226 research outputs found

    A Statistical Simulation Model for Mobile Radio Fading Channels

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    Recently, a Clarke\u27s model-based simulator was proposed for Rayleigh fading channels. However, that model, as shown in this paper, may encounter statistic deficiency. Therefore, an improved model is presented to remove the statistic deficiency. Furthermore, a new simulation model is proposed for Rician fading channels. This Rician fading simulator with finite number of sinusoids plus a zero-mean stochastic sinusoid as the specular (line-of-sight) component is different from all the existing Rician fading simulators, which have non-zero mean deterministic specular component. The statistical properties of the proposed Rayleigh and Rician fading channel models are analyzed in detail, which shows that these statistics either exactly match or quickly converge to the theoretically desired ones. Additionally and importantly, the probability density function of the Rician fading phase is not only independent from time but also uniformly distributed, which is fundamentally different from that of all the existing Rician fading models. The statistical properties of the new simulators are evaluated by numerical results, finding good agreement in all cases

    Novel Sum-of-Sinusoids Simulation Models for Rayleigh and Rician Fading Channels

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    The statistical properties of Clarke\u27s fading model with a finite number of sinusoids are analyzed, and an improved reference model is proposed for the simulation of Rayleigh fading channels. A novel statistical simulation model for Rician fading channels is examined. The new Rician fading simulation model employs a zero-mean stochastic sinusoid as the specular (line-of-sight) component, in contrast to existing Rician fading simulators that utilize a non-zero deterministic specular component. The statistical properties of the proposed Rician fading simulation model are analyzed in detail. It is shown that the probability density function of the Rician fading phase is not only independent of time but also uniformly distributed over [-pi, pi). This property is different from that of existing Rician fading simulators. The statistical properties of the new simulators are confirmed by extensive simulation results, showing good agreement with theoretical analysis in all cases. An explicit formula for the level-crossing rate is derived for general Rician fading when the specular component has non-zero Doppler frequenc

    Mobile Radio Channels Modeling in MATLAB

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    In this paper, a MATLAB based approach for mobile radio channels modeling is presented. Specifically, the paper introduces the basic concepts for modeling flat fading channels in MATLAB by means of user-defined m-files. Typical small-scale fading channel models are derived such as uncorrelated Rician fading channel and Rayleigh fading channel with Doppler shift. Further, simple and useful MATLAB constructions for approximation of cumulative distribution functions (CDFs) and probability density functions (PDFs) are also given. Finally, a MATLAB based Monte Carlo simulation example is presented, which comprises performance estimation of phase shift keying (PSK) signaling over a Rician fading channel

    Improvement of Fading Channel Modeling Performance for Wireless Channel

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    Fading channel modeling is generally defined as the variation of the attenuation of a signal with various variables. Time, geographical position, and radio frequency which is included. Fading is often modeled as a random process. Thus, a fading channel is a communication channel that experiences fading. In this paper, the proposed system presents a new design and simulate a wireless channel using Rayleigh channels. Rayleigh channels using two approaches (flat and frequency-selective fading channels) in order to calculate some path space loss efforts and analysis the performance of different wireless fading channel modeling. The results show that the bite error rate (BER) performance is dramatically improved in the value of signal to noise ratio (SNR) is equal to 45dB. Finally, the experimental results show that the proposed method enhances the performance of fading channel modeling by reducing the error of BER when the SNR is reduced also. Moreover, the more accurate model is Rayleigh model which can be considered for developing fading channel model

    Simulation Models with Correct Statistical Properties for Rayleigh Fading Channels

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    In this paper, new sum-of-sinusoids statistical simulation models are proposed for Rayleigh fading channels. These new models employ random path gain, random initial phase, and conditional random Doppler frequency for all individual sinusoids. It is shown that the autocorrelations and cross correlations of the quadrature components, and the autocorrelation of the complex envelope of the new simulators match the desired ones exactly, even if the number of sinusoids is as small as a single-digit integer. Moreover, the probability density functions of the envelope and phase, the level crossing rate, the average fade duration, and the autocorrelation of the squared fading envelope which contains fourth-order statistics of the new simulators, asymptotically approach the correct ones as the number of sinusoids approaches infinity, while good convergence is achieved even when the number of sinusoids is as small as eight. The new simulators can be directly used to generate multiple uncorrelated fading waveforms for frequency selective fading channels, multiple-input multiple-output channels, and diversity combining scenarios. Statistical properties of one of the new simulators are evaluated by numerical results, finding good agreements

