54 research outputs found

    Toward Successful Esports Team: How Does National Diversity Affect Multiplayer Online Battle Arena Video Games

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    Today, esports teams in multiplayer online battle arena (MOBA) games are often composed of players from around the world. The paper asks whether a greater national heterogeneity of professional esports teams means their higher effectiveness. Desk research data of 13 tournaments of Dota 2 game held in 2011-2018 is used to calculate the teams’ win ratio, i.e., the ratio of skirmishes (in all matches) won to the total number of skirmishes (match is a series of skirmishes). Hence, effectiveness is understood not as ranks or matches won, but as the lowest possible number of lost skirmishes. Multinational teams achieved a higher win ratio, compared to nationally homogenous teams and the analysis includes the role of coaches’ nationalities. Working groups, cognitive diversity, and similarity/attraction theories are used to signal potential reasons and consequences of diversity on team performance. This exploratory study indicates future research threads on esports teams’ national diversity

    Can Taxes Mitigate Corporate Governance Inefficiencies?

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    Policymakers have long viewed tax policy as an instrument to influence and change corporate governance practices. Certain tax rules were enacted to discourage pyramidal business structures and large golden parachutes, and to encourage performance-based compensation. Other proposals, such as imposing higher taxes on excessive executive compensation, have also attracted increasing attention. Contrary to this view, this Article contends that the ability to effectively mitigate corporate governance inefficiencies through the use of corrective taxes is very limited, and that these taxes may cause more harm than benefit. There are a few reasons for the limited effectiveness of corrective taxes. Importantly, the same conditions that give rise to corporate governance problems also undermine the effectiveness of corrective taxes. Poorly governed firms are more likely to incur a higher tax without changing their practices that benefit their managers. Where the same corporate governance practices are harmful in some situations and beneficial in others, imposing tax is unlikely to be optimal. Corrective taxes are unlikely to be superior to other forms of regulation where the legislature knows what governance terms are optimal, or where the legislature cannot assess the negative externalities. This Article also examines the effects of general tax rules on corporate governance. The impact of general tax rules and corrective taxes on corporate governance should be carefully considered when designing a tax reform

    The Labor of Play: the Political Economy of Computer Game Culture

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    This dissertation questions the relationship between computer game culture and ideologies of neoliberalism and financialization. It questions the role computer games play in cultivating neoliberal practices and how the industry develops games and systems making play and work indistinguishable activities. Chapter 1 examines how computer game inculcate players into neoliberal practice through play. In chapter 2, the project shows Blizzard Entertainment systematically redevelops their games to encourage perpetual play aimed at increasing the consumption of digital commodities and currencies. Chapter 3 considers the role of esports, or professional competitive computer game play, to disperse neoliberal ideologies amongst nonprofessional players. Chapter 4 examines the streaming platform Twitch and the transformation of computer gameplay into a consumable commodity. This chapter examines Twitch’s systems designed at making production and consumption inseparable practices. The dissertation concludes by examining the economic, conceptual, and theoretical collapses threatening game culture and the field of game studies

