12 research outputs found

    Sexual dimorphism in the lip size and finger pattern by digital method- A cross-sectional study

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    Background: Human lips recognition is most intriguing and growing method in human identification. The lip prints are unique among individuals and shown to have a prospective role in sex identification. The fingerprints of an individual can be used in instances like criminological, civil cases due to their inimitable property for absolute identity. The study aims to identify fingerprint pattern and lip size for identification of gender.Methods: This study involved 100 dentistry students from our college (50 male and 50 female).The thumb, lip photos were recorded by using a digital camera. The lip size was calculated by using Adobe photoshop software. The fingerprints patterns were by read by using the classification given by Michael and Kucken's.Results: Males had more lip length and width when compared to females which are statistically significant(p=0.000). The predominant fingerprint pattern in the entire study was loop (67%) followed by whorl (23%) and then arch (10%). The arch pattern of fingerprint showed a statistical significance between males and females (p=0.008).Conclusion: In the present study, lip length, lip width and fingerprint pattern showed a significant difference in males and females which can be used to determine an individual's gender. Moreover, employing digital method in analysing the fingerprints and lip-prints is very convenient in terms of accessibility and storage.Keywords: Cheiloscopy; Forensic identification; Lip size

    Using the 3D Facial Norms Database to investigate craniofacial sexual dimorphism in healthy children, adolescents, and adults

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    Background: Although craniofacial sex differences have been extensively studied in humans, relatively little is known about when various dimorphic features manifest during postnatal life. Using cross-sectional data derived from the 3D Facial Norms data repository, we tested for sexual dimorphism of craniofacial soft-tissue morphology at different ages. Methods: One thousand five hundred fifty-five individuals, pre-screened for craniofacial conditions, between 3 and 25 years of age were placed in to one of six age-defined categories: early childhood, late childhood, puberty, adolescence, young adult, and adult. At each age group, sex differences were tested by ANCOVA for 29 traditional soft-tissue anthropometric measurements collected from 3D facial scans. Additionally, sex differences in shape were tested using a geometric morphometric analysis of 24 3D facial landmarks. Results: Significant (p < 0.05) sex differences were observed in every age group for measurements covering multiple aspects of the craniofacial complex. The magnitude of the dimorphism generally increased with age, with large spikes in the nasal, cranial, and facial measurements observed after puberty. Significant facial shape differences (p < 0.05) were also seen at each age, with some dimorphic features already present in young children (eye fissure inclination) and others emerging only after puberty (mandibular position). Conclusions: Several craniofacial soft-tissue sex differences were already present in the youngest age group studied, indicating that these differences emerged prior to 3 years of age. The results paint a complex and heterogeneous picture, with different groups of traits exhibiting distinct patterns of dimorphism during ontogeny. The definitive adult male and female facial shape was present following puberty, but arose from numerous distinct changes taking place at earlier stages

    An exploration of the relationships among facial dimensions, age, sex, dominance status and personality in rhesus macaques (Macaca mulatta)

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    Aspects of personality in nonhuman primates have been linked to health, social relationships, and life history outcomes. In humans as well as nonhuman primates, facial morphology is associated with assertiveness, aggression, and measures of dominance status. In this study we aimed to examine the relationship among facial morphology, age, sex, dominance status, and ratings on the personality dimensions Confidence, Openness, Assertiveness, Friendliness, Activity, and Anxiety in rhesus macaques (Macaca mulatta). We measured facial width-to-height ratio (fWHR) and lower-height/full-height ratio (fLHFH) using photographs from 109 captive rhesus macaques, which observers also assessed for dominance status and personality, and explored the associations among facial morphology, age, sex, dominance status, and personality. fWHR and fLHFH personality associations depended on age category: Assertiveness was associated with higher fWHR and fLHFH, and Confidence was associated with lower fWHR and fLHFH, but all these associations were consistent only in individuals &lt;8 yr. of age. We found fWHR and fLHFH to not be consistently associated with sex or dominance status; compared to younger individuals, we found few associations with fWHR and fLHFH for individuals older than 8 yr., which may be due to limited sample size. Our results indicate that in macaques &lt;8 yr. old, facial morphology is associated with the Assertiveness and Confidence personality dimensions, which is consistent with results suggesting a relationship between fWHR and trait aggression in humans and assertiveness in brown capuchins, all of which implies that fWHR might be a cue to assertive and aggressive traits

