15 research outputs found

    A Pilot Study of Game Design in the Unity Environment as an Example of the Use of Neurogaming on the Basis of Brain–Computer Interface Technology to Improve Concentration

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    The article describes the practical use of Unity technology in neurogaming. For this purpose, the article describes Unity technology and brain–computer interface (BCI) technology based on the Emotiv EPOC + NeuroHeadset device. The process of creating the game world and the test results for the use of a device based on the BCI as a control interface for the created game are also presented. The game was created in the Unity graphics engine and the Visual Studio environment in C#. The game presented in the article is called “NeuroBall” due to the player’s object, which is a big red ball. The game will require full focus to make the ball move. The game will aim to improve the concentration and training of the user’s brain in a user-friendly environment. Through neurogaming, it will be possible to exercise and train a healthy brain, as well as diagnose and treat various symptoms of brain disorders. The project was entirely created in the Unity graphics engine in Unity version 2020.


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    Nowadays, control in video games is based on the use of a mouse, keyboard and other controllers. A Brain Computer Interface (BCI) is a special interface that allows direct communication between the brain and the appropriate external device. Brain Computer Interface technology can be used for commercial purposes, for example as a replacement for a keyboard, mouse or other controller. This article presents a method of controlling video games using the EMOTIV EPOC + Neuro Headset as a controller.W obecnych czasach sterowanie w grach wideo jest oparte na wykorzystaniu myszki, klawiatury oraz innych kontrolerów. Brain-Computer Interface w skrócie BCI to specjalny interfejs pozwalający na bezpośrednią komunikację między mózgiem, a odpowiednim urządzeniem zewnętrznym. Technologia Brain-Computer Interface może zostać użyta w celach komercyjnych na przykład jako zamiennik myszki klawiatury lub innego kontrolera. W artykule przedstawiono sposób sterowania w grach wideo przy pomocy neuro-headsetu EMOTIV EPOC+ jako kontrolera

    Energy-efficient and real-time wearable for wellbeing-monitoring IoT system based on SoC-FPGA

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    Wearable devices used for personal monitoring applications have been improved over the last decades. However, these devices are limited in terms of size, processing capability and power consumption. This paper proposes an efficient hardware/software embedded system for monitoring bio-signals in real time, including a heart rate calculator using PPG and an emotion classifier from EEG. The system is suitable for outpatient clinic applications requiring data transfers to external medical staff. The proposed solution contributes with an effective alternative to the traditional approach of processing bio-signals offline by proposing a SoC-FPGA based system that is able to fully process the signals locally at the node. Two sub-systems were developed targeting a Zynq 7010 device and integrating custom hardware IP cores that accelerate the processing of the most complex tasks. The PPG sub-system implements an autocorrelation peak detection algorithm to calculate heart rate values. The EEG sub-system consists of a KNN emotion classifier of preprocessed EEG features. This work overcomes the processing limitations of microcontrollers and general-purpose units, presenting a scalable and autonomous wearable solution with high processing capability and real-time response.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    EU law and emotion data

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    This article sheds light on legal implications and challenges surrounding emotion data processing within the EU's legal framework. Despite the sensitive nature of emotion data, the GDPR does not categorize it as special data, resulting in a lack of comprehensive protection. The article also discusses the nuances of different approaches to affective computing and their relevance to the processing of special data under the GDPR. Moreover, it points to potential tensions with data protection principles, such as fairness and accuracy. Our article also highlights some of the consequences, including harm, that processing of emotion data may have for individuals concerned. Additionally, we discuss how the AI Act proposal intends to regulate affective computing. Finally, the article outlines the new obligations and transparency requirements introduced by the DSA for online platforms utilizing emotion data. Our article aims at raising awareness among the affective computing community about the applicable legal requirements when developing AC systems intended for the EU market, or when working with study participants located in the EU. We also stress the importance of protecting the fundamental rights of individuals even when the law struggles to keep up with technological developments that capture sensitive emotion data.Comment: 8 pages, 2023 11th International Conference on Affective Computing and Intelligent Interaction (ACII

    The neurobiological basis of cognitive side effects of electroconvulsive therapy : a systematic review

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    Altres ajuts: M.C. is founded by the Sara Borrell postdoctoral contract [CD20/00189].Decades of research have consistently demonstrated the efficacy of electroconvulsive therapy (ECT) for the treatment of major depressive disorder (MDD), but its clinical use remains somewhat restricted because of its cognitive side effects. The aim of this systematic review is to comprehensively summarize current evidence assessing potential biomarkers of ECT-related cognitive side effects. Based on our systematic search of human studies indexed in PubMed, Scopus, and Web of Knowledge, a total of 29 studies evaluating patients with MDD undergoing ECT were reviewed. Molecular biomarkers studies did not consistently identify concentration changes in plasma S-100 protein, neuron-specific enolase (NSE), or Aβ peptides significantly associated with cognitive performance after ECT. Importantly, these findings suggest that ECT-related cognitive side effects cannot be explained by mechanisms of neural cell damage. Notwithstanding, S-100b protein and Aβ40 peptide concentrations, as well as brain-derived neurotrophic factor (BDNF) polymorphisms, have been suggested as potential predictive biomarkers of cognitive dysfunction after ECT. In addition, recent advances in brain imaging have allowed us to identify ECT-induced volumetric and functional changes in several brain structures closely related to memory performance such as the hippocampus. We provide a preliminary framework to further evaluate neurobiological cognitive vulnerability profiles of patients with MDD treated with ECT

