1,607 research outputs found

    Robust H∞ filtering for markovian jump systems with randomly occurring nonlinearities and sensor saturation: The finite-horizon case

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    This article is posted with the permission of IEEE - Copyright @ 2011 IEEEThis paper addresses the robust H∞ filtering problem for a class of discrete time-varying Markovian jump systems with randomly occurring nonlinearities and sensor saturation. Two kinds of transition probability matrices for the Markovian process are considered, namely, the one with polytopic uncertainties and the one with partially unknown entries. The nonlinear disturbances are assumed to occur randomly according to stochastic variables satisfying the Bernoulli distributions. The main purpose of this paper is to design a robust filter, over a given finite-horizon, such that the H∞ disturbance attenuation level is guaranteed for the time-varying Markovian jump systems in the presence of both the randomly occurring nonlinearities and the sensor saturation. Sufficient conditions are established for the existence of the desired filter satisfying the H∞ performance constraint in terms of a set of recursive linear matrix inequalities. Simulation results demonstrate the effectiveness of the developed filter design scheme.This work was supported in part by the National Natural Science Foundation of China under Grants 61028008, 60825303, and 61004067, National 973 Project under Grant 2009CB320600, the Key Laboratory of Integrated Automation for the Process Industry (Northeastern University) from the Ministry of Education of China, the Engineering and Physical Sciences Research Council (EPSRC) of the U.K., under Grant GR/S27658/01, the Royal Society of the U.K., and the Alexander von Humboldt Foundation of Germany

    A delay-dependent approach to H∞ filtering for stochastic delayed jumping systems with sensor non-linearities

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    This is the post print version of the article. The official published version can be obtained from the link below - Copyright 2007 Taylor & Francis Ltd.In this paper, a delay-dependent approach is developed to deal with the stochastic H∞ filtering problem for a class of It type stochastic time-delay jumping systems subject to both the sensor non-linearities and the exogenous non-linear disturbances. The time delays enter into the system states, the sensor non-linearities and the external non-linear disturbances. The purpose of the addressed filtering problem is to seek an H∞ filter such that, in the simultaneous presence of non-linear disturbances, sensor non-linearity as well as Markovian jumping parameters, the filtering error dynamics for the stochastic time-delay system is stochastically stable with a guaranteed disturbance rejection attenuation level γ. By using It's differential formula and the Lyapunov stability theory, we develop a linear matrix inequality approach to derive sufficient conditions under which the desired filters exist. These conditions are dependent on the length of the time delay. We then characterize the expression of the filter parameters, and use a simulation example to demonstrate the effectiveness of the proposed results.This work was supported in part by the Engineering and Physical Sciences Research Council (EPSRC) of the U.K. under Grant GR/S27658/01, the Nuffield Foundation of the U.K.under Grant NAL/00630/G, and the Alexander von Humboldt Foundation of Germany

    Recent advances on filtering and control for nonlinear stochastic complex systems with incomplete information: A survey

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    This Article is provided by the Brunel Open Access Publishing Fund - Copyright @ 2012 Hindawi PublishingSome recent advances on the filtering and control problems for nonlinear stochastic complex systems with incomplete information are surveyed. The incomplete information under consideration mainly includes missing measurements, randomly varying sensor delays, signal quantization, sensor saturations, and signal sampling. With such incomplete information, the developments on various filtering and control issues are reviewed in great detail. In particular, the addressed nonlinear stochastic complex systems are so comprehensive that they include conventional nonlinear stochastic systems, different kinds of complex networks, and a large class of sensor networks. The corresponding filtering and control technologies for such nonlinear stochastic complex systems are then discussed. Subsequently, some latest results on the filtering and control problems for the complex systems with incomplete information are given. Finally, conclusions are drawn and several possible future research directions are pointed out.This work was supported in part by the National Natural Science Foundation of China under Grant nos. 61134009, 61104125, 61028008, 61174136, 60974030, and 61074129, the Qing Lan Project of Jiangsu Province of China, the Project sponsored by SRF for ROCS of SEM of China, the Engineering and Physical Sciences Research Council EPSRC of the UK under Grant GR/S27658/01, the Royal Society of the UK, and the Alexander von Humboldt Foundation of Germany

    Fault detection filter and fault accommodation controller design for uncertain systems

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    Model-based Fault Detection (FD) and Fault Accommodation (FA) approaches have been applied in a variety of cases. We propose several techniques to include uncertainties in the design process. First, we focus on the design of the Fault Detection Filter (FDF) and Fault Accommodation Controller (FAC) for Markovian Jump Linear Systems (MJLS). The MJLS framework allows us to include the network behavior (packet loss) during the design of the FDF and FAC.Second, we propose an FDF and FAC design for the MJLS, under the assumption that the Markov chain mode is not directly accessible. Since we are using the MJLS framework to model the network behavior, the assumption that the network state is not instantly accessible is useful because from a practical standpoint this is a truthful assumption. Third, from the results presented for the MJLS framework, we provided follow-up results using Lur'e Markov Jump System. This is compelling since on some occasions the non-linear behavior cannot be ignored. Therefore, applying the Lur'e MJS framework allows us to consider the same assumptions from MJLS, but now adds the non-linearities. Fourth, we propose the design Gain-Scheduled FDF and FAC for Linear Parameter Varying (LPV) systems, under the assumption that the schedule parameter is not directly acquired. We assume that the schedule parameter is subject to additive noise. This imprecision is included during the design, using change of variables and multi-simplex techniques. Finally, throughout the thesis, we provide some numerical examples to illustrate the viability of the proposed approaches