    Kriteriji za procjenu fizičke privlačnosti muškaraca iz biološke i evolucijske perspektive

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    Pretpostavlja se da evolucijske adaptacije utječu na spolni odabir partnera. U ljudskoj vrsti žene su angažiranije u brizi za potomke te su, posljedično, selektivnije u odabiru partnera. Kada se govori o ženskim preferencijama fizičkog izgleda muškaraca, žene u prosjeku preferiraju muškarce na čijem se izgledu manifestiraju njihova snaga i zdravlje. Neki od mogućih pokazatelja snage i zdravlja jesu visina, ravnomjerna raspoređenost hemoglobina i melanina na koži, simetrija bilateralnih organa i izražena spolno dimorfna obilježja. Međutim, utvrđeno je da je preferencija muških fizičkih karakteristika ovisna o hormonalnom statusu žene (odnosno mogućnošću začeća), njenoj vlastitoj fizičkoj privlačnosti, o želji za kratkoročnom ili dugoročnom vezom i o tome ima li već partnera. Žene koje sebe procjenjuju fizički privlačnima, koje traže kratkoročnu vezu, koje već imaju partnera i one koje imaju veću šansu začeća preferiraju muškarce kod kojih su izraženiji pokazatelji snage i zdravlja, odnosno „dobrih gena“

    Human Self-Domestication by Intersexual Selection: Female Social Status and Stature Sexual Dimorphism

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    This research examines one of the three primary mechanisms currently proposed to explain apparent self-domestication in Homo sapiens—that is, intersexual selection against reactive aggression. My central hypothesis is that human self-domestication has been, at least in part, caused by context-dependent female preferences for less-aggressive males. Following from this, I expect that societies where women have both higher social status and secure access to nutritional resources will tend to show relatively elevated signs of human self-domestication—as indicated by lower stature sexual dimorphism. In essence, I predict an interaction between female status and food security in shaping stature sexual dimorphism. To facilitate a cross-cultural test of my functional hypothesis, I collected male and female stature data for 92 of the 186 societies in the Standard Cross-Cultural Sample. These data allowed for a multivariate-regression, multimodel-inference analysis of the relationship between stature sexual dimorphism, and female social status and food security. Controlling for confounding factors such as shared cultural ancestry and mean body size, the analysis revealed strong evidence for the hypothesized interaction between the two predictors of interest in shaping the outcome variable. Overall, this study expands upon the findings of several previous investigations into human stature sexual dimorphism, whilst contradicting some others and providing directions for further investigation. The principle conclusion of this work is that context-dependent female mate choices significantly contribute to a lessening of stature sexual dimorphism and, therefore, are likely to have played an important role in the self-domestication of our species

    Monitoring of the relationship between the asymmetry of facial skeleton and the soft tissues based on computed tomography

