24 research outputs found

    Evaluation of the augmented reality educational application for the 2nd cycle of primary school

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    A utilização da tecnologia da realidade aumentada (RA) tem-se mostrado profícua em diversas áreas de atuação do ser humano. Neste sentido, com o presente estudo, pretende-se perceber se essas tecnologias de RA podem contribuir para informar e educar as crianças do 2º ciclo do EB sobre o surto por COVID -19. Para tal, além da revisão sistemática da literatura dos últimos cinco anos sobre a RA, realizou-se um estudo de caso com um grupo de especialistas que avaliaram uma aplicação da RA utilizando o Metaverse Studio. O estudo apresentou uma resposta bastante favorável em relação à utilização destas aplicações no contexto ensino /aprendizagem, nomeadamente no ensino básico, confirmando ser capaz de melhorar a capacidade cognitiva das crianças, permitindo-lhes reter conhecimento e desenvolver a aprendizagem criativa e autónoma após a experiência de utilização desta tecnologia.The use of augmented reality (AR) technology has been shown to be useful in several areas of human activity. In this sense, this study aims to understand whether these AR technologies can contribute to inform and educate children of the 2nd cycle of primary school about the outbreak by COVID-19. For this purpose, in addition to the systematic review of the literature of the last 5 years on AR, a case study was carried out with a group of experts who evaluated an AR application using Metaverse Studio. The study showed a very favorable response in relation to the use of these applications in the teaching-learning context, namely in basic education, confirming that it can improve the cognitive capacity of children, allowing them to retain knowledge and develop creative and autonomous learning after the experience of using this technology.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    Realidades alternativas como soporte para el desarrollo sostenible

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    En los últimos tiempos el término Desarrollo Sostenible ha cobrado fuerza. Su objetivo hace referencia a responder a las necesidades del presente de forma igualitaria, sin comprometer las posibilidades de sobrevivencia y prosperidad de las generaciones futuras. Esto lleva a la sociedad actual a enfrentar sus problemas operando de un modo ecológicamente sustentable e intentando mejorar la calidad vida de la mayor cantidad de personas. Por otro lado, la tecnología ha tenido un crecimiento exponencial que ha impactado en todos los ámbitos de nuestra vida cotidiana. En él se encuentran las tecnologías de Realidad Virtual y Realidad Aumentada, que gracias a su versatilidad y amplitud de posibilidad de aplicación, han logrado captar el interés de diversas áreas del conocimiento. Su transversalidad las convierte en posibles generadoras de iniciativas sostenibles que impactan en la educación, la concientización, el entrenamiento en cualquier ámbito, y muy específicamente en la salud, donde tienen un uso primordial. Esta propuesta de trabajo expone sobre el potencial de la Realidad Virtual y Realidad Aumentada en el alcance de los Objetivos de Desarrollo Sostenible propuestos por Naciones Unidas, con el fin de satisfacer las necesidades actuales sin comprometer los recursos y posibilidades de las futuras generaciones.Eje: Computación Gráfica, Imágenes y Visualización.Red de Universidades con Carreras en Informátic

    Kesan pembelajaran menggunakan realiti berperantara menerusi pendekatan pembelajaran berasaskan permainan terhadap pencapaian pelajar

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    Perkembangan pendidikan berubah seiring dengan perkembangan teknologi masa kini dan perkembangan ini telah membawa banyak inovasi dalam kaedah pengajaran dan pembelajaran. Maka terdapat banyak permainan yang berasaskan teknologi diperkenalkan dipasaran, tetapi bukan semua permainan sesuai dengan pembelajaran pelajar. Ini kerana kebanyakkan ciri permainan yang sedia ada kurang berkesan untuk pendidikan, maka pentingnya memilih permainan berdasarkan kriteria yang sesuai untuk pendidikan seperti matlamat permainan yang jelas, interaksi sosial dan maklum balas untuk memastikan pemain mempunyai fokus untuk mencapai objektif pembelajaran. Oleh yang demikian, kajian ini dijalankan bertujuan mereka bentuk pembelajaran berasaskan permainan yang mengintegrasikan teknologi realiti berperantara yang dinamakan sebagai Kit Pengembara dan mengkaji kesannya terhadap pencapaian akademik pelajar. Impak kajian ini diukur dengan menggunakan instrumen ujian pencapaian Geografi bagi mengukur pencapaian pelajar. Kajian secara kuasi-eksperimenal dilakasanakan terhadap pelajar tingkatan satu di sebuah sekolah menengah kebangsaan di daerah Johor Bahru. Seramai 21 pelajar terlibat sebagai kumpulan rawatan dan 21 pelajar terlibat sebagai kumpulan kawalan. Analisis ujian pencapaian menunjukkan pembelajaran berasaskan permainan yang diintegrasikan dengan Kit Pengembara dapat meningkatkan pencapaian pelajar. Kesimpulannya, kajian ini dapat memberikan idea dan membantu guru dalam mereka bentuk pembelajaran berasaskan permainan yang mengintegrasikan teknologi realiti berperantara dalam aktiviti pengajaran dan pembelajaran dengan lebih efektif

