59,689 research outputs found

    An Improved Differential Evolution Algorithm for Data Stream Clustering

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    A Few algorithms were actualized by the analysts for performing clustering of data streams. Most of these algorithms require that the number of clusters (K) has to be fixed by the customer based on input data and it can be kept settled all through the clustering process. Stream clustering has faced few difficulties in picking up K. In this paper, we propose an efficient approach for data stream clustering by embracing an Improved Differential Evolution (IDE) algorithm. The IDE algorithm is one of the quick, powerful and productive global optimization approach for programmed clustering. In our proposed approach, we additionally apply an entropy based method for distinguishing the concept drift in the data stream and in this way updating the clustering procedure online. We demonstrated that our proposed method is contrasted with Genetic Algorithm and identified as proficient optimization algorithm. The performance of our proposed technique is assessed and cr eates the accuracy of 92.29%, the precision is 86.96%, recall is 90.30% and F-measure estimate is 88.60%

    TweeProfiles4: a weighted multidimensional stream clustering algorithm

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    O aparecimento das redes sociais abriu aos utilizadores a possibilidade de facilmente partilharem as suas ideias a respeito de diferentes temas, o que constitui uma fonte de informação enriquecedora para diversos campos. As plataformas de microblogging sofreram um grande crescimento e de forma constante nos últimos anos. O Twitter é o site de microblogging mais popular, tornando-se uma fonte de dados interessante para extração de conhecimento. Um dos principais desafios na análise de dados provenientes de redes sociais é o seu fluxo, o que dificulta a aplicação de processos tradicionais de data mining. Neste sentido, a extração de conhecimento sobre fluxos de dados tem recebido um foco significativo recentemente. O TweeProfiles é a uma ferramenta de data mining para análise e visualização de dados do Twitter sobre quatro dimensões: espacial (a localização geográfica do tweet), temporal (a data de publicação do tweet), de conteúdo (o texto do tweet) e social (o grafo dos relacionamentos). Este é um projeto em desenvolvimento que ainda possui muitos aspetos que podem ser melhorados. Uma das recentes melhorias inclui a substituição do algoritmo de clustering original, o qual não suportava o fluxo contínuo dos dados, por um método de streaming. O objetivo desta dissertação passa pela continuação do desenvolvimento do TweeProfiles. Em primeiro lugar, será proposto um novo algoritmo de clustering para fluxos de dados com o objetivo de melhorar o existente. Para esse efeito será desenvolvido um algoritmo incremental com suporte para fluxos de dados multi-dimensionais. Esta abordagem deve permitir ao utilizador alterar dinamicamente a importância relativa de cada dimensão do processo de clustering. Adicionalmente, a avaliação empírica dos resultados será alvo de melhoramento através da identificação e implementação de medidas adequadas de avaliação dos padrões extraídos. O estudo empírico será realizado através de tweets georreferenciados obtidos pelo SocialBus.The emergence of social media made it possible for users to easily share their thoughts on different topics, which constitutes a rich source of information for many fields. Microblogging platforms experienced a large and steady growth over the last few years. Twitter is the most popular microblogging site, making it an interesting source of data for pattern extraction. One of the main challenges of analyzing social media data is its continuous nature, which makes it hard to use traditional data mining. Therefore, mining stream data has also received a lot of attention recently.TweeProfiles is a data mining tool for analyzing and visualizing Twitter data over four dimensions: spatial (the location of the tweet), temporal (the timestamp of the tweet), content (the text of the tweet) and social (relationship graph). This is an ongoing project which still has many aspects that can be improved. For instance, it was recently improved by replacing the original clustering algorithm which could not handle the continuous flow of data with a streaming method. The goal of this dissertation is to continue the development of TweeProfiles. First, the stream clustering process will be improved by proposing a new algorithm. This will be achieved by developing an incremental algorithm with support for multi-dimensional streaming data. Moreover, it should make it possible for the user to dynamically change the relative importance of each dimension in the clustering. Additionally, the empirical evaluation of the results will also be improved.Suitable measures to evaluate the extracted patterns will be identified and implemented. An empirical study will be done using data consisting of georeferenced tweets from SocialBus

    Improved Algorithms for Time Decay Streams

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    In the time-decay model for data streams, elements of an underlying data set arrive sequentially with the recently arrived elements being more important. A common approach for handling large data sets is to maintain a coreset, a succinct summary of the processed data that allows approximate recovery of a predetermined query. We provide a general framework that takes any offline-coreset and gives a time-decay coreset for polynomial time decay functions. We also consider the exponential time decay model for k-median clustering, where we provide a constant factor approximation algorithm that utilizes the online facility location algorithm. Our algorithm stores O(k log(h Delta)+h) points where h is the half-life of the decay function and Delta is the aspect ratio of the dataset. Our techniques extend to k-means clustering and M-estimators as well

