9,184 research outputs found

    OpenCFU, a New Free and Open-Source Software to Count Cell Colonies and Other Circular Objects

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    Counting circular objects such as cell colonies is an important source of information for biologists. Although this task is often time-consuming and subjective, it is still predominantly performed manually. The aim of the present work is to provide a new tool to enumerate circular objects from digital pictures and video streams. Here, I demonstrate that the created program, OpenCFU, is very robust, accurate and fast. In addition, it provides control over the processing parameters and is implemented in an in- tuitive and modern interface. OpenCFU is a cross-platform and open-source software freely available at http://opencfu.sourceforge.net

    Automated Counting of Bacterial Colony Forming Units on Agar Plates

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    Manual counting of bacterial colony forming units (CFUs) on agar plates is laborious and error-prone. We therefore implemented a colony counting system with a novel segmentation algorithm to discriminate bacterial colonies from blood and other agar plates

    Definition of a near real time microbiological monitor for space vehicles

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    Efforts to identify the ideal candidate to serve as the biological monitor on the space station Freedom are discussed. The literature review, the evaluation scheme, descriptions of candidate monitors, experimental studies, test beds, and culture techniques are discussed. Particular attention is given to descriptions of five candidate monitors or monitoring techniques: laser light scattering, primary fluorescence, secondary fluorescence, the volatile product detector, and the surface acoustic wave detector

    Semi-automatic model to colony forming units counting

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    Colony forming units counting is a conventional process carry out in bacteriological laboratories, and it is used to follow the behavior of bacteria in different conditions. Currently exist different systems, automatic or semi-automatic, to counting colony forming units exits, but, in general, many laboratories continue using manual counting, which consumes considerable time and effort from researchers and laboratory employees. This paper presents a mathematical model carry out to segment the colony forming units and, in this way, counting them from a digital image of the sample. The method uses the color space information of some points in the image and shows good behavior for images with many or few colony forming units in the sample, according to manual counting. The results show efficiencies close to 98% with MacConkey agar

    Portable Bacterial Identification System Based on Elastic Light Scatter Patterns

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    Background Conventional diagnosis and identification of bacteria requires shipment of samples to a laboratory for genetic and biochemical analysis. This process can take days and imposes significant delay to action in situations where timely intervention can save lives and reduce associated costs. To enable faster response to an outbreak, a low-cost, small-footprint, portable microbial-identification instrument using forward scatterometry has been developed. Results This device, weighing 9 lb and measuring 12 × 6 × 10.5 in., utilizes elastic light scatter (ELS) patterns to accurately capture bacterial colony characteristics and delivers the classification results via wireless access. The overall system consists of two CCD cameras, one rotational and one translational stage, and a 635-nm laser diode. Various software algorithms such as Hough transform, 2-D geometric moments, and the traveling salesman problem (TSP) have been implemented to provide colony count and circularity, centering process, and minimized travel time among colonies. Conclusions Experiments were conducted with four bacteria genera using pure and mixed plate and as proof of principle a field test was conducted in four different locations where the average classification rate ranged between 95 and 100%

    Intelligent computational system for colony-forming-unit enumeration and differentiation

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    Accurate quantitative analysis of microorganisms is recognized as an essential tool for gauging safety and quality in a wide range of fields. The enumeration processes of viable microorganisms via traditional culturing techniques are methodically convenient and cost-effective, conferring high applicability worldwide. However, manual counting can be time-consuming, laborious and imprecise. Furthermore, particular pathologies require an urgent and accurate response for the therapy to be effective. To reduce time limitations and perhaps discrepancies, this work introduces an intelligent image processing software capable of automatically quantifying the number of Colony Forming Units (CFUs) in Petri-plates. This rapid enumeration enables the technician to provide an expeditious assessment of the microbial load. Moreover, an auxiliary system is able to differentiate among colony images of Echerichia coli, Pseudomonas aeruginosa and Staphylococcus aureus via Machine Learning, based on a Convolutional Neural Network in a process of cross-validation. For testing and validation of the system, the three bacterial groups were cultured, and a significant labeled database was created, exercising suited microbiological laboratory methodologies and subsequent image acquisition. The system demonstrated acceptable accuracy measures; the mean values of precision, recall and F-measure were 95%, 95% and 0.95, for E. coli, 91%, 91% and 0.90 for P. aeruginosa, and 84%, 86% and 0.85 for S. aureus. The adopted deep learning approach accomplished satisfactory results, manifesting 90.31% of accuracy. Ultimately, evidence related to the time-saving potential of the system was achieved; the time spent on the quantification of plates with a high number of colonies might be reduced to a half and occasionally to a third.A análise quantitativa de microrganismos é uma ferramenta essencial na aferição da segurança e qualidade numa ampla variedade de áreas. O processo de enumeração de microrganismos viáveis através das técnicas de cultura tradicionais é económica e metodologicamente adequado, conferindo lhe alta aplicabilidade a nível mundial. Contudo, a contagem manual pode ser morosa, laboriosa e imprecisa. Em adição, certas patologias requerem uma urgente e precisa resposta de modo a que a terapia seja eficaz. De forma a reduzir limitações e discrepâncias, este trabalho apresenta um software inteligente de processamento de imagem capaz de quantificar automaticamente o número de Unidades Formadoras de Colónias (UFCs) em placas de Petri. Esta rápida enumeração, possibilita ao técnico uma expedita avaliação da carga microbiana. Adicionalmente, um sistema auxiliar tem a capacidade de diferenciar imagens de colónias de Echerichia coli, Pseudomonas aeruginosa e Staphylococcus aureus recorrendo a Machine Learning, através de uma Rede Neuronal Convolucional num processo de validação cruzada. Para testar e validar o sistema, os três grupos bacterianos foram cultivados e uma significativa base de dados foi criada, recorrendo às adequadas metodologias microbiológicas laboratoriais e subsequente aquisição de imagens. O sistema demonstrou medidas de precisão aceitáveis; os valores médios de precisão, recall e F-measure, foram 95%, 95% e 0.95, para E. coli, 91%, 91% e 0.90 para P. aeruginosa, e 84%, 86% e 0.85 para S. aureus. A abordagem deep learning obteve resultados satisfatórios, manifestando 90.31% de precisão. O sistema revelou potencial em economizar tempo; a duração de tarefas afetas à quantificação de placas com elevado número de colónias poderá ser reduzida para metade e ocasionalmente para um terço

    Computer vision approach for the determination of microbial concentration and growth kinetics using a low cost sensor system

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    The measurement of microbial contamination is of primary importance in different fields, from environmental monitoring to food safety and clinical analysis. Today, almost all microbiology laboratories make microbial concentration measurements using the standard Plate Count Technique (PCT), a manual method that must be performed by trained personnel. Since manual PCT analysis can result in eye fatigue and errors, in particular when hundreds of samples are processed every day, automatic colony counters have been built and are commercially available. While quick and reliable, these instruments are generally expensive, thus, portable colony counters based on smartphones have been developed and are of low cost but also not accurate as the commercial benchtop instruments. In this paper, a novel computer vision sensor system is presented that can measure the microbial concentration of a sample under test and also estimate the microbial growth kinetics by monitoring the colonies grown on a Petri dish at regular time intervals. The proposed method has been in-house validated by performing PCT analysis in parallel under the same conditions and using these results as a reference. All the measurements have been carried out in a laboratory using benchtop instruments, however, such a system can also be realized as an embedded sensor system to be deployed for microbial analysis outside a laboratory environment
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