114 research outputs found

    Lazy Fault Detection for Redundant MPI

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    As the scale of supercomputers grows, it is becoming increasingly important for software to efficiently withstand hardware and software faults. Process replication is one resilience technique, but typical implementations require replicas to stay closely synchronized with each other. We propose algorithms to lazily detect faults in replicated MPI applications, allowing for more flexibility in replica scheduling and potential power savings. Evaluation shows that, when all processes are operated at full power, this approach allows applications to complete substantially faster as compared to using a synchronized model, and often as fast as in non-replicated execution

    Lazy Fault Recovery for Redundant Mpi

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    Distributed Systems (DS) where multiple computers share a workload across a network, are used everywhere, from data intensive computations to storage and machine learning. DS provide a relatively cheap and efficient solution that allows stability with improved performance for computational intensive applications. In a DS faults and failures are the norm not the exception. At any moment data corruption can occur especially since a DS usually consists of hundred to thousands of units of commodity hardware. The large number and quality of components guarantees, by probability, that at any given time some of the components will not be working and some of them will not recover from failure. DS can experience problems caused by application bugs, operating systems bugs, failures with disks, memory, connectors, networking, power supply, and other components; therefore, constant monitoring and failure detection are fundamental. Automatic recovery must be integral to the system. One of the most commonly used programming languages for DS is Message Passing Interface (MPI). Unfortunately MPI does not support fault detection or recovery. In this thesis, we build a recovery mechanism based on replicas that works on top of the asynchronous fault detection implemented in previous work. Results shows that our recovery implementation is successful and the overhead in execution time is minimal

    TwinPCG: Dual Thread Redundancy with Forward Recovery for Preconditioned Conjugate Gradient Methods

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    Even though iterative solvers like the Preconditioned Conjugate Gradient method (PCG) have been studied for over fifty years, fault tolerance for such solvers has seen much attention in recent years. For iterative solvers, two major reliable strategies of recovery exist: checkpoint-restart for backward recovery, or some type of redundancy technique for forward recovery. Efficient low-overhead redundancy techniques like algorithm-based fault tolerance for sparse matrix-vector products (SpMxV) have recently been proposed. These techniques add resilience with a good, but limited scope; state-of-the-art techniques correct at most 1 fault within a SpMxV. In this work, we study a more powerful resilience concept, which is redundant multithreading. It offers more generic and stronger recovery guarantees, including any soft faults in PCG iterations (among others covering SpMxV), but also requires more resources. We carefully study this redundancy-efficiency conflict. We propose a fault-tolerant PCG method, called TwinPCG, which introduces very small wall-clock time overhead, and significant advantages in detection and correction strategies. Our method uses Dual Modular Redundancy instead of the more expensive Triple Modular Redundancy (TMR); still, it retains the TMR advantages of fault correction. We describe, implement, and benchmark our iterative solver, and compare it in terms of efficiency and fault tolerance capabilities to state-of-the-art techniques. We find that before multithreading in BLAS, TwinPCG introduces 5-6% runtime overhead compared to reference PCG implementations, and can exploit BLAS multithreading well. In the presence of faults, it reliably performs forward recovery for a range of problems, showing all the strengths of TMR techniques

    ParaMedic: Heterogeneous Parallel Error Correction

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    Processor error detection can be reduced in cost significantly by exploiting the parallelism that exists in a repeated copy of an execution, which may not exist in the original code, to split up the redundant work on a large number of small, highly efficient cores. However, such schemes don't provide a method for automatic error recovery. We develop ParaMedic, an architecture to allow efficient automatic correction of errors detected in a system by using parallel heterogeneous cores, to provide a full fail-safe system that does not propagate errors to other systems, and can recover without manual intervention. This uses logging to roll back any computation that occurred after a detected error, along with a set of techniques to provide error-checking parallelism while still preventing the escape of incorrect processor values in multicore environments, where ordering of individual processors' logs is not enough to be able to roll back execution. Across a set of single and multi-threaded benchmarks, we achieve 3.1\% and 1.5\% overhead respectively, compared with 1.9\% and 1\% for error detection alone.Arm Lt

