82 research outputs found

    Measuring Process Modelling Success

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    Process-modelling has seen widespread acceptance, par ticularly on large IT-enabled Business Process Reengineering projects. It is applied, as a process design and management technique, across all life-cycle phases of a system. While there has been much research on aspects of process-modelling, little attention has focused on post-hoc evaluation of process-modelling success. This paper addresses this gap, and presents a process-modelling success measurement (PMS) framework, which includes the dimensions: process-model quality; model use; user satisfaction; and process modelling impact. Measurement items for each dimension are also suggested

    An empirical study on behavioural intention to reuse e-learning systems in rural China

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    The learner’s acceptance of e-learning systems has received extensive attention in prior studies, but how their experience of using e-learning systems impacts on their behavioural intention to reuse those systems has attracted limited research. As the applications of e-learning are still gaining momentum in developing countries, such as China, it is necessary to examine the relationships between e-learners’ experience and perceptions and their behavioural intention to reuse, because it is argued that system reuse is an important indicator of the system’s success. Therefore, a better understanding of the multiple factors affecting the e-learner’s intention to reuse could help e-learning system researchers and providers to develop more effective and acceptable e-learning systems. Underpinned by the information system success model, technology acceptance model and self-efficacy theory, a theoretical framework was developed to investigate the learner’s behavioural intention to reuse e-learning systems. A total of 280 e-learners were surveyed to validate the measurements and proposed research model. The results demonstrated that e-learning service quality, course quality, perceived usefulness, perceived ease of use and self-efficacy had direct effects on users’ behavioural intention to reuse. System functionality and system response have an indirect effect, but system interactivity had no significant effect. Furthermore, self-efficacy affected perceived ease of use that positively influenced perceived usefulness

    Analisis Loyalitas pada Layanan E-gov: Studi Kasus Pelayanan Statistik Terpadu (Pst) di BPS

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    Perkembangan teknologi informasi semakin pesat. Teknologi informasi merupakan bagian terpenting untuk menjalankan kegiatan (bussiness), baik ekonomi, industri dan budaya, dan jika digunakan dengan baik dan benar akan menghasilkan keuntungan. Dalam menghadapi era Masyarakat Ekonomi ASEAN (MEA), kondisi pasar yang dinamis, tidak hanya kepuasan konsumen yang perlu diperhatikan, melainkan mempertahankan loyalitas konsumen juga merupakan hal yang penting. Pelayanan publik yang dilakukan pemerintah juga perlu memperhatikan loyalitas konsumen untuk meningkatkan kepercayaan terhadap sistem informasi pemerintah. Sistem informasi dapat menjadi suatu sistem yang useless bilamana sistem informasi tersebut tidak dikelola dengan baik dan benar sehingga dalam hal ini pemerintah wajib membangun sistem informasinya dengan sangat baik dari sisi kualitas sistem, informasi dan layanan. Sistem informasi yang terintegrasi dengan sangat baik tidaklah cukup, karena sistem informasi tersebut haruslah mudah digunakan dan bermanfaat bagi kebutuhan pengguna. Badan Pusat Statistik (BPS) sebagai lembaga penyedia data memiliki Pelayanan Statistik Terpadu (PST), sistem informasi yang sedang terus dikembangkan bagi pengguna data. Penggunaan sistem informasi di lingkup pemerintah memiliki karakteristik yang berbeda dengan lingkup bisnis. Untuk menentukan model analisis yang tepat dan sesuai dengan karakteristik lembaga pemerintah, maka perlu dilakukan penelitian terkait model analisis loyalitas pada sistem Pelayanan Statistik Terpadu BPS. Penelitian ini mengusulkan model integrasi dari model kesuksesan sistem informasi DeLone dan McLean dan model penerimaan TAM terkait pengaruh yang ditimbulkan terhadap kepercayaan dan loyalitas pengguna sistem informasi tersebut. Penelitian ini menggunakan metode penelitian deskriptif kuantitatif dengan melakukan survei melalui kuesioner yang disebarkan kepada sampel dari populasi. Populasi dalam penelitian ini adalah pengunjung Perpustakan BPS DI Yogyakarta dengan sampel pengunjung yang datang pada 1 periode penelitian. Penelitian ini akan menggunakan skala linkert enam point yang memiliki kehandalan yang tinggi dan untuk menghindari atau mengurangi resiko penyimpangan pada pengambilan data di lapangan. Data lapangan yang diperoleh, akan dianalisis menggunakan Structural Equation Modeling Partial Least Square (SEM-PLS). Tujuan penelitian ini untuk mengetahui pengaruh model kesuksesan sistem informasi DeLone dan McLean dan model penerimaan TAM terhadap kepercayaan dan loyalitas pengguna PST. Kata kunci: model penerimaan TAM, model kesuksesan SI DeLone dan McLean, trust, e-loyalty, Badan Pusat Statistik Increasingly rapid development of information technology. Information technology is an important part of running events (business), both the economy, industry and the culture, and if used properly will produce a profit. In the era of the ASEAN Economic Community (MEA), dynamic market conditions, not only customer satisfaction need to be considered, but also maintain customer loyalty is important. Public services the government needs to do consumer loyalty to increase confidence in the system of government information. The information system can be a system that is useless if the information system is not managed properly so that in this case the government is obliged to build its information system with excellent in terms of quality systems, information and services. The information system that integrates very well is not enough, because the information system must be easy to use and useful for the needs of the user.The Badan Pusat Statistik (BPS) as an institution has a data provider Pelayanan Statistik Terpadu (PST), the information system is designed for the user data. The use of information systems in the scope of government has different characteristics with the business scope. To determine the analysis model is appropriate and in accordance with the characteristics of a government agency, it is necessary to do research related to the analysis model of loyalty to the system of PST. This study presents a model of integration of information systems success DeLone and McLean Model and Technology Acceptance Model (TAM) related effect that the trust and loyalty of the information system users. This research uses descriptive quantitative research methods to conduct a survey through a questionnaire circulated to a sample of the population. The population in this study is the BPS DI Yogyakarta Library visitors with samples of visitors coming in the first period of the study. This study will use a six-point scale linkert which has high reliability and to avoid or reduce the risk of irregularities in data collection in the field. Field data obtained will be analyzed using Structural Equation Modeling Partial Least Square (PLS-SEM). Through this research, is expected to determine the effect of information systems success model DeLone and McLean and TAM to the trust and loyalty of users from PST

