192 research outputs found

    Under the hood of SYCL - an initial performance analysis with an unstructured-mesh CFD application

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    As the computing hardware landscape gets more diverse, and the complexity of hardware grows, the need for a general purpose parallel programming model capable of developing (performance) portable codes have become highly attractive. Intel’s OneAPI suite, which is based on the SYCL standard aims to fill this gap using a modern C++ API. In this paper, we use SYCL to parallelize MGCFD, an unstructured-mesh computational fluid dynamics (CFD) code, to explore current performance of SYCL. The code is benchmarked on several modern processor systems from Intel (including CPUs and the latest Xe LP GPU), AMD, ARM and Nvidia, making use of a variety of current SYCL compilers, with a particular focus on OneAPI and how it maps to Intel’s CPU and GPU architectures. We compare performance with other parallelisations available in OP2, including SIMD, OpenMP, MPI and CUDA. The results are mixed; the performance of this class of applications, when parallelized with SYCL, highly depends on the target architecture and the compiler, but in many cases comes close to the performance of currently prevalent parallel programming models. However, it still requires different parallelization strategies or code-paths be written for different hardware to obtain the best performanc

    Acceleration of a Full-scale Industrial CFD Application with OP2

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    A Novel Compiler Support for Automatic Parallelization on Multicore Systems

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    [Abstract] The widespread use of multicore processors is not a consequence of significant advances in parallel programming. In contrast, multicore processors arise due to the complexity of building power-efficient, high-clock-rate, single-core chips. Automatic parallelization of sequential applications is the ideal solution for making parallel programming as easy as writing programs for sequential computers. However, automatic parallelization remains a grand challenge due to its need for complex program analysis and the existence of unknowns during compilation. This paper proposes a new method for converting a sequential application into a parallel counterpart that can be executed on current multicore processors. It hinges on an intermediate representation based on the concept of domain-independent kernel (e.g., assignment, reduction, recurrence). Such kernel-centric view hides the complexity of the implementation details, enabling the construction of the parallel version even when the source code of the sequential application contains different syntactic variations of the computations (e.g., pointers, arrays, complex control flows). Experiments that evaluate the effectiveness and performance of our approach with respect to state-of-the-art compilers are also presented. The benchmark suite consists of synthetic codes that represent common domain-independent kernels, dense/sparse linear algebra and image processing routines, and full-scale applications from SPEC CPU2000.[Resumen] El uso generalizado de procesadores multinúcleo no es consecuencia de avances significativos en programación paralela. Por el contrario, los procesadores multinúcleo surgen debido a la complejidad de construir chips mononúcleo que sean eficiente energéticamente y tengan altas velocidades de reloj. La paralelización automática de aplicaciones secuenciales es la solución ideal para hacer la programación paralela tan fácil como escribir programas para ordenadores secuenciales. Sin embargo, la paralelización automática continua a ser un gran reto debido a su necesidad de complejos análisis del programa y la existencia de incógnitas durante la compilación. Este artículo propone un nuevo método para convertir una aplicación secuencial en su contrapartida paralela que pueda ser ejecutada en los procesadores multinúcleo actuales. Este método depende de una representación intermedia basada en el concepto de núcleos independientes del dominio (p. ej., asignación, reducción, recurrencia). Esta visión centrada en núcleos oculta la complejidad de los detalles de implementación, permitiendo la construcción de la versión paralela incluso cuando el código fuente de la aplicación secuencial contiene diferentes variantes de las computaciones (p. ej., punteros, arrays, flujos de control complejos). Se presentan experimentos que evalúan la efectividad y el rendimiento de nuestra aproximación con respecto al estado del arte. La serie programas de prueba consiste en códigos sintéticos que representan núcleos independientes del dominio comunes, rutinas de álgebra lineal densa/dispersa y de procesamiento de imagen, y aplicaciones completas del SPEC CPU2000.[Resumo] O uso xeralizado de procesadores multinúcleo non é consecuencia de avances significativos en programación paralela. Pola contra, os procesadores multinúcleo xurden debido á complexidade de construir chips mononúcleo que sexan eficientes enerxéticamente e teñan altas velocidades de reloxo. A paralelización automática de aplicacións secuenciais é a solución ideal para facer a programación paralela tan sinxela como escribir programas para ordenadores secuenciais. Sen embargo, a paralelización automática continua a ser un gran reto debido a súa necesidade de complexas análises do programa e a existencia de incógnitas durante a compilación. Este artigo propón un novo método para convertir unha aplicación secuencias na súa contrapartida paralela que poida ser executada nos procesadores multinúcleo actuais. Este método depende dunha representación intermedia baseada no concepto dos núcleos independentes do dominio (p. ex., asignación, reducción, recurrencia). Esta visión centrada en núcleos oculta a complexidade dos detalles de implementación, permitindo a construcción da versión paralela incluso cando o código fonte da aplicación secuencial contén diferentes variantes das computacións (p. ex., punteiros, arrays, fluxos de control complejo). Preséntanse experimentos que evalúan a efectividade e o rendemento da nosa aproximación con respecto ao estado da arte. A serie de programas de proba consiste en códigos sintéticos que representan núcleos independentes do dominio comunes, rutinas de álxebra lineal densa/dispersa e de procesamento de imaxe, e aplicacións completas do SPEC CPU2000.Ministerio de Economía y Competitividad; TIN2010-16735Ministerio de Educación y Cultura; AP2008-0101

