27 research outputs found

    An inter-cluster communication facility for lightweight manycore processors in the Nanvix OS

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    TCC(graduação) - Universidade Federal de Santa Catarina. Centro Tecnológico. Ciências da Computação.Em conjunto com a maior escalabilidade e eficiência energética, os processadores lightweight manycores trouxeram um novo conjunto de desafios no desenvolvimento de software provenientes de suas particularidades arquiteturais. Neste contexto, sistemas operacionais tornam o desenvolvimento de aplicações menos onerosos, menos suscetíveis a erros e mais eficientes. A camada de abstração provida pelos sistemas operacionais suprime as características do hardware sob uma perspectiva simplificada e eficaz. No entanto, parte dos desafios de desenvolvimento encontrados em lightweight manycores deriva diretamente de runtimes e sistemas operacionais existentes, que não lidam completamente com a complexidade arquitetural desses processadores. Acreditamos que sistemas operacionais para a próxima geração de lightweight manycores necessitam ser repensados a partir de seus conceitos básicos considerando as severas restrições arquiteturais. Em particular, as abstrações de comunicação desempenham um papel crucial na escalabilidade e desempenho das aplicações devido à natureza distribuída dos manycores. O objetivo deste trabalho é propor mecanismos de comunicação entre clusters para o processador manycore emergente MPPA-256. Estes mecanismos fazem parte de uma Camada de Abstração de Hardware (HAL) genérica e flexível para lightweight manycores que lida diretamente com os principais problemas encontrados no projeto de um sistema operacional para esses processadores. Sob estes mecanismos, serviços de comunicação também serão propostos para um sistema operacional baseado no modelo microkernel, que busca fornecer um esqueleto básico para as abstrações de comunicação. As contribuições deste trabalho estão inseridas em um contexto de pesquisa mais amplo, que procura investigar a criação de um sistema operacional distribuído baseado em uma abordagem multikernel, denominado Nanvix OS. O Nanvix OS se concentrará em questões de programabilidade e portabilidade através de um sistema operacional compatível com o padrão POSIX para lightweight manycore. Os resultados mostram como algoritmos distribuídos conhecidos podem ser eficientemente suportados pelo Nanvix OS e incentivam melhorias providas pelo uso adequado dos aceleradores de Acesso Direto à Memória (DMA).Jointly with further scalability and energy efficiency, lightweight manycores brought a new set of challenges in software development coming from their architectural particularities. In this context, Operating Systems (OSs) make application development less costly, less error-prone, and more efficient. The abstraction layer provided by OSs suppresses hardware characteristics from a simplified and productive perspective. However, part of the development challenges encountered in lightweight manycores stems from the existing runtimes and OSs, which do not entirely address the complexity of these processors. We believe that OSs for the next generation of lightweight manycores must be redesigned from scratch to cope with their tight architectural constraints. In particular, communication abstractions play a crucial role in application scalability and performance due to the distributed nature of manycores. The purpose of this undergraduate dissertation is to propose an inter-cluster communication facility for the emerging manycore MPPA-256 processor. This facility is part of a generic and flexible Hardware Abstraction Layer (HAL) that deals directly with the key issues encountered in designing an OS for these processors. Above this facility, communication services will also be proposed for an OS based on the microkernel model, which seeks to provide a basic framework for communication abstractions. The contributions of this undergraduate dissertation are embedded in a broader research context that aims to investigate the creation of a distributed OS based on a multikernel approach, called Nanvix OS. Nanvix OS focuses on programmability and portability issues for manycores through a POSIX-compliant OS. The results present how well known distributed algorithms can be efficiently supported by Nanvix OS and encourage improvements provided by the proper use of Direct memory access (DMA) accelerators

