30 research outputs found

    Model of Multi-Criteria Selection of Traditional Suppliers

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    Efficient supply chain management is based on the strategic cooperation of many companies (suppliers and consumers), which involves long-term interaction with business partners. To ensure a reliable supply, most of the modern companies simultaneously interact with multiple suppliers of identical products, distributing the orders between them depending on many factors characterising suppliers, their products, and supply processes in previous periods. Under these conditions, the solution of the problem of multi-criteria selection of traditional suppliers is carried out by optimising purchase amounts of different product types in accordance with the needs of the consumer company based on many criteria. The main selection criteria are supply reliability and logistics costs of the purchase and product delivery. The generalised criterion for the assessment of supply reliability reflects the results of the interaction with suppliers in previous periods and includes assessment of completeness, package contents, timeliness of supply, and quality of supplied products. The logistics costs criterion shows the rejection of product prices offered by traditional suppliers and delivery costs from the minimum values of these indicators in the markets at the time of making procurement decisions. The paper contains the developed linear programming model, which allows optimising the procurement of different types of products from several traditional suppliers under the objective function, combining the evaluation criteria of supply reliability and logistics costs. The list of suppliers for each type of product is determined by the optimisation results. The method for selection of traditional suppliers is based on the proposed mathematical model and has a numerical example illustrating its application


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    Salah satu cara yang digunakan untuk memperoleh tenaga kerja yang berkualitas adalah melakukan penerimaan calon tenaga kerja dengan cara yang terstruktur. Penerimaan calon tenaga kerja yang terstruktur dapat diperoleh dengan cara melakukan penilaian dari beberapa aspek, misalnya tes tertulis dan wawancara. Perhitungan dari aspek tersebut biasanya dilakukan secara pembobotan manual berdasarkan nilai rata-rata. Penelitian ini mengimplementasikan metode Weighted Product (WP), metode Weighted Sum Model (WSM) dan metode Multi Attribute Utility Theory (MAUT) untuk menghitung pembobotan, kemudian dibandingkan dengan hasil perangkingan manual oleh perusahaan “X”. Hasil perbandingan dari penelitian ini ditinjau dari beberapa segi. Dari segi akurasi dan error, metode MAUT memiliki akurasi sebesar 82,2% dan error 17,8%, metode WSM memiliki nilai akurasi sebesar 81,77% dan error 18,23%, metode WP memiliki akurasi sebesar 80,57% dan error 19,43%. Dari segi kecepatan compile, metode WSM memerlukan waktu selama 1.001003027 detik, metode MAUT selama 1.004904032 detik dan metode WP selama 1.010123014 detik. Dari segi kompleksitas algoritma, metode WP, WSM dan MAUT memiliki kompleksitas 3.;---One of the ways in which a qualified worker is employed is to recruit prospective workers in a structured way. Acceptance of a structured candidate can be obtained by assessing several aspects, such as written tests and interviews. Calculations of these aspects are usually done by manual weighting based on average values. This research implements Weighted Product (WP) method, Weighted Sum Model (WSM) method and Multi Attribute Utility Theory (MAUT) method to calculate weighting, then compared with manual ranking result by company "X". The comparative results of this study are reviewed in several ways. In terms of accuracy and error, MAUT method has an accuracy of 82.2% and error 17.8%, WSM method has an accuracy of 81.77% and error 18.23%, WP method has an accuracy of 80.57% and error 19.43%. In terms of compile speed, WSM method takes 1.001003027 seconds, MAUT method for 1.004904032 sec and WP method for 1.010123014 seconds. In terms of algorithm complexity, WP, WSM and MAUT methods have complexity of 3

    Izbor dobavljača primjenom metode višekriterijskog odlučivanja

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    In the present conditions of market globalization and thus increased market competition, the purchasing department and management structure of the company, in addition to answering questions what, how many and when to buy at what price, has also to be answered the question about an appropriate supplier. Supplier selection as well as the efficient inventory control can bring significant savings to a company. For the purpose of systematic evaluation of suppliers, criteria and multiple criteria AHP model (analytic hierarchy process) for selecting the best supplier have been proposed in the paper. The model is illustrated by the example of supplier selection to purchase parts for assembly of the agricultural machine. Multiple criteria and systematic quantitative approach to the supplier selection problem, significantly improve the decision-making process.U današnjim uvjetima globalizacije tržišta, a time i povećanja tržišnog natjecanja, služba nabave i upravljačke strukture u poduzeću, pored odgovora na pitanja što, koliko i kada nabaviti, te po kojoj cijeni, moraju znati i odgovor na pitanje od koga nabaviti. Izbor dobavljača, uz učinkovito upravljanje zalihama, može donijeti značajne uštede poduzeću. S ciljem sustavnog i objektivnog vrednovanja dobavljača, u radu su predloženi kriteriji i višekriterijski AHP model (analitički hijerarhijski proces) za izbor najpovoljnijeg dobavljača. Model je ilustriran na primjeru izbora najpovoljnijeg dobavljača dijelova za montažu poljoprivrednog stroja. Višekriterijskim i sustavnim kvantitativnim pristupom problemu, olakšano je donošenje objektivne odluke

