66 research outputs found


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    Social Networking Sites (SNS) addiction among the adolescents has begun to getting attention among the scholars. Previous studies have focused on the factors influenced SNS addiction mostly among the adults compared to the adolescents. Furthermore, studies on SNS addiction that integrate different perspective from different theoretical foundation is very scarce. This study has taken a systematic literature approach to identify factors that contributes to SNS addiction among the adolescents in Asian countries. Based on the systematic literature approach, ten papers were found to be significantly highlighted factors that contributes to SNS addiction in Asian countries which is Malaysia, Singapore, Thailand, Hong Kong, Taiwan, South Korea and China. Subsequently, the factors were categorized into three different perspective which is Information System, Sociology and Psychology. These factors are hoped to be guidance for future research in SNS addiction context among adolescents in Asian countries

    A critical review of Facebook addiction research

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    Východiska: Facebook je momentálně jednou z nejpopulárnějších sociálních sítí. S rostoucí popularitou se objevují i obavy z možných negativních dopadů a vzniku závislosti. Je to aktuální téma nejen pro odborníky, ale například i pro rodiče. Výsledky studií ale přinášejí rozdílné závěry a pohled na závislost na Facebooku není ucelený. Cíle: Cílem této práce je popsat a zhodnotit aktuální stav výzkumu ohledně závislosti na Facebooku na vybraných studiích. Práce se zejména zaměřila na kritéria pro diagnózu, metodologii výzkumů a identifikované rizikové vlastnosti, profil problémového uživatele. Metody: Tato teoretická práce využívá kvalitativní přístup a porovnává informace z vybraných studií. První se vytvořil výtah zásadních informací z každé studie. Jednotlivé informace se pak mezi sebou porovnaly v kategoriích podle výzkumných otázek této práce. Výsledky: Zhodnocení studií ukázalo, že není jasně stanoven způsob diagnózy závislosti na Facebooku, ani není přesně definován samotný fenomén. Studie se značně lišily v odhadech prevalence závislosti na této sociální síti. Metodologickým problémem většiny studií v souboru bylo využití samostatně vyplňovaného dotazníku a volba nereprezentativního vzorku účastníků. Závěr: V oblasti závislosti na Facebooku je nutné pokračovat v dalším výzkumu. Tato práce...Background: Facebook is the most popular social network nowadays. Concerns about possible negative consequences and possible addiction rise with its growing popularity. It is a very current topic not only for experts in the field, but also for parents. Results of studies bring various conclusions and the view on the Facebook addiction remains patchy. Aim: The aim of this work is to describe and evaluate the current state of Facebook addiction research on chosen studies. This work is focused on the criteria for diagnosis, methodology and identified risk features, the profile of a problematic user. Methods: This theoretical work uses qualitative approach and compares information from chosen studies. First, a summary was created from each study. Then extracted information were compared in categories according to research question of this work. Results: Evaluation of the studies showed that there is no clear way of diagnosing Facebook addiction and the phenomena itself is not clearly defined. The studies were very different in their prevalence estimates. A methodological issue of most of the chosen studies was using a self-reported questionnaire and a choice of non-representative participants. Conclusion: It is necessary to continue the research in the field of Facebook Addiction. This works has...Department of Adictology First Faculty of Medicine and General University Hospital in PragueKlinika adiktologie 1.LF UK a VFN v PrazeFirst Faculty of Medicine1. lékařská fakult

    Influencia negativa de las redes sociales en la salud de adolescentes y adultos jóvenes: una revisión bibliográfica

