1,936 research outputs found

    The Symmetric Sugeno Integral

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    We propose an extension of the Sugeno integral for negative numbers, in the spirit of the symmetric extension of Choquet integral, also called \Sipos\ integral. Our framework is purely ordinal, since the Sugeno integral has its interest when the underlying structure is ordinal. We begin by defining negative numbers on a linearly ordered set, and we endow this new structure with a suitable algebra, very close to the ring of real numbers. In a second step, we introduce the Möbius transform on this new structure. Lastly, we define the symmetric Sugeno integral, and show its similarity with the symmetric Choquet integral.

    Weighted lattice polynomials of independent random variables

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    We give the cumulative distribution functions, the expected values, and the moments of weighted lattice polynomials when regarded as real functions of independent random variables. Since weighted lattice polynomial functions include ordinary lattice polynomial functions and, particularly, order statistics, our results encompass the corresponding formulas for these particular functions. We also provide an application to the reliability analysis of coherent systems.Comment: 14 page

    Representation of maxitive measures: an overview

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    Idempotent integration is an analogue of Lebesgue integration where σ\sigma-maxitive measures replace σ\sigma-additive measures. In addition to reviewing and unifying several Radon--Nikodym like theorems proven in the literature for the idempotent integral, we also prove new results of the same kind.Comment: 40 page

    Axiomatizations of signed discrete Choquet integrals

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    We study the so-called signed discrete Choquet integral (also called non-monotonic discrete Choquet integral) regarded as the Lov\'asz extension of a pseudo-Boolean function which vanishes at the origin. We present axiomatizations of this generalized Choquet integral, given in terms of certain functional equations, as well as by necessary and sufficient conditions which reveal desirable properties in aggregation theory

    A Discrete Choquet Integral for Ordered Systems

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    A model for a Choquet integral for arbitrary finite set systems is presented. The model includes in particular the classical model on the system of all subsets of a finite set. The general model associates canonical non-negative and positively homogeneous superadditive functionals with generalized belief functions relative to an ordered system, which are then extended to arbitrary valuations on the set system. It is shown that the general Choquet integral can be computed by a simple Monge-type algorithm for so-called intersection systems, which include as a special case weakly union-closed families. Generalizing Lov\'asz' classical characterization, we give a characterization of the superadditivity of the Choquet integral relative to a capacity on a union-closed system in terms of an appropriate model of supermodularity of such capacities

    Axiomatizations of quasi-polynomial functions on bounded chains

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    Two emergent properties in aggregation theory are investigated, namely horizontal maxitivity and comonotonic maxitivity (as well as their dual counterparts) which are commonly defined by means of certain functional equations. We completely describe the function classes axiomatized by each of these properties, up to weak versions of monotonicity in the cases of horizontal maxitivity and minitivity. While studying the classes axiomatized by combinations of these properties, we introduce the concept of quasi-polynomial function which appears as a natural extension of the well-established notion of polynomial function. We give further axiomatizations for this class both in terms of functional equations and natural relaxations of homogeneity and median decomposability. As noteworthy particular cases, we investigate those subclasses of quasi-term functions and quasi-weighted maximum and minimum functions, and provide characterizations accordingly

    Measure and integral with purely ordinal scales

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    We develop a purely ordinal model for aggregation functionals for lattice valued functions, comprising as special cases quantiles, the Ky Fan metric and the Sugeno integral. For modeling findings of psychological experiments like the reflection effect in decision behaviour under risk or uncertainty, we introduce reflection lattices. These are complete linear lattices endowed with an order reversing bijection like the reflection at 00 on the real interval [1,1][-1,1]. Mathematically we investigate the lattice of non-void intervals in a complete linear lattice, then the class of monotone interval-valued functions and

    The idempotent Radon--Nikodym theorem has a converse statement

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    Idempotent integration is an analogue of the Lebesgue integration where σ\sigma-additive measures are replaced by σ\sigma-maxitive measures. It has proved useful in many areas of mathematics such as fuzzy set theory, optimization, idempotent analysis, large deviation theory, or extreme value theory. Existence of Radon--Nikodym derivatives, which turns out to be crucial in all of these applications, was proved by Sugeno and Murofushi. Here we show a converse statement to this idempotent version of the Radon--Nikodym theorem, i.e. we characterize the σ\sigma-maxitive measures that have the Radon--Nikodym property.Comment: 13 page