135 research outputs found

    Addressing the RRAM Reliability and Radiation Soft-Errors in the Memory Systems

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    With the continuous and aggressive technology scaling, the design of memory systems becomes very challenging. The desire to have high-capacity, reliable, and energy efficient memory arrays is rising rapidly. However, from the technology side, the increasing leakage power and the restrictions resulting from the manufacturing limitations complicate the design of memory systems. In addition to this, with the new machine learning applications, which require tremendous amount of mathematical operations to be completed in a timely manner, the interest in neuromorphic systems has increased in recent years. Emerging Non- Volatile Memory (NVM) devices have been suggested to be incorporated in the design of memory arrays due to their small size and their ability to reduce leakage power since they can retain their data even in the absence of power supply. Compared to other novel NVM devices, the Resistive Random Access Memory (RRAM) device has many advantages including its low-programming requirements, the large ratio between its high and low resistive states, and its compatibility with the Complementary Metal Oxide Semiconductor (CMOS) fabrication process. RRAM device suffers from other disadvantages including the instability in its switching dynamics and its sensitivity to process variations. Yet, one of the popular issues hindering the deployment of RRAM arrays in products are the RRAM reliability and radiation soft-errors. The RRAM reliability soft-errors result from the diffusion of oxygen vacations out of the conductive channels within the oxide material of the device. On the other hand, the radiation soft-errors are caused by the highly energetic cosmic rays incident on the junction of the MOS device used as a selector for the RRAM cell. Both of those soft-errors cause the unintentional change of the resistive state of the RRAM device. While there is research work in literature to address some of the RRAM disadvantages such as the switching dynamic instability, there is no dedicated work discussing the impact of RRAM soft-errors on the various designs to which the RRAM device is integrated and how the soft-errors can be automatically detected and fixed. In this thesis, we bring the attention to the need of considering the RRAM soft-errors to avoid the degradation in design performance. In addition to this, using previously reported SPICE models, which were experimentally verified, and widely adapted system level simulators and test benches, various solutions are provided to automatically detect and fix the degradation in design performance due to the RRAM soft-errors. The main focus in this work is to propose methodologies which solve or improve the robustness of memory systems to the RRAM soft-errors. These memories are expected to be incorporated in the current and futuristic platforms running the advanced machine learning applications. In more details, the main contributions of this thesis can be summarized as: - Provide in depth analysis of the impact of RRAM soft-errors on the performance of RRAM-based designs. - Provide a new SRAM cell which uses the RRAM device to reduce the SRAM leakage power with minimal impact on its read and write operations. This new SRAM cell can be incorporated in the Graphical Processing Unit (GPU) design used currently in the implementation of the machine learning platforms. - Provide a circuit and system solutions to resolve the reliability and radiation soft-errors in the RRAM arrays. These solution can automatically detect and fix the soft-errors with minimum impact on the delay and energy consumption of the memory array. - A framework is developed to estimate the effect of RRAM soft-errors on the performance of RRAM-based neuromorphic systems. This actually provides, for the first time, a very generic methodology through which the device level RRAM soft-errors are mapped to the overall performance of the neuromorphic systems. Our analysis show that the accuracy of the RRAM-based neuromorphic system can degrade by more than 48% due to RRAM soft-errors. - Two algorithms are provided to automatically detect and restore the degradation in RRAM-based neuromorphic systems due to RRAM soft-errors. The system and circuit level techniques to implement these algorithms are also explained in this work. In conclusion, this work offers initial steps for enabling the usage of RRAM devices in products by tackling one of its most known challenges: RRAM reliability and radiation soft-errors. Despite using experimentally verified SPICE models and widely popular system simulators and test benches, the provided solutions in this thesis need to be verified in the future work through fabrication to study the impact of other RRAM technology shortcomings including: a) the instability in its switching dynamics due to the stochastic nature of oxygen vacancies movement, and b) its sensitivity to process variations