    A Simple MPI Library for Lightweight Manycore Processors

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    TCC(graduação) - Universidade Federal de Santa Catarina. Centro Tecnológico. Ciências da Computação.Nas últimas décadas, melhorar o desempenho de núcleos individuais e aumentar o nú- mero de núcleos de alta potência por chip foram as principais tendências na construção de processadores. No entanto, esta combinação levou não apenas a um aumento no poder computacional, mas também a um aumento considerável no seu consumo de energia. Há uma preocupação crescente entre a comunidade científica a respeito da eficiência ener- gética dos supercomputadores modernos. Nos últimos anos, muitos esforços têm sido feitos em pesquisas, buscando soluções alternativas capazes de resolver este problema de escalabilidade e eficiência energética. O desempenho e a eficiência energética providos pelos manycores leves são inegáveis. Contudo, a falta de suporte avançado e portátil para esses processadores, como interfaces padrão de alto desempenho para o desenvolvi- mento de código portável, torna o desenvolvimento de software um desafio. Atualmente, duas abordagens são empregadas tentando aumentar a programabilidade em manycores leves: Sistemas operacionais (SOs) e sistemas de execução (runtimes). A primeira fornece portabilidade mas expõe interfaces de programação complexas no nível do SO aos desen- volvedores. Já a segunda se concentra em fornecer interfaces ricas e de alto desempenho, as quais são específicas do fabricante e resultam em software não portável. Portanto, as soluções existentes forçam os desenvolvedores a escolher entre a portabilidade do software ou um processo de desenvolvimento mais rápido. Para resolver esse dilema, neste traba- lho é proposta uma biblioteca MPI leve e portável (LWMPI) projetada do zero para lidar com as restrições e complexidades dos manycores leves. A LWMPI foi integrada a um SO direcionado a esses processadores, oferecendo assim uma melhor programabilidade e portabilidade implícita para manycores leves, sem incorrer em sobrecargas de desempe- nho excessivas que inviabilizariam o seu uso. Para fornecer uma avaliação abrangente da LWMPI, foram utilizadas três aplicações de uma suíte de benchmarking representativa, usada para avaliar o desempenho de manycores leves, além de um benchmark sintético. Os resultados obtidos no processador Kalray MPPA-256 revelaram que a LWMPI atinge uma performance e uma escalabilidade de desempenho melhor do que uma solução feita especificamente para essa análise e que se utiliza puramente das abstrações de IPC do Nanvix, ao mesmo tempo em que oferece uma interface de programação mais rica.In the last decades, improving the performance of individual cores and increasing the number of high power cores per chip were the main trends in the construction of proces- sors. However, this combination led not only to an increase in the computing capacity, but also to a considerable growth in energy consumption. There is a crescent concern among the scientific community about the energy efficiency of modern supercomputers. In the last years, many efforts have been made in research, searching for alternative solutions capable of solving this problem of scalability and energy efficiency. The performance and energy efficiency provided by lightweight manycores is undeniable. Although, the lack of rich and portable support for these processors, such as high-performance standard inter- faces that deliver portable source codes, makes software development a challenging task. Currently, two approaches are employed trying to improve programmability in lightweight manycores: Operating Systems (OSes) and baremetal runtime systems. The former pro- vides portability but exposes complex OS-level programming interfaces to developers. The latter focuses on providing rich and high performance interfaces, which are vendor- specific and yield to non-portable software. Thus, the existing solutions force software engineers to choose between software portability or a faster development process. To address this dilemma, we propose a portable and lightweight MPI library (LWMPI) de- signed from scratch to cope with restrictions and intricacies of lightweight manycores. We integrated LWMPI into a distributed OS that targets these processors, thus featuring bet- ter programmability and implicit portability for lightweight manycores, without incurring excessive performance overheads that could hinder its use. To deliver a comprehensive evaluation of LWMPI, we relied on three applications from a representative benchmark suite used to assess the performance of lightweight manycores, and a synthetic benchmark. Our results obtained on the Kalray MPPA-256 processor unveiled that LWMPI present better performance and scalability when compared with a specifically made solution that uses the raw Nanvix Inter-Process Communication (IPC) abstractions, while exposing a richer programming interface