    Deep learning-based EEG analysis: investigating P3 ERP components

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    The neural processing of incoming stimuli can be analysed from the electroencephalogram (EEG) through event-related potentials (ERPs). The P3 component is largely investigated as it represents an important psychophysiological marker of psychiatric disorders. This is composed by several subcomponents, such as P3a and P3b, reflecting distinct but interrelated sensory and cognitive processes of incoming stimuli. Due to the low EEG signal-to-noise-ratio, ERPs emerge only after an averaging procedure across trials and subjects. Thus, this canonical ERP analysis lacks in the ability to highlight EEG neural signatures at the level of single-subject and single-trial. In this study, a deep learning-based workflow is investigated to enhance EEG neural signatures related to P3 subcomponents already at single-subject and at single-trial level. This was based on the combination of a convolutional neural network (CNN) with an explanation technique (ET). The CNN was trained using two different strategies to produce saliency representations enhancing signatures shared across subjects or more specific for each subject and trial. Cross-subject saliency representations matched the signatures already emerging from ERPs, i.e., P3a and P3b-related activity within 350–400 ms (frontal sites) and 400–650 ms (parietal sites) post-stimulus, validating the CNN+ET respect to canonical ERP analysis. Single-subject and single-trial saliency representations enhanced P3 signatures already at the single-trial scale, while EEG-derived representations at single-subject and single-trial level provided no or only mildly evident signatures. Empowering the analysis of P3 modulations at single-subject and at single-trial level, CNN+ET could be useful to provide insights about neural processes linking sensory stimulation, cognition and behaviour

    Application of Machine Learning to Electroencephalography for the Diagnosis of Primary Progressive Aphasia: A Pilot Study

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    Primary progressive aphasia (PPA) is a neurodegenerative syndrome in which diagnosis is usually challenging. Biomarkers are needed for diagnosis and monitoring. In this study, we aimed to evaluate Electroencephalography (EEG) as a biomarker for the diagnosis of PPA. Methods. We conducted a cross-sectional study with 40 PPA patients categorized as non-fluent, semantic, and logopenic variants, and 20 controls. Resting-state EEG with 32 channels was acquired and preprocessed using several procedures (quantitative EEG, wavelet transformation, autoencoders, and graph theory analysis). Seven machine learning algorithms were evaluated (Decision Tree, Elastic Net, Support Vector Machines, Random Forest, K-Nearest Neighbors, Gaussian Naive Bayes, and Multinomial Naive Bayes). Results. Diagnostic capacity to distinguish between PPA and controls was high (accuracy 75%, F1-score 83% for kNN algorithm). The most important features in the classification were derived from network analysis based on graph theory. Conversely, discrimination between PPA variants was lower (Accuracy 58% and F1-score 60% for kNN). Conclusions. The application of ML to resting-state EEG may have a role in the diagnosis of PPA, especially in the differentiation from controls. Future studies with high-density EEG should explore the capacity to distinguish between PPA variants

    Hybrid Decision Support to Monitor Atrial Fibrillation for Stroke Prevention

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    In this paper, we discuss hybrid decision support to monitor atrial fibrillation for stroke prevention. Hybrid decision support takes the form of human experts and machine algorithms working cooperatively on a diagnosis. The link to stroke prevention comes from the fact that patients with Atrial Fibrillation (AF) have a fivefold increased stroke risk. Early diagnosis, which leads to adequate AF treatment, can decrease the stroke risk by 66% and thereby prevent stroke. The monitoring service is based on Heart Rate (HR) measurements. The resulting signals are communicated and stored with Internet of Things (IoT) technology. A Deep Learning (DL) algorithm automatically estimates the AF probability. Based on this technology, we can offer four distinct services to healthcare providers: (1) universal access to patient data; (2) automated AF detection and alarm; (3) physician support; and (4) feedback channels. These four services create an environment where physicians can work symbiotically with machine algorithms to establish and communicate a high quality AF diagnosis

    Study of non-invasive cognitive tasks and feature extraction techniques for brain-computer interface (BCI) applications

