15,234 research outputs found


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    This dissertation focuses on the use of passenger conveyance systems and modeling passenger flow in airport terminals. The successfully designed airport concourse must perform at a level that meets the needs of its users - the passengers. In this research, we propose a database design methodology that allows key conveyance statistics to be analyzed within specific locations across the airport terminal. Using passenger conveyance observations collected at five North American airports, the database enables airport planners, operators and consultants to assess passenger behavior and conveyance device performance. Results from this section of the research were in direct support of the Airport Cooperative Research Program (ACRP). In both vertical and horizontal mode choice analysis, two logistic models are developed to serve as predictors to examine the relationship between passenger characteristics and their choice of conveyance system and analyze the probabilities of a passenger choosing different conveyance devices in airport terminals. Our analyses through logistic models show that passengers tend not to use moving walkway with increasing number of rollers. It is important for airport planners to provide an appropriate level of service (LOS) for airport passengers. To estimate potential congestion and meet service-level requirements in a concourse, we develop a series of simulation models to estimate the occupancy of any designated area (or footprint) within a concourse. Specifically, factors such as the number of gates, flight arrivals, aircraft size and gate configuration are considered in simulation models. We identify significant factors that affect the congestion and establish a service level design standard matrix in the footprint area. We also introduce zones inside the concourse and examine how various diversions (concessions, restaurants, etc.) within the concourse and the capacity of departure lounge in each gate affect passenger congestion in each zone. Finally, we combine the database and mode choice models into two comprehensive concourse simulation models: (1) concourse with moving walkway (2) concourse with vertical transition devices (escalator, elevator and stairs). We use these models to estimate passenger occupancy and the resulting LOS. This research provides an understanding into how various concourse operation strategies affect when and how passenger congestion forms within the terminal

    Dogodkovni model dinamičnih potniških tokov za potrebe analize kapacitet v letališkem terminalu

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    This paper describes analysis of departure passenger flow in an airport terminal, from the passenger entrance to boarding; involving the development of simulation model. The basis for the simulation model was a snapshot of the passenger flow data taken during the summer periods from 2003 to 2004. Various data were collected and used to define the inputs to a simulation model. The next step was a statisti­cal analysis of the collected data. A discrete-event simulation model using simulation programming language General Purpose Simulation System (GPSS) was constructed. The performance of the system in the present and expected future was studied. The simulation model helped us to evaluate the passenger flow, identify the system bottlenecks as well as the system capacities. Critical aspects in the passanger flow through the airport terminal have been explored and studied. Recommendations based on the results of models runs were made.V prispevku smo analizirali karakteristike dinamičnih potniških tokov na letališču Ljubljana. Z ozirom na kompleksnost problema smo se osredotočili na študij funkcionalnosti strežbe odhodnega potniškega toka in sicer od prihoda potnikov na letališče do vkrcanja potnikov v letalo. Osnova za izgradnjo prototipnega simulacijskega modela so bili zbrani podatki v času posameznih dnevnih prometnih konic v polet­nih mesecih v letih 2003 in 2004. Na osnovi statističnih analiz zbranih podatkov smo dobili statistične porazdelitve medprihodnih časov prihodov in časov strežbe potnikov, ki so vstopili v letališki sistem. Dogodkovni simulacijski model smo razvili z uporabo simulacijskega jezika General Purpose Simulation System (GPSS). Z eksperimentiranjem na simulacijskem modelu smo proučevali dinamiko obstoječih in bodočih potniških tokov na letališču, identificirali ozka grla ter pomanjkanje tako obstoječih kot tudi bodočih kapacitet. Na podlagi dobljenih simulacijskih rezultatov so podani konkretni predlogi za izboljšave

    Analisa Penumpang dengan Metode SARIMA (Studi Kasus: Bandar Udara Raja Haji Fisabilillah)

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    Raja Haji Fisabilillah International Airport is an airport in Tanjungpinang and it is quite high in service levels for the flow of passengers and goods. Based on the data from Airport Quality Angkasa Pura II, the passengers growth has both decreased and increased in the last 3 (three) years. In 2015, there were 258,936 people in total and has decreased to 246,828 people in 2016 and increased again in 2017 by 351,688 people. Therefore, it is necessary to evaluate the terminal of Raja Haji Fisabilillah International Airport. The methods used are observation and forecasting using the SARIMA. The evaluation and analysis results show that the terminal of Raja Haji Fisabilillah International Airport still meets the applicable standards and passenger movements for the next year 2020 indicate that all equipment facilities for the needs of terminal passengers of Raja Haji Fisabilillah International Airport are still adequate

    Airport Security: Piracy Within the Terminal?

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    Collaborative Funding to Facilitate Airport Ground Access, Research Report 11-27

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    This report presents the findings and conclusions from a research study that has examined the challenges of funding airport ground access projects and the role of collaborative funding strategies between the different agencies that typically become involved in such projects. The report reviews the recent literature on funding airport ground access projects, as well as funding transportation projects more generally. This is followed by a detailed review of current federal transportation funding programs relevant to airport ground access projects, as well as a discussion of state and local funding programs and potential opportunities for private-sector funding. A major component of the research described in the report consists of detailed case studies of seven selected airport ground access projects, including a major intermodal center, two automated people-mover projects, two airport access highway projects, and two airport rail links. These case studies examine the history of each project, the costs involved, and the funding programs and mechanisms used to finance the projects. Based on the literature review, the review of current funding programs, and the case study findings, the report identifies potential funding strategies for intermodal airport ground access projects, requirements for effective implementation of these strategies, and a recommended approach to facilitate successful project development and implementation. The report also presents recommended changes to transportation funding program rules and regulations that could facilitate and simplify development of intermodal solutions to future airport ground access needs

    Virtual Integration Platforms (VIP) –A Concept for Integrated and Interdisciplinary Air Transportation Research and Assessment

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    The paper descibes a new methodology for a holistic development of air transportation concepts. The Virtual Integration Plattform (VIP) concept is based on an IT tool chain as well as human collaborative methods to deal with complex systems. As a result the definitions of future air transportation concepts for short range "Quiet and Clean", long range "Comfortable and Clean" and individual transport "Fast and Flexible" are presente
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