    Doctor of Philosophy

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    dissertationSparse matrix codes are found in numerous applications ranging from iterative numerical solvers to graph analytics. Achieving high performance on these codes has however been a significant challenge, mainly due to array access indirection, for example, of the form A[B[i]]. Indirect accesses make precise dependence analysis impossible at compile-time, and hence prevent many parallelizing and locality optimizing transformations from being applied. The expert user relies on manually written libraries to tailor the sparse code and data representations best suited to the target architecture from a general sparse matrix representation. However libraries have limited composability, address very specific optimization strategies, and have to be rewritten as new architectures emerge. In this dissertation, we explore the use of the inspector/executor methodology to accomplish the code and data transformations to tailor high performance sparse matrix representations. We devise and embed abstractions for such inspector/executor transformations within a compiler framework so that they can be composed with a rich set of existing polyhedral compiler transformations to derive complex transformation sequences for high performance. We demonstrate the automatic generation of inspector/executor code, which orchestrates code and data transformations to derive high performance representations for the Sparse Matrix Vector Multiply kernel in particular. We also show how the same transformations may be integrated into sparse matrix and graph applications such as Sparse Matrix Matrix Multiply and Stochastic Gradient Descent, respectively. The specific constraints of these applications, such as problem size and dependence structure, necessitate unique sparse matrix representations that can be realized using our transformations. Computations such as Gauss Seidel, with loop carried dependences at the outer most loop necessitate different strategies for high performance. Specifically, we organize the computation into level sets or wavefronts of irregular size, such that iterations of a wavefront may be scheduled in parallel but different wavefronts have to be synchronized. We demonstrate automatic code generation of high performance inspectors that do explicit dependence testing and level set construction at runtime, as well as high performance executors, which are the actual parallelized computations. For the above sparse matrix applications, we automatically generate inspector/executor code comparable in performance to manually tuned libraries

    Decoupling algorithms from schedules for easy optimization of image processing pipelines

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    Using existing programming tools, writing high-performance image processing code requires sacrificing readability, portability, and modularity. We argue that this is a consequence of conflating what computations define the algorithm, with decisions about storage and the order of computation. We refer to these latter two concerns as the schedule, including choices of tiling, fusion, recomputation vs. storage, vectorization, and parallelism. We propose a representation for feed-forward imaging pipelines that separates the algorithm from its schedule, enabling high-performance without sacrificing code clarity. This decoupling simplifies the algorithm specification: images and intermediate buffers become functions over an infinite integer domain, with no explicit storage or boundary conditions. Imaging pipelines are compositions of functions. Programmers separately specify scheduling strategies for the various functions composing the algorithm, which allows them to efficiently explore different optimizations without changing the algorithmic code. We demonstrate the power of this representation by expressing a range of recent image processing applications in an embedded domain specific language called Halide, and compiling them for ARM, x86, and GPUs. Our compiler targets SIMD units, multiple cores, and complex memory hierarchies. We demonstrate that it can handle algorithms such as a camera raw pipeline, the bilateral grid, fast local Laplacian filtering, and image segmentation. The algorithms expressed in our language are both shorter and faster than state-of-the-art implementations.National Science Foundation (U.S.) (Grant 0964004)National Science Foundation (U.S.) (Grant 0964218)National Science Foundation (U.S.) (Grant 0832997)United States. Dept. of Energy (Award DE-SC0005288)Cognex CorporationAdobe System

