23 research outputs found

    Lights, Camera, Lawsuit

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    As the speed of Internet access improves, the film industry will need to explore its options for eliminating the downloading of digital movie files. After examining the successes and failures of the music industry in its battle with peer-to-peer networks, the film industry has begun to follow its predecessor. However, the nature of film as an entertainment medium is quite different than that of music. As a result, the film industry could implement creative solutions to this problem that would not have been available to the music industry. A recent study shows that most films available on the Internet have been leaked by industry insiders. By implementing an increasingly publicized use of trade secret litigation, the film industry could take a tough and effective stance against the digital dragon

    Lights, Camera, Lawsuit

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    As the speed of Internet access improves, the film industry will need to explore its options for eliminating the downloading of digital movie files. After examining the successes and failures of the music industry in its battle with peer-to-peer networks, the film industry has begun to follow its predecessor. However, the nature of film as an entertainment medium is quite different than that of music. As a result, the film industry could implement creative solutions to this problem that would not have been available to the music industry. A recent study shows that most films available on the Internet have been leaked by industry insiders. By implementing an increasingly publicized use of trade secret litigation, the film industry could take a tough and effective stance against the digital dragon

    Arrgh! Hollywood Targets Internet Piracy

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    As technology advances, the threat of rampant and unprecedented theft of digital media continues to grow. The music industry has already faced, and continues to face, this threat, but has largely failed in defending musicians’ intellectual property

    Determining factors of attitudes and intentions towards downloading: an australian perspective

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    Digital piracy has been a rampant phenomenon that has attracted attention both from major corporations, policy makers and the media. This study investigates the factors influencing "illegal" downloading of movies and TV series through P2P networks to gain a better understanding of downloaders. Specifically, it examines how social and ethical orientations of university students and their attitudes towards downloading impact on downloading intentions. The data analysis of 284 useable responses produced several significant relationships. Neutralisation theory and the theory of planned behavior are used to explain some of the results. Facilitating conditions and personal moral obligation were found to predict attitudes towards downloading. Personal moral obligation and attitudes towards downloading are also found to influence intentions to download. Findings derived from this study can provide useful managerial implications for marketers and policy makers to have a better understanding of down-loaders and help developed better measures to a problem which is likely to persist

    Investigating factors influencing attitudes and intentions towards downloading

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    Digital piracy has been a rampant phenomenon that has attracted attention both from major corporations, policy makers and the media. This study investigates the factors influencing “illegal” downloading of movies and TV series through P2P networks to gain a better understanding of downloaders. Specifically, it examines how social and ethical orientations of university students and their attitudes towards downloading impact on downloading intentions. The data analysis of 284 useable responses produced several significant relationships. Neutralisation theory and the theory of planned behavior are used to explain some of the results. Facilitating conditions and personal moral obligation were found to predict attitudes towards downloading. Personal moral obligation and attitudes towards downloading are also found to influence intentions to download. Findings derived from this study can provide useful managerial implications for marketers and policy makers to have a better understanding of down-loaders and help developed better measures to a problem which is likely to persist

    Measuring the Digital Millennium against the Darknet: Implications for the Regulation of Technological Protection Measures

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    Pirates and Samaritans: A Decade of Measurements on Peer Production and their Implications for Net Neutrality and Copyright

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    This study traces the evolution of commons-based peer production by a measurementbased analysis of case studies and disusses the impact of peer production on net neutrality and copyright law. The measurements include websites such asSuprnova. org, Youtube.com, and Facebook.com, and the Peer-to-Peer (P2P) systems Kazaa, Bittorrent, and Tribler. The measurements show the two sides of peer production, the pirate side with free availability of Hollywood movies on these P2P systems and the samaritan side exhibited by the quick joining of 400,000+ people in a community to organize protests against events in Burma. The telecommunications and content industry are disrupted by this way of peer production. As a consequence, revenues of both industries are likely to suffer in the coming years. On the other hand, innovative P2P systems could win the battle on merit over classical distribution technologies. As a result, a continuation is expected of both legal actions against P2P and possible blocking actions of P2P traffic, violating net neutrality. It is argued that this hinders innovation and causes a large discrepancy between legal and user perspectives. A reform of copyright laws are clearly needed, otherwise they will be unenforceable around 2010. Key words: P2P, collaboration, commons-based peer production, copyright