12 research outputs found

    Idle regulation in non-clairvoyant scheduling of parallel jobs

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    AbstractThe optimization of parallel applications is difficult to achieve by classical optimization techniques because of their diversity and the variety of actual parallel and distributed platforms and/or environments. Adaptive algorithmic schemes, capable of dynamically changing the allocation of jobs during the execution to optimize global system behavior, are the best alternatives for solving this problem. In this paper, we focus on non-clairvoyant scheduling of parallel jobs with known resource requirements but unknown running times, with emphasis on the regulation of idle periods in the context of general list policies. We consider a new family of scheduling strategies based on two phases which successively combine sequential and parallel execution of jobs. We generalize known worst-case performance bounds by considering two extra parameters, in addition to the number of processors and maximum processor requirements considered in the literature, namely, job parallelization penalty and idle regulation factor. Furthermore, we prove that under certain conditions of idle regulation, the performance guarantee of parallel job scheduling in space-sharing mode can be improved

    DVFS power management in HPC systems

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    Recent increase in performance of High Performance Computing (HPC) systems has been followed by even higher increase in power consumption. Power draw of modern supercomputers leads to very high operating costs and reliability concerns. Furthermore, it has negative consequences on the environment. Accordingly, over the last decade there have been many works dealing with power/energy management in HPC systems. Since CPUs accounts for a high portion of the total system power consumption, our work aims at CPU power reduction. Dynamic Voltage Frequency Scaling (DVFS) is a widely used technique for CPU power management. Running an application at lower frequency/voltage reduces its power consumption. However, frequency scaling should be used carefully since it has negative effects on the application performance. We argue that the job scheduler level presents a good place for power management in an HPC center having in mind that a parallel job scheduler has a global overview of the entire system. In this thesis we propose power-aware parallel job scheduling policies where the scheduler determines the job CPU frequency, besides the job execution order. Based on the goal, the proposed policies can be classified into two groups: energy saving and power budgeting policies. The energy saving policies aim to reduce CPU energy consumption with a minimal job performance penalty. The first of the energy saving policies assigns the job frequency based on system utilization while the other makes job performance predictions. While for less loaded workloads these policies achieve energy savings, highly loaded workloads suffer from a substantial performance degradation because of higher job wait times due to an increase in load caused by longer job run times. Our results show higher potential of the DVFS technique when applied for power budgeting. The second group of policies are policies for power constrained systems. In contrast to the systems without a power limitation, in the case of a given power budget the DVFS technique even improves overall job performance reducing the average job wait time. This comes from a lower job power consumption that allows more jobs to run simultaneously. The first proposed policy from this group assigns CPU frequency using the job predicted performance and current power draw of already running jobs. The other power budgeting policy is based on an optimization problem which solution determines the job execution order, as well as power distribution among jobs selected for execution. This policy fully exploits available power and leads to further performance improvements. The last contribution of the thesis is an analysis of the DVFS technique potential for energyperformance trade-off in current and future HPC systems. Ongoing changes in technology decrease the DVFS applicability for energy savings but the technique still reduces power consumption making it useful for power constrained systems. In order to analyze DVFS potential, a model of frequency scaling impact on MPI application execution time has been proposed and validated against measurements on a large-scale system. This parametric analysis showed for which application/platform characteristic, frequency