10 research outputs found

    Improved Behavior Monitoring and Classification Using Cues Parameters Extraction from Camera Array Images

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    Behavior monitoring and classification is a mechanism used to automatically identify or verify individual based on their human detection, tracking and behavior recognition from video sequences captured by a depth camera. In this paper, we designed a system that precisely classifies the nature of 3D body postures obtained by Kinect using an advanced recognizer. We proposed novel features that are suitable for depth data. These features are robust to noise, invariant to translation and scaling, and capable of monitoring fast human bodyparts movements. Lastly, advanced hidden Markov model is used to recognize different activities. In the extensive experiments, we have seen that our system consistently outperforms over three depth-based behavior datasets, i.e., IM-DailyDepthActivity, MSRDailyActivity3D and MSRAction3D in both posture classification and behavior recognition. Moreover, our system handles subject's body parts rotation, self-occlusion and body parts missing which significantly track complex activities and improve recognition rate. Due to easy accessible, low-cost and friendly deployment process of depth camera, the proposed system can be applied over various consumer-applications including patient-monitoring system, automatic video surveillance, smart homes/offices and 3D games

    Hybrid Model for Passive Locomotion Control of a Biped Humanoid:The Artificial Neural Network Approach

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    Developing a correct model for a biped robot locomotion is extremely challenging due to its inherently unstable structure because of the passive joint located at the unilateral foot-ground contact and varying configurations throughout the gait cycle, resulting variation of dynamic descriptions and control laws from phase to phase. The present research describes the development of a hybrid biped model using an Open Dynamics Engine (ODE) based analytical three link leg model as a base model and, on top of it, an Artificial Neural Network based learning model which ensures better adaptability, better limits cycle behaviors and better generalization while negotiating along a down slope. The base model has been configured according to the individual subjects and data have been collected using a novel technique through an android app from those subjects while walking down a slope. The pattern between the deviation of the actual trajectories and the base model generated trajectories has been found using a back propagation based artificial neural network architecture. It has been observed that this base model with learning based compensation enables the biped to better adapt in a real walking environment, showing better limit cycle behaviors. We also observed the bounded nature of deviation which led us to conclude that the strategy for biped locomotion control is generic in nature and largely dominated by learning

    Biometrics Authentication of Fingerprint with Using Fingerprint Reader and Microcontroller Arduino

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    The idea of security is as old as humanity itself. Between oldest methods of security were included simple mechanical locks whose authentication element was the key. At first, a universal–simple type, later unique for each lock. A long time had mechanical locks been the sole option for protection against unauthorized access. The boom of biometrics has come in the 20th century, and especially in recent years, biometrics is much expanded in the various areas of our life. Opposite of traditional security methods such as passwords, access cards, and hardware keys, it offers many benefits. The main benefits are the uniqueness and the impossibility of their loss. The main benefits are the uniqueness and the impossibility of their loss. Therefore we focussed in this paper on the the design of low cost biometric fingerprint system and subsequent implementation of this system in praxtise. Our main goal was to create a system that is capable of recognizing fingerprints from a user and then processing them. The main part of this system is the microcontroller Arduino Yun with an external interface to the scan of the fingerprint with a name Adafruit R305 (special reader). This microcontroller communicates with the external database, which ensures the exchange of data between Arduino Yun and user application. This application was created for (currently) most widespread mobile operating system-Android

    Real Time Facial Expression Recognition Using Webcam and SDK Affectiva

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    Facial expression is an essential part of communication. For this reason, the issue of human emotions evaluation using a computer is a very interesting topic, which has gained more and more attention in recent years. It is mainly related to the possibility of applying facial expression recognition in many fields such as HCI, video games, virtual reality, and analysing customer satisfaction etc. Emotions determination (recognition process) is often performed in 3 basic phases: face detection, facial features extraction, and last stage - expression classification. Most often you can meet the so-called Ekman’s classification of 6 emotional expressions (or 7 - neutral expression) as well as other types of classification - the Russell circular model, which contains up to 24 or the Plutchik’s Wheel of Emotions. The methods used in the three phases of the recognition process have not only improved over the last 60 years, but new methods and algorithms have also emerged that can determine the ViolaJones detector with greater accuracy and lower computational demands. Therefore, there are currently various solutions in the form of the Software Development Kit (SDK). In this publication, we point to the proposition and creation of our system for real-time emotion classification. Our intention was to create a system that would use all three phases of the recognition process, work fast and stable in real time. That’s why we’ve decided to take advantage of existing Affectiva SDKs. By using the classic webcamera we can detect facial landmarks on the image automatically using the Software Development Kit (SDK) from Affectiva. Geometric feature based approach is used for feature extraction. The distance between landmarks is used as a feature, and for selecting an optimal set of features, the brute force method is used. The proposed system uses neural network algorithm for classification. The proposed system recognizes 6 (respectively 7) facial expressions, namely anger, disgust, fear, happiness, sadness, surprise and neutral. We do not want to point only to the percentage of success of our solution. We want to point out the way we have determined this measurements and the results we have achieved and how these results have significantly influenced our future research direction