    Логістична підтримка кіберспортивних проектів турнірного оператора

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    Робота публікується згідно наказу ректора від 21.01.2020 р. №008/од "Про перевірку кваліфікаційних робіт на академічний плагіат 2019-2020 р.р. навчальному році" . Керівник проекту: ст.викладач Воловик О.І.The modern globalized world is developing at a crazy pace. A great number of events are being held around the world at the same time. It influenced the rapid growth of the development of logistics for project and event management. Logistics plays a role of a bridge between virtual and physical reality and have also become an integral part of every project or event. To carry out a lot of events at the same time, it is required to establish a reliable logistical system, which can handle all the challenges posed. The events industry includes different types of events such as trade fairs, football matches, music festivals, or even newly arisen esports competitions. Esports is a modern time phenomenon, which becomes more and more popular. Esports events gather thousands of people under an umbrella of famous arenas and millions of viewers from all around the world who follow these events online. It is a growing world that brings people together from different states, continents, and origins with disregard of their nationality, religion, or background. Organizing and holding a big esports event is a very complicated task which is run by esports enthusiasts. The esports industry is faced with a certain lack of necessary knowledge, which in turn complicates the process of its development. The relevance of the topic is explained by the fact that esports events are attracting more and more attention, and for the successful implementation of their projects, esports tournament providers must operate with a strong logistics system through their logistical department or a third-party supplier. In this regard, the capabilities of logistics personnel must meet the growing requirements for organizing logistical support for large events. The study of the esports industry and project management tools make it possible to develop a well-prepared plan for the organization of logistical support for a big esports event, taking into account all the nuances of this industry. Production of quality esports events requires strong knowledge and significant experience. However, the acquisition of knowledge in esports complicated lack of wide research and accessible studies. Currently, certified academic institutions do not prepare staff for organizing and running esports events. The esports industry has a high entry barrier for new workers. Based on this, this bachelor thesis aims to justify preparation logistical support for esports events. The organization of logistical support of the project could be carried out by different project management tools, which have their advantages and disadvantages, as well as the area of application. So far esports has numerous titles that are divided by genres or platforms, and it will be reasonable to describe major parts of this industry and show the most successful examples of an esports event. In this paper, the organization of logistical support of The International - Dota 2 world championship will be considered. the budget of the logistical cost of the event will be calculated, and all the costs associated with transportation, accommodation, venue, etc., will be taken into account. Using special computer soft as Microsoft Office (Project, Excel, Visio) can simplify the process of implementation project management tools to the logistical support of the event.Сучасний глобалізований світ розвивається шаленими темпами. По всьому світу одночасно проводиться велика кількість заходів. Це вплинуло на швидке зростання розвитку логістики для управління проектами та заходами. Логістика відіграє роль мосту між віртуальною та фізичною реальністю, а також стала невід'ємною частиною кожного проекту чи події. Щоб проводити багато заходів одночасно, потрібно створити надійну логістичну систему, яка зможе впоратися з усіма поставленими проблемами. Індустрія подій включає різні типи подій, такі як ярмарки, футбольні матчі, музичні фестивалі або навіть нещодавно виниклі змагання з кіберспорту. Кіберспорт - це сучасний феномен часу, який стає все більш популярним. Кіберспортні заходи збирають тисячі людей під парасолькою відомих арен та мільйони глядачів з усього світу, які стежать за цими подіями в Інтернеті. Це світ, що зростає, що об’єднує людей з різних штатів, континентів та походження, нехтуючи своєю національністю, релігією чи походженням. Організація та проведення великого кіберспортивного заходу є дуже складною задачею, якою керують любителі кіберспорту. Індустрія кіберспорту стикається з певною відсутністю необхідних знань, що в свою чергу ускладнює процес її розвитку. Актуальність теми пояснюється тим, що еспортні заходи привертають дедалі більше уваги, і для успішної реалізації своїх проектів постачальники еспортних турнірів повинні працювати з потужною логістичною системою через свій відділ логістики або сторонніх постачальників. У зв'язку з цим можливості логістичного персоналу повинні відповідати зростаючим вимогам щодо організації матеріально-технічного забезпечення великих заходів. Вивчення індустрії кіберспорту та інструменти управління проектами дозволяють розробити добре підготовлений план організації матеріально-технічного забезпечення великого кіберспортивного заходу з урахуванням усіх нюансів цієї галузі. Виробництво якісних кіберспортивних заходів вимагає міцних знань та значного досвіду. Однак здобуття знань у кіберспорті ускладнило відсутність широких досліджень та доступних досліджень. В даний час сертифіковані академічні установи не готують персонал для організації та проведення кіберспортивних заходів. Індустрія кіберспорту має високий бар'єр для вступу нових працівників. Виходячи з цього, ця бакалаврська дипломна робота має на меті обґрунтувати підготовку матеріально-технічної підтримки до кіберспортивних заходів. Організація матеріально-технічного забезпечення проекту може здійснюватися за допомогою різних інструментів управління проектами, які мають свої переваги та недоліки, а також область застосування. На сьогоднішній день esports має безліч назв, розділених за жанрами або платформами, і розумно буде описати основні частини цієї галузі та показати найуспішніші приклади кіберспортивної події. У цій роботі буде розглянута організація матеріально-технічного забезпечення чемпіонату світу The International - Dota 2. буде розраховано бюджет матеріально-технічних витрат на захід, а також будуть враховані всі витрати, пов’язані з транспортом, проживанням, місцем проведення тощо. Використання спеціального комп’ютерного програмного забезпечення, як Microsoft Office (Project, Excel, Visio), може спростити процес впровадження інструментів управління проектами до матеріально-технічної підтримки заходу

    Do the Peculiar Economics of Professional Team Sports Apply to Esports? Sequential Snowballing Literature Reviews and Implications

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    The present research aims to identify the main peculiar economics of professional team sports, reflect on whether they apply to esports, and derive some implications. To achieve this aim, two sequential snowballing literature reviews were conducted. First, the literature on the peculiar economics of professional team sports was reviewed and assessed by the authors, based on their degree of distinctiveness and how core they are for the sector. Second, based on the main peculiar economics identified, a similar process considering economic aspects in the esports literature was conducted. The first review enabled the identification of 50 peculiar economics of professional team sports, of which 12 were assessed as the most distinctive and core to the sector. These 12 main peculiar economics were then considered in relation to the esports literature. This second review enabled the identification of some economic similarities and differences between sports and esports, before deriving some implications

