757 research outputs found

    Autonomous matchmaking web services

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    Current Semantic Web Services research investigates how to dynamically discover assemble and invoke Web services. Despite many research efforts, Semantic Web Services are still not fully recognized in industry. One important reason is the dissevered description layers of syntax and semantics. In other words, semantics is only useful for a service broker to discover services whereas service requesters still need to invoke services based on syntactic descriptions. In this paper, we view semantics from another angle to reform the Web service framework completely (even for input messages and output messages during invocation) by using only RDF and Linked Open Data. We introduce Autonomous Matchmaking Web Services in which Web services are brokering themselves to notify the service registry whether they are suitable to the requesters. This framework is designated to more efficiently work for dynamically assembling services at run time in a massively distributed environment

    Towards a Cyber-Physical Manufacturing Cloud through Operable Digital Twins and Virtual Production Lines

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    In last decade, the paradigm of Cyber-Physical Systems (CPS) has integrated industrial manufacturing systems with Cloud Computing technologies for Cloud Manufacturing. Up to 2015, there were many CPS-based manufacturing systems that collected real-time machining data to perform remote monitoring, prognostics and health management, and predictive maintenance. However, these CPS-integrated and network ready machines were not directly connected to the elements of Cloud Manufacturing and required human-in-the-loop. Addressing this gap, we introduced a new paradigm of Cyber-Physical Manufacturing Cloud (CPMC) that bridges a gap between physical machines and virtual space in 2017. CPMC virtualizes machine tools in cloud through web services for direct monitoring and operations through Internet. Fundamentally, CPMC differs with contemporary modern manufacturing paradigms. For instance, CPMC virtualizes machining tools in cloud using remote services and establish direct Internet-based communication, which is overlooked in existing Cloud Manufacturing systems. Another contemporary, namely cyber-physical production systems enable networked access to machining tools. Nevertheless, CPMC virtualizes manufacturing resources in cloud and monitor and operate them over the Internet. This dissertation defines the fundamental concepts of CPMC and expands its horizon in different aspects of cloud-based virtual manufacturing such as Digital Twins and Virtual Production Lines. Digital Twin (DT) is another evolving concept since 2002 that creates as-is replicas of machining tools in cyber space. Up to 2018, many researchers proposed state-of-the-art DTs, which only focused on monitoring production lifecycle management through simulations and data driven analytics. But they overlooked executing manufacturing processes through DTs from virtual space. This dissertation identifies that DTs can be made more productive if they engage directly in direct execution of manufacturing operations besides monitoring. Towards this novel approach, this dissertation proposes a new operable DT model of CPMC that inherits the features of direct monitoring and operations from cloud. This research envisages and opens the door for future manufacturing systems where resources are developed as cloud-based DTs for remote and distributed manufacturing. Proposed concepts and visions of DTs have spawned the following fundamental researches. This dissertation proposes a novel concept of DT based Virtual Production Lines (VPL) in CPMC in 2019. It presents a design of a service-oriented architecture of DTs that virtualizes physical manufacturing resources in CPMC. Proposed DT architecture offers a more compact and integral service-oriented virtual representations of manufacturing resources. To re-configure a VPL, one requirement is to establish DT-to-DT collaborations in manufacturing clouds, which replicates to concurrent resource-to-resource collaborations in shop floors. Satisfying the above requirements, this research designs a novel framework to easily re-configure, monitor and operate VPLs using DTs of CPMC. CPMC publishes individual web services for machining tools, which is a traditional approach in the domain of service computing. But this approach overcrowds service registry databases. This dissertation introduces a novel fundamental service publication and discovery approach in 2020, OpenDT, which publishes DTs with collections of services. Experimental results show easier discovery and remote access of DTs while re-configuring VPLs. Proposed researches in this dissertation have received numerous citations both from industry and academia, clearly proving impacts of research contributions

    A Context Centric Model for building a Knowledge advantage Machine Based on Personal Ontology Patterns

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    Throughout the industrial era societal advancement could be attributed in large part to introduction a plethora of electromechanical machines all of which exploited a key concept known as Mechanical Advantage. In the post-industrial era exploitation of knowledge is emerging as the key enabler for societal advancement. With the advent of the Internet and the Web, while there is no dearth of knowledge, what is lacking is an efficient and practical mechanism for organizing knowledge and presenting it in a comprehensible form appropriate for every context. This is the fundamental problem addressed by my dissertation.;We begin by proposing a novel architecture for creating a Knowledge Advantage Machine (KaM), one which enables a knowledge worker to bring to bear a larger amount of knowledge to solve a problem in a shorter time. This is analogous to an electromechanical machine that enables an industrial worker to bring to bear a large amount of power to perform a task thus improving worker productivity. This work is based on the premise that while a universal KaM is beyond the realm of possibility, a KaM specific to a particular type of knowledge worker is realizable because of the limited scope of his/her personal ontology used to organize all relevant knowledge objects.;The proposed architecture is based on a society of intelligent agents which collaboratively discover, markup, and organize relevant knowledge objects into a semantic knowledge network on a continuing basis. This in-turn is exploited by another agent known as the Context Agent which determines the current context of the knowledge worker and makes available in a suitable form the relevant portion of the semantic network. In this dissertation we demonstrate the viability and extensibility of this architecture by building a prototype KaM for one type of knowledge worker such as a professor

    Intents-based Service Discovery and Integration

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    With the proliferation of Web services, when developing a new application, it makes sense to seek and leverage existing Web services rather than implementing the corresponding components from scratch. Therefore, significant research efforts have been devoted to the techniques for service discovery and integration. However, most of the existing techniques are based on the ternary participant classification of the Web service architecture which only takes into consideration the involvement of service providers, service brokers, and application developers. The activities of application end users are usually ignored. This thesis presents an Intents-based service discovery and integration approach at the conceptual level inspired by two industrial protocols: Android Intents and Web Intents. The proposed approach is characterized by allowing application end users to participate in the process of service seeking. Instead of directly binding with remote services, application developers can set an intent which semantically represents their service goal. An Intents user agent can resolve the intent and generate a list of candidate services. Then application end users can choose a service as the ultimate working service. This thesis classifies intents into explicit intents, authoritative intents, and naïve intents, and examines in depth the issue of naïve intent resolution analytically and empirically. Based on the empirical analysis, an adaptive intent resolution approach is devised. This thesis also presents a design for the Intents user agent and demonstrates its proof-of-concept prototype. Finally, Intents and the Intents user agent are applied to integrate Web applications and native applications on mobile devices

    Towards social paradigms for mobile context-aware computing in smart cities

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    Ponència presentada a la 11ª Conferencia Ibérica de Sistemas y Tecnologías de Información (CISTI 2016) celebrada a Gran Canaria els dies 15-18 de juny de 2016Mobile context-aware computing is an essential component of the smart cities infrastructure. Attempts were made to develop a model that can effectively represent a system in device to support context-aware behavior. The purpose of this paper is to identify deficiencies of the previously developed model and propose solutions to improve it.The authors gratefully acknowledge funding from the European Commission through the GEO-C project (H2020- MSCA-ITN-2014, Grant Agreement Number 642332, http://www.geo-c.eu/). Carlos Granell has been partly funded by the Ramón y Cajal Programme (grant numbers RYC-2014- 16913