world. There are some excellent case studies of residential building refurbishment in Europe. In the project of ENPIRE, there are six residential buildings renewal projects which are in different cities come from six coutriesWe make complete anaysis on the project of ENPIRE and try to transfer advanced theory and techniques for residential buildings refurbishment energy efficiency procedure. The existing residential building refurbishment is a topic which has relations with many fields. The research about energy conservation of existing residential buildings should consider from urban level, district level then to building level. So the data collection survey is an essential preparation. In order to distinct the composing of residential building energy consumption and direction of building energy-saving of residential building, we have to analyse the relationship between building energy consumption and characteristics of the the city such like weather features, geography features as well as the body characteristics of residentail building. Five cities which were selected from different climate zones have been chosen as the representative cities and the characteristics of each cities have been summarized as the basement of urban and building analysis of these cities. Excluding the city and building energy consumption characteristics, different stakeholders would play different roles in the process of refurbishment. Energy price, family income, living environment sustainable policy and house ownership, all of these elements could influence the refurbishment. For organising the sufficient work process to meet the demand of energy conservation, comprhensive analysis methodlogy such as AHP (Analytic Hierarchy Process) and ANP( Analytic Network Process) could be adopted for analysing effect weight. In the meanwhile, considering ecnomic and local elements, available technologies which could be fitted for using in China. The strategy of Urban Residential Building Refurbishment in China could be divided into scheme stage and design stage. The differences between China and Europe is the important point for this research. In the scheme stage, category and characteristic of existing residential building in China have been summarized. On the base of this summary, problems of existing residential building have been rised. At the same time, the study of existing residential buildings was penetrated into two aspects: professionals sides and administration sides. An investigation is made to architects from 10 selected first level cities. The questionary was made from three levels: general opinion about building energy efficiency technology and CO2 emission reduction issues; importance of exiting energy efficiency regulations in building design process and development of residential building refurbishment project. From the information of this investigation, we can realize clearly that importance and technology of energy conservation for residential buildings should be improved a lot. From the administration sides, both from top-dwon promotion and bottom-up implemention sides, we can get Integrated-model projections for improving energy efficiency for residential building in urban. From the development of urban plan, district environment promotion and building trend, there are sufficient Instinctive motives of residential building refurbishment in urban area of China. In the design stage, the framework of working procedure for residential building refurbishment could be summarized into 8 steps. For each step, multiply players would take part into comprehensive actions to improve energy conservation. So the energy consumption process could be summed up into four steps. Specific energy efficiency principle and technologies would be proposed with the interpretation of different case studies. These case studies are selected because the advantage experiences for special part of the framework. In the energy consumption survey phase, energy consumption datas and related building and city architecture features should be collected. A series of form for target building investigation could be made and be used for all this kinds of projects. In the discussion and embedding agreement step, different stakeholders like inhabitants, architects, managers, construction organizations should be coordinated and get agreements for energy saving target. In this step, initial refurbish plan could be drafted and energy conversation level could be fixed into high, middle and low three levels. By comparisons and discussions, clear target could be determined on the coordination by all the players and agreement could be signed. Then, energy ambitions could be set and energy options could be selected on the base of agreements. The energy efficiency includes three aspects: Building thermo technical and related properties measurement; Energy consumption and emission reduction effectiveness; Function promotion of residential settlements. For each aspect, we will make the analysis with one Chinese case study which had been done to meet the point of requirement. For implementing, project monitoring and maintains should be kept during the refurbishment process and also after refurbishment. Technology utilizing in construction organizing and construction supervision steps should be considered of. Uniform quality assurance acceptance standard could be drawn up. Exploratory research will be made in the direction of improving low carbon emission residential districts and urban development in China. This thesis looks into the event in the urban planning way. By analyzing the true fact, this study may give useful advice to the real practice. And at the same time, it also gives reference to the housing sustainable development wor

    Enhancing the museum experience with a sustainable solution based on contextual information obtained from an on-line analysis of users’ behaviour

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    Human computer interaction has evolved in the last years in order to enhance users’ experiences and provide more intuitive and usable systems. A major leap through in this scenario is obtained by embedding, in the physical environment, sensors capable of detecting and processing users’ context (position, pose, gaze, ...). Feeded by the so collected information flows, user interface paradigms may shift from stereotyped gestures on physical devices, to more direct and intuitive ones that reduce the semantic gap between the action and the corresponding system reaction or even anticipate the user’s needs, thus limiting the overall learning effort and increasing user satisfaction. In order to make this process effective, the context of the user (i.e. where s/he is, what is s/he doing, who s/he is, what are her/his preferences and also actual perception and needs) must be properly understood. While collecting data on some aspects can be easy, interpreting them all in a meaningful way in order to improve the overall user experience is much harder. This is more evident when we consider informal learning environments like museums, i.e. places that are designed to elicit visitor response towards the artifacts on display and the cultural themes proposed. In such a situation, in fact, the system should adapt to the attention paid by the user choosing the appropriate content for the user’s purposes, presenting an intuitive interface to navigate it. My research goal is focused on collecting, in a simple,unobtrusive, and sustainable way, contextual information about the visitors with the purpose of creating more engaging and personalized experiences

