571 research outputs found

    Development of microcantilever sensors for cell studies

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    Micro- and nano- electromechanical devices such as microcantilevers have paved the way for a large variety of new possibilities, such as the rapid diagnosis of diseases and a high throughput platform for drug discovery. Conventional cell assay methods rely on the addition of reagents, disrupting the measurement, therefore providing only the endpoint data of the cell growth experiment. In addition, these methods are typically slow to provide results and time and cost consuming. Therefore, microcantilever sensors are a great platform to conduct cell culturing experiments for cell culture, viability, proliferation, and cytotoxicity monitoring, providing advantages such as being able to monitor cell kinetics in real time without requiring external reagents, in addition to being low cost and fast, which conventional cell assay methods are unable to provide. This work aims to develop and test different types of microcantilever biosensors for the detection and monitoring of cell proliferation. This approach will overcome many of the current challenges facing microcantilever biosensors, including but not limited to achieving characteristics such as being low cost, rapid, easy to use, highly sensitive, label-free, multiplexed arrays, etc. Microcantilever sensor platforms utilizing both a single and scanning optical beam detection methods were developed and incorporated aspects such as temperature control, calibration, and readout schemes. Arrays of up to 16 or 32 microcantilever sensors can be simultaneously measured with integrated microfluidic channels. The effectiveness of these cantilever platforms are demonstrated through multiple studies, including examples of growth induced bending of polyimide cantilevers for simple real-time yeast cell measurements and a microcantilever array for rapid, sensitive, and real-time measurement of nanomaterial toxicity on the C3A human liver cell line. In addition, other techniques for microcantilever arrays and microfluidics will be presented along with demonstrations for the ability for stem cell growth monitoring and pathogen detection

    Resonant Magnetic Field Sensors Based On MEMS Technology

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    Microelectromechanical systems (MEMS) technology allows the integration of magnetic field sensors with electronic components, which presents important advantages such as small size, light weight, minimum power consumption, low cost, better sensitivity and high resolution. We present a discussion and review of resonant magnetic field sensors based on MEMS technology. In practice, these sensors exploit the Lorentz force in order to detect external magnetic fields through the displacement of resonant structures, which are measured with optical, capacitive, and piezoresistive sensing techniques. From these, the optical sensing presents immunity to electromagnetic interference (EMI) and reduces the read-out electronic complexity. Moreover, piezoresistive sensing requires an easy fabrication process as well as a standard packaging. A description of the operation mechanisms, advantages and drawbacks of each sensor is considered. MEMS magnetic field sensors are a potential alternative for numerous applications, including the automotive industry, military, medical, telecommunications, oceanographic, spatial, and environment science. In addition, future markets will need the development of several sensors on a single chip for measuring different parameters such as the magnetic field, pressure, temperature and acceleration

    MEMS Accelerometers

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    Micro-electro-mechanical system (MEMS) devices are widely used for inertia, pressure, and ultrasound sensing applications. Research on integrated MEMS technology has undergone extensive development driven by the requirements of a compact footprint, low cost, and increased functionality. Accelerometers are among the most widely used sensors implemented in MEMS technology. MEMS accelerometers are showing a growing presence in almost all industries ranging from automotive to medical. A traditional MEMS accelerometer employs a proof mass suspended to springs, which displaces in response to an external acceleration. A single proof mass can be used for one- or multi-axis sensing. A variety of transduction mechanisms have been used to detect the displacement. They include capacitive, piezoelectric, thermal, tunneling, and optical mechanisms. Capacitive accelerometers are widely used due to their DC measurement interface, thermal stability, reliability, and low cost. However, they are sensitive to electromagnetic field interferences and have poor performance for high-end applications (e.g., precise attitude control for the satellite). Over the past three decades, steady progress has been made in the area of optical accelerometers for high-performance and high-sensitivity applications but several challenges are still to be tackled by researchers and engineers to fully realize opto-mechanical accelerometers, such as chip-scale integration, scaling, low bandwidth, etc

    Functional-Material-Based Touch Interfaces for Multidimensional Sensing for Interactive Displays: A Review