scaling leads to energy savings.El aumento de rendimiento que han experimentado los sistemas de altas prestaciones ha venido acompañado de un aumento aún mayor en el consumo de energía. El consumo de los supercomputadores actuales implica unos costes muy altos de funcionamiento. Estos costes no tienen simplemente implicaciones a nivel económico sino también implicaciones en el medio ambiente. Dado la importancia del problema, en los últimos tiempos se han realizado importantes esfuerzos de investigación para atacar el problema de la gestión eficiente de la energía que consumen los sistemas de supercomputación. Dado que la CPU supone un alto porcentaje del consumo total de un sistema, nuestro trabajo se centra en la reducción y gestión eficiente de la energía consumida por la CPU. En concreto, esta tesis se centra en la viabilidad de realizar esta gestión mediante la técnica de Dynamic Voltage Frequency Scalingi (DVFS), una técnica ampliamente utilizada con el objetivo de reducir el consumo energético de la CPU. Sin embargo, esta técnica puede implicar una reducción en el rendimiento de las aplicaciones que se ejecutan, ya que implica una reducción de la frecuencia. Si tenemos en cuenta que el contexto de esta tesis son sistemas de alta prestaciones, minimizar el impacto en la pérdida de rendimiento será uno de nuestros objetivos. Sin embargo, en nuestro contexto, el rendimiento de un trabajo viene determinado por dos factores, tiempo de ejecución y tiempo de espera, por lo que habrá que considerar los dos componentes. Los sistemas de supercomputación suelen estar gestionados por sistemas de colas. Los trabajos, dependiendo de la política que se aplique y el estado del sistema, deberán esperar más o menos tiempo antes de ser ejecutado. Dado las características del sistema objetivo de esta tesis, nosotros consideramos que el Planificador de trabajo (o Job Scheduler), es el mejor componente del sistema para incluir la gestión de la energía ya que es el único punto donde se tiene una visión global de todo el sistema. En este trabajo de tesis proponemos un conjunto de políticas de planificación que considerarán el consumo energético como un recurso más. Estas políticas decidirán que trabajo ejecutar, el número de cpus asignadas y la lista de cpus (y nodos) sino también la frecuencia a la que estas cpus se ejecutarán. Estas políticas estarán orientadas a dos objetivos: reducir la energía total consumida por un conjunto de trabajos y controlar en consumo puntual de un conjunto puntual para evitar saturaciones del sistema en aquellos centros que puedan tener una capacidad limitada (permanente o puntual). El primer grupo de políticas intentará reducir el consumo total minimizando el impacto en el rendimiento. En este grupo encontramos una primera política que asigna la frecuencia de las cpus en función de la utilización del sistema y una segunda que calcula una estimación de la penalización que sufrirá el trabajo que va a empezar para decidir si reducir o no la frecuencia. Estas políticas han mostrado unos resultados aceptables con sistemas poco cargados, pero han mostrado unas pérdidas de rendimiento significativas cuando el sistema está muy cargado. Estas pérdidas de rendimiento no han sido a nivel de incremento significativo del tiempo de ejecución de los trabajos, pero sí de las métricas de rendimiento que incluyen el tiempo de espera de los trabajos (habituales en este contexto). El segundo grupo de políticas, orientadas a sistemas con limitaciones en cuanto a la potencia que pueden consumir, han mostrado un gran potencial utilizando DVFS como mecanismo de gestión. En este caso, comparado con un sistema que no incluya esta gestión, han demostrado mejoras en el rendimiento ya que permiten ejecutar más trabajos de forma simultánea, reduciendo significativamente el tiempo de espera de los trabajos. En este segundo grupo proponemos una política basada en el rendimiento del trabajo que se va a ejecutar y una segunda que considera la asignación de todos los recursos como un problema de optimización lineal. Esta última política es la contribución más importante de la tesis ya que demuestra un buen comportamiento en todos los casos evaluados. La última contribución de la tesis es un estudio del potencial de DVFS como técnica de gestión de la energía en un futuro próximo, en función de un estudio de las características de las aplicaciones, de la reducción de DVFS en el consumo de la CPU y del peso de la CPU dentro de todo el sistema. Este estudio indica que la capacidad de DVFS de ahorrar energía será limitado pero sigue mostrando un gran potencial de cara al control del consumo energético