    Exploiting memory allocations in clusterized many-core architectures

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    Power-efficient architectures have become the most important feature required for future embedded systems. Modern designs, like those released on mobile devices, reveal that clusterization is the way to improve energy efficiency. However, such architectures are still limited by the memory subsystem (i.e., memory latency problems). This work investigates an alternative approach that exploits on-chip data locality to a large extent, through distributed shared memory systems that permit efficient reuse of on-chip mapped data in clusterized many-core architectures. First, this work reviews the current literature on memory allocations and explore the limitations of cluster-based many-core architectures. Then, several memory allocations are introduced and benchmarked scalability, performance and energy-wise, compared to the conventional centralized shared memory solution to reveal which memory allocation is the most appropriate for future mobile architectures. Our results show that distributed shared memory allocations bring performance gains and opportunities to reduce energy consumption

    A trace-driven methodology to evaluate memory management services of distributed operating systems for lightweight manycores

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    Dissertação (mestrado) - Universidade Federal de Santa Catarina, Centro Tecnológico, Programa de Pós-Graduação em Ciência da Computação, Florianópolis, 2022.Os lightweight manycores pertencem a uma nova classe de processadores emergentes de baixa potência para a era Exascale. Esses processadores apresentam vários desafios para o desenvolvimento de aplicações, como arquitetura de memória distribuída, quantidade limitada de memória no chip e nenhuma coerência de cache. Recentemente, Sistemas Operacionais distribuídos foram propostos para enfrentar esses desafios de forma transparente. Nesses sistemas, diferentes serviços do Sistema Operacional são implantados nos núcleos do processador, sendo o serviço de gerenciamento de memória um dos mais importantes. No entanto, os desafios citados anteriormente sobre lightweight manycores trazem vários obstáculos para o design, implementação e otimizações futuras de serviços de gerenciamento de memória. Esta dissertação propõe uma metodologia baseada em traces para avaliar e otimizar recursos do serviço de gerenciamento de memória em Sistemas Operacionais distribuídos para lightweight manycores. Usando uma representação compacta do padrão de acesso às páginas das aplicações, a metodologia consegue imitar o padrão de acesso à memória das aplicações originais no Sistema Operacional distribuído rodando em um lightweight manycore. A metodologia foi integrada em um Sistema Operacional distribuído (Nanvix) e validada usando cinco aplicações de um benchmark específico para lightweight manycores (Capbench). Em seguida, a metodologia foi aplicada para realizar um estudo de caso usando uma implementação de cache gerenciada por software disponível no Nanvix. A metodologia permitiu avaliar várias configurações e diferentes políticas de substituição de páginas no processador MPPA, mesmo sem o suporte necessário da arquitetura para implementá-los.Abstract: Lightweight manycores belong to a new class of emerging low-power processors for the Exascale era. These processors present several challenges for the development of applications, such as distributed memory architecture, limited amount of on-chip memory and no cache coherence. Recently, distributed Operating Systems have been proposed to address these challenges in a transparent way. In these systems, different Operating Systems services are deployed across the processor cores, being the memory management service one of the most important. However, the aforementioned challenges of lightweight manycores bring several demands to the design, implementation and future optimizations of memory management services. This dissertation proposes a trace-driven methodology to evaluate and optimize features of a memory management service of distributed Operating Systems for lightweight manycores. By using a compact representation of the page access pattern of applications, our methodology is capable of mimicking the memory access pattern of the original applications on the target distributed Operating System running on a lightweight manycore. The methodology was integrated in a distributed Operating System (Nanvix) and validated using five applications from a specific benchmark for lightweight manycores (Capbench). Then, the methodology was applied to carry out a case study using a software-managed cache implementation available in Nanvix. The methodology enables evaluation of several configurations and different page replacement policies on MPPA processor, even without the support from the architecture to implement them

    Query processing on low-energy many-core processors

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    Aside from performance, energy efficiency is an increasing challenge in database systems. To tackle both aspects in an integrated fashion, we pursue a hardware/software co-design approach. To fulfill the energy requirement from the hardware perspective, we utilize a low-energy processor design offering the possibility to us to place hundreds to millions of chips on a single board without any thermal restrictions. Furthermore, we address the performance requirement by the development of several database-specific instruction set extensions to customize each core, whereas each core does not have all extensions. Therefore, our hardware foundation is a low-energy processor consisting of a high number of heterogeneous cores. In this paper, we introduce our hardware setup on a system level and present several challenges for query processing. Based on these challenges, we describe two implementation concepts and a comparison between these concepts. Finally, we conclude the paper with some lessons learned and an outlook on our upcoming research directions