    Parameter estimation for stochastic hybrid model applied to urban traffic flow estimation

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    This study proposes a novel data-based approach for estimating the parameters of a stochastic hybrid model describing the traffic flow in an urban traffic network with signalized intersections. The model represents the evolution of the traffic flow rate, measuring the number of vehicles passing a given location per time unit. This traffic flow rate is described using a mode-dependent first-order autoregressive (AR) stochastic process. The parameters of the AR process take different values depending on the mode of traffic operation – free flowing, congested or faulty – making this a hybrid stochastic process. Mode switching occurs according to a first-order Markov chain. This study proposes an expectation-maximization (EM) technique for estimating the transition matrix of this Markovian mode process and the parameters of the AR models for each mode. The technique is applied to actual traffic flow data from the city of Jakarta, Indonesia. The model thus obtained is validated by using the smoothed inference algorithms and an online particle filter. The authors also develop an EM parameter estimation that, in combination with a time-window shift technique, can be useful and practical for periodically updating the parameters of hybrid model leading to an adaptive traffic flow state estimator

    Quantized passive filtering for switched delayed neural networks

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    The issue of quantized passive filtering for switched delayed neural networks with noise interference is studied in this paper. Both arbitrary and semi-Markov switching rules are taken into account. By choosing Lyapunov functionals and applying several inequality techniques, sufficient conditions are proposed to ensure the filter error system to be not only exponentially stable, but also exponentially passive from the noise interference to the output error. The gain matrix for the proposed quantized passive filter is able to be determined through the feasible solution of linear matrix inequalities, which are computationally tractable with the help of some popular convex optimization tools. Finally, two numerical examples are given to illustrate the usefulness of the quantized passive filter design methods

    Robust H-infinity filtering for 2-D systems with intermittent measurements

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    This paper is concerned with the problem of robust H∞ filtering for uncertain two-dimensional (2-D) systems with intermittent measurements. The parameter uncertainty is assumed to be of polytopic type, and the measurements transmission is assumed to be imperfect, which is modeled by a stochastic variable satisfying the Bernoulli random binary distribution. Our attention is focused on the design of an H∞ filter such that the filtering error system is stochastically stable and preserves a guaranteed H∞ performance. This problem is solved in the parameter-dependent framework, which is much less conservative than the quadratic approach. By introducing some slack matrix variables, the coupling between the positive definite matrices and the system matrices is eliminated, which greatly facilitates the filter design procedure. The corresponding results are established in terms of linear matrix inequalities, which can be easily tested by using standard numerical software. An example is provided to show the effectiveness of the proposed approac

    Distributed state estimation for discrete-time sensor networks with randomly varying nonlinearities and missing measurements

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    Copyright [2011] IEEE. This material is posted here with permission of the IEEE. Such permission of the IEEE does not in any way imply IEEE endorsement of any of Brunel University's products or services. Internal or personal use of this material is permitted. However, permission to reprint/republish this material for advertising or promotional purposes or for creating new collective works for resale or redistribution must be obtained from the IEEE by writing to [email protected]. By choosing to view this document, you agree to all provisions of the copyright laws protecting it.This paper deals with the distributed state estimation problem for a class of sensor networks described by discrete-time stochastic systems with randomly varying nonlinearities and missing measurements. In the sensor network, there is no centralized processor capable of collecting all the measurements from the sensors, and therefore each individual sensor needs to estimate the system state based not only on its own measurement but also on its neighboring sensors' measurements according to certain topology. The stochastic Brownian motions affect both the dynamical plant and the sensor measurement outputs. The randomly varying nonlinearities and missing measurements are introduced to reflect more realistic dynamical behaviors of the sensor networks that are caused by noisy environment as well as by probabilistic communication failures. Through available output measurements from each individual sensor, we aim to design distributed state estimators to approximate the states of the networked dynamic system. Sufficient conditions are presented to guarantee the convergence of the estimation error systems for all admissible stochastic disturbances, randomly varying nonlinearities, and missing measurements. Then, the explicit expressions of individual estimators are derived to facilitate the distributed computing of state estimation from each sensor. Finally, a numerical example is given to verify the theoretical results.This work was supported in part by the Royal Society of U.K., the National Natural Science Foundation of China under Grant 60804028 and Grant 61028008, the Teaching and Research Fund for Excellent Young Teachers at Southeast University of China, the Qing Lan Project of Jiangsu Province of China, the International Science and Technology Cooperation Project of China under Grant 2009DFA32050, and the Alexander von Humboldt Foundation of Germany