8 research outputs found

    Compiling to a VLIW fragment pipeline

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    An experimental comparison of cache-oblivious and cache-conscious programs

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    Cache-oblivious algorithms have been advanced as a way of circumventing some of the difficulties of optimizing applica-tions to take advantage of the memory hierarchy of mod-ern microprocessors. These algorithms are based on the divide-and-conquer paradigm – each division step creates sub-problems of smaller size, and when the working set of a sub-problem fits in some level of the memory hierarchy, the computations in that sub-problem can be executed without suffering capacity misses at that level. In this way, divide-and-conquer algorithms adapt automatically to all levels of the memory hierarchy; in fact, for problems like matrix mul-tiplication, matrix transpose, and FFT, these recursive al-gorithms are optimal to within constant factors for some theoretical models of the memory hierarchy. An important question is the following: how well do care-fully tuned cache-oblivious programs perform compared to carefully tuned cache-conscious programs for the same prob-lem? Is there a price for obliviousness, and if so, how much performance do we lose? Somewhat surprisingly, there are few studies in the literature that have addressed this ques-tion. This paper reports the results of such a study in the domain of dense linear algebra. Our main finding is that in this domain, even highly optimized cache-oblivious pro-grams perform significantly worse than corresponding cache-conscious programs. We provide insights into why this is so, and suggest research directions for making cache-oblivious algorithms more competitive

    Combined instruction scheduling and register allocation

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    Hardware-software codesign in a high-level synthesis environment

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    Interfacing hardware-oriented high-level synthesis to software development is a computationally hard problem for which no general solution exists. Under special conditions, the hardware-software codesign (system-level synthesis) problem may be analyzed with traditional tools and efficient heuristics. This dissertation introduces a new alternative to the currently used heuristic methods. The new approach combines the results of top-down hardware development with existing basic hardware units (bottom-up libraries) and compiler generation tools. The optimization goal is to maximize operating frequency or minimize cost with reasonable tradeoffs in other properties. The dissertation research provides a unified approach to hardware-software codesign. The improvements over previously existing design methodologies are presented in the frame-work of an academic CAD environment (PIPE). This CAD environment implements a sufficient subset of functions of commercial microelectronics CAD packages. The results may be generalized for other general-purpose algorithms or environments. Reference benchmarks are used to validate the new approach. Most of the well-known benchmarks are based on discrete-time numerical simulations, digital filtering applications, and cryptography (an emerging field in benchmarking). As there is a need for high-performance applications, an additional requirement for this dissertation is to investigate pipelined hardware-software systems\u27 performance and design methods. The results demonstrate that the quality of existing heuristics does not change in the enhanced, hardware-software environment

    Compilation optimisante à l'aide de métaheuristiques

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    Thèse numérisée par la Direction des bibliothèques de l'Université de Montréal

    Estudo e desenvolvimento de sistemas de geração de back-ends do processo de compilação

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    O back-end de um compilador agrupa todo um conjunto de tarefas cuja implementação é intrinsecamente dependente das características do processador para o qual se pretende gerar código. A rápida evolução da industria dos processadores e microcontroladores levou esta área de desenvolvimento de software a realizar fortes investimentos na pesquisa de meios que permitissem dar uma resposta rápida e de qualidade à procura verificada. É dentro deste contexto que surge o tema e o trabalho desenvolvido ao longo desta tese de mestrado, que pretende de alguma forma sintetizar o que já se encontra feito e propor algumas soluções, que apesar de individualmente não serem originais permitem, quando em conjunto, vislumbrar alternativas aos sistemas já concebidos e avançar um pouco mais na área de investigação dos geradores de código final e optimizadores. O trabalho aqui descrito é extremamente abrangente para uma qualquer tese, cobrindo todas as áreas do processo de compilação a partir da análise semântica até à geração do código máquina, passando pela apresentação de modelos de compiladores, representação da informação, sistemas de análise de fluxo de controlo e de dados, alocação de registos local e global, selecção de instruções e geração de selectores, optimização de código a vários níveis, etc. É ainda de referir que do trabalho desenvolvido resultou o Back-End Development System, que como o nome indica é um sistema de apoio ao desenvolvimento das tarefas de back-end de um compilador. The back-end of a compiler gathers a group of tasks, whose implementation is directly dependent on the features of the processor for which machine code is intended to be generated. The fast evolution of processors and micro-controllers industry lead this area of software development to perform strong investments in the research of means, which would give a fast and proper answer to the demand. It is within this context that the theme and the work carried on through this thesis emerges. The aim of this work is to synthesise what has already been done and to give some solutions which, although individually not original, when put together, they allow alternatives to the pre-established systems and move on a little further in the research of generators of final code and optimisers. This work is extremely wide-ranging, covering all areas of the compiling process, going from the semantic analyses till the generation of machine code. It also contains the presentation of models of compilers, representation of information, control and data flow analysis, local and global registers allocation, instructions selection and generation of selectors, code optimisation at several levels, etc. It is also important to refer that from the development work emerged the Back-End Development System, which, as the name itself indicates, is a software system to support development of back-end tasks of a compiler

    Estudo e desenvolvimento de sistemas de geração de back-ends do processo de compilação

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    O back-end de um compilador agrupa todo um conjunto de tarefas cuja implementação é intrinsecamente dependente das características do processador para o qual se pretende gerar código. A rápida evolução da industria dos processadores e microcontroladores levou esta área de desenvolvimento de software a realizar fortes investimentos na pesquisa de meios que permitissem dar uma resposta rápida e de qualidade à procura verificada. É dentro deste contexto que surge o tema e o trabalho desenvolvido ao longo desta tese de mestrado, que pretende de alguma forma sintetizar o que já se encontra feito e propor algumas soluções, que apesar de individualmente não serem originais permitem, quando em conjunto, vislumbrar alternativas aos sistemas já concebidos e avançar um pouco mais na área de investigação dos geradores de código final e optimizadores. O trabalho aqui descrito é extremamente abrangente para uma qualquer tese, cobrindo todas as áreas do processo de compilação a partir da análise semântica até à geração do código máquina, passando pela apresentação de modelos de compiladores, representação da informação, sistemas de análise de fluxo de controlo e de dados, alocação de registos local e global, selecção de instruções e geração de selectores, optimização de código a vários níveis, etc. É ainda de referir que do trabalho desenvolvido resultou o Back-End Development System, que como o nome indica é um sistema de apoio ao desenvolvimento das tarefas de back-end de um compilador. The back-end of a compiler gathers a group of tasks, whose implementation is directly dependent on the features of the processor for which machine code is intended to be generated. The fast evolution of processors and micro-controllers industry lead this area of software development to perform strong investments in the research of means, which would give a fast and proper answer to the demand. It is within this context that the theme and the work carried on through this thesis emerges. The aim of this work is to synthesise what has already been done and to give some solutions which, although individually not original, when put together, they allow alternatives to the pre-established systems and move on a little further in the research of generators of final code and optimisers. This work is extremely wide-ranging, covering all areas of the compiling process, going from the semantic analyses till the generation of machine code. It also contains the presentation of models of compilers, representation of information, control and data flow analysis, local and global registers allocation, instructions selection and generation of selectors, code optimisation at several levels, etc. It is also important to refer that from the development work emerged the Back-End Development System, which, as the name itself indicates, is a software system to support development of back-end tasks of a compiler