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    A brain-computer interface (BCI) provides an important alternative for disabled people that enables the non-muscular communication pathway among individual thoughts and different assistive appliances. A BCI technology essentially consists of data acquisition, pre-processing, feature extraction, classification and device command. Indeed, despite the valuable and promising achievements already obtained in every component of BCI, the BCI field is still a relatively young research field and there is still much to do in order to make BCI become a mature technology. To mitigate the impediments concerning BCI, the study of cognitive task together with the EEG feature and classification framework have been investigated. There are four distinct experiments have been conducted to determine the optimum solution to those specific issues. In the first experiment, three cognitive tasks namely quick math solving, relaxed and playing games have been investigated. The features have been extracted using power spectral density (PSD), logenergy entropy, and spectral centroid and the extracted feature has been classified through the support vector machine (SVM), K-nearest neighbor (K-NN), and linear discriminant analysis (LDA). In this experiment, the best classification accuracy for single channel and five channel datasets were 86% and 91.66% respectively that have been obtained by the PSD-SVM approach. The wink based facial expressions namely left wink, right wink and no wink have been studied through fast Fourier transform (FFT) and sample range feature and then the extracted features have been classified using SVM, K-NN, and LDA. The best accuracy (98.6%) has been achieved by the sample range-SVM based approach. The eye blinking based facial expression has been investigated following the same methodology as the study of wink based facial expression. Moreover, the peak detection approach has also been employed to compute the number of blinks. The optimum accuracy of 99% has been achieved using the peak detection approach. Additionally, twoclass motor imagery hand movement has been classified using SVM, K-NN, and LDA where the feature has been extracted through PSD, spectral centroid and continuous wavelet transform (CWT). The optimum 74.7% accuracy has been achieved by the PSDSVM approach. Finally, two device command prototypes have been designed to translate the classifier output. One prototype can translate four types of cognitive tasks in terms of 5 watts four different colored bulbs, whereas, another prototype may able to control DC motor utilizing cognitive tasks. This study has delineated the implementation of every BCI component to facilitate the application of brainwave assisted assistive appliances. Finally, this thesis comes to the end by drawing the future direction regarding the current issues of BCI technology and these directions may significantly enhance usability for the implementation of commercial applications not only for the disabled but also for a significant number of healthy users

    Uso de características espectrales y temporales para clasificación de tareas mentales en señales de electroencefalografía

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    Tesis (Magíster en Neurorehabilitación)Este estudio busca validar un método de clasificación de tareas mentales a partir de la extracción de características de una señal de electroencefalografía, lo que permitiría su implementación en interfaz cerebro-computador (ICC). Para esto se utilizará una base de datos propia obtenida a partir de los registros de un grupo de personas sanas, las cuales desarrollan tareas mentales contrapuestas. A cada señal se le extraerán un set de características, las que serán usadas para entrenar y validar un grupo de clasificadores, con el objetivo de reconocer una tarea de imaginería motora determinada. El objetivo de este proyecto es desarrollar un método que permita identificar las tareas mentales a partir de trabajos de imaginería motora, obtenidos a partir del registro de electroencefalografía (EEG). En este estudio, se buscó determinar si el uso de las características seleccionadas de la señal de electroencefalograma permite una correcta clasificación con indicadores de especificidad, sensibilidad, valor predictivo positivo, valor predictivo negativo y precisión; y además se usaron tres clasificadores de distintos tipos para validar este procedimiento y para determinar cuál de ellos tenía un mejor desempeño frente a estas características específicas. Las características seleccionadas en el dominio del tiempo fueron: Desviación estándar, varianza, media, moda, mediana, kurtosis, Skewness. En el dominio de la frecuencia se utilizaron la frecuencia máxima, frecuencia mediana, frecuencia media y fase. Los clasificadores utilizados para este estudio fueron del tipo Naive Bayes, SMO y Dagging. El método desarrollado mostró, dependiendo del clasificador, valores promedio altos de especificidad, sensibilidad y precisión. Para el clasificador Naive Bayes se obtuvieron valores promedio de Sensibilidad de 0,6; Especificidad 0,7 y Precisión 0,6. Para el clasificador SMO la Sensibilidad es de 0,8; la Especificidad de 0,8 y la Precisión de 0,7. Para el Clasificador Dagging el valor promedio de Sensibilidad fue de 0,7; el de Especificidad de 0,8 y el de Precisión de 0,7. Además al graficar la curva ROC se obtiene como resultado que el mejor clasificador para este tipo de características es el de tipo SMO. En conclusión, el método desarrollado en este estudio fue capaz de diferenciar dos tareas mentales, por lo que podría ser usado en interfaz cerebro-computador. Además, los valores de sensibilidad, especificidad, valores predictivos positivos y negativos y la presición son valores óptimos en comparación al estado del arte, que presentan valores de presición cercanos al 70% en las distintas modalidades más utilizadas (Mohd Zaizu Ilyas, 2015). Y finalmente se pudo comprobar que el clasificador que mejor desempeño tiene frente a estas caracteristicas seleccionadas es el de tipo SMO