315 research outputs found

    Itseorganisoivan kartan ryvästys paljastaa maatilojen kannattavuusprofiilit

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    Suomen maa- ja puutarhatilojen kannattavuutta ja muita taloudellisia tekijöitä on tässä työssä analysoitu itseorganisoivan kartan ryvästykseen perustuen. Itseorganisoiva kartta on akateemikko Teuvo Kohosen 1980-luvulla kehittämä neuroverkkomenetelmä, jonka avulla suuri, moniulotteinen havaintoaineisto voidaan esittää havainnollisena kaksiulotteisena karttana. Menetelmän avulla aineistoja voidaan visualisoida tehokkaasti, ja visualisointien avulla aineistosta voidaan löytää useiden muuttujien välisiä epälineaarisia yhteyksiä. Tämän lisäksi itseorganisoivan kartan pohjalta aineistoja voidaan ryvästää eli klusteroida, ja tällä tavoin jakaa aineisto toisistaan poikkeaviin ryhmiin, jotka ovat kuitenkin sisäisesti suhteellisen homogeenisia. Tutkimuksessamme analysoimme kannattavuuskirjanpitoaineistoa vuodelta 2010, ja löysimme useita kiinnostavia yhteyksiä tarkkailtavien taloudellisten muuttujien välillä. Ryvästyksen avulla muodostimme erilaisten maatilojen taloudellisia profiileja. Löydösten merkityksellisyys varmistettiin tilastollisten testien avulla. Jaoimme kannattavuuskirjanpitotilat itseorganisoivan kartan ryvästyksen avulla kymmeneen seuraavanlaiseen ryhmään. 1. Suuret tilat, joilla on suuri viljelyala, matala pääoman tuotto ja kannattavuuskerroin sekä korkea velkarasite. 2. Keskikokoiset tilat, joilla on erittäin suuri velkarasite sekä matala omavaraisuusaste ja kannattavuuskerroin. 3. Tilat, joilla on hyvin pieni viljelyala, pieni tase, kokoluokkaan suhteutettuna paljon työtunteja, hyvin matala kokonaispääoman tuotto ja kannattavuuskerroin. Kasvihuonetilojen osuus tässä ryhmässä on suhteellisen suuri. 4. Suuret tilat, joilla on suuri viljelyala, korkea pääoman tuotto ja kannattavuuskerroin sekä keskitason velkarasite. 5. Keskikokoiset, korkeariskiset tilat, joilla on suuri viljelyala ja erityisen suuri vuokrattu viljelyala. Muut nautakarjatilat ovat tässä ryhmässä keskimääräistä paremmin edustettuina. 6. Keskikokoiset, pieniriskiset tilat, joilla on pieni velkarasite, erittäin korkea omavaraisuusaste, ja jotka ovat lähes pelkästään lypsykarjatiloja. 7. Pienet, matalariskiset tilat, jotka ovat useimmiten viljanviljelytiloja, ja joilla on hyvin pieni viljelyala ja velkarasite, pieni tase, hyvin vähän työtunteja ja eläimiä sekä hyvin matala kannattavuuskerroin. 8. Keskikokoiset, erittäin kannattavat tilat, joiden viljelyala on suurempi ja työtuntien määrä pienempi kuin muilla vastaavankokoisten tilojen ryhmillä. 9. Pienet tilat, joiden kannattavuuskerroin on korkea, ja jotka ovat suhteellisen harvoin lypsykarjatiloja, mutta melko usein viljanviljelytiloja. 10. Pienet korkeariskiset tilat, joiden kannattavuus on keskimääräinen ja vieraan pääoman takaisinmaksuaika melko lyhyt

    Annual Report October 1, 2015 – September 30, 2016

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    Upscaling the productivity performance of the Agricultural Commercialization Cluster Initiative in Ethiopia

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    This report presents the results of an impact analysis of several scenarios related to the Agricultural Commercialization Cluster (ACC) initiative. This initiative was introduced by the Government of Ethiopia during the first Growth and Transformation Plan (2010-2015) as a mechanism to improve agricultural productivity and production within specific geographies by targeting a limited number of high-value commodities. The farm-household model FSSIM-Dev (Farm System Simulator for Developing Countries) is applied to a representative sample of 2,886 individual farm-households spread throughout the country, taken from the 2013/14 Ethiopia Socioeconomic Survey. Simulation results show that upscaling the ACC productivity performance to the respective regions would lead to an increase in production of the main products ranging between 1.8% and 62.6%, depending on scenario, region and commodity. The average (across all ACC scenarios considered) country-level production increase for wheat, teff, maize and barley are assessed to be 29.6%, 21.1%, 12.8% and 12.6%, respectively. These impacts are driven by the rise in land productivity, rather than area expansion (through putting fallow land into cultivation) and/or area reallocation. The increase in crop yields would also have a positive impact on both income and poverty level of farm households. The average increase in gross income at the country and individual farm-household levels are assessed to be around 14% and 9%, respectively. These impacts could be more pronounced for individual farms: for example, 85% of the farms would experience an increase in gross income of up to 17% to 32%, depending on the nature of scenarios considered. The largest income change occurs in farms specializing in field crops, and in medium-large farms (i.e. farms with total production value of larger than ETB 9,000). The increase in both production and income would also raise food consumption and improve nutritional indicators.JRC.D.4-Economics of Agricultur

    Bright spots demonstrate community successes in African agriculture

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    Community development / Farmers / Empowerment / Agricultural society / Training / Irrigated farming / Irrigation programs / Erosion / Water quality / Water users’ associations / Food security / Marketing / Case studies

    Pacioli 20: Complex farms and sustainability in farm level data collection

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    For the 20th time, LEI organised the yearly Pacioli workshop. This year it took place in Rome, Italy, from 30 September to 3 October 2012. There were a record number of 48 participants from EU countries, non-EU countries such as Switzerland and Norway, candidate countries and from international organisations such as OECD, USDA, FAO and the European Commission. They discussed innovations and developments in the collection and use of farm level data. Important topics were the measurement of sustainability indicators, the specific problems of collecting information on large complex farms and the use of data for policy analysis and research. The Italian research institute INEA hosted the meeting and took care of the local organisation. LEI was responsible for organising the content of the programme and chairing the meetings

    SUREVEG - Strip-cropping and recycling of waste for biodiverse and resoURce-Efficient intensive VEGetable production

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    The rise in demand for organically grown vegetables requires further optimization of the current organic cultivation systems, with even more attention for biodiversity and soil fertility. That is why this year the new, European partnership SUREVEG is starting. The focus is on strip-cropping and on the use of vegetable residual streams as soil improvers and as fertilizers

    Modern Information Systems

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    The development of modern information systems is a demanding task. New technologies and tools are designed, implemented and presented in the market on a daily bases. User needs change dramatically fast and the IT industry copes to reach the level of efficiency and adaptability for its systems in order to be competitive and up-to-date. Thus, the realization of modern information systems with great characteristics and functionalities implemented for specific areas of interest is a fact of our modern and demanding digital society and this is the main scope of this book. Therefore, this book aims to present a number of innovative and recently developed information systems. It is titled "Modern Information Systems" and includes 8 chapters. This book may assist researchers on studying the innovative functions of modern systems in various areas like health, telematics, knowledge management, etc. It can also assist young students in capturing the new research tendencies of the information systems' development
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