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    Multidimensional sensing is a highly desired attribute for allowing human-machine interfaces (HMIs) to perceive various types of information from both users and the environment, thus enabling the advancement of various smart electronics/applications, e.g., smartphones and smart cities. Conventional multidimensional sensing is achieved through the integration of multiple discrete sensors, which introduces issues such as high energy consumption and high circuit complexity. These disadvantages have motivated the widespread use of functional materials for detecting various stimuli at low cost with low power requirements. This work presents an overview of simply structured touch interfaces for multidimensional (x-y location, force and temperature) sensing enabled by piezoelectric, piezoresistive, triboelectric, pyroelectric and thermoelectric materials. For each technology, the mechanism of operation, state-of-the-art designs, merits, and drawbacks are investigated. At the end of the article, the author discusses the challenges limiting the successful applications of functional materials in commercial touch interfaces and corresponding development trends

    Solid State Circuits Technologies

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    The evolution of solid-state circuit technology has a long history within a relatively short period of time. This technology has lead to the modern information society that connects us and tools, a large market, and many types of products and applications. The solid-state circuit technology continuously evolves via breakthroughs and improvements every year. This book is devoted to review and present novel approaches for some of the main issues involved in this exciting and vigorous technology. The book is composed of 22 chapters, written by authors coming from 30 different institutions located in 12 different countries throughout the Americas, Asia and Europe. Thus, reflecting the wide international contribution to the book. The broad range of subjects presented in the book offers a general overview of the main issues in modern solid-state circuit technology. Furthermore, the book offers an in depth analysis on specific subjects for specialists. We believe the book is of great scientific and educational value for many readers. I am profoundly indebted to the support provided by all of those involved in the work. First and foremost I would like to acknowledge and thank the authors who worked hard and generously agreed to share their results and knowledge. Second I would like to express my gratitude to the Intech team that invited me to edit the book and give me their full support and a fruitful experience while working together to combine this book

    New generation of interactive platforms based on novel printed smart materials

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    Programa doutoral em Engenharia Eletrónica e de Computadores (área de Instrumentação e Microssistemas Eletrónicos)The last decade was marked by the computer-paradigm changing with other digital devices suddenly becoming available to the general public, such as tablets and smartphones. A shift in perspective from computer to materials as the centerpiece of digital interaction is leading to a diversification of interaction contexts, objects and applications, recurring to intuitive commands and dynamic content that can proportionate more interesting and satisfying experiences. In parallel, polymer-based sensors and actuators, and their integration in different substrates or devices is an area of increasing scientific and technological interest, which current state of the art starts to permit the use of smart sensors and actuators embodied within the objects seamlessly. Electronics is no longer a rigid board with plenty of chips. New technological advances and perspectives now turned into printed electronics in polymers, textiles or paper. We are assisting to the actual scaling down of computational power into everyday use objects, a fusion of the computer with the material. Interactivity is being transposed to objects erstwhile inanimate. In this work, strain and deformation sensors and actuators were developed recurring to functional polymer composites with metallic and carbonaceous nanoparticles (NPs) inks, leading to capacitive, piezoresistive and piezoelectric effects, envisioning the creation of tangible user interfaces (TUIs). Based on smart polymer substrates such as polyvinylidene fluoride (PVDF) or polyethylene terephthalate (PET), among others, prototypes were prepared using piezoelectric and dielectric technologies. Piezoresistive prototypes were prepared with resistive inks and restive functional polymers. Materials were printed by screen printing, inkjet printing and doctor blade coating. Finally, a case study of the integration of the different materials and technologies developed is presented in a book-form factor.A última década foi marcada por uma alteração do paradigma de computador pelo súbito aparecimento dos tablets e smartphones para o público geral. A alteração de perspetiva do computador para os materiais como parte central de interação digital levou a uma diversificação dos contextos de interação, objetos e aplicações, recorrendo a comandos intuitivos e conteúdos dinâmicos capazes de tornarem a experiência mais interessante e satisfatória. Em simultâneo, sensores e atuadores de base polimérica, e a sua integração em diferentes substratos ou dispositivos é uma área de crescente interesse científico e tecnológico, e o atual estado da arte começa a permitir o uso de sensores e atuadores inteligentes perfeitamente integrados nos objetos. Eletrónica já não é sinónimo de placas rígidas cheias de componentes. Novas perspetivas e avanços tecnológicos transformaram-se em eletrónica impressa em polímeros, têxteis ou papel. Neste momento estamos a assistir à redução da computação a objetos do dia a dia, uma fusão do computador com a matéria. A interatividade está a ser transposta para objetos outrora inanimados. Neste trabalho foram desenvolvidos atuadores e sensores e de pressão e de deformação com recurso a compostos poliméricos funcionais com tintas com nanopartículas (NPs) metálicas ou de base carbónica, recorrendo aos efeitos capacitivo, piezoresistivo e piezoelétrico, com vista à criação de interfaces de usuário tangíveis (TUIs). Usando substratos poliméricos inteligentes tais como fluoreto de polivinilideno (PVDF) ou politereftalato de etileno (PET), entre outos, foi possível a preparação de protótipos de tecnologia piezoelétrica ou dielétrica. Os protótipos de tecnologia piezoresistiva foram feitos com tintas resistivas e polímeros funcionais resistivos. Os materiais foram impressos por serigrafia, jato de tinta, impressão por aerossol e revestimento de lâmina doctor blade. Para terminar, é apresentado um caso de estudo da integração dos diferentes materiais e tecnologias desenvolvidos sob o formato de um livro.This project was supported by FCT – Fundação para a Ciência e a Tecnologia, within the doctorate grant with reference SFRH/BD/110622/2015, by POCH – Programa Operacional Capital Humano, and by EU – European Union