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    Obličej člověka není dokonale symetrický, lehké asymetrie se běžně vyskytují u každého jedince napříč všemi populacemi. Cílem práce bylo sledování asymetrie na celém povrchu měkkých a tvrdých tkání hlav jedinců s ohledem na věk a pohlavní dimorfismus. Navazujícím cílem bylo poté zhodnotit rozdíl asymetrie mezi tkáněmi. Materiálem pro práci byl transverzální soubor CT snímků dospělé české populace ve věkovém rozmezí 21-84 let. Jedinci byli rozděleni podle pohlaví na 50 mužů a 48 žen a podle věku do skupin do 39 let, 40-59 let a 60 a více let. K analýze dat bylo využito metod geometrické morfometrie (CPD - DCA, analýza asymetrie, per vertex T-test, metody superprojekce). Výsledky byly vizualizovány pomocí barevných map a map signifikance, které zobrazují stranovou nesouměrnost a statistickou významnost. Variabilita souboru byla analyzována pomocí analýzy hlavních komponent. Výsledky hodnocení tvrdých tkání ukázaly pravostrannou protruzi na anteriorním a laterálním povrchu lebky, a to u mužů i žen ve všech věkových intervalech. Tato asymetrie byla statisticky velmi významná, na rozdíl od posteriorní oblasti, která byla vyhodnocena protruzivní na levé straně a měla p-hodnotu nižší. Na povrchu měkkých tkání byla také zjištěna asymetrie, co se umístění týče, stejná u mužů i u žen. Oproti lebkám byla...The human face is not perfectly symmetrical, slight asymmetries commonly occur in every individual across all populations. The aim of the work was to monitor the asymmetry on the entire surface of the soft and hard tissues of the heads of individuals with respect to age and sexual dimorphism. The follow-up goal was then to evaluate the difference in asymmetry between the tissues. The material for the work was a transverse set of CT images of the adult Czech population in the age range of 21-84 years. Individuals were divided according to gender into 50 men and 48 women and according to age into groups up to 39 years, 40-59 years and over 60 years. Geometric morphometry methods (CPD - DCA, asymmetry analysis, per vertex T-test, superprojection methods) were used for data analysis. The results were visualized using color maps and significance maps that show asymmetry and statistical significance. The variability of the file was analyzed by principal component analysis. The results of the evaluation of hard tissues showed a right protrusion on the anterior and lateral surfaces of the skull, in both men and women at all age intervals. This asymmetry was statistically very significant, in contrast to the posterior region, which was evaluated protrusion on the left side and had lower p-value. On the soft...Department of Anthropology and Human GeneticsKatedra antropologie a genetiky člověkaFaculty of SciencePřírodovědecká fakult

    Einfluss des Geschlechtsdimorphismus und der Kopfhaltung auf die Zuschreibung von Führungskompetenz

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    Ausgehend vom think manager – think male Phänomen, also der Annahme, dass der Prototyp einer erfolgreichen Führungskraft stärker mit dem männlichen Stereotyp korreliert, untersuchte die vorliegende Studie den Einfluss des Geschlechts, des Geschlechtsdimorphismus und der Kopfhaltung auf die Zuschreibung von Führungskompetenz. Die Eindrucksbildung erfolgte anhand von Bildern, auf denen jeweils nur das Gesicht von männlichen und weiblichen Personen zu sehen war und die sich hinsichtlich des Dimorphismus (feminin vs. maskulin), sowie hinsichtlich der Kopfhaltung (gesenkt vs. aufrecht vs. gehoben) unterschieden. Die Ergebnisse zeigten, dass Frauen und Personen mit einer femininen äußeren Erscheinung vermehrt hinsichtlich mitarbeiterorientierter Merkmale beurteilt wurden, während Männer und Personen mit einer maskulinen äußeren Erscheinung vermehrt hinsichtlich aufgabenorientierter Merkmale beschrieben wurden. Hinsichtlich der Kopfhaltung zeigte sich, dass unabhängig vom Geschlecht der Person eine gehobene Kopfhaltung zu einer erhöhten Zuschreibung von Führungskompetenz führt.Based on the think manager – think male phenomenon (the assumption that the prototype of a successful leader correlates stronger with the male stereotype) the current study examined the influence of gender, dimorphism and posture of the head on the attribution of leadership competence. Participants of this study solely based their judgments on pictures of men and women in which only their faces were shown. The pictures differed in regard to dimorphism (feminine vs. masculine) and the posture of the head (lowered vs. upright vs. lifted). The results show that women and people with a feminine physical appearance were judged as higher in regard to person oriented attributes whereas men and people with a masculine physical appearance were judged higher in regard to task oriented attributes. Concerning the posture of the head both men and women with a lifted posture of the head were judged as higher regarding to leadership competence

    Dimorfismo sexual craneofacial en población contemporánea colombiana. Análisis morfométrico geométrico 3D