    A Topic Modeling Guided Approach for Semantic Knowledge Discovery in e-Commerce

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    The task of mining large unstructured text archives, extracting useful patterns and then organizing them into a knowledgebase has attained a great attention due to its vast array of immediate applications in business. Businesses thus demand new and efficient algorithms for leveraging potentially useful patterns from heterogeneous data sources that produce huge volumes of unstructured data. Due to the ability to bring out hidden themes from large text repositories, topic modeling algorithms attained significant attention in the recent past. This paper proposes an efficient and scalable method which is guided by topic modeling for extracting concepts and relationships from e-commerce product descriptions and organizing them into knowledgebase. Semantic graphs can be generated from such a knowledgebase on which meaning aware product discovery experience can be built for potential buyers. Extensive experiments using proposed unsupervised algorithms with e-commerce product descriptions collected from open web shows that our proposed method outperforms some of the existing methods of leveraging concepts and relationships so that efficient knowledgebase construction is possible

    Gait analysis of smart phones with the help of the accelerometer sensor

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    Spor alanlarında insan hareketlerini ölçme yeteneği performans ölçüm ve gelişimi için önemli konular arasındadır. Bu durum aynı zamanda klinik değerlendirmelerin de önemli bir parçasıdır. Özellikle elektromanyetik sistemler insan hareketlerini değerlendirmek için en yaygın kullanılan yöntemler arasında yer alır. Buradaki çalışmada 100 metre uzunluğunda bir koridorda 50 farklı kişinin yürüme verileri kullanılmıştır. Yürüme verileri akıllı telefon için geliştirilen bir yazılım ile ivmeölçer sensöründen elde edilmiştir. Verilere üç boyutlu Local Binary Pattern (LBP) yöntemi uygulanmış ve toplam 768 öznitelik çıkarılmıştır. Farklı sınıflandırma algoritmaları ile testler yapılmış ve Subspace KNN ile %97,2 başarılı sınıflandırma elde edilmiştir. Cinsiyete göre yapılan sınıflandırmada ise %99,7 başarılı sınıflandırma elde edilmiştir. Bu yöntem ile yürüme bozukluğu tespitinde yüksek maliyetli cihazlar yerine daha ekonomik yöntemler geliştirileceği düşünülmektedir.The ability to measure human movements in sports fields is among the important issues for performance measurement and development. This instance is also an important part of clinical evaluations. Electromagnetic systems are among the most widely used methods to evaluate human movements. In this study, walking data of 50 different people were used in a 100-meter-long corridor. The walking dataset was obtained from the accelerometer sensor with a software developed for the smartphone. Three-dimensional Local Binary Pattern (LBP) method was applied to the dataset and a total of 768 features were generated. Datasets were made with different classification algorithms and 97.2% successful classification was achieved with Subspace KNN. In the classification according to gender, 99.7% successful classification was obtained. With this method, it is thought that more economical methods will be developed instead of high-cost devices in detecting gait disorders

    Using Skeleton Correction to Improve Flash Lidar-Based Gait Recognition

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    This paper presents GlidarPoly, an efficacious pipeline of 3D gait recognition for flash lidar data based on pose estimation and robust correction of erroneous and missing joint measurements. A flash lidar can provide new opportunities for gait recognition through a fast acquisition of depth and intensity data over an extended range of distance. However, the flash lidar data are plagued by artifacts, outliers, noise, and sometimes missing measurements, which negatively affects the performance of existing analytics solutions. We present a filtering mechanism that corrects noisy and missing skeleton joint measurements to improve gait recognition. Furthermore, robust statistics are integrated with conventional feature moments to encode the dynamics of the motion. As a comparison, length-based and vector-based features extracted from the noisy skeletons are investigated for outlier removal. Experimental results illustrate the superiority of the proposed methodology in improving gait recognition given noisy, low-resolution flash lidar data

    A novel data-driven robust framework based on machine learning and knowledge graph for disease classification

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    Abstract(#br)As Noncommunicable Diseases (NCDs) are affected or controlled by diverse factors such as age, regionalism, timeliness or seasonality, they are always challenging to be treated accurately, which has impacted on daily life and work of patients. Unfortunately, although a number of researchers have already made some achievements (including clinical or even computer-based) on certain diseases, current situation is eager to be improved via computer technologies such as data mining and Deep Learning. In addition, the progress of NCD research has been hampered by privacy of health and medical data. In this paper, a hierarchical idea has been proposed to study the effects of various factors on diseases, and a data-driven framework named d-DC with good extensibility is presented. d-DC is able to classify the disease according to the occupation on the premise where the disease is occurring in a certain region. During collecting data, we used a combination of personal or family medical records and traditional methods to build a data acquisition model. Not only can it realize automatic collection and replenishment of data, but it can also effectively tackle the cold start problem of the model with relatively few data effectively. The diversity of information gathering includes structured data and unstructured data (such as plain texts, images or videos), which contributes to improve the classification accuracy and new knowledge acquisition. Apart from adopting machine learning methods, d-DC has employed knowledge graph (KG) to classify diseases for the first time. The vectorization of medical texts by using knowledge embedding is a novel consideration in the classification of diseases. When results are singular, the medical expert system was proposed to address inconsistencies through knowledge bases or online experts. The results of d-DC are displayed by using a combination of KG and traditional methods, which intuitively provides a reasonable interpretation to the results (highly descriptive). Experiments show that d-DC achieved the improved accuracy than the other previous methods. Especially, a fusion method called RKRE based on both ResNet and the expert system attained an average correct proportion of 86.95%, which is a good feasibility study in the field of disease classification