    Mobile Networks

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    The growth in the use of mobile networks has come mainly with the third generation systems and voice traffic. With the current third generation and the arrival of the 4G, the number of mobile users in the world will exceed the number of landlines users. Audio and video streaming have had a significant increase, parallel to the requirements of bandwidth and quality of service demanded by those applications. Mobile networks require that the applications and protocols that have worked successfully in fixed networks can be used with the same level of quality in mobile scenarios. Until the third generation of mobile networks, the need to ensure reliable handovers was still an important issue. On the eve of a new generation of access networks (4G) and increased connectivity between networks of different characteristics commonly called hybrid (satellite, ad-hoc, sensors, wired, WIMAX, LAN, etc.), it is necessary to transfer mechanisms of mobility to future generations of networks. In order to achieve this, it is essential to carry out a comprehensive evaluation of the performance of current protocols and the diverse topologies to suit the new mobility conditions

    The Multi-Input Multi-Output (MIMO) Channel Modeling, Simulation and Applications

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    This thesis mainly focus on the Multi-Input Multi-Output (MIMO) channel modeling, simulation and applications. There are several ways to design a MIMO channel. Most of the examples are given in Chapter 2, where we can design channels based on the environments and also based on other conditions. One of the new MIMO channel designs based on physical and virtual channel design is discussed in Unitary-Independent- Unitary (UIU) channel modeling. For completeness, the different types of capacity are discussed in details. The capacity is very important in wireless communication. By understanding the details behind different capacity, we can improve our transmission efficiently and effectively. The level crossing rate and average duration are discussed.One of the most important topics in MIMO wireless communication is estimation. Without having the right estimation in channel prediction, the performance will not be correct. The channel estimation error on the performance of the Alamouti code was discussed. The design of the transmitter, the channel and the receiver for this system model is shown. The two different types of decoding scheme were shown - the linear combining scheme and the Maximum likelihood (ML) decoder. Once the reader understands the estimation of the MIMO channel, the estimation based on different antenna correlation is discussed. Next, the model for Mobile-to-Mobile (M2M) MIMO communication link is proposed. The old M2M Sum-of-Sinusoids simulation model and the new two ring models are discussed. As the last step, the fading channel modeling using AR model is derived and the effect of ill-conditioning of the Yule-Walker equation is also shown. A number of applications is presented to show how the performance can be evaluated using the proposed model and techniques

    An optimised QPSK-based receiver structure for possibly sparse data transmission over narrowband and wideband communication systems

