52 research outputs found

    Analysis of Synchronisations in Stateful Active Objects

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    International audienceThis paper presents a static analysis technique based on effects and behavioural types for deriving synchronisation patterns of stateful active objects and verifying the absence of deadlocks in this context. This is challenging because active objects use futures to refer to results of pending asynchronous invocations and because these futures can be stored in object fields, passed as method parameters, or returned by invocations. Our effect system traces the access to object fields, thus allowing us to compute behavioural types that express synchronisation patterns in a precise way. The behavioural types are thereafter analysed by a solver that discovers potential deadlocks

    Analysis of synchronisation patterns in stateful active objects

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    This paper presents a static analysis technique based on effect and behavioural types for deriving synchronisation patterns of stateful active objects and verifying their safety -- e.g.~absence of deadlocks. This is challenging because active objects use futures to refer to results of pending asynchronous invocations and because these futures can be stored in object fields, passed as method parameters, or returned by invocations.Our effect system traces the access to object fields, thus allowing us to compute behavioural types that express synchronisation patterns in a precise way.The behavioural types are thereafter analysed by a solver that discovers potential deadlocks

    Deadlock detection for actor-based coroutines

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    The actor-based language studied in this paper features asynchronous method calls and supports coroutines which allow for the cooperative scheduling of the method invocations belonging to an actor. We model the local behavior of an actor as a well-structured transition system by means of predicate abstraction and derive the decidability of the occurrence of deadlocks caused by the coroutine mode of method execution

    A Programming Model for Hybrid Workflows: combining Task-based Workflows and Dataflows all-in-one

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    This paper tries to reduce the effort of learning, deploying, and integrating several frameworks for the development of e-Science applications that combine simulations with High-Performance Data Analytics (HPDA). We propose a way to extend task-based management systems to support continuous input and output data to enable the combination of task-based workflows and dataflows (Hybrid Workflows from now on) using a single programming model. Hence, developers can build complex Data Science workflows with different approaches depending on the requirements. To illustrate the capabilities of Hybrid Workflows, we have built a Distributed Stream Library and a fully functional prototype extending COMPSs, a mature, general-purpose, task-based, parallel programming model. The library can be easily integrated with existing task-based frameworks to provide support for dataflows. Also, it provides a homogeneous, generic, and simple representation of object and file streams in both Java and Python; enabling complex workflows to handle any data type without dealing directly with the streaming back-end.Comment: Accepted in Future Generation Computer Systems (FGCS). Licensed under CC-BY-NC-N

    Who is to Blame? Runtime Verification of Distributed Objects with Active Monitors

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    In Proceedings VORTEX 2018, arXiv:1908.09302International audienceSince distributed software systems are ubiquitous, their correct functioning is crucially important. Static verification is possible in principle, but requires high expertise and effort which is not feasible in many eco-systems. Runtime verification can serve as a lean alternative, where monitoring mechanisms are automatically generated from property specifications, to check compliance at runtime. This paper contributes a practical solution for powerful and flexible runtime verification of distributed, object-oriented applications, via a combination of the runtime verification tool Larva and the active object framework ProActive. Even if Larva supports in itself only the generation of local, sequential monitors, we empower Larva for distributed monitoring by connecting monitors with active objects, turning them into active, communicating monitors. We discuss how this allows for a variety of monitoring architectures. Further, we show how property specifications, and thereby the generated monitors, provide a model that splits the blame between the local object and its environment. While Larva itself focuses on monitoring of control-oriented properties, we use the Larva front-end StaRVOOrS to also capture data-oriented (pre/post) properties in the distributed monitoring. We demonstrate this approach to distributed runtime verification with a case study, a distributed key/value store