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    Con la intención de recrearse y compartir una identidad, durante los últimos cinco años el número de adolescentes que utilizan las redes sociales ha aumentado sustancialmente. Sin embargo, es un grupo vulnerable debido a su limitada capacidad de autorregulación y a su gran susceptibilidad a la presión de grupo. El propósito del presente trabajo fue llevar a cabo una revisión de la literatura científica para analizar las influencias negativas de la utilización de dichas redes sociales en los hábitos de vida relacionados con la salud por parte de adolescentes y adultos jóvenes. Para ello, se hizo un rastreo bibliográfico en las bases de datos PubMed/Medline, ScienceDirect, SciELO, Cuiden, Psicodoc, Dialnet y Biblioteca Cochrane, seleccionándose 44 estudios para su análisis, sumándose a estos otros ocho artículos provenientes de la bibliografía. Los resultados muestran numerosas consecuencias que afectan los patrones de sueño, hábitos alimenticios, socialización e incluso adicción a las propias redes sociales o para tener contacto a través de las mismas con drogas no legales. Los autores concluyen que es necesario que los profesionales de la salud diseñen estrategias de prevención y promoción para la salud que, junto con las familias y educadores, incluyan potenciar otras aficiones, estimular la comunicación presencial y utilizar adecuadamente las redes sociales. Mainly with the purpose of recreation and sharing an identity, the number of teenagers who use social networks has increased substantially in recent years. In this context however, teenagers represent a vulnerable group because of their limited ability of self-regulation and their high susceptibility to peer pressure. Objective. The aim of the present paper was to review the scientific literature on the analysis of negative influences of the use of social networks by both teenagers and young adults on their health-related lifestyles. To this end, a bibliographic tracking and analysis in several databases was conducted. These sources included: PubMed / Medline, ScienceDirect, SciELO, Cuiden, Psicodoc, Dialnet, and Cochrane Library data. After refining search procedures, a final total of 44 studies were selected for analysis, including eight additional articles from the published articles references. Results revealed negative consequences that affect sleep patterns, eating habits, socialization, and even addiction to social networks, and a propensity to facilitate contact with illegal drugs. The authors conclude that is necessary for health professionals to design and implement strategies aimed at preventing misuse of social networks so as to promote health in the context of families and education. The promotion of alternative activities and other hobbies, as well as stimulating face to face communications, and better uses of social networks is strongly suggested

    Factorial validity of the Problematic Facebook Use Scale for adolescents and young adults

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    Recent research on problematic Facebook use has highlighted the need to develop a specific theory-driven measure to assess this potential behavioral addiction. The aim of the present study was to examine the factorial validity of the Problematic Facebook Use Scale (PFUS) adapted from Caplan’s Generalized Problematic Internet Scale model. Methods A total of 1,460 Italian adolescents and young adults (aged 14–29 years) participated in the study. Confirmatory factor analyses were performed in order to assess the factorial validity of the scale. Results Results revealed that the factor structure of the PFUS provided a good fit to the data. Furthermore, results of the multiple group analyses supported the invariance of the model across age and gender groups. Discussion and conclusions This study provides evidence supporting the factorial validity of the PFUS. This new scale provides a theory-driven tool to assess problematic use of Facebook among male and female adolescents and young adults

    Factorial validity of the Problematic Facebook Use Scale for adolescents and young adults.

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    Background and aims Recent research on problematic Facebook use has highlighted the need to develop a specific theory-driven measure to assess this potential behavioral addiction. The aim of the present study was to examine the factorial validity of the Problematic Facebook Use Scale (PFUS) adapted from Caplan's Generalized Problematic Internet Scale model. Methods A total of 1,460 Italian adolescents and young adults (aged 14-29 years) participated in the study. Confirmatory factor analyses were performed in order to assess the factorial validity of the scale. Results Results revealed that the factor structure of the PFUS provided a good fit to the data. Furthermore, results of the multiple group analyses supported the invariance of the model across age and gender groups. Discussion and conclusions This study provides evidence supporting the factorial validity of the PFUS. This new scale provides a theory-driven tool to assess problematic use of Facebook among male and female adolescents and young adults

    Understanding the Relationship between Social Media Use and Depression: A Systematic Review

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    There have been many studies on the relationship between social media use and depression in recent years, but there are inconsistencies between their findings. Using the systematic review method, we analyzed the existing body of work on the relationship between social media use and depression in the information systems field. We selected the Web of Science, Emerald, JSTOR, Science Direct, Taylor & Francis Online and Wiley Online Library as search databases, and ended up with 24 papers that met all our requirements. We identified four possible reasons for the inconsistencies. First, the measurement indicators of social media use are different. Second, depression is not measured in the same way. Third, the studies considered different populations of social media users. Fourth, the mediating factors are different with regards to the relationship between social media use and depression. This study provides literature supported theoretical insights for further exploration and analysis

    Dependência das redes sociais : qual o impacto na autoestima e manipulação de fotografias?

