152 research outputs found

    Ten Years of Rich Internet Applications: A Systematic Mapping Study, and Beyond

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    BACKGROUND: The term Rich Internet Applications (RIAs) is generally associated with Web appli- cations that provide the features and functionality of traditional desktop applications. Ten years after the introduction of the term, an ample amount of research has been carried out to study various aspects of RIAs. It has thus become essential to summarize this research and provide an adequate overview. OBJECTIVE: The objective of our study is to assemble, classify and analyze all RIA research performed in the scienti c community, thus providing a consolidated overview thereof, and to identify well-established topics, trends and open research issues. Additionally, we provide a qualitative discussion of the most inter- esting ndings. This work therefore serves as a reference work for beginning and established RIA researchers alike, as well as for industrial actors that need an introduction in the eld, or seek pointers to (a speci c subset of) the state-of-the-art. METHOD: A systematic mapping study is performed in order to identify all RIA-related publications, de ne a classi cation scheme, and categorize, analyze, and discuss the identi ed research according to it. RESULTS: Our source identi cation phase resulted in 133 relevant, peer-reviewed publications, published between 2002 and 2011 in a wide variety of venues. They were subsequently classi ed according to four facets: development activity, research topic, contribution type and research type. Pie, stacked bar and bubble charts were used to visualize and analyze the results. A deeper analysis is provided for the most interesting and/or remarkable results. CONCLUSION: Analysis of the results shows that, although the RIA term was coined in 2002, the rst RIA-related research appeared in 2004. From 2007 there was a signi cant increase in research activity, peaking in 2009 and decreasing to pre-2009 levels afterwards. All development phases are covered in the identi ed research, with emphasis on \design" (33%) and \implementation" (29%). The majority of research proposes a \method" (44%), followed by \model" (22%), \methodology" (18%) and \tools" (16%); no publications in the category \metrics" were found. The preponderant research topic is \models, methods and methodologies" (23%) and to a lesser extent, \usability & accessibility" and \user interface" (11% each). On the other hand, the topic \localization, internationalization & multi-linguality" received no attention at all, and topics such as \deep web" (under 1%), \business processing", \usage analysis", \data management", \quality & metrics", (all under 2%), \semantics" and \performance" (slightly above 2%) received very few attention. Finally, there is a large majority of \solution proposals" (66%), few \evaluation research" (14%) and even fewer \validation" (6%), although the latter are increasing in recent years

    Evaluation of widget-based approaches for developing rich internet applications

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    A widget is a packaged interactive client-side application developed using Web standards and techniques. Widgets present an opportunity to formalise the approaches that are used to develop and deploy Rich Internet Applications (RIAs) for multiple platforms. The objective of the research presented in this report is to evaluate whether widgets successfully meet the requirements of a RIA, which are identified by behaviour, ease of development, security, portability and presentation concerns. A review of the widget landscape has been conducted and used to develop a conceptual widget framework. A film rating and recommendation service has been developed based on this framework and is used to evaluate whether widgets meet the requirements of a RIA. It has been determined that widget-based development approaches assist in reducing the complexities of RIA development. This is achieved by providing developers with simplified interfaces that abstract the complexities of accessing local and remote behaviour. The main weaknesses identified are the vast incompatibilities between existing implementations and the relaxed security measures being used. Further standardisation efforts are required to reduce the incompatibilities in the landscape and improve the security and portability of widgets

    Achieving Accessible Rich Internet Applications

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    This work presents guidelines on making accessible Rich Internet Applications (RIAs). The guidelines have been developed based on a thorough literature review, summarizing the current accessibility issues related to RIA. Existing solutions and recommendations have been processed and converted into a set of guidelines, aimed at those responsible for developing RIA solutions. Participants working with web development and accessibility evaluated the guidelines. The most important contribution from this project to the field of web accessibility research is strong indications of a need for process oriented accessibility guidelines

