345 research outputs found

    Multiobjective Simulation Optimization Using Enhanced Evolutionary Algorithm Approaches

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    In today\u27s competitive business environment, a firm\u27s ability to make the correct, critical decisions can be translated into a great competitive advantage. Most of these critical real-world decisions involve the optimization not only of multiple objectives simultaneously, but also conflicting objectives, where improving one objective may degrade the performance of one or more of the other objectives. Traditional approaches for solving multiobjective optimization problems typically try to scalarize the multiple objectives into a single objective. This transforms the original multiple optimization problem formulation into a single objective optimization problem with a single solution. However, the drawbacks to these traditional approaches have motivated researchers and practitioners to seek alternative techniques that yield a set of Pareto optimal solutions rather than only a single solution. The problem becomes much more complicated in stochastic environments when the objectives take on uncertain (or noisy ) values due to random influences within the system being optimized, which is the case in real-world environments. Moreover, in stochastic environments, a solution approach should be sufficiently robust and/or capable of handling the uncertainty of the objective values. This makes the development of effective solution techniques that generate Pareto optimal solutions within these problem environments even more challenging than in their deterministic counterparts. Furthermore, many real-world problems involve complicated, black-box objective functions making a large number of solution evaluations computationally- and/or financially-prohibitive. This is often the case when complex computer simulation models are used to repeatedly evaluate possible solutions in search of the best solution (or set of solutions). Therefore, multiobjective optimization approaches capable of rapidly finding a diverse set of Pareto optimal solutions would be greatly beneficial. This research proposes two new multiobjective evolutionary algorithms (MOEAs), called fast Pareto genetic algorithm (FPGA) and stochastic Pareto genetic algorithm (SPGA), for optimization problems with multiple deterministic objectives and stochastic objectives, respectively. New search operators are introduced and employed to enhance the algorithms\u27 performance in terms of converging fast to the true Pareto optimal frontier while maintaining a diverse set of nondominated solutions along the Pareto optimal front. New concepts of solution dominance are defined for better discrimination among competing solutions in stochastic environments. SPGA uses a solution ranking strategy based on these new concepts. Computational results for a suite of published test problems indicate that both FPGA and SPGA are promising approaches. The results show that both FPGA and SPGA outperform the improved nondominated sorting genetic algorithm (NSGA-II), widely-considered benchmark in the MOEA research community, in terms of fast convergence to the true Pareto optimal frontier and diversity among the solutions along the front. The results also show that FPGA and SPGA require far fewer solution evaluations than NSGA-II, which is crucial in computationally-expensive simulation modeling applications

    Multi-objective Optimization in Traffic Signal Control

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    Traffic Signal Control systems are one of the most popular Intelligent Transport Systems and they are widely used around the world to regulate traffic flow. Recently, complex optimization techniques have been applied to traffic signal control systems to improve their performance. Traffic simulators are one of the most popular tools to evaluate the performance of a potential solution in traffic signal optimization. For that reason, researchers commonly optimize traffic signal timing by using simulation-based approaches. Although evaluating solutions using microscopic traffic simulators has several advantages, the simulation is very time-consuming. Multi-objective Evolutionary Algorithms (MOEAs) are in many ways superior to traditional search methods. They have been widely utilized in traffic signal optimization problems. However, running MOEAs on traffic optimization problems using microscopic traffic simulators to estimate the effectiveness of solutions is time-consuming. Thus, MOEAs which can produce good solutions at a reasonable processing time, especially at an early stage, is required. Anytime behaviour of an algorithm indicates its ability to provide as good a solution as possible at any time during its execution. Therefore, optimization approaches which have good anytime behaviour are desirable in evaluation traffic signal optimization. Moreover, small population sizes are inevitable for scenarios where processing capabilities are limited but require quick response times. In this work, two novel optimization algorithms are introduced that improve anytime behaviour and can work effectively with various population sizes. NS-LS is a hybrid of Non-dominated Sorting Genetic Algorithm II (NSGA-II) and a local search which has the ability to predict a potential search direction. NS-LS is able to produce good solutions at any running time, therefore having good anytime behaviour. Utilizing a local search can help to accelerate the convergence rate, however, computational cost is not considered in NS-LS. A surrogate-assisted approach based on local search (SA-LS) which is an enhancement of NS-LS is also introduced. SA-LS uses a surrogate model constructed using solutions which already have been evaluated by a traffic simulator in previous generations. NS-LS and SA-LS are evaluated on the well-known Benchmark test functions: ZDT1 and ZDT2, and two real-world traffic scenarios: Andrea Costa and Pasubio. The proposed algorithms are also compared to NSGA-II and Multiobjective Evolutionary Algorithm based on Decomposition (MOEA/D). The results show that NS-LS and SA-LS can effectively optimize traffic signal timings of the studied scenarios. The results also confirm that NS-LS and SA-LS have good anytime behaviour and can work well with different population sizes. Furthermore, SA-LS also showed to produce mostly superior results as compared to NS-LS, NSGA-II, and MOEA/D.Ministry of Education and Training - Vietna

