17 research outputs found


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    This research aims to determine the classification of articles in journal of Pustakaloka, and specifically to identify the largest and smallest subject groups based on JITA Classification System of Library and Information Science. Data for this research consist of 174 articles from 2009-2021 publication. To assign the subject of an article, its title and keywords were analyzed. Abstract and article content were also analyzed if the title and keywords were not able to reflect the subject. The data were coded according to the JITA scheme, sorted and counted to build up subject groups. The three largest subject groups are Users, literacy and reading, followed by Information sources, supports, channels, then by Management and Information technology and library technology. Meanwhile, the three smallest subject groups are Information use and sociology of information, followed by Theoretical and general aspects of libraries and information, Housing technologies, and the last is Publishing and legal issues. This research identified that in general, the articles in Pustakaloka are concentrated on some of intermediate and specific level that cover the aspect of users, directional and management functions, pragmatic and technical issues

    An Interdisciplinary Encounter Between Two Knowledge Domains: Library and Information Science vs Knowledge Management

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    The main purpose of this study is to develop a framework of the interdisciplinary encounter between two knowledge domains. The study adopted a case analysis of library and information science’s (LIS) encounter with knowledge management (KM). It examines the views of LIS academics and practitioners regarding their awareness of KM concepts, their responses to KM, factors influencing them to respond to KM, and issues related to the incorporation of KM into LIS. LIS has incorporated the core content of KM based on the combination of varying proportions of major perspectives and skill-sets of KM. It follows a partial adoption process through mutual borrowing of knowledge between LIS and KM. The findings suggest that LIS has encountered KM through recognizing KM, responding to it, and renovating the existing structure of LIS. Thus, the paper proposes a 3R model of the interdisciplinary encounter between two knowledge domains, where ‘R’ stands for Recognizing, Responding and Renovating. The model is original in nature broadening its scope from LIS and KM to the generalization of other disciplines. Finally, the paper provides some suggestions for the better integration of KM education and practice in LIS. Keywords: Interdisciplinary encounter, Knowledge domain, Knowledge management, Library and information scienc


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    This chapter provides an overview of the research in librarianship and information science (hereafter LIS) carried out in the UK in the period 2011-2015, complementing the analogous British Librarianship and Information Work chapters by Nicolas for the periods 1991-2000 and 2001-2005 and by Sen and Willett for the period 2006-2010. More specifically, we consider first the funding environment for LIS research in the UK, and then the process and outcome of REF2014, a nationwide evaluation of the quality of research conducted by UK universities. The next, and largest, section discusses the range of LIS research being conducted in the UK as reflected in both the academic and the professional literatures, the latter including a brief discussion of the perceived value of different media to the research process, and the chapter concludes by summarising important characteristics, both positive and negative, of the current state of LIS research in the UK


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    Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui klasifikasi artikel-artikel jurnal Pustakaloka, dan secara spesifik mengetahui kelompok subjek terbesar dan kelompok subjek terkecilnya berdasarkan JITA Classification System of Library and Information Science. Data penelitian terdiri atas 174 artikel dari tahun 2009-2021. Untuk menentukan subjek, dilakukan analisis terhadap judul dan kata kunci. Abstrak dan konten artikel ikut dianalisis jika judul dan kata kunci tidak mampu merefleksikan subjek artikel. Data diberi kode menurut skema JITA, diurutkan dan dihitung hingga menghasilkan kelompok-kelompok subjek. Tiga kelompok terbesar adalah Users, literacy and reading, diikuti Information sources, supports, channels, kemudian Management dan Information technology and library technology. Tiga kelompok terkecil adalah Information use and sociology of information, diikuti Theoretical and general aspects of libraries and information, Housing technologies, dan yang terakhir adalah Publishing and legal issues. Penelitian ini mengidentifikasi bahwa secara garis besar, artikel-artikel di dalam jurnal Pustakaloka terkonsentrasi pada sebagian level intermediate dan specific yaitu aspek pengguna, fungsi pengarahan dan manajemen, isu pragmatis dan teknis

    Toward implementing equality, diversity, and inclusion for virtual conferences within the LIS professions

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    Equality, diversity, and inclusion (EDI) has gained increased attention within the library and information professions, becoming an important aspect of the ethical framework and strategic planning of several professional bodies. This paper uses a data-driven analysis of material from the iSchools conferences (iConferences) as a case study to examine how we might facilitate EDI in practice and engage more effectively with our communities in a virtual context with the move to more online conferences. Our findings identify both positive and negative aspects about the use of online conference platforms and raise concerns over the possibility that virtual conferences may increase unconscious bias and assumptions that could impact adversely on those already disadvantaged. Transparency and communication are key to identifying and addressing any barriers to equality and so online conferences need to ensure clarity and transparency concerning privacy, content, and process, and to demonstrate awareness of the diverse backgrounds of their community members

    A Study on the Transformation of South East Nigerian’s Academic Society through Library and Information Science Education

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    This is an empirical study on the transformation of South-East Nigeria’s academic society through library and information science education (LISE). The main objective of this study is to find out current library and information science educational procedure in SE Nigeria as to determining how it holistically prepare potential librarians towards the changes that are taking place in our academic environment and the world as a whole. The research employed a descriptive survey design with a sampled population of 980 LIS students derived through total enumerative sampling technique from four accredited universities- Abia State University, Uturu (ABSU); Imo State University, Owerri (IMSU), Nnamdi Azikiwe University, Awka and University of Nigeria, Nsukka (UNN) in South-East Nigeria. In analyzing the data, SPSS output format based on simple frequency count and percentage distribution, mean and standard deviation was used. The data collected were presented in figures for demographic and tables for research questions. The result of the study prove that there is low awareness among LIS students on emerging topics in LIS for transformation the SE Nigeria academic society; teaching pattern is mainly theory then both. The result also shows that there are modern facilities but there are no RDA toolkits, functional ICT laboratories and effective internet services. The study also discovered that there is no room for students to evaluate their lecturers neither are the three domains in education generally considered in the final evaluation of students. It was based on the findings that recommendations were made as to ensuring that librarians stand the test of time and be relevant in a daily changing information age