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    La identificación de la variación por dimorfismo sexual en tejido óseo humano y su poder de discriminación son necesarios tanto en el ámbito forense como en ciencias médicas. Tradicionalmente, la estimación del sexo sobre restos se lleva a cabo por valoración de rasgos tanto visual como métricamente, comparándolos con estándares. El objetivo de este estudio fue identificar el grado y patrón de dimorfismo sexual craneofacial y la influencia alométrica, sobre imágenes 3D, de restos óseos humanos contextualizados en una población adulta contemporánea colombiana utilizando la técnica de morfometría geométrica (MG). Sobre scanner de 94 hombres y 54 mujeres provenientes del Instituto Nacional de Medicina Legal y Ciencias Forenses (INMLCF), escogidos por muestreo no probabilístico por conveniencia, se digitalizaron landmarks y semilandmarks en la región craneofacial, descomponiendo la estructura en 7 rasgos marcadores de dimorfismo. En el proceso de validación del método de medición, se consideraron dos tiempos con el mismo operador evaluando la consistencia en el posicionamiento de landmarks tipo I y II ajustados, así como landmarks tipo III deslizados y ajustados, por medio de un análisis de varianza ANOVA a dos vías de clasificación sin interacción y coeficiente de correlación intraclase (cci), con un nivel de confianza del 95%, los resultados indicaron que los procedimientos de medición no generaron error observacional significativo. Las diferencias morfológicas producto de dimorfismo fueron estudiadas a través de Análisis Generalizado Procrustes (AGP) con deslizamiento de semilandmarks sobre curvas. El Análisis de Componentes Principales (ACP) obtuvo nuevas variables resumiendo la dimensionalidad, así como una descripción visual de los grupos: hombres y mujeres con un evidente solapamiento, un Análisis de Variables Canónicas (CVA) sobre los primeros 6 CP mostró la tendencia natural de agrupamiento de la muestra, un Análisis Discriminante (AD) con validación cruzada determinó un aceptable porcentaje de discriminación y correcta asignación tanto en conformación como en forma. Regresión multivariada entre configuración y tamaño del centroide (TC) permitió observar bajos porcentajes de alometría en todas las estructuras. El grado de dimorfismo sexual de la muestra fue de 5,17%. Se concluye que las diferencias exhibidas por los sexos en el esqueleto craneofacial de adultos contemporáneos colombianos, son significativas tanto en tamaño, conformación y forma, con un componente alométrico leve pero significativo.Abstract. The identification of the variation by sexual dimorphism in the human osseous tissue and its power of discrimination are necessary such in the forensic ambit, as in medical science. Traditionally, the sex estimate about human remains is performed by feature assessment both visually and metrically; comparing them to standards. The aim of this study was to identify degree and pattern of craniofacial sexual dimorphism and allometric influence on 3D images of skeletal remains contextualized in a Colombian contemporary adult population, using geometric morphometric (GM) techniques. On scanner the 94 men and 54 women from the National Institute of Legal Medicine and Forensic Sciences (NILMFC), chosen by non-probability convenience sampling, were digitalized the landmarks and semilandmarks in the craniofacial region, decompose the structure in 7 traits. The method error was evaluated using repetitive measures design, ANOVA and coefficient of interclass correlation (cci) with a confidence trust level of 95%, results indicated that the measurement procedures did not generate significant observational error. The Morphological differences product of the dimorphism was studied through a Generalized Procrustes Analysis (GPA) with sliding semilandmarks on curves. Principal Component Analysis (PCA) obtained new variables summarizing the dimensionality, and, a visual description of the group: men and women with in a clearly evident overlap, Analysis of Canonical Variables (CVA) on the first 6 CP showed grouping the natural tendency of the sample, the cross-validated Discriminant Analysis (DA) determined that the overall conformation and jaw craniofacial structures were highest percentage of sex discrimination. Analysis of multivariate regression between configuration and centroid size (CZ) allowed the observation of low percentages of allometry in all of the structures. The grade of sexual dimorphism of the sample was 5.17%. We conclude that the differences exhibit by the sexes of the craneofacial skeleton of contemporanian adult, are significant in both size, conformation and form, with a light but meaningful alometric component.Maestrí