    Meta-heuristic algorithms in car engine design: a literature survey

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    Meta-heuristic algorithms are often inspired by natural phenomena, including the evolution of species in Darwinian natural selection theory, ant behaviors in biology, flock behaviors of some birds, and annealing in metallurgy. Due to their great potential in solving difficult optimization problems, meta-heuristic algorithms have found their way into automobile engine design. There are different optimization problems arising in different areas of car engine management including calibration, control system, fault diagnosis, and modeling. In this paper we review the state-of-the-art applications of different meta-heuristic algorithms in engine management systems. The review covers a wide range of research, including the application of meta-heuristic algorithms in engine calibration, optimizing engine control systems, engine fault diagnosis, and optimizing different parts of engines and modeling. The meta-heuristic algorithms reviewed in this paper include evolutionary algorithms, evolution strategy, evolutionary programming, genetic programming, differential evolution, estimation of distribution algorithm, ant colony optimization, particle swarm optimization, memetic algorithms, and artificial immune system


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    Multiobjective Design Optimization Of Gas Turbine Blade With Emphasis On Internal Cooling

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    In the design of mechanical components, numerical simulations and experimental methods are commonly used for design creation (or modification) and design optimization. However, a major challenge of using simulation and experimental methods is that they are timeconsuming and often cost-prohibitive for the designer. In addition, the simultaneous interactions between aerodynamic, thermodynamic and mechanical integrity objectives for a particular component or set of components are difficult to accurately characterize, even with the existing simulation tools and experimental methods. The current research and practice of using numerical simulations and experimental methods do little to address the simultaneous “satisficing” of multiple and often conflicting design objectives that influence the performance and geometry of a component. This is particularly the case for gas turbine systems that involve a large number of complex components with complicated geometries. Numerous experimental and numerical studies have demonstrated success in generating effective designs for mechanical components; however, their focus has been primarily on optimizing a single design objective based on a limited set of design variables and associated values. In this research, a multiobjective design optimization framework to solve a set of userspecified design objective functions for mechanical components is proposed. The framework integrates a numerical simulation and a nature-inspired optimization procedure that iteratively perturbs a set of design variables eventually converging to a set of tradeoff design solutions. In this research, a gas turbine engine system is used as the test application for the proposed framework. More specifically, the optimization of the gas turbine blade internal cooling channel configuration is performed. This test application is quite relevant as gas turbine engines serve a iv critical role in the design of the next-generation power generation facilities around the world. Furthermore, turbine blades require better cooling techniques to increase their cooling effectiveness to cope with the increase in engine operating temperatures extending the useful life of the blades. The performance of the proposed framework is evaluated via a computational study, where a set of common, real-world design objectives and a set of design variables that directly influence the set of objectives are considered. Specifically, three objectives are considered in this study: (1) cooling channel heat transfer coefficient, which measures the rate of heat transfer and the goal is to maximize this value; (2) cooling channel air pressure drop, where the goal is to minimize this value; and (3) cooling channel geometry, specifically the cooling channel cavity area, where the goal is to maximize this value. These objectives, which are conflicting, directly influence the cooling effectiveness of a gas turbine blade and the material usage in its design. The computational results show the proposed optimization framework is able to generate, evaluate and identify thousands of competitive tradeoff designs in a fraction of the time that it would take designers using the traditional simulation tools and experimental methods commonly used for mechanical component design generation. This is a significant step beyond the current research and applications of design optimization to gas turbine blades, specifically, and to mechanical components, in general