    Ecos epistemológicos de la reglamentación de la Ley 26.899 (Repositorios Digitales Institucionales de Acceso Abierto): Interdisciplina y Bibliotecología

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    Trabajo presentado en las 20 Jornadas de Bibliotecas Agropecuarias, Veterinarias, Forestales y Pesqueras, 50 Reunión Nacional de Bibliotecarios, Buenos Aires, 24 al 26 de abril de 2018Se intenta una aproximación al problema de la interdisciplina bibliotecológica en un encuadre operativo, suscitado, en este caso por la reglamentación de la ley de Repositorios Digitales Institucionales (Ley 26.899), bajo la óptica de la teoría de los sistemas complejos de Rolando García. Se aplican las siguientes categorías de análisis: sistema complejo, especificidad disciplinaria, marco epistémico y dominio empírico a la normativa vigente en la materia tratada y a casos observables. Se concluye que en el caso de la Bibliotecología se debe transitar desde una interdisciplina pasiva condicionada por un paradigma mecanicista a una interdisciplina proactiva impulsada por su naturaleza interdisciplinar.This is an approach to the problem of Library Science interdisciplinarity in an operative framework, focused to the case of the regulation of the law of Institutional Digital Repositories (Argentine Law 26,899), from the perspective of the theory of complex systems of Rolando García. The following categories of analysis: complex system, disciplinary specificity, epistemic framework and empirical domain are applied to cited regulation in the subject matter and specific observable cases. It is concluded that the information professional must move from a passive interdiscipline conditioned by a mechanistic paradigm to a proactive interdiscipline determinated by interdisciplinary nature of Library Science.Fil: Tripaldi, Nicolás Marí­a. Instituto Nacional de Tecnología Agropecuaria (INTA). Dirección Nacional Asistente de Sistemas de Información, Comunicación y Calidad. Gerencia de Gestión de la Información; Departamento de Documentación; Argentin

    Cross-disciplinary collaboration versus coexistence in LIS serials: analysis of authorship affiliations in four European countries

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    The interdisciplinary nature of library and information science (LIS) research has been highlighted for some time now. The term 'interdisciplinary' is used primarily in the LIS literature as a general concept with different meanings that refer either to the coexistence of researchers from different scientific fields or to cross-disciplinary collaboration expressed in the form of coauthorship. This study analyses the disciplinary profile of LIS researchers with a view to ascertaining the actual level of cross-disciplinary collaboration and identifying all fields involved. Because of the complexity of identifying accurate affiliations at knowledge area level, the study was limited to authors from France, Germany, Spain and the UK. This analysis of authorship affiliation was performed based on research published in LIS serial titles indexed in Scopus during the 2010-2017 period. A rigorous and laborious process of identifying author affiliations was carried out. This involved checking the authorship of each paper and complementing this with information from websites, scientific social networks and other research endeavours whenever ambiguous situations arose. We observed that LIS departments produce barely a third of the research published in serial titles in the LIS subject category. Cross-disciplinary collaboration among all of the scientific fields involved is low, and even lower in LIS than in other fields. The low level of cross-disciplinary collaboration in LIS contradicts the interdisciplinary nature of LIS highlighted in the literature

    Application of Interdisciplinary Theory of Genres in LIS

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    Purpose/Thesis: The article presents the possibilities of using the interdisciplinary theory of genres, developed in the study of linguistics, literary studies, rhetoric, sociology, philosophy, psychology and other disciplines, in library and information science (LIS). The article argues the application of genre theory to LIS offers a new and interesting interdisciplinary perspective. Approach/Methods: A critical analysis of the literature on the subject introduces the basic premises of the interdisciplinary theory of text/information genres in its historical development in the world and in Poland. A similar method was used to present the most important directions genre theory opens to LIS. Results and conclusions: Before genre theory was first applied to LIS, it was developed in disciplines such as linguistics, literature, rhetoric, communication and media, discourse analysis, sociology, pedagogy and others and in many countries on all continents (mainly in the USA, Australia, Brazil and Scandinavian countries). The theory’s success is a result of its interdisciplinary development, beginning from linguistic and classical rhetorical genres approach and problems of categorizing texts to “de facto genres” and their function in everyday communication activities (social/rhetoric approach). Applied to LIS, it frames information objects as social constructs whose meaning is constructed in social discourse, driven by genre knowledge. The library and other information systems should be treated as a social communication activity in the recurrent situation of organizing and retrieving information. It means that the work of a librarian (or other information organizers) involves rhetorical activity of creating information objects, as does the work of other information creators, e.g. authors of scholarly publications. The functioning of information system, i.e. production and organization of textual information should be investigated using methods applied in other disciplines, especially humanities and social sciences, as it allows for a broader research perspective. Originality/Value: The article describes the possibilities of applying genre theory in LIS research, which still do not receive the attention they merit. A wider knowledge of the genre theory would make possible collaborative research involving scholars of other disciplines such as linguistics and sociology