    Is freemium a good revenue model for MOBAS?: analysis of sucess factors

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    ProjectMOBAs for the personal computer generated 2.4billionin2014andtheuserbaseinthegenrehasbeengrowingexponentiallyinthelastfewyears.WithfreemiumbeingtherevenuemodeloftheleadingMOBAtitlesand75Wetrytodeterminehowimportantuserbasesaretothesegamesandhow,bytheirneverending,persistentnature,asustainableapproachshouldbepreferred.Welookspecificallyintothetopfourleadingtitlesandhowtheymonetizetheiroffers.Furthermore,somelightisshedintohowcurrentcompetitorsandnewentrantstothemarketcanexpecttoachievesuccess:theformermainlybymaintaininguserbasesandinnovatingwithintheboundariesofcontinuitywhilstthelatterbycreatingmeaningfuldifferentiation.AsMOBAparaocomputadorpessoalgeraram2.4 billion in 2014 and the user base in the genre has been growing exponentially in the last few years. With freemium being the revenue model of the leading MOBA titles and 75% of the overall MMOs, we set to investigate whether alternative revenue models or monetization strategies and which underlying game designs would make sense for MOBAs. We considered titles for the personal computer within the Western world market. We try to determine how important user bases are to these games and how, by their never-ending, persistent nature, a sustainable approach should be preferred. We look specifically into the top four leading titles and how they monetize their offers. Furthermore, some light is shed into how current competitors and new entrants to the market can expect to achieve success: the former mainly by maintaining user bases and innovating within the boundaries of continuity whilst the latter by creating meaningful differentiation.As MOBA para o computador pessoal geraram 2.4 biliões em 2014 e o número de utilizadores tem crescido exponencialmente nos últimos anos. Uma vez que o freemium é o modelo de receitas predominante nos MOBA e constitui 75% dos modelos de receita dos MMO em geral, foi tomado como ponto de partida para investigar da possibilidade de modelos de receita alternativos ou estratégias de monetização – bem como o game design subjacente – serem aplicáveis aos MOBA. Foram considerados apenas jogos para o computador pessoal no mercado Ocidental. Procurámos determinar o quão importantes são os utilizadores para estes jogos e como, pela sua natureza interminável e persistente, é preferível adoptar uma postura virada para a sustentabilidade. Foram tomados em consideração especificamente os quatro jogos de topo e a forma como monetizam as suas ofertas. Também foi tida em atenção a forma como os actuais ou futuros competidores poderão esperar alcançar o sucesso: os primeiros essencialmente pela manutenção dos utilizadores e pela inovação dentro das fronteiras da continuidade e os segundos através da criação de diferenciação significativa

    E-sports and video games as cultural ambassadors

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    학위논문(석사) -- 서울대학교대학원 : 국제대학원 국제학과(국제통상전공), 2023. 2. Moon Woo-sik.This paper examines the Korean video game industry, its genesis, and its evolution. Surveys conducted by national agencies are used to draw a portrait of the industry as of 2021. It is found that Korean consumers mainly consume mobile and pc online games. Hence, after explaining the reasons behind this specific consumption pattern in Korea, this paper analyzes the profile of Korean consumers of mobile and PC games, followed by the analysis of the Korean internet café: PC bang. The analysis of PC bang serves this paper for the last chapter of this paper, treating e-sports in Korea. From governmental efforts to promote e-sports in the country to the place Korea occupies in the e-sports scene and how e-sports is becoming an ambassador of the Korean culture to millions, if not billions in the near future, of e-sports and video games enthusiasts.본 논문은 한국의 비디오 게임 산업과 그 기원, 그리고 그 진화를 고찰한다. 국가기관이 실시하는 설문조사는 2021년 기준 산업의 초상화를 그리는 데 사용된다. 한국 소비자들은 주로 모바일과 PC 온라인 게임을 소비하는 것으로 나타났다. 따라서 본 논문에서는 이러한 한국의 구체적인 소비패턴의 배경을 설명한 후 한국의 모바일 및 PC게임 소비자들의 프로필을 분석하고 이어서 한국의 PC방에 대한 분석을 진행하였다. PC방에 대한 분석은 본 논문의 마지막 장인 한국의 e스포츠를 다루는데 의미가 있다. 본 논문은 국내 e스포츠를 알리기 위한 정부의 노력부터 한국이 e스포츠 현장에서 차지하는 위치까지, 어떻게 e스포츠가 가까운 미래에 수십억은 아니더라도 수백만 명의 e스포츠 및 비디오 게임 마니아들에게 한국 문화의 홍보대사가 되고 있는지 분석한다.CHAPTER 1. INTRODUCTION 1 1.1. STUDY BACKGROUND 1 1.2. LITERATURE REVIEW 8 1.3 METHODOLOGY & PURPOSE OF RESEARCH 15 CHAPTER 2: VIDEO GAME INDUSTRY IN SOUTH KOREA 17 2.1: VIDEO GAMES 17 2.1.1: ARCADE AND CONSOLE GAMES 17 2.1.2 PC GAMES 22 2.1.3 MOBILE GAMES 29 2.2 PC BANGS 36 2.3 GAME PRODUCERS 40 CHAPTER 3: VIDEO GAMES AND CULTURE 44 3.1 JAPAN AND VIDEO GAMES 45 3.2 KOREA AND VIDEO GAMES 47 3.3 VIDEO GAMES AND TOURISM 50 CHAPTER 4: THE POTENTIAL OF E-SPORTS AND ITS IMPLICATION FOR KOREA 52 4.1 KOREA IN THE GLOBAL ESPORTS INDUSTRY 54 4.2 E-SPORT AS A CULTURAL WEAPON 58 CONCLUSION 68 BIBLIOGRAPHY 71 ONLINE JOURNALS 75 DATA SOURCE 77석