11,688 research outputs found

    Applying value stream mapping in measuring software team performance through task monitoring

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    Monitoring team performance is crucial in group work to ensure equal contribution among team members. However, measuring the efficiency of the team members in educational field is difficult because the existing measurement techniques are difficult to be applied. Thus, a practical mechanism to monitor the group members’ efficiency is highly needed. This study is intended to fill this gap by proposing a technique to measure the group efficiency using Value Stream Mapping (VSM).This technique was mainly used in industry because it is able to measure the efficiency of manufacturing process and visualize it. This study consists of four main phases, which are conceptual study, design Team Performance Task Monitoring (TPTM) Technique using Value Stream Mapping (VSM), evaluation of TPTM, and writing a report. A pilot study was carried out to assess the suitability of the applied technique. Finally, findings and recommendations for future research were discussed. It concluded that VSM technique is able to view the efficiency of team members in educational tasks. Thus, it can help students to improve their performance in their learning process. It also helps educators to review the level of difficulty in assigning assignment and prepare intervention plan to improve teaching method

    PBL application in a Continuing Education Context:A case study

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    Design of virtual PBL cases for sustainability and employability

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    Self-Directed Learning Development in PBL

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    Lifelong learning is an emphasized graduate outcome for engineering professionals at the international level by the Washington Accord and at the United States national level by ABET. When a new engineer enters the profession, she will be expected to acquire new technical knowledge in order to solve a problem or create a design. Unlike her experience in college, there will not be a professor to guide this learning. The planning, execution, monitoring, and control of this learning will now fall to the new engineer. The level of the ability to succeed in this self-directed learning modality will be a function of the extent to which the lifelong learning outcome has been met. This paper studies the importance of this graduate outcome and the development of self-directed learning as the way in which the outcome is achieved. Quantitative measures are taken using the Self-Directed Learning Readiness Scale. Quantitative results show a statistically significant difference between the developments of self-regulated abilities by students in a two-year PBL curriculum as compared to students who did not undergo the PBL treatment

    Experiences from a change to student active teaching in a deductive environment:actions and reactions

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    “Are they ready?”:The technical high school as a preparation for engineering studies

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    Co-creation for transdisciplinarity - Adoption of participatory design and agile project management in collaborative research processes

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    Aquest projecte doctoral explora mètodes de cocreació aplicats a la recerca transdisciplinària. En el context de la societat de la informació, la col·laboració en recerca ha crescut en popularitat entre els equips científics, sota molts enfocaments i formes. Entre aquests, la transdisciplinarietat representa un tipus específic d'activitat científica col·laborativa. La investigació transdisciplinària va més enllà de la col·laboració d'experts de diferents disciplines, ja que també pot involucrar no experts i comunitats no científiques per abordar de manera integral diferents qüestions i problemàtiques, com és el cas de la ciència ciutadana o la recerca acció. La transdisciplinarietat implica processos de recerca complexos i nous desafiaments, com la forma d'abordar la diversitat dels participants, especialment per planificar i gestionar projectes. Aquesta tesi, articulada al voltant d'un compendi de publicacions, explora fins a quin punt i en quina mesura les metodologies de cocreació poden contribuir a abordar aquests desafiaments, en diferents contextos i fases de la recerca transdisciplinària.Este proyecto de doctorado explora métodos de cocreación aplicados a la investigación transdisciplinaria. En el contexto de la sociedad de la información, la colaboración en investigación ha crecido en popularidad entre equipos científicos, bajo muchos enfoques y formas. Entre ellos, la transdisciplinariedad representa un tipo específico de actividad científica colaborativa. La investigación transdisciplinaria va más allá de la colaboración de expertos de diferentes disciplinas, ya que también puede involucrar a no expertos y comunidades no científicas para abordar de manera integral diferentes cuestiones y problemáticas, como en el caso de la ciencia ciudadana o la investigación acción. La transdisciplinariedad implica procesos de investigación complejos y nuevos desafíos, como la forma de abordar la diversidad de los participantes, especialmente para planificar y gestionar proyectos. Esta tesis explora hasta qué punto y en qué medida las metodologías de cocreación pueden contribuir a abordar estos desafíos, en diferentes contextos y fases de la investigación transdisciplinaria.Collaborative research in the network society has taken on a number of approaches and forms and has grown in popularity among scientific teams. One specific example of this is transdisciplinary research, which not only depends on the collaboration of experts from different disciplines, but also turns to non-experts and non-scientific communities of stakeholders in order to holistically address a range of different problems and issues, as is the case with citizen science and action research. Transdisciplinarity encompasses complex research processes and faces new challenges, such as how to deal with participant diversity, especially in terms of project planning and management. This doctoral thesis, founded upon a compendium of previous research, explores if and to what extent co-creation methodologies can aid in overcoming these challenges in different contexts and phases of transdisciplinary research

    Professional Competency Development in PBL curriculum

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    Using open ended, ill formed problems to develop and assess Engineering Mathematics competencies.

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    The purpose of this paper is to report upon how an engineering mathematics class was used to provide a vehicle for students to develop mathematical competencies and hence higher order thinking skills within the broader field of engineering education. Specifically it provided students with the opportunities to think mathematically, reason mathematically, pose and resolve mathematical problems, to use technology to model resolutions, interpret and handle mathematical symbolism and to communicate their resolutions to peers and staff. Using the report produced by the Mathematics Working Group of SEFI (European Society for Engineering Education), which details a framework for mathematics curricula in engineering education (SEFI, 2013), a methodology was identified. This methodology was also based on work previously undertaken by the author (Peters, 2017; Peters, 2015). In section 2.1 (p 13) the report lists and describes a set of eight mathematical competencies: (1) Thinking mathematically, (2) reasoning mathematically, (3) posing and solving mathematical problems, (4) modelling mathematically, (5) representing mathematical entities, (6) handling mathematical symbols and formalism, (7) communicating in, with, and about mathematics and, (8) making use of aids and tools. The report also points out the importance of developing assessment procedures pertinent to competency acquisition (p7). The evidence from this investigation concludes that the majority of students found the experience challenging but worthwhile. They considered they had learnt important skills including the ability to form assumptions, persistence, time management, project management and an enhancement of their mathematical skills in relation to engineering