9,108 research outputs found

    NCAA Division III student-athletes\u27 attitudes and knowledge of anabolic steroids

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    The purpose of this study was to provide data on the attitudes, knowledge, and deterrents of National Collegiate Athletic Association (NCAA) Division III student-athletes related to illegal steroid abuse. One hundred and two student-athletes from Rowan University completed a survey to evaluate their knowledge of anabolic steroids and the NCAA Division III Drug-testing policy. The student-athletes also responded to statements regarding their current attitudes towards anabolic steroids and some deterrents to the use of steroids. Results indicated that NCAA Division III student-athletes do possess general knowledge of anabolic steroids and feel the use of anabolic steroids during athletic competition is morally wrong. The findings also suggest that there is a significant difference in the attitudes of male and female athletes in their opinions on anabolic steroid use, general knowledge of anabolic steroids, NCAA Drug-testing knowledge, and deterrents to the use of anabolic steroids

    Anabolic steroids

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    This issue of eMedRef provides information to clinicians on the pathophysiology, diagnosis, and therapeutics of anabolic steroid use

    Influence of anabolic steroids on the health of athletes

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    У статті розкрито поняття «стероїди», «анаболічні стероїди». Коротко подано історію застосування анаболічних стероїдів у медицині та спорті. Об’єкт дослідження – здоров’я спортсмена. Мета – виявлення впливу анаболічних стероїдів на здоров’я спортсмена. Методи дослідження – аналіз наукової літератури з проблеми дослідження, анкетування студентів, математична обробка результатів. У результаті дослідження обґрунтовано механізм впливу анаболічних стероїдів на організм людини. Дослідженням доведено як позитивні, так і негативні ефекти впливу цих препаратів на здоров’я спортсменів. Проте, негативних аспектів впливу анаболічних стероїдів на здоров’я спортсменів набагато більше, ніж позитивного впливу. Обґрунтовано, що спортсмени повинні уникати застосування анаболічних стероїдів. Проведене анкетування студентів – молодих спортсменів засвідчило низький рівень обізнаності про анаболічні стероїди. Одержані дані стануть у нагоді студентам – спортсменам, їхнім тренерам та викладачам.The article deals with the term "steroids", "anabolic steroids." Brief history given anabolic steroids use in medicine and sport. Object of research – the health of the athlete. Purpose of the study – to identify the impact of anabolic steroids on the health of the athlete. Methods of research – analysis of scientific literature on the study, questioning students, mathematical processing of results. The study proved mechanism of action of anabolic steroids on the human body. Research has demonstrated both positive and negative effects of these drugs on the health of athletes. However, the negative aspects of the impact of anabolic steroids on the health of athletes much more than positive effects. Proved that athletes should avoid the use of anabolic steroids. Conducted a survey of students - young athletes showed low awareness of anabolic steroids. The data will be useful for students - athletes, their coaches and teachers

    Bodybuilders\u27 Knowledge and Perceptions of the Use of Anabolic Steroids

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    This study addressed the following questions: 1. What knowledge do bodybuilders have regarding the positive and negative effects of anabolic steroids? 2. What is the perception of bodybuilders regarding the positive and negative effects of anabolic steroids

    Cardiovascular Effects of Long Term Androgenic Anabolic Steroid Use

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    Background: Anabolic steroids have been a consistent area of debate when it comes to athletes. Anabolic steroids are very common in certain sports like powerlifting and bodybuilding. Negative health effects have been found to be associated with the long term use of anabolic steroids. The objective of this review is to determine if there are negative cardiovascular effects associated with chronic androgenic anabolic steroid use when compared to non-steroid users. Methods: A literature review of past research articles was performed. Pertinent information was obtained from the sources and compiled as evidence for the topic of this paper. Results: Using primarily bodybuilder populations, the findings obtained from the articles supported decreased left ventricular function, increase in blood pressure, atherosclerosis of blood vessels, and an increase in LDL with a decrease in HDL. Conclusion: Anabolic steroids can be contributed to decreased left ventricular function, increased blood pressure, atherosclerosis, and increase LDL and decrease HDL leading to an overall decrease in cardiovascular function. Improving education on the cardiovascular impact anabolic steroids can have can ultimately decrease the risk of individuals abusing these drugs and having a decrease in overall health

    Associations Between Academic Performance of Division I Athletes and Their Perceptions of the Effects of Anabolic Steroids.