    Behavioural semantics for asynchronous components

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    International audienceSoftware components are a valuable programming abstraction that enables a compositional design of complex applications. In distributed systems, components can also be used to provide an abstraction of locations: each component is a unit of deployment that can be placed on a different machine. In this article, we consider this kind of distributed components that are additionally loosely coupled and communicate by asynchronous invocations. Components also provide a convenient abstraction for verifying the correct behaviour of systems: they provide structuring entities easing the correctness verification. This article provides a formal background for the generation of behavioural semantics for asynchronous components. It expresses the semantics of hierarchical distributed components communicating asynchronously by requests, futures, and replies; this semantics is provided using the pNet intermediate language. This article both demonstrates the expressiveness of the pNet model and formally specifies the complete process of the generation of a behavioural model for a distributed component system. The purpose of our be-havioural semantics is to allow for verification both by finite instantiation and model-checking, and by techniques for infinite systems

    Checking global usage of resources handled with local policies

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    We present a methodology to reason about resource usage (acquisition, release, revision, and so on) and, in particular, to predict bad usage of resources. Keeping in mind the interplay between local and global information that occur in application-resource interactions, we model resources as entities with local policies and we study global properties that govern overall interactions. Formally, our model is an extension of π-calculus with primitives to manage resources. To predict possible bad usage of resources, we develop a Control Flow Analysis that computes a static over-approximation of process behaviour

    Programming and parallelising applications for distributed infrastructures

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    The last decade has witnessed unprecedented changes in parallel and distributed infrastructures. Due to the diminished gains in processor performance from increasing clock frequency, manufacturers have moved from uniprocessor architectures to multicores; as a result, clusters of computers have incorporated such new CPU designs. Furthermore, the ever-growing need of scienti c applications for computing and storage capabilities has motivated the appearance of grids: geographically-distributed, multi-domain infrastructures based on sharing of resources to accomplish large and complex tasks. More recently, clouds have emerged by combining virtualisation technologies, service-orientation and business models to deliver IT resources on demand over the Internet. The size and complexity of these new infrastructures poses a challenge for programmers to exploit them. On the one hand, some of the di culties are inherent to concurrent and distributed programming themselves, e.g. dealing with thread creation and synchronisation, messaging, data partitioning and transfer, etc. On the other hand, other issues are related to the singularities of each scenario, like the heterogeneity of Grid middleware and resources or the risk of vendor lock-in when writing an application for a particular Cloud provider. In the face of such a challenge, programming productivity - understood as a tradeo between programmability and performance - has become crucial for software developers. There is a strong need for high-productivity programming models and languages, which should provide simple means for writing parallel and distributed applications that can run on current infrastructures without sacri cing performance. In that sense, this thesis contributes with Java StarSs, a programming model and runtime system for developing and parallelising Java applications on distributed infrastructures. The model has two key features: first, the user programs in a fully-sequential standard-Java fashion - no parallel construct, API call or pragma must be included in the application code; second, it is completely infrastructure-unaware, i.e. programs do not contain any details about deployment or resource management, so that the same application can run in di erent infrastructures with no changes. The only requirement for the user is to select the application tasks, which are the model's unit of parallelism. Tasks can be either regular Java methods or web service operations, and they can handle any data type supported by the Java language, namely les, objects, arrays and primitives. For the sake of simplicity of the model, Java StarSs shifts the burden of parallelisation from the programmer to the runtime system. The runtime is responsible from modifying the original application to make it create asynchronous tasks and synchronise data accesses from the main program. Moreover, the implicit inter-task concurrency is automatically found as the application executes, thanks to a data dependency detection mechanism that integrates all the Java data types. This thesis provides a fairly comprehensive evaluation of Java StarSs on three di erent distributed scenarios: Grid, Cluster and Cloud. For each of them, a runtime system was designed and implemented to exploit their particular characteristics as well as to address their issues, while keeping the infrastructure unawareness of the programming model. The evaluation compares Java StarSs against state-of-the-art solutions, both in terms of programmability and performance, and demonstrates how the model can bring remarkable productivity to programmers of parallel distributed applications
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