    Una Asignación de Ayuda Humanitaria aplicada a la Atención de Poblaciones afectadas por Desastres Naturales

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    The frequency and impact of natural disasters are increasing, which worries affected countries, especially those where populations are most vulnerable. In Peru, vulnerability to phenomena increases due to actions of the populations that locate their homes on the banks of the active rivers, in the temporarily inactive river beds, in the streams where debris, rocks, vegetation. The Chosica district is no stranger to this situation, becoming a place with high vulnerability. During the El Niño Phenomenon of 2017, Chosica suffered the consequences of heavy flooding of the Rímac River. Given this, this study seeks to mitigate the impact of future floods in the Chosica District, determining the allocation of centralized aid by responsible government entities, prioritizing the residents according to the severity of the impact suffered and providing that support with the greatest effectiveness. For this, tools and models of Operational Research are used.La frecuencia y el impacto de los desastres naturales son cada vez más crecientes, lo cual preocupa a los países afectados, especialmente a aquellos en que las poblaciones son más vulnerables. En el Perú la vulnerabilidad ante fenómenos, se incrementa ante acciones de las poblaciones que ubican sus viviendas en las riberas de los ríos activos, en los lechos de ríos temporalmente inactivos, en las quebradas por donde se deslizan detritos, rocas, vegetación. El distrito de Chosica, no es ajeno a esta situación, constituyéndose en un lugar con alta vulnerabilidad. Durante el Fenómeno. El Niño del año 2017, Chosica sufrió las consecuencias de fuertes inundaciones del río Rímac. Ante ello, este estudio busca atenuar el impacto de inundaciones futuras en el Distrito de Chosica, determinando la asignación de la ayuda centralizada por entidades gubernamentales responsables, priorizando a los pobladores de acuerdo a la gravedad del impacto sufrido y brindando ese apoyo con la mayor eficacia. Para ello se utiliza herramientas y modelos de Investigación Operativa

    An Integrated Group Decision-making Process For Supplier Selection and Order Allocation Using Multi-attribute Utility Theory Under Fuzzy Environment.

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    Supply chain management has become a key aspect that has implications for effective and efficient management of industrial relations. It has also become an important focus for firms and organizations to obtain a competitive advantage. Supplier selection is a highly important multi-criteria group decision making problem, which requires a trade-off between multiple criteria exhibiting vagueness and imprecision with the involvement of a group of experts. In this problem if suppliers have capacity or other different constraints, two problems will exist: which suppliers are best and how much should be purchased from each selected supplier. In this paper an integrated approach of multi-attribute utility theory (MAUT) is applied to represent the decision make

    Craft retailers' supplier selection criteria - a key to market access

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    Craft producers in South Africa face difficulties selling to formal craft retailers. This is due to the lack of understanding of what craft retailers consider as important when searching for suppliers. The study was conducted to determine the importance of various supplier selection criteria that craft retailers use to evaluate suppliers. Convenience sampling was adopted and self-administered questionnaires were completed by a total of 233 craft retailers. The findings revealed that craft retailers consider product quality as the most important supplier selection criteria when evaluating craft producers as suppliers. The MANOVA results further indicated that although the importance attached to supplier selection criteria differed for various types of craft retailers, such differences occur only for selected supplier criteria. An understanding of the supplier selection criteria used by craft retailers could enable informal craft producers to gain access to the formal market.http://www.journals.co.za/ej/ejour_jcman.htmlam201

    Pengembangan Strategi Pariwisata Berbasis Ecotourism Pada Klaster Pariwisata Borobudur-dieng, Jawa Tengah