    Optimization of Multi-Level Operation in RRAM Arrays for In-Memory Computing

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    Accomplishing multi-level programming in resistive random access memory (RRAM) arrays with truly discrete and linearly spaced conductive levels is crucial in order to implement synaptic weights in hardware-based neuromorphic systems. In this paper, we implemented this feature on 4-kbit 1T1R RRAM arrays by tuning the programming parameters of the multi-level incremental step pulse with verify algorithm (M-ISPVA). The optimized set of parameters was assessed by comparing its results with a non-optimized one. The optimized set of parameters proved to be an effective way to define non-overlapped conductive levels due to the strong reduction of the device-to-device variability as well as of the cycle-to-cycle variability, assessed by inter-levels switching tests and during 1k reset-set cycles. In order to evaluate this improvement in real scenarios, the experimental characteristics of the RRAM devices were captured by means of a behavioral model, which was used to simulate two different neuromorphic systems: an 8×8 vector-matrixmultiplication (VMM) accelerator and a 4-layer feedforward neural network for MNIST database recognition. The results clearly showed that the optimization of the programming parameters improved both the precision of VMM results as well as the recognition accuracy of the neural network in about 6% compared with the use of non-optimized parameters.German Research Foundation (DFG) - FOR2093Government of Andalusia (Spain) and the FEDER program in the frame of the project A.TIC.117.UGR18Open Access Fund of the Leibniz Associatio

    Assessment and Improvement of the Pattern Recognition Performance of Memdiode-Based Cross-Point Arrays with Randomly Distributed Stuck-at-Faults

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    In this work, the effect of randomly distributed stuck-at faults (SAFs) in memristive crosspoint array (CPA)-based single and multi-layer perceptrons (SLPs and MLPs, respectively) intended for pattern recognition tasks is investigated by means of realistic SPICE simulations. The quasi-static memdiode model (QMM) is considered here for the modelling of the synaptic weights implemented with memristors. Following the standard memristive approach, the QMM comprises two coupled equations, one for the electron transport based on the double-diode equation with a single series resistance and a second equation for the internal memory state of the device based on the so-called logistic hysteron. By modifying the state parameter in the current-voltage characteristic, SAFs of different severeness are simulated and the final outcome is analysed. Supervised ex-situ training and two well-known image datasets involving hand-written digits and human faces are employed to assess the inference accuracy of the SLP as a function of the faulty device ratio. The roles played by the memristor’s electrical parameters, line resistance, mapping strategy, image pixelation, and fault type (stuck-at-ON or stuck-at-OFF) on the CPA performance are statistically analysed following a Monte-Carlo approach. Three different re-mapping schemes to help mitigate the effect of the SAFs in the SLP inference phase are thoroughly investigated.In this work, the effect of randomly distributed stuck-at faults (SAFs) in memristive cross-point array (CPA)-based single and multi-layer perceptrons (SLPs and MLPs, respectively) intended for pattern recognition tasks is investigated by means of realistic SPICE simulations. The quasi-static memdiode model (QMM) is considered here for the modelling of the synaptic weights implemented with memristors. Following the standard memristive approach, the QMM comprises two coupled equations, one for the electron transport based on the double-diode equation with a single series resistance and a second equation for the internal memory state of the device based on the so-called logistic hysteron. By modifying the state parameter in the current-voltage characteristic, SAFs of different severeness are simulated and the final outcome is analysed. Supervised ex-situ training and two well-known image datasets involving hand-written digits and human faces are employed to assess the inference accuracy of the SLP as a function of the faulty device ratio. The roles played by the memristor?s electrical parameters, line resistance, mapping strategy, image pixelation, and fault type (stuck-at-ON or stuck-at-OFF) on the CPA performance are statistically analysed following a Monte-Carlo approach. Three different re-mapping schemes to help mitigate the effect of the SAFs in the SLP inference phase are thoroughly investigated.Fil: Aguirre, Fernando Leonel. Universidad Tecnológica Nacional. Facultad Regional Buenos Aires. Unidad de Investigación y Desarrollo de las Ingenierías; Argentina. Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona; España. Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas; ArgentinaFil: Pazos, Sebastián Matías. Universidad Tecnológica Nacional. Facultad Regional Buenos Aires. Unidad de Investigación y Desarrollo de las Ingenierías; Argentina. Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas; ArgentinaFil: Palumbo, Félix Roberto Mario. Universidad Tecnológica Nacional. Facultad Regional Buenos Aires. Unidad de Investigación y Desarrollo de las Ingenierías; Argentina. Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas; ArgentinaFil: Morell, Antoni. Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona; EspañaFil: Suñé, Jordi. Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona; EspañaFil: Miranda, Enrique. Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona; Españ