    Extending the HybridThread SMP Model for Distributed Memory Systems

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    Memory Hierarchy is of growing importance in system design today. As Moore\u27s Law allows system designers to include more processors within their designs, data locality becomes a priority. Traditional multiprocessor systems on chip (MPSoC) experience difficulty scaling as the quantity of processors increases. This challenge is common behavior of memory accesses in a shared memory environment and causes a decrease in memory bandwidth as processor numbers increase. In order to provide the necessary levels of scalability, the computer architecture community has sought to decentralize memory accesses by distributing memory throughout the system. Distributed memory offers greater bandwidth due to decoupled access paths. Today\u27s million gate Field Programmable Gate Arrays (FPGA) offer an invaluable opportunity to explore this type of memory hierarchy. FPGA vendors such as Xilinx provide dual-ported on-chip memory for decoupled access in addition to configurable sized memories. In this work, a new platform was created around the use of dual-ported SRAMs for distributed memory to explore the possible scalability of this form of memory hierarchy. However, developing distributed memory poses a tremendous challenge: supporting a linear address space that allows wide applicability to be achieved. Many have agreed that a linear address space eases the programmability of a system. Although the abstraction of disjointed memories via underlying architecture and/or new programming presents an advantage in exploring the possibilities of distributed memory, automatic data partitioning and migration remains a considerable challenge. In this research this challenge was dealt with by the inclusion of both a shared memory and distributed memory model. This research is vital because exposing the programmer to the underlying architecture while providing a linear address space results in desired standards of programmability and performance alike. In addition, standard shared memory programming models can be applied allowing the user to enjoy full scalable performance potential

    A Survey of Research into Mixed Criticality Systems

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    This survey covers research into mixed criticality systems that has been published since Vestal’s seminal paper in 2007, up until the end of 2016. The survey is organised along the lines of the major research areas within this topic. These include single processor analysis (including fixed priority and EDF scheduling, shared resources and static and synchronous scheduling), multiprocessor analysis, realistic models, and systems issues. The survey also explores the relationship between research into mixed criticality systems and other topics such as hard and soft time constraints, fault tolerant scheduling, hierarchical scheduling, cyber physical systems, probabilistic real-time systems, and industrial safety standards

    Operating System Support for Redundant Multithreading

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    Failing hardware is a fact and trends in microprocessor design indicate that the fraction of hardware suffering from permanent and transient faults will continue to increase in future chip generations. Researchers proposed various solutions to this issue with different downsides: Specialized hardware components make hardware more expensive in production and consume additional energy at runtime. Fault-tolerant algorithms and libraries enforce specific programming models on the developer. Compiler-based fault tolerance requires the source code for all applications to be available for recompilation. In this thesis I present ASTEROID, an operating system architecture that integrates applications with different reliability needs. ASTEROID is built on top of the L4/Fiasco.OC microkernel and extends the system with Romain, an operating system service that transparently replicates user applications. Romain supports single- and multi-threaded applications without requiring access to the application's source code. Romain replicates applications and their resources completely and thereby does not rely on hardware extensions, such as ECC-protected memory. In my thesis I describe how to efficiently implement replication as a form of redundant multithreading in software. I develop mechanisms to manage replica resources and to make multi-threaded programs behave deterministically for replication. I furthermore present an approach to handle applications that use shared-memory channels with other programs. My evaluation shows that Romain provides 100% error detection and more than 99.6% error correction for single-bit flips in memory and general-purpose registers. At the same time, Romain's execution time overhead is below 14% for single-threaded applications running in triple-modular redundant mode. The last part of my thesis acknowledges that software-implemented fault tolerance methods often rely on the correct functioning of a certain set of hardware and software components, the Reliable Computing Base (RCB). I introduce the concept of the RCB and discuss what constitutes the RCB of the ASTEROID system and other fault tolerance mechanisms. Thereafter I show three case studies that evaluate approaches to protecting RCB components and thereby aim to achieve a software stack that is fully protected against hardware errors