    A scoping review: exploring the world of medical and wellness tourism

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    Purpose: Medical and wellness tourism is a growing phenomenon, and tourists all over the world are traveling with the express purpose of accessing medical treatment or promoting health through physically and psychologically beneficial activities. This industry has continued to expand with the Internet’s help, as customers can now make choices that are more appropriate and informed decisions. Design: This research employed mixed content analysis methods. The qualitative approach reproduced tourists’ appraisals and assessed the spatial relationships between terms and concepts in medical and wellness tourism, with generalizable and reproducible results. Theoretical Contribution: This study specifically adds to the literature on post-experiences of medical and wellness tourism and the impact of Web-based information through reviewers’ satisfaction and willingness to recommend facilities to others. Practical Contributions: Medical tourists’ reviews indicate shared commonalities when identifying significant factors in medical services received. These individuals also focus on cost, treatment effectiveness; time spent collecting healthcare information, and recommendations they plan to offer to friends and family. Wellness tourists perceive resort facilities—including room conditions—and thalassotherapy treatments as the primary drivers of good service. Critical attributes of room condition are overall cleanliness and room comfort, especially bed, bathroom, and shower facilities. Tourists’ reviews of their experiences of thermal spa facilities provide a strategic order in which to implement service attributes by degree of influence: thermal facilities and services, hotel reception and room, food quality and price, pool and bath access, location views and accessibility, and staff’s professionalism and friendliness. Originality: The results add to the slowly growing body of literature on medical and wellness tourism and provide significant information to prospective medical tourists, healthcare service professionals, hoteliers, and other operators who become part of tourists’ total experience. This thesis identifies new themes based on semantic analyses that explored tourists’ behavior, intentions, and overall experiences shared online.Objetivo: O Turismo Médico e de Bem-Estar é um fenómeno crescente. Turistas de todo o mundo viajam com o intuito de ter acesso a tratamento médico ou de melhorar o seu estado de saúde através de atividades físicas e psicológicas que lhes sejam benéficas. Esta indústria tem vindo a crescer com ajuda da Internet, permitindo aos turistas fazer melhores escolhas e tomar decisões informadas. Desenho da tese: Este estudo tem como base a análise de conteúdos mistos. A abordagem qualitativa reproduz as avaliações dos turistas e avalia as relações entre as narrativas e os conceitos no Turismo Médico e de Bem-Estar, obtendo resultados replicáveis e generalizáveis. Contribuição teórica: Este estudo contribui com o conhecimento teórico no setor do turismo de Saúde e Bem-estar e o impacto das opiniões dos turistas nas plataformas online como veículo para expressar satisfação e recomendar serviços a outros turistas. Contribuição prática: No Turismo Médico os comentários online indicam características comuns inerentes ao tratamento médico. Como fatores determinantes no processo de decisão os turistas realçam o preço, a eficácia do tratamento, o tempo despendido na recolha de informações medicas, e partilham recomendações com amigos e familiares. No turismo de Bem-Estar os turistas percecionam as infraestruturas do resort-incluindo as condições do quarto e os tratamentos de talassoterapia como fatores determinantes de um bom serviço. Indicam como fatores críticos -o quarto- a limpeza e o conforto em particular uma cama confortável, a casa de banho e o chuveiro. Os turistas que utilizam as Termas e Spa indicam por ordem decrescente a implementação dos seguintes serviços: acesso as termas e serviços, a receção do hotel e sala, qualidade da comida e preço, piscina e banho térmico, localização, vista e acessos bem como o profissionalismo e simpatia dos colaboradores. Originalidade: Os resultados contribuem para o desenvolvimento da literatura sobre o Turismo Medico e de Bem-Estar e sugere diretrizes para potenciais turistas médicos, profissionais de saúde, setor hoteleiro e outros operadores que integram a experiência destes turistas. Com base na análise semântica esta tese identifica novas temáticas que exploram comportamentos, intenções e experiências que os turistas compartilham online