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    The relationship between addictive use of social media, narcissism, and self-esteem: findings from a large national survey

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    Social media has become an increasingly popular leisure activity over the last decade. Although most people’s social media use is non-problematic, a small number of users appear to engage in social media excessively and/or compulsively. The main objective of this study was to examine the associations between addictive use of social media, narcissism, and self esteem. A cross-sectional convenient sample of 23,532 Norwegians (Mage=35.8 years; range=16-88 years) completed an open web-based survey including the Bergen Social Media Addiction Scale (BSMAS), the Narcissistic Personality Inventory-16, and the Rosenberg Self Esteem Scale. Results demonstrated that lower age, being female, being single, being a student, lower education, lower income, lower self-esteem, and narcissism were associated with higher scores on the BSMAS, explaining a total of 17.5% of the variance. Although most effect sizes were relatively modest, the findings supported the notion of addictive social media use reflecting a need to feed the ego (i.e., narcissistic personality traits) and an attempt to inhibit a negative self-concept (i.e., basic cognitions). The results were also consistent with demographic predictions and associations taken from central theories concerning “addiction”, indicating that females may tend to develop more addictive use of activities involving social interaction than males. However, the cross-sectional study design makes inferences about directionality impossible

    Wechat Addiction and Gratifications of College Students in China: Procrastination, Fear of Missing out and Perceived Social Support

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    微信自2011年问世以来,从单一的聊天工具发展成了现在的多功能社交媒体,在中国人的生活工作中越来越占据重要的位置。作为当前中国最为热门的社交媒体,微信一直为各个群体青睐,然而,人们使用微信的动机、使用微信的行为特点以及微信沉迷潜在的负面影响却鲜少为人所知。本文依托使用与满足理论,对大学生群体使用微信的原因和影响因素进行了探索,以问卷调查为主,辅以访谈与焦点小组的方法,从福州大学、华侨大学和厦门大学抽取了609个大学生样本。研究发现:(1)大学生群体的微信使用表现出高频率、短时间的碎片化的特点,有16.7%的大学生可以被认定为微信沉迷;(2)微信沉迷的症状表现有强迫性使用、对社交活动失去兴趣和缺...Since launched in 2011, Wechat has been successfully turned into a multi-functional app that inserts a great influence on Chinese people’s lives. Even though Wechat has been a favorite for all ages, the motives, behavioral patterns and the possible negative impact of addiction have been rarely known. This paper explores the reasons and predictors of Wechat use and Wechat addiction among college st...学位:文学硕士院系专业:新闻传播学院_新闻学学号:3062014115307

    An exploratory study of Facebook intensity and its links to narcissism, stress, and self-esteem

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    Facebook use has become a popular social activity. More intensive use of Facebook may increase the risk of health problems. Research suggests that high levels of stress and low levels of self-esteem are linked to Facebook intensity usage, however, these findings have been inconsistent, as studies also suggest the opposite or no links at all. This exploratory study examined whether narcissism, stress and self-esteem could predict Facebook intensity, and whether a short session on Facebook could produce immediate psychological effects. A sample of 163 Facebook users completed an online survey, engaged in a short Facebook session and then completed another online survey. Regression analysis revealed that narcissism, stress and self-esteem were found to significantly predict Facebook intensity with stress being a significant predictor within the model. Facebook use significantly increased self-esteem scores amongst the participants. The findings are discussed in relation to previous research and theory.N/