8 research outputs found

    Detection and prevention of Denial-of-Service in cloud-based smart grid

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    Smart Grid (SG), components with historical set of security challenges, becomes more vulnerable because Information and Communications Technology (ICT) has its own share of problems while Cloud infrastructure adds yet another unpredicted layer of threats. Scalability and availability, which are strong aspects of the cloud platform making it attractive to users, also attracts security threats for the same reasons. The malware installed on single host offers very limited scope compared to attack magnitude that compromised Cloud platform can offer. Therefore, the strongest aspect of Cloud itself becomes a nightmare in Cloud-Based SG. A breach in such a delicate system can cause severe consequences including interruption of electricity, equipment damage, data breach, complete blackouts, or even life-threatening consequences. We mimic Denial-of-Service (DoS) attacks to demonstrate interruption of electricity in SG with open-source solution to co-simulate power and communication systems

    Application of Wireless Sensor and Actuator Networks to Achieve Intelligent Microgrids: A Promising Approach towards a Global Smart Grid Deployment

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    Smart Grids (SGs) constitute the evolution of the traditional electrical grid towards a new paradigm, which should increase the reliability, the security and, at the same time, reduce the costs of energy generation, distribution and consumption. Electrical microgrids (MGs) can be considered the first stage of this evolution of the grid, because of the intelligent management techniques that must be applied to assure their correct operation. To accomplish this task, sensors and actuators will be necessary, along with wireless communication technologies to transmit the measured data and the command messages. Wireless Sensor and Actuator Networks (WSANs) are therefore a promising solution to achieve an intelligent management of MGs and, by extension, the SG. In this frame, this paper surveys several aspects concerning the application of WSANs to manage MGs and the electrical grid, as well as the communication protocols that could be applied. The main concerns regarding the SG deployment are also presented, including future scenarios where the interoperability of different generation technologies must be assured

    An enhanced public key infrastructure to secure smart grid wireless communication networks

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    It is expected that the smart grid will radically add new functionalities to legacy electrical power systems. However, we believe that this will in turn introduce many new security risks. With the smart grid's backbone communication networks and subnetworks, there are possible scenarios when these subnetworks can become vulnerable to attacks. Ensuring security in these networks is challenging because most devices are resource constrained. In addition, different protocols that are used in these networks use their own set of security requirements. In this article, the security requirements of smart grid communication networks are firstly identified. We then point out that although public key infrastructure (PKI) is a viable solution, it has some difficulties to satisfy the requirements in availability, privacy preservation, and scalability. To complement the functions of PKI, we introduce some novel mechanisms so that those security requirements can be met. In particular, we propose a mechanism to efficiently resist Denial-of-Service (DoS) attacks, and some suggestions to the security protocol design for different application categories. 2014 IEEE.Scopus2-s2.0-8489387433

    Application of service composition mechanisms to Future Networks architectures and Smart Grids

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    Aquesta tesi gira entorn de la hipòtesi de la metodologia i mecanismes de composició de serveis i com es poden aplicar a diferents camps d'aplicació per a orquestrar de manera eficient comunicacions i processos flexibles i sensibles al context. Més concretament, se centra en dos camps d'aplicació: la distribució eficient i sensible al context de contingut multimèdia i els serveis d'una xarxa elèctrica intel·ligent. En aquest últim camp es centra en la gestió de la infraestructura, cap a la definició d'una Software Defined Utility (SDU), que proposa una nova manera de gestionar la Smart Grid amb un enfocament basat en programari, que permeti un funcionament molt més flexible de la infraestructura de xarxa elèctrica. Per tant, revisa el context, els requisits i els reptes, així com els enfocaments de la composició de serveis per a aquests camps. Fa especial èmfasi en la combinació de la composició de serveis amb arquitectures Future Network (FN), presentant una proposta de FN orientada a serveis per crear comunicacions adaptades i sota demanda. També es presenten metodologies i mecanismes de composició de serveis per operar sobre aquesta arquitectura, i posteriorment, es proposa el seu ús (en conjunció o no amb l'arquitectura FN) en els dos camps d'estudi. Finalment, es presenta la investigació i desenvolupament realitzat en l'àmbit de les xarxes intel·ligents, proposant diverses parts de la infraestructura SDU amb exemples d'aplicació de composició de serveis per dissenyar seguretat dinàmica i flexible o l'orquestració i gestió de serveis i recursos dins la infraestructura de l'empresa elèctrica.Esta tesis gira en torno a la hipótesis de la metodología y mecanismos de composición de servicios y cómo se pueden aplicar a diferentes campos de aplicación para orquestar de manera eficiente comunicaciones y procesos flexibles y sensibles al contexto. Más concretamente, se centra en dos campos de aplicación: la distribución eficiente y sensible al contexto de contenido multimedia y los servicios de una red eléctrica inteligente. En este último campo se centra en la gestión de la infraestructura, hacia la definición de una Software Defined Utility (SDU), que propone una nueva forma de gestionar la Smart Grid con un enfoque basado en software, que permita un funcionamiento mucho más flexible de la infraestructura de red eléctrica. Por lo tanto, revisa el contexto, los requisitos y los retos, así como los enfoques de la composición de servicios para estos campos. Hace especial hincapié en la combinación de la composición de servicios con arquitecturas Future Network (FN), presentando una propuesta de FN orientada a servicios para crear comunicaciones adaptadas y bajo demanda. También se presentan metodologías y mecanismos de composición de servicios para operar sobre esta arquitectura, y posteriormente, se propone su uso (en conjunción o no con la arquitectura FN) en los dos campos de estudio. Por último, se presenta la investigación y desarrollo realizado en el ámbito de las redes inteligentes, proponiendo varias partes de la infraestructura SDU con ejemplos de aplicación de composición de servicios para diseñar seguridad dinámica y flexible o la orquestación y gestión de servicios y recursos dentro de la infraestructura de la empresa eléctrica.This thesis revolves around the hypothesis the service composition methodology and mechanisms and how they can be applied to different fields of application in order to efficiently orchestrate flexible and context-aware communications and processes. More concretely, it focuses on two fields of application that are the context-aware media distribution and smart grid services and infrastructure management, towards a definition of a Software-Defined Utility (SDU), which proposes a new way of managing the Smart Grid following a software-based approach that enable a much more flexible operation of the power infrastructure. Hence, it reviews the context, requirements and challenges of these fields, as well as the service composition approaches. It makes special emphasis on the combination of service composition with Future Network (FN) architectures, presenting a service-oriented FN proposal for creating context-aware on-demand communication services. Service composition methodology and mechanisms are also presented in order to operate over this architecture, and afterwards, proposed for their usage (in conjunction or not with the FN architecture) in the deployment of context-aware media distribution and Smart Grids. Finally, the research and development done in the field of Smart Grids is depicted, proposing several parts of the SDU infrastructure, with examples of service composition application for designing dynamic and flexible security for smart metering or the orchestration and management of services and data resources within the utility infrastructure

