99 research outputs found

    An Empirical Validation of a Unified Model of Electronic Government Adoption (UMEGA)

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    YesIn electronic government (hereafter e-government), a large variety of technology adoption models are employed, which make researchers and policymakers puzzled about which one to use. In this research, nine well-known theoretical models of information technology adoption are evaluated and 29 different constructs are identified. A unified model of e-government adoption (UMEGA) is developed and validated using data gathered from 377 respondents from seven selected cities in India. The results indicate that the proposed unified model outperforms all other theoretical models, explaining the highest variance on behavioral intention, acceptable levels of fit indices, and significant relationships for each of the seven hypotheses. The UMEGA is a parsimonious model based on the e-government-specific context, whereas the constructs from the original technology adoption models were found to be inappropriate for the e-government context. By using the UMEGA, relevant e-government constructs were included. For further research, we recommend the development of e-government-specific scales.E

    SILaK Sebagai Model E-Government Berbasis Smartphone: Suatu Inovasi BPKAD Kabupaten Lombok Tengah

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    Perkembangan teknologi informasi komunikasi salah satunya android smart-phone telah menjadi model baru prkatik e-government dalam inovasi layanan publik di negara-negara maju dan negara berkembang.E-government juga tengah berkembang pesat dalam birokrasi di Indonesia dari pusat hingga daerah.  Adopsi e-government sejalan dengan pergeseran paradigma manajemen publik dari Old Public Administration (OPA) menuju New Public Management (NPM), bahkan saat ini telah masuk pada New Public Service (NPS). NPM merupakan paradigma yang memfokuskan layanan publik secara efisien, efektif, ekonomis, akuntabel, dan kompetitif.Oleh karenanya, NPM dimanifestasikan melalui berbagai inovasi birokrasi. Tulisan ini mendiskusikan sistem informasi layanan asset dan keuangan (SILaK) sebagai model praktik e-government pada kantor BPKAD Kabupaten Lombok Tengah.  Hasil analisis menunjukkan SILaK telah masuk kategori inovasi birokrasi yang mencakup tiga bentuk; menciptakan barang atau layanan baru yang lebih baik, mengembangkan cara baru dalam layanan publik, dan menciptakan cara baru untuk organisasi. SILaK juga menggambarkan pergeseran praktik paradigma birokrasi pemerintah daerah dari OPA menjadi NPM, melalui e-government

    Examining Factors Determining the Behavioral Intention to Use Mobile Learning Systems in Higher Education: An Integrative Framework during the COVID-19 Pandemic

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    This paper explores mobile learning (m-learning) acceptance and use through integrating UTAUT and IS success models to examine whether quality factors (including “Information Quality,” “System Quality” and “Service Quality”) and behavioral factors (including “Performance Expectancy,” “Social Influence” and “Facilitating Conditions”) predict students’ satisfaction and their intention to use m-learning systems. Data were collected through surveys from a total of 383 higher education male and female students in the United Arab Emirates (UAE). Structural equation modelling and path analysis were employed to test the proposed research model, showing that “Information Quality,” “System Quality,” “Service Quality,” “Performance Expectancy,” “Social Influence,” “Facilitating Conditions,” and “Satisfaction” determined students’ intentions to use m-learning. “Satisfaction” was the most important antecedent of user behavior with m-learning, and “Performance Expectancy” was found to have the highest effect on “Satisfaction.” The study’s contribution to the advancement of m-learning acceptance and usage is connected to the theory and practice

    Faktor - Faktor Yang Mempengaruhi Penerimaan Pengguna Terhadap Layanan E-SPTPD Di Kota Surakarta

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    At this time the growth of information technology very quick which has significant impact on human life. This encourage changes in various sectors of people life along with the development of information and Comunication of Technology (ICT). Even the Government which utilizes information technology system, namely Electronic Government. The city of Surakarta, especially BPPKAD Surakarta has to begun to implement e-Government in the area of local tax services, one of which is E-SPTPD or Electronic Regional Tax Return to facilitate report and payment of local taxes. However, the successful use of e-Government is not accompanied by success at the user level. Therefore, this study will determine the factors that affect the acceptance of E-SPTPD service users in Surakarta. This study uses Unified Model of Electronic Government (UMEGA). This research was conducted by distributing questionnaires with a total sample of 74 local taxpayers in the city of Surakarta. Data analysis using the Structural Equation Model (SEM-PLS) with the Smart PLS 3 application. The results of this study indicate that the factors that influence E-SPTPD service users are performance expectation, social influence, user attitudes. When the level of use and interest of service users, especially local taxpayers, increases, it will increase the compliance of local taxpayers to be able to report and pay taxes in a timely manner. So that this compliance will increase local tax revenue