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    This study aims to evaluate the current condition of tourism of Borobudur and Dieng Higlands region, formulate the priority strategy of ecotourism in accordance with the condition of both of two regions, and formulate the priority strategy of ecotourism for cluster tourism of Borobudur-Dieng. This research was conducted using several methods, namely External Factors Evaluation Matrix (EFEM), Internal Factors Evaluation Matrix (IFEM), SWOT Analysis, and Multi Attribute Utility Theory (MAUT). Primary data for this study were collected through questionnaire and interview with some experts, local communitites, and visitors. The results of data processing showed that the performance of Borobudur region was good enough with EFEM value 3.003 and IFEM value 2 75; thus we can propose the SO strategy for Borobudur region. MAUT evaluation for Borobudur region showed that the best strategy was to conduct promotion through internet. Meanwhile EFEM value and IFEM value of Dieng Highlands region were 2.89 and 2.335 respectively, thus the best proposed strategy was WO. MAUT evaluation for Dieng Highlands region showed that the best strategy was to maintain the cleanliness of tourism destinations. Thus, MAUT evaluation for cluster tourism of Borobudur-Dieng showed that the best strategy was the government should provide tour packages that include both regions simultaneously

    A regional information-based multi-attribute and multi-objective decision-making approach for sustainable supplier selection and order allocation

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    Although extant studies proposed various models and frameworks for sustainable supplier selection problems, they paid limited attention to the incorporation of regional economic, social, and environmental factors simultaneously for global supply chain design due to the difficulty in reflecting varies dimensions of the global business environment and their associated risk in a decision model. Existing supplier selection models also tend to focus on the formulation of a simplified supply chain structure rather than considering more realistic supply chain operations under multiple sourcing and product designs. To facilitate the complex decision-making process of global supplier selection problems, this study proposes an integrated approach that consists of two phases to effectively reflect the multi-perspectives of global supply chain design for sustainability. The first phase identifies sustainable supplier regions through multi-attribute utility theory, considering four regional sustainability indices for economic and social factors in global business and logistics, to reflect the decision maker\u27s risk attitudes on global business opportunities. In the second phase, a multi-objective integer linear programming model for multiple sourcing and multiple product designs that minimizes economic and environmental objectives is applied to find optimal suppliers in the regions selected from the first phase and their order quantities. The proposed approach is illustrated through a bicycle supplier selection case study. The results show that the multi-objective sustainable decision under a multiple sourcing strategy for different product designs leads to a supply chain that is significantly different from the single-objective non-sustainable decisions. The case study under different decision scenarios shows that a decision maker should hold a balanced perspective under the multi-objective decision environment for sustainable supply chain design

    Melhoria na seleção de fornecedores aplicando o modelo AHP

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    O presente trabalho resultou de um estágio curricular, no departamento de compras da Gres Panaria Portuga S.A, empresa de cerâmica de referência Mundial. Com o crescimento acentuado do departamento de compras, foram deixadas de lado atividades de suporte (seleção, negociação e gestão de fornecedores), fundamentais na gestão da cadeia de abastecimento da empresa. A partir das oportunidades de melhoria encontradas, este projeto tem por objetivo analisar e melhorar o processo de seleção de fornecedores utilizando o Processo de Análise Hierárquica (AHP) para abordar a questão relativa à seleção de fornecedores e priorizar alternativas. Para cumprir com o objetivo do presente projeto, foram realizadas várias tarefas: recolha de informação (na organização e literatura), avaliação da situação existente, definição de critérios, aplicação do modelo AHP, e averiguação de resultados. Os resultados obtidos permitiram concluir que o modelo AHP é um método muito prático e usual quando se pretende priorizar e decompor determinado problema multicritério. Com a definição dos requisitos para a seleção de fornecedores, a empresa espera aumentar a eficiência da sua cadeia de abastecimento.The present work resulted from a curricular internship in the purchasing department of Gres Panaria Portuga SA, a reference ceramic company in the World. With the sharp growth of the purchasing department, support activities (selection, negotiation and supplier management) were fundamentally neglected in the management of the company's supply chain. Based on the improvement opportunities found, this project aims to analyze and improve the supplier selection process using the Hierarchical Analysis Process (AHP) to address the issue of supplier selection and prioritization of alternatives. In order to fulfill the objective of the present project, several tasks were carried out: collection of information (in the organization and literature), evaluation of the existing situation, definition of criteria, application of the AHP model, and verification of results. The results obtained allowed to conclude that the AHP model is a very practical and usual method when it is intended to prioritize and decompose a given multicriteria problem. By defining requirements for supplier selection, the company hopes to increase the efficiency of its supply chain.Mestrado em Engenharia e Gestão Industria