    Applications of memristors in conventional analogue electronics

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    This dissertation presents the steps employed to activate and utilise analogue memristive devices in conventional analogue circuits and beyond. TiO2 memristors are mainly utilised in this study, and their large variability in operation in between similar devices is identified. A specialised memristor characterisation instrument is designed and built to mitigate this issue and to allow access to large numbers of devices at a time. Its performance is quantified against linear resistors, crossbars of linear resistors, stand-alone memristive elements and crossbars of memristors. This platform allows for a wide range of different pulsing algorithms to be applied on individual devices, or on crossbars of memristive elements, and is used throughout this dissertation. Different ways of achieving analogue resistive switching from any device state are presented. Results of these are used to devise a state-of-art biasing parameter finder which automatically extracts pulsing parameters that induce repeatable analogue resistive switching. IV measurements taken during analogue resistive switching are then utilised to model the internal atomic structure of two devices, via fittings by the Simmons tunnelling barrier model. These reveal that voltage pulses modulate a nano-tunnelling gap along a conical shape. Further retention measurements are performed which reveal that under certain conditions, TiO2 memristors become volatile at short time scales. This volatile behaviour is then implemented into a novel SPICE volatile memristor model. These characterisation methods of solid-state devices allowed for inclusion of TiO2 memristors in practical electronic circuits. Firstly, in the context of large analogue resistive crossbars, a crosspoint reading method is analysed and improved via a 3-step technique. Its scaling performance is then quantified via SPICE simulations. Next, the observed volatile dynamics of memristors are exploited in two separate sequence detectors, with applications in neuromorphic engineering. Finally, the memristor as a programmable resistive weight is exploited to synthesise a memristive programmable gain amplifier and a practical memristive automatic gain control circuit.Open Acces

    Bio-inspired learning and hardware acceleration with emerging memories

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    Machine Learning has permeated many aspects of engineering, ranging from the Internet of Things (IoT) applications to big data analytics. While computing resources available to implement these algorithms have become more powerful, both in terms of the complexity of problems that can be solved and the overall computing speed, the huge energy costs involved remains a significant challenge. The human brain, which has evolved over millions of years, is widely accepted as the most efficient control and cognitive processing platform. Neuro-biological studies have established that information processing in the human brain relies on impulse like signals emitted by neurons called action potentials. Motivated by these facts, the Spiking Neural Networks (SNNs), which are a bio-plausible version of neural networks have been proposed as an alternative computing paradigm where the timing of spikes generated by artificial neurons is central to its learning and inference capabilities. This dissertation demonstrates the computational power of the SNNs using conventional CMOS and emerging nanoscale hardware platforms. The first half of this dissertation presents an SNN architecture which is trained using a supervised spike-based learning algorithm for the handwritten digit classification problem. This network achieves an accuracy of 98.17% on the MNIST test data-set, with about 4X fewer parameters compared to the state-of-the-art neural networks achieving over 99% accuracy. In addition, a scheme for parallelizing and speeding up the SNN simulation on a GPU platform is presented. The second half of this dissertation presents an optimal hardware design for accelerating SNN inference and training with SRAM (Static Random Access Memory) and nanoscale non-volatile memory (NVM) crossbar arrays. Three prominent NVM devices are studied for realizing hardware accelerators for SNNs: Phase Change Memory (PCM), Spin Transfer Torque RAM (STT-RAM) and Resistive RAM (RRAM). The analysis shows that a spike-based inference engine with crossbar arrays of STT-RAM bit-cells is 2X and 5X more efficient compared to PCM and RRAM memories, respectively. Furthermore, the STT-RAM design has nearly 6X higher throughput per unit Watt per unit area than that of an equivalent SRAM-based (Static Random Access Memory) design. A hardware accelerator with on-chip learning on an STT-RAM memory array is also designed, requiring 1616 bits of floating-point synaptic weight precision to reach the baseline SNN algorithmic performance on the MNIST dataset. The complete design with STT-RAM crossbar array achieves nearly 20X higher throughput per unit Watt per unit mm^2 than an equivalent design with SRAM memory. In summary, this work demonstrates the potential of spike-based neuromorphic computing algorithms and its efficient realization in hardware based on conventional CMOS as well as emerging technologies. The schemes presented here can be further extended to design spike-based systems that can be ubiquitously deployed for energy and memory constrained edge computing applications

    Simulation and implementation of novel deep learning hardware architectures for resource constrained devices

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    Corey Lammie designed mixed signal memristive-complementary metal–oxide–semiconductor (CMOS) and field programmable gate arrays (FPGA) hardware architectures, which were used to reduce the power and resource requirements of Deep Learning (DL) systems; both during inference and training. Disruptive design methodologies, such as those explored in this thesis, can be used to facilitate the design of next-generation DL systems

    Neuromorphic Computing with Resistive Switching Devices.