    Opinions of Secondary School Students on the Use of Mobile Augmented Reality Technology in Science Teaching

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    Mobile augmented reality (MAR) draws attention in terms of providing a flexible learning process and environment. It is thought that learning environments can be more effective using MAR technology. The research aimed to determine the secondary school students' views on the use of MAR technology in science teaching. The research was conducted with 143 students studying in the sixth grade at two different secondary schools in Turkey. In the research, convergent parallel patterns from mixed-method patterns were used. For eight weeks, the research was carried out to cover the systems unit in our body, situated in the 6th-grade science course curriculum. During the process, the Anatomy 4D application was used in the experimental group during the procedure, and the science course curriculum was used in the control group.  In this paper, a part of the mixed research, the qualitative data collected from the experimental group's semi-structured interview form and diaries were analyzed. Descriptive analysis was used to analyze the data. As a result of the research, although the students do not have a clear idea about AR and MAR technologies at the beginning of the application, it is observed that their thoughts change over time, and MAR applications are effective on the success of the course

    Augmented Reality and education: a comprehensive review and analysis of methodological considerations in empirical studies

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    Augmented reality (AR) has been gaining attention in the field of education due to its potential to enhance learning experiences. However, the use of AR in education is still relatively new, and empirical studies examining its effectiveness are limited. This review paper provides a comprehensive analysis of the methodological considerations in empirical studies that have investigated the use of AR in education. In this paper, 23 articles out of 134 articles were gathered from publishers database including Scopus, Science Direct, Springer, Taylor Francis, and Web of Science outlaying the detailed analysis of knowledge-based tests and methodologies essential for studying AR in education. The review paper further highlights the challenges and limitations of conducting such studies and also examines the outcomes and implications of empirical studies to date, providing insights into the effectiveness of AR in STEM courses. The analysis revealed that engineering education is more extensively explored compared to architecture. Additionally, mobile-based devices and AR marker-based technology are more commonly used in current studies than other AR-based devices and technologies, while probability sampling technique and pretest and post-test evaluation technique are more frequently followed by authors. Thus, based on the findings, the paper concludes with recommendations for future research directions and methodological considerations to be taken into account in empirical studies of AR in education. This review aims to provide a valuable resource for researchers and educators interested in incorporating AR technology in educational settings

    Mobiltechnológiával támogatott kutatásalapú tanulás

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    Learning supported by mobile technology is extremely popular today because these technologies can support learning in different contexts. Mobile phones, e-book readers, MP3 and portable media players, tablets, laptops, smartphones, and GPS receivers can be considered mobile technology. As it can be seen from this list, they are different IT devices that can be held in the hand. Since they are portable devices, they enable learning regardless of time and place. The learning and teaching processes realized with mobile technology are called mobile learning (m-learning). Not only the device but also the student and learning are mobile. In the 2000s, research was published in the international literature in which mobile technologies supported learning by supplementing inquiry-based learning (IBL). Mobile technology-supported inquiry-based learning (mIBL) offers potential opportunities to support different levels of inquiry and generate new types of research; it helps to arouse and maintain students’ curiosity and motivation; it connects formal school and informal natural science learning related to everyday life. Although the research results so far show that mobile technology provides adequate support for IBL learning processes, practical strategies, recommendations, and guidelines are needed for further development and appropriate educational application. This study reviews the characteristics and practical applications of mobile learning through mobile technologies, emphasizing the support of inquiry-based learning

    Clavis Aurea : An Augmented Reality Game for the Teaching of Local History

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    The aim of this study was the design, development, and evaluation of an Augmented Reality game to teach students about the local history of a Greek island. Design-based research served as the foundation of this study’s methodology. Experts in ICT in education, teachers with knowledge of the local history and primary education students participated in the evaluation of this study. The results of the evaluation showed that the game presents satisfactory levels of usability and that its content is compatible with the island’s local history. Among the factors influencing its use by students were internet connectivity, the large number of visitors at the archaeological site where the game was played, and the problem of coordinating the student groups

    An inquiry-based augmented reality mobile learning approach to fostering primary school students’ historical reasoning in non-formal settings

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    This study investigated the contribution of a location-based augmented reality (AR) inquiry-learning environment in developing 3rd grade students’ historical empathy and conceptual understanding. Historical empathy is an important element of historical thinking, which is considered to improve conceptual understanding and support the development of democratic citizens by helping students interpret, understand and connect patterns of human activity across time. Fifty-three 3rd grade students, grouped in two research conditions, participated in this study. Students visited an archaeological site with and without the support of an AR learning environment on mobile tablet devices. Data from all students were collected following a pre- and post-test design. Twelve students from the AR condition participated in individual interviews and all AR students took a delayed post-test. The results showed that students’ conceptual understanding and historical empathy increased from pre to post for both conditions. Statistically significant differences were found between the AR field trip and the traditional field trip students in the development of empathy and conceptual understanding. These results add to the literature by supporting the potential of AR technologies for the development of students’ historical empathy; several design implications are also discussed