3,616 research outputs found

    The Impact of Culture on the Management Values and Beliefs of Korean Firms

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    Korea has become the object of growing international interest among scholars and practitioners because of its remarkable economic achievement in the past three decades. However, the relationship between corporate management practice and Korean cultural values has received only limited attention. This paper claims that studying espoused values and beliefs of firms should be the first step to understanding the impact of national culture on management practices. The paper first outlines several important aspects of Korean culture and them examines their impact on management values and beliefs. Next, it analyzes the contents of the management values and beliefs by examining two organizational symbols--company motto and company song. Finally, the paper discusses how management values and beliefs impact on human resource management policies and practices. The paper concludes that the Korean core cultural values of harmony, unity, and vertical social relations strongly influence Korean firms, and that these management values and beliefs play a profound role in shaping human resource practices

    Freedom From Religion Foundati v. County of Lehigh

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    USDC for the Eastern District of Pennsylvani

    Reflections on an educational program on moral and civic virtues and values in secondary schools. A case study in Mexico.

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    The research we present is part of the project Researching and Promoting Character Education in Latin American Secondary Schools funded by the Templeton World Charity Foundation.In this research work we present a case study, focusing on the values program implemented in a Mexican public school in the central area of the country. Our exploration of the capacity of the school when implementing the values program is based on the analysis of documents provided by the school which are related with the project, semi-structured interviews, in-depth interviews, images and the participatory observation carried out in the school over a period of three weeks. The wealth of informants (principals, teachers, pupils and parents) allowed us to gather a broader variety of information on the reality of the values program applied

    The Ohio Motto Survives the Establishment Clause

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    The Whalesong

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    Opening the door to opportunity: UAS offers new bachelor degrees -- School's out, get a job -- Coming back to the real world -- Lab side show -- Balance -- The nature of UAS: A farewell from Spanish professor -- Crappy situation -- Troops have to deal with spiders? -- Ski season has closed -- KBJZ 94.1 LPFM: Free to mix it up -- Multi-billion dollar idea -- Semester at sea: a floating campus to discover the world -- UAS students bring home first place -- 7th grade geography-fair judges needed at Dryden -- Campus poll -- Osteosarcoma: A risk worth taking? -- Thank you -- A blocked electro-man -- Informed-Traitor advice -- The Learning Center: Building on a successful past -- Arts & entertainment -- Deer dreams: A memoir -- Celebrating 10 years of study abroad at UAS

    H3 Hambúrguer Gourmet : main drivers for internationalization and faced challenges : H3 Hambúrguer Gourmet case study