    Evolutionary Algorithms in Engineering Design Optimization

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    Evolutionary algorithms (EAs) are population-based global optimizers, which, due to their characteristics, have allowed us to solve, in a straightforward way, many real world optimization problems in the last three decades, particularly in engineering fields. Their main advantages are the following: they do not require any requisite to the objective/fitness evaluation function (continuity, derivability, convexity, etc.); they are not limited by the appearance of discrete and/or mixed variables or by the requirement of uncertainty quantification in the search. Moreover, they can deal with more than one objective function simultaneously through the use of evolutionary multi-objective optimization algorithms. This set of advantages, and the continuously increased computing capability of modern computers, has enhanced their application in research and industry. From the application point of view, in this Special Issue, all engineering fields are welcomed, such as aerospace and aeronautical, biomedical, civil, chemical and materials science, electronic and telecommunications, energy and electrical, manufacturing, logistics and transportation, mechanical, naval architecture, reliability, robotics, structural, etc. Within the EA field, the integration of innovative and improvement aspects in the algorithms for solving real world engineering design problems, in the abovementioned application fields, are welcomed and encouraged, such as the following: parallel EAs, surrogate modelling, hybridization with other optimization techniques, multi-objective and many-objective optimization, etc

    Advanced VLBI Imaging

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    Very Long Baseline Interferometry (VLBI) is an observational technique developed in astronomy for combining multiple radio telescopes into a single virtual instrument with an effective aperture reaching up to many thousand kilometers and enabling measurements at highest angular resolutions. The celebrated examples of applying VLBI to astrophysical studies include detailed, high-resolution images of the innermost parts of relativistic outflows (jets) in active galactic nuclei (AGN) and recent pioneering observations of the shadows of supermassive black holes (SMBH) in the center of our Galaxy and in the galaxy M87. Despite these and many other proven successes of VLBI, analysis and imaging of VLBI data still remain difficult, owing in part to the fact that VLBI imaging inherently constitutes an ill-posed inverse problem. Historically, this problem has been addressed in radio interferometry by the CLEAN algorithm, a matching-pursuit inverse modeling method developed in the early 1970-s and since then established as a de-facto standard approach for imaging VLBI data. In recent years, the constantly increasing demand for improving quality and fidelity of interferometric image reconstruction has resulted in several attempts to employ new approaches, such as forward modeling and Bayesian estimation, for application to VLBI imaging. While the current state-of-the-art forward modeling and Bayesian techniques may outperform CLEAN in terms of accuracy, resolution, robustness, and adaptability, they also tend to require more complex structure and longer computation times, and rely on extensive finetuning of a larger number of non-trivial hyperparameters. This leaves an ample room for further searches for potentially more effective imaging approaches and provides the main motivation for this dissertation and its particular focusing on the need to unify algorithmic frameworks and to study VLBI imaging from the perspective of inverse problems in general. In pursuit of this goal, and based on an extensive qualitative comparison of the existing methods, this dissertation comprises the development, testing, and first implementations of two novel concepts for improved interferometric image reconstruction. The concepts combine the known benefits of current forward modeling techniques, develop more automatic and less supervised algorithms for image reconstruction, and realize them within two different frameworks. The first framework unites multiscale imaging algorithms in the spirit of compressive sensing with a dictionary adapted to the uv-coverage and its defects (DoG-HiT, DoB-CLEAN). We extend this approach to dynamical imaging and polarimetric imaging. The core components of this framework are realized in a multidisciplinary and multipurpose software MrBeam, developed as part of this dissertation. The second framework employs a multiobjective genetic evolutionary algorithm (MOEA/D) for the purpose of achieving fully unsupervised image reconstruction and hyperparameter optimization. These new methods are shown to outperform the existing methods in various metrics such as angular resolution, structural sensitivity, and degree of supervision. We demonstrate the great potential of these new techniques with selected applications to frontline VLBI observations of AGN jets and SMBH. In addition to improving the quality and robustness of image reconstruction, DoG-HiT, DoB-CLEAN and MOEA/D also provide such novel capabilities as dynamic reconstruction of polarimetric images on minute time-scales, or near-real time and unsupervised data analysis (useful in particular for application to large imaging surveys). The techniques and software developed in this dissertation are of interest for a wider range of inverse problems as well. This includes such versatile fields such as Ly-alpha tomography (where we improve estimates of the thermal state of the intergalactic medium), the cosmographic search for dark matter (where we improve forecasted bounds on ultralight dilatons), medical imaging, and solar spectroscopy


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