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    In this dissertation an in-depth study was conducted into the design, implementation and evaluation of a QPSK-based receiver structure for application in a UMTS WCDMA environment. The novelty of this work lies with the specific receiver architecture aimed to optimise the BER performance when possibly sparse data streams are transmitted. This scenario is a real possibility according to Verd´u et al [1] and Hagenauer et al [2–6]. A novel receiver structure was conceptualised, developed and evaluated in both narrowband and wideband scenarios, where it was found to outperform conventional receivers when a sparse data stream is transmitted. In order to reach the main conclusions of this study, it was necessary to develop a realistic simulation platform. The developed platform is capable of simulating a communication system meeting the physical layer requirements of the UMTS WCDMA standard. The platform can also perform narrowband simulations. A flexible channel emulator was developed that may be configured to simulate AWGN channel conditions, frequency non-selective fading (either Rayleigh or Rician with a configurable LOS component and Doppler spread), or a full multipath scenario where each path has a configurable LOS component, Doppler spread, path gain and path delay. It is therefore possible to even simulate a complex, yet realistic, COST207-TU channel model. The platform is also capable of simulating MUI. Each interfering user has a unique and independent multipath fading channel, while sharing the same bandwidth. Finally, the entire platform executes all simulations in baseband for improved simulation times. The research outputs of this work are summarised below: A parameter, the sparseness measure, was defined in order to quantify the level by which a data stream differs from an equiprobable data stream. A novel source model was proposed and developed to simulate data streams with a specified amount of sparseness. An introductory investigation was undertaken to determine the effect of simple FEC techniques on the sparseness of an encoded data stream. Novel receiver structures for both narrowband and wideband systems were proposed, developed and evaluated for systems where possibly sparse data streams may be transmitted. Analytic expressions were derived to take the effect of sparseness into account in communication systems, including expressions for the joint PDF of a BPSK branch, the optimal decision region of a detector in AWGN conditions as well as the BER performance of a communication system employing the proposed optimal receiver in both AWGN channel conditions as well as in flat fading channel conditions. Numerous BER performance curves were obtained comparing the proposed receiver structure with conventional receivers in a variety of channel conditions, including AWGN, frequency non-selective fading and a multipath COST207-TU channel environment, as well as the effect of MUI. AFRIKAANS : In hierdie verhandeling word ’n in-diepte studie gedoen rakende die ontwerp, implementasie en evaluasie van ’n KPSK-gebaseerde ontvanger struktuur wat in ’n UMTS WKVVT omgewing gebruik kan word. Die bydrae van hierdie werk lˆe in die spesifieke ontvanger argitektuur wat daarop mik om die BFT werksverrigting te optimeer wanneer yl data strome versend word. Hierdie is ’n realistiese moontlikheid volgens Verd´u et al [1] en Hagenauer et al [2–6]. ’n Nuwe ontvanger struktuur is gekonsepsualiseer, ontwikkel en evalueer vir beide noueband en wyeband stelsels, waar dit gevind is dat dit beter werksverrigting lewer as tradisionele ontvangers wanneer yl data strome versend word. Dit was nodig om ’n realistiese simulasie platform te ontwikkel om die belangrikste gevolgtrekkings van hierdie studie te kan maak. Die ontwikkelde platform is in staat om ’n kommunikasie stelsel te simuleer wat aan die fisiese laag vereistes van die UMTS WKVVT standaard voldoen. Die platform kan ook noueband stelsels simuleer. ’n Aanpasbare kanaal simulator is ontwikkel wat opgestel kan word om SWGR kanaal toestande, plat duining (beide Rayleigh of Ricies met ’n verstelbare siglyn komponent en Doppler verspreiding), sowel as ’n veelvuldige pad omgewing (waar elke unieke pad ’n verstelbare siglyn komponent, Doppler verspreiding, pad wins en pad vertraging het) te emuleer. Dit is selfs moontlik om ’n komplekse, maar steeds realistiese COST207-TU kanaal model te simuleer. Die platform het ook die vermo¨e om VGS te simuleer. Elke steurende gebruiker het ’n unieke en onafhanklike veelvuldige pad deinende kanaal, terwyl dieselfde bandwydte gedeel word. Laastens, alle simulasies van die platvorm word in basisband uitgevoer wat verkorte simulasie periodes verseker. Die navorsingsuitsette van hierdie werk kan as volg opgesom word: ’n Parameter, die ylheidsmaatstaf, is gedefin¨ýeer om dit moontlik te maak om die vlak waarmee die ylheid van ’n datastroom verskil van ’n ewekansige stroom te versyfer. ’n Nuwe bronmodel is voorgestel en ontwikkel om datastrome met ’n spesifieke ylheid te emuleer. ’n Inleidende ondersoek is onderneem om vas te stel wat die effek van VFK tegnieke op die ylheid van ’n enkodeerde datastroom is. Nuwe ontvanger strukture is voorgestel, ontwikkel en evalueer vir beide noueband en wyeband stelsels waar yl datastrome moontlik versend kan word. Analitiese uitdrukkings is afgelei om die effek van ylheid in ag te neem in kommunikasie stelsels. Uitdrukkings vir onder andere die gedeelte WDF van ’n BFVK tak, die optimale beslissingspunt van ’n detektor in SWGR toestande, sowel as die BFT werksverrigting van ’n kommunikasie stelsel wat van die voorgestelde optimale ontvangers gebruik maak, hetsy in SWGR of in plat duinende kanaal toestande. Talryke BFT werksverrigting krommes is verkry wat die voorgestelde ontvanger struktuur vergelyk met die konvensionele ontvangers in ’n verskeidenheid kanaal toestande, insluitend SWGR, plat duinende kanale en ’n veelvuldige pad COST207-TU kanaal omgewing, sowel as in die teenwoordigheid van VGS.</p CopyrightDissertation (MEng)--University of Pretoria, 2010.Electrical, Electronic and Computer Engineeringunrestricte

    Hardware emulation of wireless communication fading channels

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    This dissertation investigates several main challenges to implementing hardware-based wireless fading channel emulators with emphasis on incorporating accurate correlation properties. Multiple-input multiple-output (MIMO) fading channels are usually triply-selective with three types of correlation: temporal correlation, inter-tap correlation, and spatial correlation. The proposed emulators implement the triply-selective fading Channel Impulse Response (CIR) by incorporating the three types of correlation into multiple uncorrelated frequency-flat Rayleigh fading waveforms while meeting real-time requirements for high data-rate, large-sized MIMO, and/or long CIR channels. Specifically, mixed parallel-serial computational structures are implemented for Kronecker products of the correlation matrices, which makes the best tradeoff between computational speed and hardware usage. Five practical fading channel examples are implemented for RF or underwater acoustic MIMO applications. The performance of the hardware emulators are verified with an Altera Field-Programmable Gate Array (FPGA) platform and the results match the software simulators in terms of statistical and correlation properties. The dissertation also contributes to the development of a 2-by-2 MIMO transceiver testbench that is used to measure real-world fading channels. Intensive channel measurements are performed for indoor fixed mobile-to-mobile channels and the estimated CIRs demonstrate the triply-selective correlation properties --Abstract, page iv
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