8 research outputs found

    Performance evaluation of LoRa based sensor node and gateway architecture for oil pipeline management

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    These days, the oil industrial industry is leaning toward employing smart field improvements to streamline various activities in the midstream area. Oil transportation over large distances via pipelines has a cheap cost and high efficiency in this sector. If pipelines are not properly maintained, they may fail, potentially causing catastrophic, long-term, and irreversible consequences on both natural and human conditions. Low power wide area networks (LPWANs) are without a doubt one of the domains that cause the most from industrial fields when it comes to realizing the vision of the internet of things (IoT). Long-range (LoRa) is an emerging LPWAN technology that is particularly useful for transmitting data over long distances. The goal of this work is to offer a methodology for managing oil pipelines over long distances utilizing the LoRa communication protocol and the installation of sensor nodes and LoRa gateways along the pipeline. We also used the optimized network engineering tools (OPNET) simulator to examine various simulation findings of LoRa performance

    HAZOP Study and SIL Verification of Fuel Gas System in ORF Using IEC 61511 Standard and FTA Method

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    Safety is an important aspect of the industrial process. Failure of system and mechanism endanger both human and environmental safety. Safety is obligated to be implemented precisely and thoroughly to prevent failure consequences. One of the preventive implementations is to map out safety devices in the form of SIS (Safety Instrumented System) and other layers of protection. However, to acknowledge this safety device performance used SIL (Safety Integrity Level). This final research is intended to analyze Fuel Gas systems on Onshore Receiving Facilities (ORF). HAZOP (Hazard Operability Study) as process hazard analysis with deviation during the operation so that the risk level is known. SIL verification towards SIL target is SIL-2 refer to IEC 61511 standards by FTA (Fault Tree Analysis) method. From the HAZOP study can be concluded that over-pressure becomes a top hazard to all nodes due to the most severe consequences, the highest likelihood (medium risk). The calculation result of PFDavg is Node 1 (Fuel Gas Scrubber V-6060) is 6,22E-03, Node 2 (Fuel Gas Filter Separator S-6060A) is 1,24E-03, Node 3 (Fuel Gas Filter Separator S-6060B) is 1,24E-03, Node 4 (Fuel Gas Superheater E-6060) is 1,21E-03, and Node 5 (Instrument Gas Receiver V-6070) is 2,23E-03. The conclusion of this research shows that five components of the Fuel Gas System fulfill the SIL-2 target, therefore, doing a re-design to add a safety device is unnecessar

    Разработка роботизированного устройства для внутритрубной диагностики технологических трубопроводов насосно-перекачивающей станции

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    Технологические трубопроводы играют важнейшую роль в процессах, связанных с перекачкой нефти, газа и нефтепродуктов. Поддержание работоспособности и безопасности является основным приоритетом транспортирующих компаний. В данной работе рассмотрены виды дефектов, возникающих в технологических трубопроводах, методы неразрушающего контроля, существующие устройства для внутритрубной диагностики. Проведя анализ, были выбраны подходы к разработке роботизированного устройства, позволяющего более эффективно контролировать состояние технологических трубопроводов. Так же в работе представлены разработанные модели секций устройства, отвечающие за проведение неразрушающего контроля.Technological pipelines play a critical role in the processes involved in pumping oil, gas and petroleum products. Maintaining serviceability and safety is the main priority of transport companies. This work considers types of defects occurring in technological pipelines, methods of nondestructive testing, existing devices for in-line diagnostics. After analyzing the approaches to develop a robotic device allowing to control the condition of technological pipelines in a more effective way have been chosen. Also there are the developed models of sections of the device, responsible for nondestructive testing, are presented in the work

    Intelligent real-time prediction for energy and sensing applications

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    The advancements of science and technology has been rapid since the boom of the fourth industrial revolution that began arguable about a decade ago. As smart hardware and software began to be paired together over high speed transfer of information, the world of innovation witnessed the rise of Big Data and Machine Learning. These 2 heroes of the 21st centuries have been widely embraced and adopted in various industries, resulting in innovations and outcomes that we never could have perceived otherwise, especially in closing the gaps between probability and predictability i.e. stock market predictions and such. However, one gigantic industry that has yet to reap on the offerings of Big Data and Machine Learning is the oil and gas industry. As extreme a form of engineering it is, methods and technologies are still primarily mechanically driven, specifically when it comes to safety and preventive measures i.e. in failure prediction efforts. Manual methods using predated technologies are still industry standard for many applications within industry. This research takes a look at these current methods, and proposes a new way of performing failure prediction analysis using machine learning

    Enhancing the corrosion resistance of API 5L X70 pipeline steel through thermomechanically controlled processing