    Dynamic feature selection for clustering high dimensional data streams

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    open access articleChange in a data stream can occur at the concept level and at the feature level. Change at the feature level can occur if new, additional features appear in the stream or if the importance and relevance of a feature changes as the stream progresses. This type of change has not received as much attention as concept-level change. Furthermore, a lot of the methods proposed for clustering streams (density-based, graph-based, and grid-based) rely on some form of distance as a similarity metric and this is problematic in high-dimensional data where the curse of dimensionality renders distance measurements and any concept of “density” difficult. To address these two challenges we propose combining them and framing the problem as a feature selection problem, specifically a dynamic feature selection problem. We propose a dynamic feature mask for clustering high dimensional data streams. Redundant features are masked and clustering is performed along unmasked, relevant features. If a feature's perceived importance changes, the mask is updated accordingly; previously unimportant features are unmasked and features which lose relevance become masked. The proposed method is algorithm-independent and can be used with any of the existing density-based clustering algorithms which typically do not have a mechanism for dealing with feature drift and struggle with high-dimensional data. We evaluate the proposed method on four density-based clustering algorithms across four high-dimensional streams; two text streams and two image streams. In each case, the proposed dynamic feature mask improves clustering performance and reduces the processing time required by the underlying algorithm. Furthermore, change at the feature level can be observed and tracked

    New Frameworks for Offline and Streaming Coreset Constructions

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    A coreset for a set of points is a small subset of weighted points that approximately preserves important properties of the original set. Specifically, if PP is a set of points, QQ is a set of queries, and f:P×QRf:P\times Q\to\mathbb{R} is a cost function, then a set SPS\subseteq P with weights w:P[0,)w:P\to[0,\infty) is an ϵ\epsilon-coreset for some parameter ϵ>0\epsilon>0 if sSw(s)f(s,q)\sum_{s\in S}w(s)f(s,q) is a (1+ϵ)(1+\epsilon) multiplicative approximation to pPf(p,q)\sum_{p\in P}f(p,q) for all qQq\in Q. Coresets are used to solve fundamental problems in machine learning under various big data models of computation. Many of the suggested coresets in the recent decade used, or could have used a general framework for constructing coresets whose size depends quadratically on what is known as total sensitivity tt. In this paper we improve this bound from O(t2)O(t^2) to O(tlogt)O(t\log t). Thus our results imply more space efficient solutions to a number of problems, including projective clustering, kk-line clustering, and subspace approximation. Moreover, we generalize the notion of sensitivity sampling for sup-sampling that supports non-multiplicative approximations, negative cost functions and more. The main technical result is a generic reduction to the sample complexity of learning a class of functions with bounded VC dimension. We show that obtaining an (ν,α)(\nu,\alpha)-sample for this class of functions with appropriate parameters ν\nu and α\alpha suffices to achieve space efficient ϵ\epsilon-coresets. Our result implies more efficient coreset constructions for a number of interesting problems in machine learning; we show applications to kk-median/kk-means, kk-line clustering, jj-subspace approximation, and the integer (j,k)(j,k)-projective clustering problem

    Speaker segmentation and clustering

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    This survey focuses on two challenging speech processing topics, namely: speaker segmentation and speaker clustering. Speaker segmentation aims at finding speaker change points in an audio stream, whereas speaker clustering aims at grouping speech segments based on speaker characteristics. Model-based, metric-based, and hybrid speaker segmentation algorithms are reviewed. Concerning speaker clustering, deterministic and probabilistic algorithms are examined. A comparative assessment of the reviewed algorithms is undertaken, the algorithm advantages and disadvantages are indicated, insight to the algorithms is offered, and deductions as well as recommendations are given. Rich transcription and movie analysis are candidate applications that benefit from combined speaker segmentation and clustering. © 2007 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved

    A clustering algorithm for multivariate data streams with correlated components

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    Common clustering algorithms require multiple scans of all the data to achieve convergence, and this is prohibitive when large databases, with data arriving in streams, must be processed. Some algorithms to extend the popular K-means method to the analysis of streaming data are present in literature since 1998 (Bradley et al. in Scaling clustering algorithms to large databases. In: KDD. p. 9-15, 1998; O'Callaghan et al. in Streaming-data algorithms for high-quality clustering. In: Proceedings of IEEE international conference on data engineering. p. 685, 2001), based on the memorization and recursive update of a small number of summary statistics, but they either don't take into account the specific variability of the clusters, or assume that the random vectors which are processed and grouped have uncorrelated components. Unfortunately this is not the case in many practical situations. We here propose a new algorithm to process data streams, with data having correlated components and coming from clusters with different covariance matrices. Such covariance matrices are estimated via an optimal double shrinkage method, which provides positive definite estimates even in presence of a few data points, or of data having components with small variance. This is needed to invert the matrices and compute the Mahalanobis distances that we use for the data assignment to the clusters. We also estimate the total number of clusters from the data.Comment: title changed, rewritte