    A holistic multi-purpose life logging framework

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    Die Paradigm des Life-Loggings verspricht durch den Vorschlag eines elektronisches Gedächtnisses dem menschlichem Gedächtnis eine komplementäre Assistenz. Life-Logs sind Werkzeuge oder Systeme, die automatisch Ereignisse des Lebens des Benutzers aufnehmen. Im technischem Sinne sind es Systeme, die den Alltag durchdringen und kontinuierlich konzeptuelle Informationen aus der Umgebung des Benutzers erfassen. Teile eines so gesammelten Datensatzes könnten aufbewahrt und für die nächsten Generationen zugänglich gemacht werden. Einige Teile sind es wert zusätzlich auch noch mit der Gesellschaft geteilt zu werden, z.B. in sozialen Netzwerken. Vom Teilen solcher Informationen profitiert sowohl der Benutzer als auch die Gesellschaft, beispielsweise durch die Verbesserung der sozialen Interaktion des Users, das ermöglichen neuer Gruppenverhaltensstudien usw. Anderseits, im Sinne der individuellen Privatsphäre, sind Life-log Informationen sehr sensibel und entsprechender Datenschutz sollte schon beim Design solcher Systeme in Betracht gezogen werden. Momentan sind Life-Logs hauptsächlich für den spezifischen Gebrauch als Gedächtnisstützen vorgesehen. Sie sind konfiguriert um nur mit einem vordefinierten Sensorset zu arbeiten. Das bedeutet sie sind nicht flexibel genug um neue Sensoren zu akzeptieren. Sensoren sind Kernkomponenten von Life-Logs und mit steigender Sensoranzahl wächst auch die Menge der Daten die für die Erfassung verfügbar sind. Zusätzlich bietet die Anordnung von mehreren Sensordaten bessere qualitative und quantitative Informationen über den Status und die Umgebung (Kontext) des Benutzers. Offenheit für Sensoren wirkt sich also sowohl für den User als auch für die Gemeinschaft positiv aus, indem es Potential für multidisziplinnäre Studien bietet. Zum Beispiel können Benutzer Sensoren konfigurieren um ihren Gesundheitszustand in einem gewissen Zeitraum zu überwachen und das System danach ändern um es wieder als Gedächtnisstütze zu verwenden. In dieser Dissertation stelle ich ein Life-Log Framework vor, das offen für die Erweiterung und Konfiguration von Sensoren ist. Die Offenheit und Erweiterbarkeit des Frameworks wird durch eine Sensorklassiffzierung und ein flexibles Model für die Speicherung der Life-Log Informationen unterstützt. Das Framework ermöglicht es den Benützern ihre Life-logs mit anderen zu teilen und unterstützt die notwendigen Merkmale vom Life Logging. Diese beinhalten Informationssuche (durch Annotation), langfristige digitale Erhaltung, digitales Vergessen, Sicherheit und Datenschutz.The paradigm of life-logging promises a complimentary assistance to the human memory by proposing an electronic memory. Life-logs are tools or systems, which automatically record users' life events in digital format. In a technical sense, they are pervasive tools or systems which continuously sense and capture contextual information from the user's environment. A dataset will be created from the collected information and some records of this dataset are worth preserving in the long-term and enable others, in future generations, to access them. Additionally, some parts are worth sharing with society e.g. through social networks. Sharing this information with society benefits both users and society in many ways, such as augmenting users' social interaction, group behavior studies, etc. However, in terms of individual privacy, life-log information is very sensitive and during the design of such a system privacy and security should be taken into account. Currently life-logs are designed for specific purposes such as memory augmentation, but they are not flexible enough to accept new sensors. This means that they have been configured to work only with a predefined set of sensors. Sensors are the core component of life-logs and increasing the number of sensors causes more data to be available for acquisition. Moreover a composition of multiple sensor data provides better qualitative and quantitative information about users' status and their environment (context). On the other hand, sensor openness benefits both users and communities by providing appropriate capabilities for multidisciplinary studies. For instance, users can configure sensors to monitor their health status for a specific period, after which they can change the system to use it for memory augmentation. In this dissertation I propose a life-log framework which is open to extension and configuration of its sensors. Openness and extendibility, which makes the framework holistic and multi-purpose, is supported by a sensor classification and a flexible model for storing life-log information. The framework enables users to share their life-log information and supports required features for life logging. These features include digital forgetting, facilitating information retrieval (through annotation), long-term digital preservation, security and privacy

    New Aesthetic Experiences in Public Space: Performativity and Interaction in Urban Design

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    Heterogeneous networks in multifunctional spaces

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    Changeability and Decision-making in the product development process

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