    "Virtual malleability" applied to MPI jobs to improve their execution in a multiprogrammed environment"

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    This work focuses on scheduling of MPI jobs when executing in shared-memory multiprocessors (SMPs). The objective was to obtain the best performance in response time in multiprogrammed multiprocessors systems using batch systems, assuming all the jobs have the same priority. To achieve that purpose, the benefits of supporting malleability on MPI jobs to reduce fragmentation and consequently improve the performance of the system were studied. The contributions made in this work can be summarized as follows:· Virtual malleability: A mechanism where a job is assigned a dynamic processor partition, where the number of processes is greater than the number of processors. The partition size is modified at runtime, according to external requirements such as the load of the system, by varying the multiprogramming level, making the job contend for resources with itself. In addition to this, a mechanism which decides at runtime if applying local or global process queues to an application depending on the load balancing between processes of it. · A job scheduling policy, that takes decisions such as how many processes to start with and the maximum multiprogramming degree based on the type and number of applications running and queued. Moreover, as soon as a job finishes execution and where there are queued jobs, this algorithm analyzes whether it is better to start execution of another job immediately or just wait until there are more resources available. · A new alternative to backfilling strategies for the problema of window execution time expiring. Virtual malleability is applied to the backfilled job, reducing its partition size but without aborting or suspending it as in traditional backfilling. The evaluation of this thesis has been done using a practical approach. All the proposals were implemented, modifying the three scheduling levels: queuing system, processor scheduler and runtime library. The impact of the contributions were studied under several types of workloads, varying machine utilization, communication and, balance degree of the applications, multiprogramming level, and job size. Results showed that it is possible to offer malleability over MPI jobs. An application obtained better performance when contending for the resources with itself than with other applications, especially in workloads with high machine utilization. Load imbalance was taken into account obtaining better performance if applying the right queue type to each application independently.The job scheduling policy proposed exploited virtual malleability by choosing at the beginning of execution some parameters like the number of processes and maximum multiprogramming level. It performed well under bursty workloads with low to medium machine utilizations. However as the load increases, virtual malleability was not enough. That is because, when the machine is heavily loaded, the jobs, once shrunk are not able to expand, so they must be executed all the time with a partition smaller than the job size, thus degrading performance. Thus, at this point the job scheduling policy concentrated just in moldability.Fragmentation was alleviated also by applying backfilling techniques to the job scheduling algorithm. Virtual malleability showed to be an interesting improvement in the window expiring problem. Backfilled jobs even on a smaller partition, can continue execution reducing memory swapping generated by aborts/suspensions In this way the queueing system is prevented from reinserting the backfilled job in the queue and re-executing it in the future.Postprint (published version

    Practical Real-Time with Look-Ahead Scheduling

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    In my dissertation, I present ATLAS — the Auto-Training Look-Ahead Scheduler. ATLAS improves service to applications with regard to two non-functional properties: timeliness and overload detection. Timeliness is an important requirement to ensure user interface responsiveness and the smoothness of multimedia operations. Overload can occur when applications ask for more computation time than the machine can offer. Interactive systems have to handle overload situations dynamically at runtime. ATLAS provides timely service to applications, accessible through an easy-to-use interface. Deadlines specify timing requirements, workload metrics describe jobs. ATLAS employs machine learning to predict job execution times. Deadline misses are detected before they occur, so applications can react early.:1 Introduction 2 Anatomy of a Desktop Application 3 Real Simple Real-Time 4 Execution Time Prediction 5 System Scheduler 6 Timely Service 7 The Road Ahead Bibliography Inde

    Service Boosters: Library Operating Systems For The Datacenter

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    Cloud applications are taking an increasingly important place our technology and economic landscape. Consequently, they are subject to stringent performance requirements. High tail latency — percentiles at the tail of the response time distribution — is a threat to these requirements. As little as 0.01% slow requests in one microservice can significantly degrade performance for the entire application. The conventional wisdom is that application-awareness is crucial to design optimized performance management systems, but comes at the cost of maneuverability. Consequently, existing execution environments are often general-purpose and ignore important application features such as the architecture of request processing pipelines or the type of requests being served. These one-size-fits-all solutions are missing crucial information to identify and remove sources of high tail latency. This thesis aims to develop a lightweight execution environment exploiting application semantics to optimize tail performance for cloud services. This system, dubbed Service Boosters, is a library operating system exposing application structure and semantics to the underlying resource management stack. Using Service Boosters, programmers use a generic programming model to build, declare and an-notate their request processing pipeline, while performance engineers can program advanced management strategies. Using Service Boosters, I present three systems, FineLame, Perséphone, and DeDoS, that exploit application awareness to provide real time anomaly detection; tail-tolerant RPC scheduling; and resource harvesting. FineLame leverages awareness of the request processing pipeline to deploy monitoring and anomaly detection probes. Using these, FineLame can detect abnormal requests in-flight whenever they depart from the expected behavior and alerts other resource management modules. Pers ́ephone exploits an understanding of request types to dynamically allocate resources to each type and forbid pathological head-of-line blocking from heavy-tailed workloads, without the need for interrupts. Pers ́ephone is a low overhead solution well suited for microsecond scale workloads. Finally, DeDoS can identify overloaded components and dynamically scale them, harvesting only the resources needed to quench the overload. Service Boosters is a powerful framework to handle tail latency in the datacenter. Service Boosters clearly separates the roles of application development and performance engineering, proposing a general purpose application programming model while enabling the development of specialized resource management modules such as Perséphone and DeDoS

    "Virtual malleability" applied to MPI jobs to improve their execution in a multiprogrammed environment"