    Reverse Engineering and Testing of Rich Internet Applications

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    The World Wide Web experiences a continuous and constant evolution, where new initiatives, standards, approaches and technologies are continuously proposed for developing more effective and higher quality Web applications. To satisfy the growing request of the market for Web applications, new technologies, frameworks, tools and environments that allow to develop Web and mobile applications with the least effort and in very short time have been introduced in the last years. These new technologies have made possible the dawn of a new generation of Web applications, named Rich Internet Applications (RIAs), that offer greater usability and interactivity than traditional ones. This evolution has been accompanied by some drawbacks that are mostly due to the lack of applying well-known software engineering practices and approaches. As a consequence, new research questions and challenges have emerged in the field of web and mobile applications maintenance and testing. The research activity described in this thesis has addressed some of these topics with the specific aim of proposing new and effective solutions to the problems of modelling, reverse engineering, comprehending, re-documenting and testing existing RIAs. Due to the growing relevance of mobile applications in the renewed Web scenarios, the problem of testing mobile applications developed for the Android operating system has been addressed too, in an attempt of exploring and proposing new techniques of testing automation for these type of applications

    BioIMAX : a Web2.0 approach to visual data mining in bioimage data

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    Loyek C. BioIMAX : a Web2.0 approach to visual data mining in bioimage data. Bielefeld: Universität Bielefeld; 2012

    A UI-driven approach to facilitating effective development of rich and composite web applications

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    It is well-recognized that the development of user interfaces is one of the most time-consuming tasks in the overall application development process. At the same time, there is an increasing demand for rich and fluid user interfaces from web users. As a result, developers are facing increasing challenges in delivering web applications, especially those with rich UI requirements. In this thesis we present two solutions to facilitate the execution and rapid development of web applications with rich user interfaces. The first solution is a rich internet application (RIA) framework aimed at providing high usability and productivity to web applications, while the second solution is a UI integration framework that simplifies web application development by facilitating the composition of reusable UI components. The foundation of our RIA framework is an XML-based high-level protocol for communicating asynchronous events and incremental UI updates on the web. The protocol facilitates rich and highly interactive UI, while at the same time eliminates frequent and slow page refreshes and provides a more responsive user experience. Built on top of the protocol, a server-side runtime allows UI logic code to be executed on the server side, while a set of server-side event-driven API enables developers to implement sophisticated application-specific UI behavior. On the client side, a thin client renders UI and processes native events, but leaves application-specific logic to the server side. The thin client thus allows end users to enjoy a rich UI experience in a safe client environment, without executing any downloaded code. The proposed UI integration framework includes an abstract UI component model which allows UI components to be programmatically manipulated via events, operations, and properties, essentially exposing UI as services. To facilitate component interactions, the framework offers an event-based composition model, which allows integration logic to be specified in the form of event listeners. Composite applications are executed via a lightweight runtime middleware, which provides component adapters that allow the middleware to communicate with native UI components implemented in a variety of languages and platforms. Finally, a graphical development environment allows composite applications to be built in a drag-and-drop fashion

    The web as a runtime in mobile context

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    Web-teknologiat kehitettiin alun perin kuvaamaan staattisten web-sivujen sisältöä. Web-selainten suosion vuoksi samoja teknologioita hyödynnetään nykyisin myös sovellusten toteuttamiseen käyttäen web-selainta niiden suorittamiseen vuorovaikutteisesti. Web-teknologioiden suosiosta huolimatta ne sisältävät useita ongelmia ohjelmistojen toteuttamisen näkökulmasta. Lisäksi mobiililaitteiden rajoitukset tekevät kaikilla laitteilla toimivien sovellusten toteuttamisesta haasteellista. Tämän vuoksi uusia ohjelmistoalustoja on kehitetty ratkaisemaan web-selainten asettamia rajoituksia. Tässä diplomityössä koostetaan vaatimukset mobiililaitteissa toimiville web-sovelluksille. Tämän lisäksi web-sovelluksille luodaan luokitusjärjestelmä ja tärkeimmät web-sovelluskehitykseen liittyvät web-teknologiat ja ohjelmistoalustat esitellään. Esimerkkisovellus toteutetaan käyttäen web-teknologioita ja hyödyntäen ohjelmistoalustan ominaisuuksia. Lisäksi esimerkkisovellus arvioidaan määritettyä vaatimusmäärittelyä vastaan. Arviointi paljasti lukuisia haasteita, jotka liittyivät web-teknologioiden puutteelliseen ilmaisuvoimaan, yhteentoimivuuteen ja ohjelmistoalustan toiminnallisuuteen. Tästä huolimatta esimerkkisovellus toteutti sille asetetut vaatimukset työpöytäohjelmistotasoisesta toiminnallisuudesta.Web technologies were initially designed to facilitate the creation of static web pages. However, the ubiquity of the web browser has motivated the use of the same technologies as a basis for desktop-style applications which are executed within the web browser and have their characteristics such as high interactivity. Despite the popularity of web applications, there exists various problems due to the fact that established web technologies were not specified with applications in mind. In addition, the constraints introduced by mobile devices challenge the ubiquity of such applications. On this account, new platforms have emerged extending the capabilities of web browsers. In this thesis, the requirements for client-side web applications in mobile context are synthesized. Moreover, a taxonomy for web applications is drawn and client-side web technologies and major software platforms relevant to the client-side web applications are discussed. Furthermore, an application concept implementation developed using web technologies leveraging the capabilities of the major mobile platform is presented and evaluated against the defined requirements. The evaluation revealed various problems related to limited expressiveness of web technologies, interoperability and platform functionality. Regardless, the implementation provided a level of functionality comparable to that of native applications

