1,525,363 research outputs found

    Information Flow Structure in Large-Scale Product Development Organizational Networks

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    In recent years, understanding the structure and function of complex networks has become the foundation for explaining many different real- world complex social, information, biological and technological phenomena. Techniques from statistical physics have been successfully applied to the analysis of these networks, and have uncovered surprising statistical structural properties that have also been shown to have a major effect on their functionality, dynamics, robustness, and fragility. This paper examines, for the first time, the statistical properties of strategically important complex organizational information-based networks -- networks of people engaged in distributed product development -- and discusses the significance of these properties in providing insight into ways of improving the strategic and operational decision-making of the organization. We show that the patterns of information flows that are at the heart of large-scale product development networks have properties that are like those displayed by information, biological and technological networks. We believe that our new analysis methodology and empirical results are also relevant to other organizational information-based human or nonhuman networks.Large-scale product development, socio-technical systems, information systems, social networks, Innovation, complex engineering systems, distributed problem solving

    Computing fuzzy rough approximations in large scale information systems

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    Rough set theory is a popular and powerful machine learning tool. It is especially suitable for dealing with information systems that exhibit inconsistencies, i.e. objects that have the same values for the conditional attributes but a different value for the decision attribute. In line with the emerging granular computing paradigm, rough set theory groups objects together based on the indiscernibility of their attribute values. Fuzzy rough set theory extends rough set theory to data with continuous attributes, and detects degrees of inconsistency in the data. Key to this is turning the indiscernibility relation into a gradual relation, acknowledging that objects can be similar to a certain extent. In very large datasets with millions of objects, computing the gradual indiscernibility relation (or in other words, the soft granules) is very demanding, both in terms of runtime and in terms of memory. It is however required for the computation of the lower and upper approximations of concepts in the fuzzy rough set analysis pipeline. Current non-distributed implementations in R are limited by memory capacity. For example, we found that a state of the art non-distributed implementation in R could not handle 30,000 rows and 10 attributes on a node with 62GB of memory. This is clearly insufficient to scale fuzzy rough set analysis to massive datasets. In this paper we present a parallel and distributed solution based on Message Passing Interface (MPI) to compute fuzzy rough approximations in very large information systems. Our results show that our parallel approach scales with problem size to information systems with millions of objects. To the best of our knowledge, no other parallel and distributed solutions have been proposed so far in the literature for this problem

    Fluid approximation of broadcasting systems

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    Nature-inspired paradigms have been proposed to design and forecast behaviour of open distributed systems, such as sensor networks and the internet of things. In these paradigms system behaviour emerges from (complex) interactions among a large number of agents. Modelling these interactions in terms of classical point-to-point communication is often not practical. This is due to the large scale and the open nature of the systems, which means that partners for point-to-point communication may not be available at any given time. Nevertheless the need for efficient formal verification of qualitative and quantitative properties of these systems is of utmost importance, especially given their proposed pervasive and transparent nature. CARMA is a recently proposed formal modelling language for open distributed systems, which is equipped with a broadcast communication in order to meet the communication challenges of such systems. The inclusion of quantitative information about the timing and probability of actions gives rise to models suitable for analysing questions such as the probability that information will achieve total coverage within a system, or the expected market share that might be gained by competing service providers relying on viral advertising. The ability to express models is not the only challenge, because the scale of the systems we are interested in often defies discrete state-based analysis techniques such as stochastic simulation. This is the problem that we address in this paper as we consider how to provide an efficient fluid approximation, supporting efficient and accurate quantitative analysis of large scale systems, for a language that incorporates broadcast communication

    Fluid approximation of broadcasting systems

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    Nature-inspired paradigms have been proposed to design and forecast behaviour of open distributed systems, such as sensor networks and the internet of things. In these paradigms system behaviour emerges from (complex) interactions among a large number of agents. Modelling these interactions in terms of classical point-to-point communication is often not practical. This is due to the large scale and the open nature of the systems, which means that partners for point-to-point communication may not be available at any given time. Nevertheless the need for efficient formal verification of qualitative and quantitative properties of these systems is of utmost importance, especially given their proposed pervasive and transparent nature. CARMA is a recently proposed formal modelling language for open distributed systems, which is equipped with a broadcast communication in order to meet the communication challenges of such systems. The inclusion of quantitative information about the timing and probability of actions gives rise to models suitable for analysing questions such as the probability that information will achieve total coverage within a system, or the expected market share that might be gained by competing service providers relying on viral advertising. The ability to express models is not the only challenge, because the scale of the systems we are interested in often defies discrete state-based analysis techniques such as stochastic simulation. This is the problem that we address in this paper as we consider how to provide an efficient fluid approximation, supporting efficient and accurate quantitative analysis of large scale systems, for a language that incorporates broadcast communication

    Stochastic models for quality of service of component connectors

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    The intensifying need for scalable software has motivated modular development and using systems distributed over networks to implement large-scale applications. In Service-oriented Computing, distributed services are composed to provide large-scale services with a specific functionality. In this way, reusability of existing services can be increased. However, due to the heterogeneity of distributed software systems, software composition is not easy and requires additional mechanisms to impose some form of a coordination on a distributed software system. Besides functional correctness, a composed service must satisfy various quantitative requirements for its clients, which are generically called its quality of service (QoS). Particularly, it is tricky to obtain the overall QoS of a composed service even if the QoS information of its constituent distributed services is given. In this thesis, we propose Stochastic Reo to specify software composition with QoS aspects and its compositional semantic models. They are also used as intermediate models to generate their corresponding stochastic models for practical analysis. Based on this, we have implemented the tool Reo2MC. Using Reo2MC, we have modeled and analyzed an industrial software, the ASK system. Its analysis results provided the best cost-effective resource utilization and some suggestions to improve the performance of the system.UBL - phd migration 201

    Knowledge extraction from raw data in water networks: application to the Barcelona supramunicipal water transport network

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    Critical Infrastructure Systems (CIS) such as the case of potable water transport network are complex large-scale systems, geographically distributed and decentralized with a hierarchical structure, requiring highly sophisticated supervisory and real-time control (RTC) schemes to ensure high performance achievement and maintenance when conditions are non-favorable due to e.g. sensor malfunctions (drifts, offsets, problems of batteries, communications problems,...). Once the data are reliable, a process to transform these validated data into useful information and knowledge is key for the operating plan in real time (RTC). And moreover, but no less important, it allows extracting useful knowledge about the assets and instrumentation (sectors of pipes and reservoirs, flowmeters, level sensors, ...) of the network for short, medium and large term management plans. In this work, an overall analysis of the results of the application of a methodology for sensor data validation/reconstruction to the ATLL water network in the city of Barcelona and the surrounding metropolitan area since 2008 until 2013 is described. This methodology is very important for assessing the economic and hydraulic efficiency of the network.Peer ReviewedPostprint (published version

    HADES: a Hybrid Anomaly Detection System for Large-Scale Cyber-Physical Systems

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    Smart cities rely on large-scale heterogeneous distributed systems known as Cyber-Physical Systems (CPS). Information systems based on CPS typically analyse a massive amount of data collected from various data sources that operate under noisy and dynamic conditions. How to determine the quality and reliability of such data is an open research problem that concerns the overall system safety, reliability and security. Our research goal is to tackle the challenge of real-time data quality assessment for large-scale CPS applications with a hybrid anomaly detection system. In this paper we describe the architecture of HADES, our Hybrid Anomaly DEtection System for sensors data monitoring, storage, processing, analysis, and management. Such data will be filtered with correlation-based outlier detection techniques, and then processed by predictive analytics for anomaly detection