    Resiliency in numerical algorithm design for extreme scale simulations

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    This work is based on the seminar titled ‘Resiliency in Numerical Algorithm Design for Extreme Scale Simulations’ held March 1–6, 2020, at Schloss Dagstuhl, that was attended by all the authors. Advanced supercomputing is characterized by very high computation speeds at the cost of involving an enormous amount of resources and costs. A typical large-scale computation running for 48 h on a system consuming 20 MW, as predicted for exascale systems, would consume a million kWh, corresponding to about 100k Euro in energy cost for executing 1023 floating-point operations. It is clearly unacceptable to lose the whole computation if any of the several million parallel processes fails during the execution. Moreover, if a single operation suffers from a bit-flip error, should the whole computation be declared invalid? What about the notion of reproducibility itself: should this core paradigm of science be revised and refined for results that are obtained by large-scale simulation? Naive versions of conventional resilience techniques will not scale to the exascale regime: with a main memory footprint of tens of Petabytes, synchronously writing checkpoint data all the way to background storage at frequent intervals will create intolerable overheads in runtime and energy consumption. Forecasts show that the mean time between failures could be lower than the time to recover from such a checkpoint, so that large calculations at scale might not make any progress if robust alternatives are not investigated. More advanced resilience techniques must be devised. The key may lie in exploiting both advanced system features as well as specific application knowledge. Research will face two essential questions: (1) what are the reliability requirements for a particular computation and (2) how do we best design the algorithms and software to meet these requirements? While the analysis of use cases can help understand the particular reliability requirements, the construction of remedies is currently wide open. One avenue would be to refine and improve on system- or application-level checkpointing and rollback strategies in the case an error is detected. Developers might use fault notification interfaces and flexible runtime systems to respond to node failures in an application-dependent fashion. Novel numerical algorithms or more stochastic computational approaches may be required to meet accuracy requirements in the face of undetectable soft errors. These ideas constituted an essential topic of the seminar. The goal of this Dagstuhl Seminar was to bring together a diverse group of scientists with expertise in exascale computing to discuss novel ways to make applications resilient against detected and undetected faults. In particular, participants explored the role that algorithms and applications play in the holistic approach needed to tackle this challenge. This article gathers a broad range of perspectives on the role of algorithms, applications and systems in achieving resilience for extreme scale simulations. The ultimate goal is to spark novel ideas and encourage the development of concrete solutions for achieving such resilience holistically.Peer Reviewed"Article signat per 36 autors/es: Emmanuel Agullo, Mirco Altenbernd, Hartwig Anzt, Leonardo Bautista-Gomez, Tommaso Benacchio, Luca Bonaventura, Hans-Joachim Bungartz, Sanjay Chatterjee, Florina M. Ciorba, Nathan DeBardeleben, Daniel Drzisga, Sebastian Eibl, Christian Engelmann, Wilfried N. Gansterer, Luc Giraud, Dominik G ̈oddeke, Marco Heisig, Fabienne Jezequel, Nils Kohl, Xiaoye Sherry Li, Romain Lion, Miriam Mehl, Paul Mycek, Michael Obersteiner, Enrique S. Quintana-Ortiz, Francesco Rizzi, Ulrich Rude, Martin Schulz, Fred Fung, Robert Speck, Linda Stals, Keita Teranishi, Samuel Thibault, Dominik Thonnes, Andreas Wagner and Barbara Wohlmuth"Postprint (author's final draft

    Designs for increasing reliability while reducing energy and increasing lifetime

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    In the last decades, the computing technology experienced tremendous developments. For instance, transistors' feature size shrank to half at every two years as consistently from the first time Moore stated his law. Consequently, number of transistors and core count per chip doubles at each generation. Similarly, petascale systems that have the capability of processing more than one billion calculation per second have been developed. As a matter of fact, exascale systems are predicted to be available at year 2020. However, these developments in computer systems face a reliability wall. For instance, transistor feature sizes are getting so small that it becomes easier for high-energy particles to temporarily flip the state of a memory cell from 1-to-0 or 0-to-1. Also, even if we assume that fault-rate per transistor stays constant with scaling, the increase in total transistor and core count per chip will significantly increase the number of faults for future desktop and exascale systems. Moreover, circuit ageing is exacerbated due to increased manufacturing variability and thermal stresses, therefore, lifetime of processor structures are becoming shorter. On the other side, due to the limited power budget of the computer systems such that mobile devices, it is attractive to scale down the voltage. However, when the voltage level scales to beyond the safe margin especially to the ultra-low level, the error rate increases drastically. Nevertheless, new memory technologies such as NAND flashes present only limited amount of nominal lifetime, and when they exceed this lifetime, they can not guarantee storing of the data correctly leading to data retention problems. Due to these issues, reliability became a first-class design constraint for contemporary computing in addition to power and performance. Moreover, reliability even plays increasingly important role when computer systems process sensitive and life-critical information such as health records, financial information, power regulation, transportation, etc. In this thesis, we present several different reliability designs for detecting and correcting errors occurring in processor pipelines, L1 caches and non-volatile NAND flash memories due to various reasons. We design reliability solutions in order to serve three main purposes. Our first goal is to improve the reliability of computer systems by detecting and correcting random and non-predictable errors such as bit flips or ageing errors. Second, we aim to reduce the energy consumption of the computer systems by allowing them to operate reliably at ultra-low voltage level. Third, we target to increase the lifetime of new memory technologies by implementing efficient and low-cost reliability schemes

    Vcluster: A Portable Virtual Computing Library For Cluster Computing

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    Message passing has been the dominant parallel programming model in cluster computing, and libraries like Message Passing Interface (MPI) and Portable Virtual Machine (PVM) have proven their novelty and efficiency through numerous applications in diverse areas. However, as clusters of Symmetric Multi-Processor (SMP) and heterogeneous machines become popular, conventional message passing models must be adapted accordingly to support this new kind of clusters efficiently. In addition, Java programming language, with its features like object oriented architecture, platform independent bytecode, and native support for multithreading, makes it an alternative language for cluster computing. This research presents a new parallel programming model and a library called VCluster that implements this model on top of a Java Virtual Machine (JVM). The programming model is based on virtual migrating threads to support clusters of heterogeneous SMP machines efficiently. VCluster is implemented in 100% Java, utilizing the portability of Java to address the problems of heterogeneous machines. VCluster virtualizes computational and communication resources such as threads, computation states, and communication channels across multiple separate JVMs, which makes a mobile thread possible. Equipped with virtual migrating thread, it is feasible to balance the load of computing resources dynamically. Several large scale parallel applications have been developed using VCluster to compare the performance and usage of VCluster with other libraries. The results of the experiments show that VCluster makes it easier to develop multithreading parallel applications compared to conventional libraries like MPI. At the same time, the performance of VCluster is comparable to MPICH, a widely used MPI library, combined with popular threading libraries like POSIX Thread and OpenMP. In the next phase of our work, we implemented thread group and thread migration to demonstrate the feasibility of dynamic load balancing in VCluster. We carried out experiments to show that the load can be dynamically balanced in VCluster, resulting in a better performance. Thread group also makes it possible to implement collective communication functions between threads, which have been proved to be useful in process based libraries
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