48,263 research outputs found

    Making Social Work Work: Improving social work for vulnerable families and children without parental care around the world: A literature review

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    This literature review calls for families and children in developing countries to be supported in ways that are appropriate to the conditions, culture and resources available rather than through approaches to social work that are common in the west. Children living without, or at risk of losing, parental care have wide and varied needs, this paper highlights the need for more thorough assessments of appropriate approaches, functions and support needs for social workers, and suggests elements of an assessment tool to explore these issues. This paper is the first part of a longer process for developing such an assessment tool, and plans are underway to further develop and test the tool in 2012.- See more at: http://www.everychild.org.uk/resources/reports-policies/making-social-work-work#sthash.4EF6qnzc.dpu

    Provision and Collection of Safety Evidence: A Systematic Literature Review

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    Safety-Critical Systems (SCS) are becoming more and more present in modern societies’ daily lives, increasing people’s dependence on them. Current SCS are firmly based on computational technology; possible failures in the operation of these systems can lead to accidents and endanger human life, as well as damage the environment and property. SCS are present in many areas such as avionics, automotive systems, industrial plants (chemical, oil & gas, and nuclear), medical devices, railroad control, defense, and aerospace systems. Companies that develop SCS must present evidence of their safety to obtain certification and authorization. This paper presents a Systematic Literature Review (SLR) to investigate processes, tools, and techniques for collecting and managing safety evidence in SCS. The authors conducted this SLR according to the guidelines proposed by Kitchenham and Charters. The SLR comprises seven (7) research questions that investigate essential aspects of collecting and managing safety evidence. The primary studies analyzed in this SLR were selected based on a search string applied into four data sources: ACM, IEEE Xplore, SpringerLink, and ScienceDirect. Data extraction considered (fifty-one) 51 primary studies. The authors identified eleven (11) different approaches covering processes, tools, and techniques for collecting and managing safety evidence. Despite other SLR works conducted about safety evidence, none of them focused on the details related to safety evidence collection. We found that very few approaches focused specifically on the process of collecting safety evidence

    The economics of accreditation

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    This paper is a report on a research project on the economics of accreditation in the UK. The main motivation and objective for the study is to have available a detailed analysis of how the accreditation system impinges on important aspects of economic life, such as innovation and business and economic performance. It aims to improve the general understanding of the benefits of using accredited conformity assessment and to help businesses make informed decisions when procuring conformity assessment and related services. It is also intended to be helpful to government by supporting evidence-based policy making in relation to accreditation and conformity assessmen

    Commissioning, delivery and perceptions of emergency accommodation for young runaways

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    Transnational Corporations and Global Governance

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    Scholars and critics often lament that corporations rule the world, but predominant accounts of global governance imply almost the opposite: With theories populated by national governments and intergovernmental and nongovernmental organizations, it might appear that nearly everyone except corporations writes the rules that govern across borders. This article compiles research on the varied ways in which multinational and transnational corporations have shaped global governance, drawing attention to the contours and limits of corporate power. Corporations can be seen variously as sponsors, inhibitors, and direct providers of global governance. They have, for example, been sponsors of neoliberal trade rules, inhibitors of some labor and environmental regimes, and providers of private standards for finance, safety, sustainability, and human rights. Scholars may be tempted to focus on just one of these roles or to presume unified corporate dominance, but it is important to grapple with all three and to investigate the conditions under which corporate actions are more or less unified and decisive.Introduction National, multinational, and transnational corporations in sociology Sponsors Inhibitors Providers: The rise of private authority Implications Disclosure statement Acknowledgements Literature cite

    Postcards from the Edge: A Review of the Business and Environment Literature

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    Environmental issues, while of growing interest, have been outside the main focus of business scholarship. This position on the periphery may have been a good thing. It allowed scholars of business and the environment to consider unusual theories and evaluate overlooked phenomenon. In doing so, they created a body of research that provides new insights on two topics of mainstream interest -- the sources of competitive advantage and the origin and function of self-regulatory institutions.competitive advantage;business and environment;environmental issues

    A scoping review of market links between value chain actors and small-scale producers in developing regions

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    Sustainable Development Goal 2 aims to end hunger, achieve food and nutrition security and promote sustainable agriculture by 2030. This requires that small-scale producers be included in, and benefit from, the rapid growth and transformation under way in food systems. Small-scale producers interact with various actors when they link with markets, including product traders, logistics firms, processors and retailers. The literature has explored primarily how large firms interact with farmers through formal contracts and resource provision arrangements. Although important, contracts constitute a very small share of smallholder market interactions. There has been little exploration of whether non-contract interactions between small farmers and both small- and large-scale value chain actors have affected small farmers’ livelihoods. This scoping review covers 202 studies on that topic. We find that non-contract interactions, de facto mostly with small and medium enterprises, benefit small-scale producers via similar mechanisms that the literature has previously credited to large firms. Small and medium enterprises, not just large enterprises, address idiosyncratic market failures and asset shortfalls of small-scale producers by providing them, through informal arrangements, with complementary services such as input provision, credit, information and logistics. Providing these services directly supports Sustainable Development Goal 2 by improving farmer welfare through technology adoption and greater productivity

    Environmental Risk Management and the Business Firm

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    This chapter considers three matters that business firms whose activities can be dangerous for human health and the environment increasingly have to deal with: public disclosure of all health and environmental risks, direct involvement of stakeholders in the management of operations, and integration of health and environmental risk management with the management of other business risks. It summarizes recent managerial economics research on those matters and suggests some promising research areas. Ce chapitre considÚre trois questions qui préoccupent de plus en plus les firmes dont les activités font peser certains risques sur la santé humaine et l'environnement, soit la révélation au public de ces risques, l'implication directe de parties externes (assureurs, banquiers, représentants du public, etc.) dans la gestion des opérations, voire la planification stratégique, et la gestion intégrée de tous les risques d'affaires. On résume les récentes percées de l'économie managériale sur ces sujets, et l'on indique certaines pistes de recherche particuliÚrement prometteuses.Environmental risk disclosures, extended liability, integrated risk management, Bilan environnemental, responsabilité étendue, gestion intégrée des risques