    Global Diffusion of the Internet XV: Web 2.0 Technologies, Principles, and Applications: A Conceptual Framework from Technology Push and Demand Pull Perspective

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    Web 2.0, the current Internet evolution, can be described by several key features of an expanded Web that is more interactive; allows easy social interactions through participation and collaboration from a variety of human sectors; responds more immediately to users\u27 queries and needs; is easier to search; and provides a faster, smoother, realistic and engaging user search capability, often with automatic updates to users. The purpose of this study is three-fold. First, the primary goal is to propose a conceptual Web 2.0 framework that provides better understanding of the Web 2.0 concept by classifying current key components in a holistic manner. Second, using several selective key components from the conceptual framework, this study conducts case analyses of Web 2.0 applications to discuss how they have adopted the selective key features (i.e., participation, collaboration, rich user experience, social networking, semantics, and interactivity responsiveness) of the conceptual Web 2.0 framework. Finally, the study provides insightful discussion of some challenges and opportunities provided by Web 2.0 to education, business, and social life

    Reverse engineering of web applications

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    The MAP-i Doctoral Program of the Universities of Minho, Aveiro and PortoEven so many years after its genesis, the Internet is still growing. Not only are the users increasing, so are the number of different programming languages or frameworks for building Web applications. However, this plethora of technologies makes Web applications’ source code hard to comprehend and understand, thus deteriorating both their debugging and their maintenance costs. In this context, a number of proposals have been put forward to solve this problem. While, on one hand, there are techniques that analyze the entire source code of Web applications, the diversity of available implementation technology makes these techniques return unsatisfactory results. On the other hand, there are also techniques that dynamically (but blindly) explore the applications by running them and analyzing the results of randomly exploring them. In this case the results are better, but there is always the chance that some part of the application might be left unexplored. This thesis investigates if an hybrid approach combining static analysis and dynamic exploration of the user interface can provide better results. FREIA, a framework developed in the context of this thesis, is capable of analyzing Web applications automatically, deriving structural and behavioral interface models from them.Mesmo decorridos tantos anos desde a sua génese, a Internet continua a crescer. Este crescimento aplica-se não só ao número de utilizadores como também ao número de diferentes linguagens de programação e frameworks utilizadas para a construção de aplicações Web. No entanto, esta pletora de tecnologias leva a que o código fonte das aplicações Web seja difícil de compreender e analisar, deteriorando tanto o seu depuramento como os seus custos de manutenção. Neste contexto, foram desenvolvidas algumas propostas com intuito de resolver este problema. Não obstante, por um lado, existirem técnicas que analisam a totalidade do código fonte das aplicações Web, a diversidade das tecnologias de implementação existentes fazem com que estas técnicas gerem resultados insatisfatórios. Por outro lado, existem também técnicas que, dinamicamente (apesar de cegamente), exploram as aplicações, executando-as e analisando os resultados da sua exploração aleatória. Neste caso, os resultados são melhores, mas corremos o risco de ter deixado alguma parte da aplicação por explorar. Esta tese investiga se uma abordagem híbrida, combinando a análise estática com a exploração dinâmica da interface do utilizador consegue produzir melhores resultados. FREIA, uma framework desenvolvida no contexto desta tese é capaz de, automaticamente, analisar aplicações Web, derivando modelos estruturais e comportamentais da interface das mesmas.Esta investigação foi financiada pela Fundação para a Ciência e Tecnologia através da concessão de uma bolsa de doutoramento (SFRH/BD/71136/2010) no âmbito do Programa Operacional Potencial Humano (POPH), comparticipado pelo Fundo Social Europeu e por fundos nacionais do QREN