    Vers des centrales inertielles compactes basées sur des nanojauges piezorésistives : problématique de co-intégration

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    This thesis was carried out in an industrial context of strong competition in connection with miniature silicon sensors for the huge so-called “consumer” market, where the “Smartphone” is the killer application; its increasing functionality creates a need for the so-called ‘10-axis' inertial multi-sensors (3-axis accelerometer, 3-axis magnetometer, 3-axis gyro sensor and pressure). Similarly to integrated circuits, cost constraints on such sensors translate into a requirement in terms of integration density. The M & NEMS (Micro- & Nano- Electro-Mechanical-Systems) technology has been developed to meet this expectation. It is based on the integration of nanoscale (~ 250 nm) strain gauges together with micrometric electromechanical structures, which ensure unrivaled compactness, paving the way for the co-integration of multiple inertial sensors on the same silicon chip. However, the different nature of the physical quantities to be measured imposes additional constraints, sometimes conflicting, which leads to a difficult co-integration. Based on this observation, we have explored and developed solutions to allow operation under the same ambient pressure, of accelerometers together with Coriolis force based gyroscopes. This issue of co-integration extends beyond the accelerometer-gyroscope couple. Issues inherent to the pressure sensor and to the 3-axis accelerometer measurements, are also addressed in this thesisCette thèse a été effectuée dans un contexte industriel de forte concurrence en lien avec les capteurs miniatures en silicium, destinés au gigantesque marché dit "consumer", dont l'application phare est le "Smartphone", pour laquelle les fonctionnalités accrues engendrent un besoin en matière de multi-capteurs inertiels dits 10-axes (accéléromètre 3-axes, magnétomètre 3-axes, gyromètre 3-axes et capteur de pression). Tout comme les circuits intégrés, les contraintes de coût de tels capteurs se traduisent par une exigence en termes de densité d'intégration. La technologie M&NEMS (Micro- & Nano- Electro Mechanical Systems) a été développée pour répondre à cette attente. Elle repose sur l'intégration de jauges de contraintes de dimensions nanométriques (~250 nm) avec des structures électromécaniques micrométriques, ce qui prodigue une compacité hors-pair des capteurs, ouvrant la voie à la co-intégration de multi-capteurs sur la même puce de silicium. Toutefois, la nature différente des grandeurs physiques à mesurer impose des contraintes supplémentaires, parfois opposées, ce qui rend leur co-intégration difficile. Partant de ce constat, nous avons exploré et développé, des solutions devant permettre le fonctionnement sous une même pression environnante, d'accéléromètres et de gyromètres à force de Coriolis. Cette problématique de co-intégration, s'étend au-delà du couple accéléromètre-gyromètre. Des questions inhérentes au capteur de pression ainsi qu'aux 3 axes de mesure d'un accéléromètre, sont également traitées dans cette thès