    Importance-Performance Analysis on Information Technology Applications in Higher Educational Institutions in Thailand

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    This study aims at determining the attributes of information technology that significantly affect user satisfaction in institutions of higher education. A qualitative survey suggested that such institutions should work on improving management information system (MIS) quality and put more focus on the needs of users as a means of improving their satisfaction. A quantitative component indicated the existence of a strong relationship between the quality of MIS related to user satisfaction and the perceived importance of the IT attributes of IT applications provided by Higher Educational Institutions. Furthermore, the study also suggests practical uses of its model as a comparative tool for the organizational management of user satisfaction

    An Agency Theory Analysis of Information Technology Project Success

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    Team Members\u27 Perspectives on Information Systems Development Success

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    Many information systems development (ISD) projects are deemed a failure in the field. However, several practitioners and researchers argue these projects could actually be considered successful if we used a broader definition of software development project success. Answering the call for further research on what makes ISD projects successful, this paper describes the process used to build the theoretical model of ISD Success, which includes a thorough literature review to create an initial model followed by semi-structured interviews conducted to validate the model and to allow for the discovery of emergent constructs, sub-constructs, and hypotheses. The end result of this research is the theoretical model of ISD success. After subsequent research has established the links from ISD success to IS success, project professionals will be able to use the ISD Success to predict success of an ISD project. Early prediction may allow professionals to head off potentially unsuccessful systems


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    Enterprise resource planning systems are adopted to improve productivity and overall business performance in organizations. Implementation of these systems requires considerable financial and labour investment and therefore, the managers must understand the benefits of the system and the aspects of the system which need improvement. An approach to evaluate and track an ERP system’s success in corporate organizations is therefore, important. In this study, the success of ERP system is measured through the Ifinedo model and a comparison between private and public organizations is made. Interviews conducted by the researchers introduce factors influencing ERP implementation success in organizations. In addition, to understand why some organizations have achieved more ERP success than others, questionnaire responses to some identified critical success factors for ERP implementation are analyzed

    Information Systems Development Success: Perspective of Software Development Team Members

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    The traditional models of IS success measure success from the viewpoint of the system, users, and the organization. The system viewpoint is measured by information quality, system quality, and service quality; the users’ viewpoint by user satisfaction, use, and individual net benefits; and the organization’s viewpoint by organizational net benefits. This study adds the development team’s viewpoint. I decompose system quality into its functional and nonfunctional components and combine them with new constructs to create Information System Development (ISD) success. Like IS Success, ISD Success is a comprehensive model composed of multiple interrelated dimensions: practitioner satisfaction, project manager satisfaction, and the antecedents to these constructs, which include functional system quality, non-functional system quality, and process quality. Unlike the traditional models of IS success, ISD Success can be used to evaluate systems during the development cycle as well as on projects that never reach completion or are never used

    What drives Success of Learning Management Systems in Sri Lanka: Student Perspective

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    Developments in Information technology has made rapid changes in the traditional teaching and learning methods in organizations, such as higher education institutions. This new method of teaching and learning is enabled mainly through Learning Management Systems. Issues in effective implementation and management of such systems have drawn the attention of many researchers. However, LMS success research still lacks particularly in the Sri Lankan higher education context. Hence, the purpose of this research was to examine the success of e-Learning systems in the Sri Lankan higher education context. The conceptual model was tested by fitting it to data collected from undergraduate students using learning management systems. This was the first study to test a multidimensional e-Learning systems success model (DeLone and McLean’s, 2003, IS success model) in the Sri Lankan context. Of the quality dimensions considered, quality of the information/content provided by the system was the most influential. Student satisfaction had the largest effect size on benefits to students. This study provides meaningful insights particularly relevant to e-Learning implementers in higher education in Sri Lanka

    How Can Steering Committees Manage Change Through Dynamic Capabilities to Increase System Satisfaction?

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    Enterprise-wide system implementations require organizations to think differently about how they approach project-based IT governance. Companies typically use executive steering committees to govern IT projects; yet, problems with user satisfaction linger. While scholars and practitioners have some understanding of what make steering committees successful, we do not fully understand what capability levers are available. This study contributes to the limited research on how project-based IT governance can manage change to achieve higher satisfaction with system usage. We find that steering committees can be more effective by stacking business IS capability with powerful antecedents of innovative culture and capable champions. Second, we find that business IS competence mediates the effects of innovative culture and capable champions on system quality. Third, we take a step forward in developing a change model based on dynamic capability for IT governance. We suggest several implications for practice and theory of project-based IT governance