67 research outputs found

    Trust and Risk Relationship Analysis on a Workflow Basis: A Use Case

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    Trust and risk are often seen in proportion to each other; as such, high trust may induce low risk and vice versa. However, recent research argues that trust and risk relationship is implicit rather than proportional. Considering that trust and risk are implicit, this paper proposes for the first time a novel approach to view trust and risk on a basis of a W3C PROV provenance data model applied in a healthcare domain. We argue that high trust in healthcare domain can be placed in data despite of its high risk, and low trust data can have low risk depending on data quality attributes and its provenance. This is demonstrated by our trust and risk models applied to the BII case study data. The proposed theoretical approach first calculates risk values at each workflow step considering PROV concepts and second, aggregates the final risk score for the whole provenance chain. Different from risk model, trust of a workflow is derived by applying DS/AHP method. The results prove our assumption that trust and risk relationship is implicit

    Shaping trust in public schools

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    The rationale behind the selection of the topic are the shifts that occur in education institutions. The uncertainty of the environment, progressive demographic decline and the requirement of remaining competitive are driving schools to seek new ways to survive and present an attractive prospectus. One of the challenges faced by schools, and at the same time a legal obligation imposed by the legislation governing education, is the openness of schools to the environment - understood as the establishment of collaboration by the school with its local environment. The literature emphasizes that openness to the environment proves to be one of the factors strengthening trust in the organisation. Trust is crucial in shaping mutual relationships between an organisation and its environment. The paper assumes that the prerequisite for engendering trust on the part of candidates and their parents is the appropriate fulfilment of the mission by schools through their efficient management, which may be easily discerned when observing the quality of education. Research aims. The paper strives to assess the impact of trust in schools on the enrolment results and to identify which principal contributors to trust are used in the practice of Polish schools. Method. Accomplishing the objective of the paper was made possible by an analysis of the body of literature devoted to public trust, complemented by empirical studies. The studies were conducted on a targeted sample selected in an expert manner, comprising public upper-secondary schools located in the territory of the Silesian agglomeration. These studies used a structured interview methodology. The survey covered students in the first year of three upper-secondary schools (N=15), their parents (N=30) and principals of upper-secondary schools (N=3). While selecting students for the survey, winners and finalists of Olympiads and competitions for schools were taken into consideration. Key findings. The research process led to the conclusion that trust in schools has a direct impact on their enrolment results. Moreover, the findings show the degree to which the primary trust factors are harnessed in upper-secondary education institutions. Further in-depth research requires identification of interdependencies between trust and enrolment success of the school in the context of its ongoing collaboration with partners. After all, trust management constitutes a promising field of challenges for further detailed scientific research

    Efek Resiko dan Privasi terhadap Kepercayaan Menggunakan Media Sosial

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    Penelitian ini dilakukan untuk mengusulkan dan menguji model konseptual untuk mempertimbangkan model kalkulus privasi dan rasio risiko/manfaat, kami mengusulkan model kepercayaan pengguna pada jaringan sosial online dengan tiga variabel. Kami telah mengadaptasi metrik untuk tujuan penelitian kami dan kami telah menilai reliabilitas dan validitasnya. Kami menggunakan analisis pemodelan persamaan struktural berbasis Partial Least Squares (PLS), yang memvalidasi semua asumsi awal kami, yang menunjukkan bahwa tiga prediktor kami (masalah privasi, risiko yang dirasakan) menjelaskan 62% variasi kepercayaan pengguna pada jaringan sosial online, variabel yang dihasilkan dari penelitian kami. Kami juga membahas implikasi dan peluang penelitian lebih lanjut dari penelitian kami

    Исчисление мнений: расширение репутационной модели

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    Репутационная аксиоматика на основе нечетких множеств обобщается до понятия схожести мнений. Дается понятие рефлексивного множества. Вводится многоуровневая репутационная модель и рассматривается возможный вид процесса распространения мнений и репутации в средах групповых (форумы, конференции) и персональных (e-mail) коммуникаций


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    This study tests evaluates 43 Chinese tradesmen opinios describe the main factors that influnce Greek consumers’ behavior. A structural model was constructed to represent the relationship between consumer components. The model was tested for its Convergent and Discriminant Validity. Moreover it was tested for its reliability and construct reliability. The findings from this study may be used by Chinese tradesmen to develop their marketing campains and customers

    Ascertaining the financial loss from non-dependable events in business interactions by using the Monte Carlo method

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    Risk Assessment in business interactions is carried out to determine beforehand the occurrence ofundesirable events and their associated consequences. In the literature, various approaches have beenproposed by which an interaction initiating agent can ascertain the occurrence of undesirable event/s and determine their consequences in an interaction. But all of those approaches just consider those events that are related on the performance of the other agent, with whom the interaction initiating agent is forming an interaction with. It is possible that there are also such events that are not dependant on the other agent?s performance, but will directly or in-directly have an impact on the successful completion of the interaction. In this paper we will highlight the importance of considering such event/s during the process of risk assessment, and propose a methodology by which the interaction initiating agent can determine and quantify their effect on the successful completion of its business interaction

    Online Reputation Systems for the Health Sector

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    People who are seeking medical advice and care often find it difficult to obtain reliable information about the quality and competence of health service providers. While transparent quality evaluation of products and services is commonplace in most commercial services, public access to information about the quality of health services is usually very restricted. Online reputation and rating systems represent an emerging trend in decision support for service consumers. Reputation systems are based on collecting information about other parties in order to derive measures of their trustworthiness or reliability on various aspects. More specifically these systems use the Internet for the collection of ratings and for dissemination of derived reputation scores. Online rating systems applied to the health sector are already emerging. This article describes robust principles for implementing online reputation systems in the health sector. In order to prevent uncontrolled ratings, our method ensures that only genuine consumers of a specific service can rate that service. The advantage of using online reputation systems in the health sector is that it can assist consumers when deciding which health services to use, and that it gives an incentive for high quality health services among health service providers

    Non—cryptographic methods for improving real time transmission security and integrity

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    In this paper we present a few non cryptographic methods for improving the security, integrity and reliability of real time services. The methods presented in this paper apply to real time transmitting systems, which are based on the Peer-to-Peer (P2P) model. A basic idea of the first technique is to use agents for detecting steganographic content in packet headers, so packets with suspicious entries in the IP header fields will be blocked or the fields will be erased. The two other presented techniques are based on reputation and trust systems, so trust and reputation basic definitions, types and modelling methods are shown. Also a simple design scheme of using these mechanisms in a P2P real-time data transmitting infrastructure is presented. Additionally, we describe an idea of path selecting technique, which can be used to avoid paths that are susceptible to eavesdropping