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    Resistive switches, commonly referred to as resistive memory (RRAM) devices and modeled as memristors, are an emerging nanoscale technology that can revolutionize data storage and computing approaches. Enabled by the advancement of nanoscale semiconductor fabrication and detailed understanding of the physical and chemical processes occurring at the atomic scale, resistive switches offer high speed, low-power, and extremely dense nonvolatile data storage. Further, the analog capabilities of resistive switching devices enables neuromorphic computing approaches which can achieve massively parallel computation with a power and area budget that is orders of magnitude lower than today’s conventional, digital approaches. This dissertation presents the investigation of tungsten oxide based resistive switching devices for use in neuromorphic computing applications. Device structure, fabrication, and integration are described and physical models are developed to describe the behavior of the devices. These models are used to develop array-scale simulations in support of neuromorphic computing approaches. Several signal processing algorithms are adapted for acceleration using arrays of resistive switches. Both simulation and experimental results are reported. Finally, guiding principles and proposals for future work are discussed.PhDElectrical EngineeringUniversity of Michigan, Horace H. Rackham School of Graduate Studieshttp://deepblue.lib.umich.edu/bitstream/2027.42/116743/1/sheridp_1.pd

    Controlling Ionic Transport in RRAM for Memory and Neuromorphic Computing Applications

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    Resistive random-access memory, based on a simple two-terminal device structure, has attracted tremendous interest recently for applications ranging from non-volatile data storage to neuromorphic computing. Resistive switching (RS) effects in RRAM devices originate from internal, microscopic ionic migration and the associated electrochemical processes which modify the materials’ chemical composition and subsequently their electrical and other physical properties. Therefore, controlling the internal ionic transport and redox reaction processes, ideally at the atomic scale, is necessary to optimize the device performance for practical applications with large-size arrays. In this thesis we present our efforts in understanding and controlling the ionic processes in RRAM devices. This thesis presents a comprehensive study on the fundamental understanding on physical mechanism of the ionic processes and the optimization of materials and device structures to achieve desirable device performance based on theoretical calculations and experimental engineering. First, I investigate the electronic structure of Ta2O5 polymorphs, a resistive switching material, and the formation and interaction of oxygen vacancies in amorphous Ta2O5, an important mobile defect responsible for the resistive switching process, using first-principles calculations. Based on the understanding of the fundamental properties of the switching material and the defect, we perform detailed theoretical and experimental analyses that reveal the dynamic vacancy charge transition processes, further helping the design and optimization of the oxide-based RRAM devices. Next, we develop a novel structure including engineered nanoporous graphene to control the internal ionic transport and redox reaction processes at the atomic level, leading to improved device performance. We demonstrate that the RS characteristics can be systematically tuned by inserting a graphene layer with engineered nanopores at a vacancy-exchange interface. The amount of vacancies injected in the switching layer and the size of the conducting filaments can be effectively controlled by the graphene layer working as an atomically-thin ion-blocking material in which ionic transports/reactions are allowed only through the engineered nanosized openings. Lastly, better incremental switching characteristics with improved linearity are obtained through optimization of the switching material density. These improvements allow us to build RRAM crossbar networks for data clustering analysis through unsupervised, online learning in both neuromorphic applications and arithmetic applications in which accurate vector-matrix multiplications are required. We expect the optimization approaches and the optimized devices can be used in other machine learning and arithmetic computing systems, and broaden the range of problems RRAM based network can solve.PHDMaterials Science and EngineeringUniversity of Michigan, Horace H. Rackham School of Graduate Studieshttps://deepblue.lib.umich.edu/bitstream/2027.42/146119/1/jihang_1.pd