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    Pipelines are widely used for transportation of oil and gas because they can carry large volume of these products at lower cost compared to rail cars and trucks. However, they are prone to environmentally assisted degradation. Different methods of optimizing pipeline steels such as micro-alloying, desulfurization, microstructure design, and inclusion morphology control have been used to improve their performance in different service environments. This study presents the use microstructure and texture control to improve the reliability of API 5L X70 pipeline steel. The properties of API 5L X70 steel was manipulated through thermomechanical processing. Pipeline steel plates were produced using different processing schedules. The final microstructure and texture of processed steels were determined. Also, electrochemical corrosion studies were performed on selected steels in hydrogen producing and non-hydrogen producing electrolyte solutions. In addition, samples from each steel was investigated for hydrogen induced cracking (HIC) with and without the application of tensile stress. Further annealing heat treatments were conducted on the steel with improved HIC behavior before assessing hydrogen embrittlement characteristics. All the tests were performed at room temperature. Generally, the lowest corrosion rate was measured in the hydrogen producing electrolyte due to the rapid formation of a corrosion protective film on the pipeline substrate. It was found that variations in the processing conditions affects corrosion and cracking behavior of steels. The least corrosion resistant steels experienced more intense surface deterioration after polarization. Subsequently, such steels were damaged by hydrogen attack. The steel with improved corrosion resistance displayed no visible cracking after probing in corrosive mediums and charging with hydrogen. Despite weak texture noticed in all the steels, (111) crystal planes showed better electrochemical corrosion resistance compared to (110) and (100). Moreover, microstructural features such as non-metallic inclusions/precipitates, grain characteristics, phase distribution, and local average misorientations were analyzed in relation crack initiation and propagation. Evidence suggests that cracking occurred mainly through deformed regions in the mid-thickness section. Early onset of crack formations was characterized by stepwise discontinuities. It was demonstrated that during in-situ tensile deformation and hydrogen charging, sudden failure takes place in the elastic zone. The obtained results indicate that cracks propagated through segregations of iron carbide around high angle grain boundaries. Also, multi-component inclusion particles comprising of angular (Ti-Nb) N precipitates, spherical Al-Mg-Ca oxides, and some traces of Mo-Mn-S influenced susceptibility to HIC. It was observed that hydrogen embrittlement susceptibility was lowered after annealing in two consecutive cycles compared to single annealing treatment. The double step heat treatment resulted in a dual-phase (ferrite and tempered martensite) microstructure with greater ductility than in original steels. Finally, the pipeline steel that was hot rolled (880 – 820 °C) and rapidly cooled (755 – 615 °C) at the rate of 25 °C/s has shown improved resistance to corrosion

    Aplikasi Berbasis Web untuk Analisis Inspeksi Berbasis Risiko pada Sistem Perpipaan Gas di Fasilitas Pemrosesan Sentral PT X

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    Industri minyak dan gas adalah salah satu diantara banyak jenis bisnis yang selalu menjaga fasilitas dan aset yang dimiliki. Dilihat dari jumlah dan variasi jenis equipment, material dan konstruksi equipment, piping and instrumentation diagram, dan process flow diagram, perusahaan oil and gas memiliki kompleksitas dalam aktivitasnya baik aktivitas operasi maupun perawatan. Asset Integrity Management (AIM) hadir untuk membantu meningkatkan kualitas perawatan dari aset perusahaan. Salah satu metode dalam perawatan aset adalah Risk-Based Inspection Analysis. Dalam penelitian ini akan dilakukan pembuatan Web-Based Application yang digunakan untuk melakukan RBI Analysis hanya pada sistem perpipaan gas di sebuah Central Processing Facility PT X. Dasar pembuatan aplikasi ini adalah API RP 580, analisis RBI yang dilakukan oleh penulis berdasarkan API RP 581, dan pendapat serta rekomendasi dari para dosen pembimbing. Dalam analisis RBI yang dilakukan sebelum perancangan aplikasi, didapatkan nilai probability of failure sebesar 3.52E-05 dengan kategori 2 (Unlikely), nilai consequence of failure dari consequence area sebesar 1577.805 ft² dengan kategori C (Moderate), nilai skor risiko sebesar 0.055 ft²/year dengan level risiko 2C (Medium), serta hasil dari inspeksi berupa inspection plan date pada 24/03/2036 dan rekomendasi untuk inspeksi selanjutnya. Diharapkan dengan adanya Web-Based Application ini dapat memudahkan perusahaan untuk melakukan Analisis RBI dan meningkatkan kualitas manajement aset. Keluaran dari analisis RBI melalui Web-Based Application ini adalah hasil perhitungan probability and consequence of failure, hasil analisis risiko dan perencanaan inspeksi berupa jadwal dan rekomendasi inspeksi. ======================================================================================================================== The oil and gas industry is one of many other types of businesses that always maintain their facilities and assets. Judging from the number and variety of types of equipment, material and construction equipment, piping and instrumentation diagrams, and process flow diagrams, oil and gas companies have complexity in both their operating and maintenance activities. Asset Integrity Management (AIM) is here to help improve the quality of care for company assets. One method of asset maintenance is Risk-Based Inspection Analysis. In this study, a Web-Based Application will be made that is used to conduct RBI Analysis only on gas piping systems at a Central Processing Facility of PT X. The basis for making this application is API RP 580, RBI analysis conducted by the author based on API RP 581, and opinions and recommendations from supervisors. In the RBI analysis conducted before the application design, a probability of failure score of 3.52E-05 with category 2 (Unlikely), a consequence of failure score from the consequence area of 1577,805 ft² with category C (Moderate), a risk score of 0.055 ft² / year with a risk level of 2C (Medium), as well as the results of the inspection in the form of an inspection plan date of March 24, 2036, and recommendations for further inspection. It is expected that this Web-Based Application can make it easier for companies to conduct RBI analyses and improve the quality of asset management. The output of RBI analysis through Web-Based Application is the result of probability and consequence of failure calculations, risk analysis results, and inspection planning in the form of inspection schedules and recommendations

    Intelligent Circuits and Systems

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    ICICS-2020 is the third conference initiated by the School of Electronics and Electrical Engineering at Lovely Professional University that explored recent innovations of researchers working for the development of smart and green technologies in the fields of Energy, Electronics, Communications, Computers, and Control. ICICS provides innovators to identify new opportunities for the social and economic benefits of society.  This conference bridges the gap between academics and R&D institutions, social visionaries, and experts from all strata of society to present their ongoing research activities and foster research relations between them. It provides opportunities for the exchange of new ideas, applications, and experiences in the field of smart technologies and finding global partners for future collaboration. The ICICS-2020 was conducted in two broad categories, Intelligent Circuits & Intelligent Systems and Emerging Technologies in Electrical Engineering

    Analysis and Comparison of Long-Distance Pipeline Failures

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