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    H3 Hambúrguer Gourmet, a notorious Portuguese burger company, known for having transformed Portuguese fast food market, started its operations in 2007 at Monumental Shopping in Lisbon city center. Consumers were delighted with the new fresh breeze in the Portuguese fast food market which they have waited for so long. H3 Hambúrguer Gourmet wanted to prove that craving for burgers didn´t have to be equal to plastic food, but rather equal to 100% genuine veal meat, 200 grams of pure quality meat for a tasty meal during a busy day. Eating burgers don´t have to be a sign of pure fast food, actually, h3 Hambúrguer Gourmet is able to offer a tasty, just-in-time meal prepared right in front of the client. The company initially aimed to target a specific market niche, although, the viral effect of h3 Hambúrguer Gourmet led this company to be a study target for many students and companies who were truly inspired by the entrepreneurial spirit and willpower of three best friends. This dissertation aims to cover real challenges and strategic decisions faced by a national company with real people who struggled with an extremely competitive and saturated fast food market. Despite the macro economic recession, a national company was able to see outside of the box, creating a concept which no one ever thought before. The amount of success was so big that by 2010 (only three years after h3´s foundation date), h3 Hambúrguer Gourmet faced an immense adherence rate among domestic saturation. With apparently no room to grow, the company has decided to internationally take a risk and started its internationalization process in Poland. Spain and Brazil were next, although, the international outcomes were not exactly what the management team had expected. This work aims to reveal the reasons and critical factors which contributed to the unexpected international outcomes experienced by h3 Hambúrguer Gourmet. Nevertheless, entrepreneurial facets and strategic marketing are also topics covered during this dissertation, focusing on the diverse modes of entry adopted by h3 Hambúrguer Gourmet, being a critical factor that determined the success or failure of international operations. In what extent does h3 Hambúrguer Gourmet really know its international costumers? How can be international culture correctly addressed at h3´s corporate strategy? Relevant topics are going to be introduced further on in the Literature Review section, and the critical aspects of brand creation and internationalization strategy are going to be discussed at the h3 Hambúrguer Gourmet´s Case Study. This dissertation aims to give a broader view to real challenges faced by a national company which is constantly innovating itself being ultimately a laboratory of new concepts and a national reference of excellence and premium quality at affordable prices.H3 Hambúrguer Gourmet, uma empresa portuguesa, notável no ramo dos hambúrgueres, conhecida pela transformação do mercado português de fast food, começou as suas operações em 2007 no centro da cidade Lisboeta, no centro comercial Monumental. Os consumidores deliciaram-se com a nova leveza no mercado português de fast food por que tanto ansiavam. H3 Hambúrguer Gourmet desejava provar que comer hambúrgueres já não tem que ser igual a comida de plástico, mas sim já pode ser igual a comer uma carne de vaca 100% genuína, 200 gramas de pura carne de qualidade que se destina a uma refeição saborosa para qualquer altura de um dia atarefado. Comer hambúrgueres já não necessita de ser um sinal de 100% de comida fast food, na verdade, h3 Hambúrguer Gourmet é capaz de oferecer uma saborosa refeição, preparada no momento, na presença do consumidor. A empresa inicialmente tinha como target um específico nicho de mercado, no entanto, o efeito viral do h3 Hambúrguer Gourmet tornou-se de tal forma avassalador, que a empresa tornou-se alvo de estudo para muitos estudantes e empresas, inspirados pelo espirito empreendedor e força de vontade levada a cabo por três melhores amigos. Esta dissertação objectiva cobrir desafios reais e decisões estratégicas encaradas por uma empresa nacional, liderada por pessoais reais que enfrentaram um mercado de fast food extremamente competitivo e saturado. Apesar da crise macro económica vivida presencialmente, uma empresa nacional foi capaz de ver mais além, criando um conceito nunca antes pensado em território português. O sucesso adquirido foi de tal ordem, que em 2010 (apenas três anos depois da sua fundação) o h3 Hambúrguer Gourmet atingiu uma taxa de aderência espantosa bem como uma saturação de mercado. Aparentemente, sem espaço adicional de crescimento nacional, a empresa decidiu arriscar internacionalmente, começando o seu processo de internacionalização na Polónia. Seguiram-se Espanha e Brasil, no entanto, os resultados obtidos não foram os mais esperados pela equipa de liderança. Este trabalho ambiciona cobrir as verdadeiras razões e factores críticos que contribuíram para o resultado inesperado da estratégia de internacionalização experienciada pelo h3 Hambúrguer Gourmet. Vertentes de empreendorismo e de marketing estratégico são igualmente exploradas no decorrer desta dissertação, focando também os diversos modos de entrada nos mercados estrangeiros adoptados pela empresa e que determinaram o resultado da estratégia de internacionalização vivida até ao momento presente. Em que medida é que o h3 Hambúrguer Gourmet conhece realmente os seus consumidores internacionais? Como é que a cultura estrangeira pode ser correctamente anexada à estratégia empresarial do h3 Hambúrguer Gourmet? Tópicos relevantes serão igualmente abordados mais à frente na secção de Literature Review e os aspectos críticos de criação de marca e estratégia de internacionalização serão abordados no h3 Hambúrguer Gourmet case study. Esta dissertação tenciona providenciar uma visão global dos desafios estratégicos que uma empresa nacional enfrenta diariamente. Conhecida pelo seu elevado grau de inovação e diversificação, que já é uma referência a nível nacional de excelência e qualidade aos preços mais competitivos de mercado destinando-se a um segmento premium