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    This work focuses on scheduling of MPI jobs when executing in shared-memory multiprocessors (SMPs). The objective was to obtain the best performance in response time in multiprogrammed multiprocessors systems using batch systems, assuming all the jobs have the same priority. To achieve that purpose, the benefits of supporting malleability on MPI jobs to reduce fragmentation and consequently improve the performance of the system were studied. The contributions made in this work can be summarized as follows:· Virtual malleability: A mechanism where a job is assigned a dynamic processor partition, where the number of processes is greater than the number of processors. The partition size is modified at runtime, according to external requirements such as the load of the system, by varying the multiprogramming level, making the job contend for resources with itself. In addition to this, a mechanism which decides at runtime if applying local or global process queues to an application depending on the load balancing between processes of it. · A job scheduling policy, that takes decisions such as how many processes to start with and the maximum multiprogramming degree based on the type and number of applications running and queued. Moreover, as soon as a job finishes execution and where there are queued jobs, this algorithm analyzes whether it is better to start execution of another job immediately or just wait until there are more resources available. · A new alternative to backfilling strategies for the problema of window execution time expiring. Virtual malleability is applied to the backfilled job, reducing its partition size but without aborting or suspending it as in traditional backfilling. The evaluation of this thesis has been done using a practical approach. All the proposals were implemented, modifying the three scheduling levels: queuing system, processor scheduler and runtime library. The impact of the contributions were studied under several types of workloads, varying machine utilization, communication and, balance degree of the applications, multiprogramming level, and job size. Results showed that it is possible to offer malleability over MPI jobs. An application obtained better performance when contending for the resources with itself than with other applications, especially in workloads with high machine utilization. Load imbalance was taken into account obtaining better performance if applying the right queue type to each application independently.The job scheduling policy proposed exploited virtual malleability by choosing at the beginning of execution some parameters like the number of processes and maximum multiprogramming level. It performed well under bursty workloads with low to medium machine utilizations. However as the load increases, virtual malleability was not enough. That is because, when the machine is heavily loaded, the jobs, once shrunk are not able to expand, so they must be executed all the time with a partition smaller than the job size, thus degrading performance. Thus, at this point the job scheduling policy concentrated just in moldability.Fragmentation was alleviated also by applying backfilling techniques to the job scheduling algorithm. Virtual malleability showed to be an interesting improvement in the window expiring problem. Backfilled jobs even on a smaller partition, can continue execution reducing memory swapping generated by aborts/suspensions In this way the queueing system is prevented from reinserting the backfilled job in the queue and re-executing it in the future

    High Performance Real-Time Scheduling Framework for Multiprocessor Systems

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    Embedded systems, performing specific functions in modern devices, have become pervasive in today's technology landscape. As many of these systems are real-time systems, they necessitate operations with stringent time constraints. This is especially evident in sectors like automotive and aerospace. This thesis introduces a High Performance Real-time Scheduling (HPRTS) framework, which is designed to navigate the multifaceted challenges faced by multiprocessor real-time systems. To begin with, the research attempts to bridge the gap between system reliability and resource sharing in Mixed-Criticality Systems (MCS). In addressing this, a novel fault-tolerance solution is presented. Its main goal is to enhance fault management and reduce blocking time during fault tolerance. Following this, the thesis delves into task allocation in systems with shared resources. In this context, we introduce a distinct Resource Contention Model (RCM). Using this model as a foundation, our allocation strategy is formulated with the aim to reduce resource contention. Moreover, in light of the escalating system complexity where tasks are represented using Directed Acyclic Graph (DAG) models, the research unveils a new Response Time Analysis (RTA) for multi-DAG systems. This particular analysis has been tailored to provide a safe and more refined bound. Reflecting on the contributions made, the achievements of the thesis highlight the potency of the HPRTS framework in steering real-time embedded systems toward high performance

    Analysis of Non-Work-Conserving Processor Partitioning Policies

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    . In multiprocessor systems, a reasonable goal of the scheduler is to keep all processors as busy as possible. One technique for doing this is to allocate all available processors to the jobs waiting for service. Techniques which allocate all available processors are known as work-conserving policies. In this paper, non-work-conserving policies are examined. These policies keep some number of processors idle (i.e., unallocated) even when there are parallel jobs that are waiting for service. Such non-work-conserving policies set aside idle processors for anticipated new job arrivals or for unexpected system behavior. Two classes of non-work-conserving space-sharing policies are examined. One policy class keeps a certain percentage of the processors free. The other policy class makes an allocation decision based on previously observed system behavior. Two non-work-conserving policies, each selected from the two classes, are evaluated against their work-conserving counterparts. It is demo..