    Development of the Telemetrical Intraoperative Soft Tissue Tension Monitoring System in Total Knee Replacement with MEMS and ASIC Technologies

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    The alignment of the femoral and tibial components of the Total Knee Arthoplasty (TKA) is one of the most important factors to implant survivorship. Hence, numerous ligament balancing techniques and devices have been developed in order to accurately balance the knee intra-operatively. Spacer block, tensioner and tram adapter are instruments that allow surgeons to qualitatively balance the flexion and extension gaps during TKA. However, even with these instruments, the surgical procedure still relies on the skill and experience of the surgeon. The objective of this thesis is to develop a computerized surgical instrument that can acquire intra-operative data telemetrically for surgeons and engineers. Microcantilever is chosen to be used as the strain sensing elements. Even though many high end off-the-shelf data acquisition components and integrated circuit (IC) chips exist on the market, yet multiple components are required to process the entire array of microcantilevers and achieve the desired functions. Due to the size limitation of the off-chip components, an Application Specific Integrated Circuit (ASIC) chip is designed and fabricated. Using a spacer block as a base, sensors, a data acquisition system as well as the transmitter and antenna are embedded into it. The electronics are sealed with medical grade epoxy

    MEMS tunable infrared metamaterial and mechanical sensors

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    Sub-wavelength resonant structures open the path for fine controlling the near-field at the nanoscale dimension. They constitute into macroscopic “metamaterials” with macroscale properties such as transmission, reflection, and absorption being tailored to exhibit a particular electromagnetic response. The properties of the resonators are often fixed at the time of fabrication wherein the tunability is demanding to overcome fabrication tolerances and afford fast signal processing. Hybridizing dynamic components such as optically active medium into the device makes tunable devices. Microelectromechanical systems (MEMS) compatible integrated circuit fabrication process is a promising platform that can be merged with photonics or novel 2D materials. The prospect of enormous freedom in integrating nanophotonics, MEMS actuators and sensors, and microelectronics into a single platform has driven the rapid development of MEMS-based sensing devices. This thesis describes the design and development of four tunable plasmonic structures based on active media or MEMS, two graphene-based MEMS sensors and a novel tape-based cost-effective nanotransfer printing techniques. First of all, we present two tunable plasmonic devices with the use of two active medium, which are electrically controlled liquid crystals and temperature-responsive hydrogels, respectively. By incorporating a nematic liquid crystal layer into quasi-3D mushroom plasmonic nanostructures and thanks to the unique coupling between surface plasmon polariton and Rayleigh anomaly, we have achieved the electrical tuning of the properties of plasmonic crystal at a low operating electric field. We also present another tunable plasmonic device with the capability to sense environmental temperature variations. The device is bowtie nanoantenna arrays coated with a submicron-thick, thermos-responsive hydrogel. The favorable scaling of plasmonic dimers at the nanometer scale and ionic diffusion at the submicron scale is leveraged to achieve strong optical resonance and rapid hydrogel response, respectively. Secondly, we present two MEMS -based tunable near-to-mid infrared metamaterials on a silicon-on-insulator wafer via electrically and thermally actuating the freestanding nanocantilevers. The two devices are developed on the basis of the same fabrication process and are easy-to-implement. The electrostatically driven metamaterial affords ultrahigh mechanical modulation (several tens of MHz) of an optical signal while the thermo-mechanically tunable metamaterial provides up to 90% optical signal modulation at a wavelength of 3.6 õm. Next, we present MEMS graphene-based pressure and gas flow sensors realized by transferring a large area and few-layered graphene onto a suspended silicon nitride thin membrane perforated with micro-through-holes. Due to the increased strain in the through-holes, the pressure sensor exhibits a very high sensitivty outperformed than most existing MEMS-based pressure sensors using graphene, silicon, and carbon nanotubes. An air flow sensor is also demonstrated via patterning graphene sheets with flow-through microholes. The flow rate of the air is measured by converting the mechanically deflection of the membrane into the electrical readout due to the graphene piezeroresistors. Finally, we present a tape-based multifunctional nanotransfer printing process based on a simple stick-and-peel procedure. It affords fast production of large-area metallic and dielectric nanophotonic sensing devices and metamaterials using Scotch tape