    Survey of Novel Programming Models for Parallelizing Applications at Exascale

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    Heterogeneous parallel virtual machine: A portable program representation and compiler for performance and energy optimizations on heterogeneous parallel systems

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    Programming heterogeneous parallel systems, such as the SoCs (System-on-Chip) on mobile and edge devices is extremely difficult; the diverse parallel hardware they contain exposes vastly different hardware instruction sets, parallelism models and memory systems. Moreover, a wide range of diverse hardware and software approximation techniques are available for applications targeting heterogeneous SoCs, further exacerbating the programmability challenges. In this thesis, we alleviate the programmability challenges of such systems using flexible compiler intermediate representation solutions, in order to benefit from the performance and superior energy efficiency of heterogeneous systems. First, we develop Heterogeneous Parallel Virtual Machine (HPVM), a parallel program representation for heterogeneous systems, designed to enable functional and performance portability across popular parallel hardware. HPVM is based on a hierarchical dataflow graph with side effects. HPVM successfully supports three important capabilities for programming heterogeneous systems: a compiler intermediate representation (IR), a virtual instruction set (ISA), and a basis for runtime scheduling. We use the HPVM representation to implement an HPVM prototype, defining the HPVM IR as an extension of the Low Level Virtual Machine (LLVM) IR. Our results show comparable performance with optimized OpenCL kernels for the target hardware from a single HPVM representation using translators from HPVM virtual ISA to native code, IR optimizations operating directly on the HPVM representation, and the capability for supporting flexible runtime scheduling schemes from a single HPVM representation. We extend HPVM to ApproxHPVM, introducing hardware-independent approximation metrics in the IR to enable maintaining accuracy information at the IR level and mapping of application-level end-to-end quality metrics to system level "knobs". The approximation metrics quantify the acceptable accuracy loss for individual computations. Application programmers only need to specify high-level, and end-to-end, quality metrics, instead of detailed parameters for individual approximation methods. The ApproxHPVM system then automatically tunes the accuracy requirements of individual computations and maps them to approximate hardware when possible. ApproxHPVM results show significant performance and energy improvements for popular deep learning benchmarks. Finally, we extend to ApproxHPVM to ApproxTuner, a compiler and runtime system for approximation. ApproxTuner extends ApproxHPVM with a wide range of hardware and software approximation techniques. It uses a three step approximation tuning strategy, a combination of development-time, install-time, and dynamic tuning. Our strategy ensures software portability, even though approximations have highly hardware-dependent performance, and enables efficient dynamic approximation tuning despite the expensive offline steps. ApproxTuner results show significant performance and energy improvements across 7 Deep Neural Networks and 3 image processing benchmarks, and ensures that high-level end-to-end quality specifications are satisfied during adaptive approximation tuning

    Seamless optimization of the GEMM kernel for task-based programming models

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    The general matrix-matrix multiplication (GEMM) kernel is a fundamental building block of many scientific applications. Many libraries such as Intel MKL and BLIS provide highly optimized sequential and parallel versions of this kernel. The parallel implementations of the GEMM kernel rely on the well-known fork-join execution model to exploit multi-core systems efficiently. However, these implementations are not well suited for task-based applications as they break the data-flow execution model. In this paper, we present a task-based implementation of the GEMM kernel that can be seamlessly leveraged by task-based applications while providing better performance than the fork-join version. Our implementation leverages several advanced features of the OmpSs-2 programming model and a new heuristic to select the best parallelization strategy and blocking parameters based on the matrix and hardware characteristics. When evaluating the performance and energy consumption on two modern multi-core systems, we show that our implementations provide significant performance improvements over an optimized OpenMP fork-join implementation, and can beat vendor implementations of the GEMM (e.g., Intel MKL and AMD AOCL). We also demonstrate that a real application can leverage our optimized task-based implementation to enhance performance.Peer ReviewedPostprint (author's final draft