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    Data on the relationship between academic performance (grade point average) of college athletes and their perceptions of the effects of anabolic steroids on their sport and their performance were collected from Division 1 athletes (N=1,638) representing 12 varsity sports chosen from five universities nationwide. The response rate was 74%. Analysis yielded differences between athletes with high and low GPAs in perceptions of the effects of anabolic steroids. The lower the GPA, the less likely the athletes were to believe that anabolic steroids are a threat to health, are a problem in their sport, and are addictive. Also, they were more likely to believe that ana-bolic steroids enhance performance

    El consum recreatiu d'esteroides anabolitzants entre els joves valencians

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    The present study tries to measure the phenomenon of recreational consumption of anabolic steroids amongst youngsters from the city of Valencia by means of the application of qualitative methodology conducted through interviews. The sample was composed by nineteen young men aged between 21 and 34 years, that were selected from fitness centers using the snowball sampling technique. Individuals under use and abuse of anabolic steroids present patterns of consumption similar to other substances of abuse: low risk perception, repeated use and dose increase, as well as the lack of information among them. Therefore, after transcending the sports field, the consumption of anabolic steroids should be studied like any other substance of abuse in order to be able to cope with specific ad hoc designed prevention campaigns in a proper way


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    The purpose of this study was to increase understanding of factors associated with nonmedical anabolic steroid use among males ages 18-30 who do not participate in intercollegiate athletics. The Behavioral Intentions and Ergogenic Aid/Performance Enhancer use among non-intercollegiate athlete males survey instrument was developed, reviewed for content validity by a jury of experts, and pilot tested. The pilot testing results (n=25) demonstrated acceptable reliability (Cronbach’s alpha= 0.74). The final version of the Behavioral Intentions and Ergogenic Aid/Performance Enhancer use among non-intercollegiate athlete males survey instrument was administered at two distribution sites which included Ford’s Fitness Center in Lexington, Kentucky and the Johnson Center on the University of Kentucky’s campus to non-intercollegiate athlete men between the ages of 18-30 (n=121). The final version of the survey instrument was also found to be reliable (Cronbach’s alpha= 0.86).Of the 121 respondents, 7 (5.9%) reported using nonmedical anabolic steroids at least 1-2 days a week or more. A total of 9 (7.4%) men reported intending to use nonmedical anabolic steroids within the next year. Age was found to have a statistically significant association with intention to use nonmedical anabolic steroids (p=.037).Perceived behavioral control (p=.029) was found to be the strongest predictor variable of study participants’ intention to use nonmedical anabolic steroids. Muscle mass builder use (p=.011) and muscle mass builder use in combination with multivitamin use (p=.000) were found to be significant predictors of actual nonmedical anabolic steroid use. Study participants were more likely to use nonmedical anabolic steroids if they were currently using a muscle mass builder or using a muscle mass builder in combination with a multivitamin. No decision about the effectiveness of the components of perceived behavioral control (self-efficacy and control) as a one or two part construct was possible because of the small number of study participants. Two additional demographic predictor variables were found to be statistically significant with predicting the intention to use nonmedical anabolic steroids. Being a competitive bodybuilder (p=.001) was positively correlated and being satisfied with body image (p=.025) was negatively correlated with the intention to use nonmedical anabolic steroids

    Anabolic steroids for rehabilitation after hip fracture in older people (Protocol)

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    THIS IS NOT THE MOST RECENT VERSION OF THIS PROTOCOL please see: http://hdl.handle.net/2328/39182 Copyright © 2010 The Cochrane Collaboration. Published by John Wiley & Sons, Ltd. This review is made available in accordance with Cochrane Database of Systematic Review's repositories policyThis is a protocol for a Cochrane Review (Intervention). The objectives are as follows: To examine the effects of anabolic steroids on functional outcome (independence, mobility and activities of daily living) after surgical treatment of hip fracture in older people. The following main comparisons are intended, set in the context of usual or conventional care: Anabolic steroids versus no or placebo intervention Anabolic steroids with other intervention (either nutrition or exercises or both) versus no or placebo interventio

    Everyday memory deficits associated with anabolic-androgenic steroid use in regular gymnasium users

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    Background: This study compared a group of 47 regular gym users who take androgenic-anabolic steroids (the AAS group) as part of their recreational sport, with a group of 48 regular gym users who do not use AAS (the Non-AAS group) on self-reports of Retrospective memory (RM), executive function (EF) and prospective memory (PM), which are all critical to everyday remembering. Methods: All participants were tested using an on-line Survey Monkey method. The Prospective and Retrospective Memory Questionnaire (PRMQ) assessed everyday RM and PM deficits and the Executive Function Questionnaire (EFQ) assessed self-reported problems in EF. A drug-use questionnaire and a mood questionnaire were also administered Results: After observing no between-group differences on alcohol or mood, omitting anyone who drank excessively or had drank recently, smoked or reported using any illegal drug, three one-way ANCOVAs (controlling for age) revealed that the ASS group reported significantly more RM deficits, EF deficits, and PM deficits, when compared with the NonASS group. Conclusion: It was concluded that AAS use in a recreational sports context is associated with RM, EF and PM deficits, indicating that AAS use may damage everyday remembering