22,946 research outputs found

    A methodology for the selection of new technologies in the aviation industry

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    The purpose of this report is to present a technology selection methodology to quantify both tangible and intangible benefits of certain technology alternatives within a fuzzy environment. Specifically, it describes an application of the theory of fuzzy sets to hierarchical structural analysis and economic evaluations for utilisation in the industry. The report proposes a complete methodology to accurately select new technologies. A computer based prototype model has been developed to handle the more complex fuzzy calculations. Decision-makers are only required to express their opinions on comparative importance of various factors in linguistic terms rather than exact numerical values. These linguistic variable scales, such as ‘very high’, ‘high’, ‘medium’, ‘low’ and ‘very low’, are then converted into fuzzy numbers, since it becomes more meaningful to quantify a subjective measurement into a range rather than in an exact value. By aggregating the hierarchy, the preferential weight of each alternative technology is found, which is called fuzzy appropriate index. The fuzzy appropriate indices of different technologies are then ranked and preferential ranking orders of technologies are found. From the economic evaluation perspective, a fuzzy cash flow analysis is employed. This deals quantitatively with imprecision or uncertainties, as the cash flows are modelled as triangular fuzzy numbers which represent ‘the most likely possible value’, ‘the most pessimistic value’ and ‘the most optimistic value’. By using this methodology, the ambiguities involved in the assessment data can be effectively represented and processed to assure a more convincing and effective decision- making process when selecting new technologies in which to invest. The prototype model was validated with a case study within the aviation industry that ensured it was properly configured to meet the

    Intertemporal Choice of Fuzzy Soft Sets

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    This paper first merges two noteworthy aspects of choice. On the one hand, soft sets and fuzzy soft sets are popular models that have been largely applied to decision making problems, such as real estate valuation, medical diagnosis (glaucoma, prostate cancer, etc.), data mining, or international trade. They provide crisp or fuzzy parameterized descriptions of the universe of alternatives. On the other hand, in many decisions, costs and benefits occur at different points in time. This brings about intertemporal choices, which may involve an indefinitely large number of periods. However, the literature does not provide a model, let alone a solution, to the intertemporal problem when the alternatives are described by (fuzzy) parameterizations. In this paper, we propose a novel soft set inspired model that applies to the intertemporal framework, hence it fills an important gap in the development of fuzzy soft set theory. An algorithm allows the selection of the optimal option in intertemporal choice problems with an infinite time horizon. We illustrate its application with a numerical example involving alternative portfolios of projects that a public administration may undertake. This allows us to establish a pioneering intertemporal model of choice in the framework of extended fuzzy set theorie

    Modelling and optimizing multiple attribute decisions by using fuzzy sets

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    The purpose of this paper is to present a coherent perspective of modeling and optimizing multiple attribute decisions by using fuzzy sets. In management practice we face most of the time the situation in which a problem have several possible solutions and each solution can be analyzed using multiple criteria models. In the same time, in real life decision making process there is a given level of uncertainty which makes difficult a clear cut analytical analysis. The object of this article is to build a model approach for making multiple criteria decision using fuzzy sets of objects. Elaborating multiple attribute decisions involves performing an assessment and selecting from a given and finite set of possible alternative courses of action in the presence of a given and finite, and usually conflicting set of attributes and criteria.decision making, fuzzy sets, modeling, multiple criteria optimization.

    Ranking trapezoidal fuzzy numbers based on set theoretic indices with Hurwicz criterion / Nazirah Ramli

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    Ranking of fuzzy numbers (FNs) is an important procedure for many applications in fuzzy theory, in particular, decision-making. Various methods of ranking fuzzy numbers (RFNs) have been developed but no method can rank overlapped trapezoidal fuzzy numbers (TrFNs) satisfactorily in all cases and situations. Some methods produce non-discriminate and non-intuitive results, limited to normal TrFNs and only consider neutral decision makers’ perspective. Some methods also have complex computation and cannot discriminate the ranking of TrFNs having the same mode and symmetric spread. The objective of this thesis is to develop new ranking indices (NRI) based on Sokal & Sneath, Dice and Ochiai set theoretic similarity measure (STSM) indices, and formulate the procedures for ranking overlapped TrFNs where the overlapped TrFNs are classified into seven main types. Eight phases are involved in the development of the NRI which consist of determining the fuzzy maximum (FMax), fuzzy minimum (FMin), evidences, total evidences, pair wise ranking, transitivity of relation and ranking of n TrFNs. The TrFNs involved are taken from the benchmark cases in the literature. The usage of second function principle in determining the FMax and FMin enables the NRI to rank non-normal TrFNs and this has overcome the limitations in some of the previous ranking indices which can only rank normal TrFNs. This study investigates on the development of the NRI and based on that, two observations and three algorithms are created. The determination of ranking results of the NRI involved three stages which are by comparing the values of total evidences in the development phase, by using the observations and by using the algorithms. The observations had rendered the NRI as advantageous method in RFNs since the ranking results can be obtained for all with , and represent pessimistic, neutral and optimistic decision makers’ perspective respectively. Based on the algorithms, the ranking of each type of overlapped TrFNs can be determined merely by the point wise operations. This study evaluates the performance of NRI in terms of rationality, consistency and robustness criteria. The NRI satisfies five axioms on the rationality properties which is similar with some of the previous ranking indices. Most of the ranking results for NRI which are independent with decision makers’ perspective have consistent ranking with the previous methods. The ranking results for some TrFNs with included TrFNs having the same mode and symmetric spread (which cannot be discriminated by a number of the previous methods) are affected by the decision makers’ perspective and this shows that the NRI has strong discrimination ability. For the robustness criterion of the NRI, type of changes of the TrFNs and conditions for robustness are proposed, and these have been applied to the Anugerah Kualiti Naib Canselor (AKNC) case study. The findings show that the NRI is robust for solving AKNC case study with the Dice and Ochiai ranking indices have less computing time compared with some of the previous methods. As the NRI can rank all types of FNs and all types of decision makers’ perspective, and the ranking can be determined merely by the point wise operations, NRI becomes an advantageous ranking method for solving multi-criteria decision-making (MCDM) problems in fuzzy environment. 1 ,05 .0,05 .01 ,5.

    A fuzzy multiobjective algorithm for multiproduct batch plant: Application to protein production

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    This paper addresses the problem of the optimal design of batch plants with imprecise demands and proposes an alternative treatment of the imprecision by using fuzzy concepts. For this purpose, we extended a multiobjective genetic algorithm (MOGA) developed in previousworks, taking into account simultaneously maximization of the net present value (NPV) and two other performance criteria, i.e. the production delay/advance and a flexibility criterion. The former is computed by comparing the fuzzy computed production time to a given fuzzy production time horizon and the latter is based on the additional fuzzy demand that the plant is able to produce. The methodology provides a set of scenarios that are helpful to the decision’s maker and constitutes a very promising framework for taken imprecision into account in new product development stage