    Robust data protection and high efficiency for IoTs streams in the cloud

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    Remotely generated streaming of the Internet of Things (IoTs) data has become a vital category upon which many applications rely. Smart meters collect readings for household activities such as power and gas consumption every second - the readings are transmitted wirelessly through various channels and public hops to the operation centres. Due to the unusually large streams sizes, the operation centres are using cloud servers where various entities process the data on a real-time basis for billing and power management. It is possible that smart pipe projects (where oil pipes are continuously monitored using sensors) and collected streams are sent to the public cloud for real-time flawed detection. There are many other similar applications that can render the world a convenient place which result in climate change mitigation and transportation improvement to name a few. Despite the obvious advantages of these applications, some unique challenges arise posing some questions regarding a suitable balance between guaranteeing the streams security, such as privacy, authenticity and integrity, while not hindering the direct operations on those streams, while also handling data management issues, such as the volume of protected streams during transmission and storage. These challenges become more complicated when the streams reside on third-party cloud servers. In this thesis, a few novel techniques are introduced to address these problems. We begin by protecting the privacy and authenticity of transmitted readings without disrupting the direct operations. We propose two steganography techniques that rely on different mathematical security models. The results look promising - security: only the approved party who has the required security tokens can retrieve the hidden secret, and distortion effect with the difference between the original and protected readings that are almost at zero. This means the streams can be used in their protected form at intermediate hops or third party servers. We then improved the integrity of the transmitted protected streams which are prone to intentional or unintentional noise - we proposed a secure error detection and correction based stenographic technique. This allows legitimate recipients to (1) detect and recover any noise loss from the hidden sensitive information without privacy disclosure, and (2) remedy the received protected readings by using the corrected version of the secret hidden data. It is evident from the experiments that our technique has robust recovery capabilities (i.e. Root Mean Square (RMS) <0.01%, Bit Error Rate (BER) = 0 and PRD < 1%). To solve the issue of huge transmitted protected streams, two compression algorithms for lossless IoTs readings are introduced to ensure the volume of protected readings at intermediate hops is reduced without revealing the hidden secrets. The first uses Gaussian approximation function to represent IoTs streams in a few parameters regardless of the roughness in the signal. The second reduces the randomness of the IoTs streams into a smaller finite field by splitting to enhance repetition and avoiding the floating operations round errors issues. Under the same conditions, our both techniques were superior to existing models mathematically (i.e. the entropy was halved) and empirically (i.e. achieved ratio was 3.8:1 to 4.5:1). We were driven by the question ‘Can the size of multi-incoming compressed protected streams be re-reduced on the cloud without decompression?’ to overcome the issue of vast quantities of compressed and protected IoTs streams on the cloud. A novel lossless size reduction algorithm was introduced to prove the possibility of reducing the size of already compressed IoTs protected readings. This is successfully achieved by employing similarity measurements to classify the compressed streams into subsets in order to reduce the effect of uncorrelated compressed streams. The values of every subset was treated independently for further reduction. Both mathematical and empirical experiments proved the possibility of enhancing the entropy (i.e. almost reduced by 50%) and the resultant size reduction (i.e. up to 2:1)