    Proposed model for investigating the level of the users’ acceptance of e-government services

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    The current paper aims to propose a framework for investigating the level of acceptance of the users for e-government services. The proposed model consists of two main independent variables. The first factor is the perceived usefulness with two-constructs, namely: perceived usefulness and perceived ease of use. The second independent variable is trust, which has three sub-constructs: perceived risk, perceived privacy and perceived security. The proposed model hypothesizes that these variables have a positive effect on the users’ acceptance for e-government services. The proposed model also hypothesizes that knowledge technology has a positive effect on the relationship between the independent and dependent variables. This model could help to understand the level of acceptance of the users for e-government services, especially that it has focused on both positive and negative factors that might influence the users’ acceptance of e-government services


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    This research aimed to determine the factors influencing the behavior of management information system users at the National Accreditation Committee. The theory used was based on the Technology Acceptance Model (TAM) theory extension, and the analytical method used was the Structural Equation Model (SEM). The factors were according to Davis's modified theory, where external factors were the quality of internet connection and leadership support. Internal factors included perceived ease of use and perceived usefulness, attitudes toward using, behavioral intention to use, and actual system use. This research was conducted on 128 respondents representing the Conformity Assessment Bodies (CABs). This research showed that leadership support had a significant effect on perceived ease of use and perceived usefulness. Meanwhile, the quality of the internet connection only affected the perceived usefulness. Leadership support, quality of internet connection, perceived ease of use, perceived usefulness, and attitudes toward using were factors that affected user behavior intention to use. This research's managerial implication is to strengthen the server and increase the leadership's motivation towards the CAB employees by socializing accreditation applications. Keywords: behavioral intention to use, information system, leadership support, quality of internet connection, TA

    Toward a conceptual model for examining the role of social media on social customer relationship management (SCRM) system

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    YesOrganizations worldwide are becoming more interested in utilizing social media applications to enhance their marketing capabilities. One of the main fruits of integrating social media applications into the marketing, information technology and information systems areas is social customer relationship management (SCRM). SCRM has been the focus of attention for both marketing academics and practitioners. However, as this area is quite new, there is a need to propose a theoretical foundation explaining how using social media platforms for SCRM systems could predict customer engagement and customer relationship performance. Three main factors, i.e. social media use, a customer-centric management system, and relationship marketing orientation, are considered as key predictors of SCRM. SCRM is proposed as a key determinant of customer engagement, which in turn affects customer relationship performance. The proposed research methodology suggests conducting a quantitative study to validate the current study model. Further discussion regarding the research contribution and main limitations are provided in the last sections

    Factors Affecting Community's Intention to Use Lestari Applications Through the Umega Model

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    This study's goal is to utilize the UMEGA model to examine the factors influencing people's tendency to use the NTB Lestari Application. The framework model for this study. this study examines how much the UMEGA variable affects users of the NTB Sustainable Application's level of quantitative behavioural intention. A quantitative approach was used for this study's methodology. The framework model for this study was the Unification Model of Information Technology Act Deployment or UMEGA. A quantitative approach was used for this study's methodology. The primary data came from a survey consisting of a questionnaire completed by 92 individuals in total. Using the SmartPLS 3.0 program, the Partial Least Square (PLS) approach was used for data analysis. According to the findings of the research, 1) Performance Expectations influence Attitudes, 2) Business Expectations influence Attitudes, 3) Social Influences influence Attitudes, 4) Facility Conditions influence Business Expectations, 5) Attitudes influence Behavioral Intentions (e-government), 6) Facility Conditions have no effect on Behavioral Intentions, and 7) Perceived Risk has no effect on Attitudes. It is necessary to increase public awareness about the safety of the NTB Sustainable Application and network infrastructure, and this must be done in a way that is convincing to the general public and visitors.AbstrakTujuan dari penelitian ini adalah untuk menyelidiki unsur-unsur yang mempengaruhi kecenderungan masyarakat untuk menggunakan Aplikasi Lestari NTB dengan menggunakan model UMEGA. Secara khusus, penelitian ini bertujuan untuk menyelidiki sejauh mana variabel UMEGA berdampak pada tingkat niat perilaku kuantitatif yang ditunjukkan oleh pengguna Aplikasi Berkelanjutan NTB. Pendekatan kuantitatif digunakan untuk metodologi penelitian ini. The Unified Model of Electronic Government Adoption atau sering dikenal dengan UMEGA merupakan model kerangka kerja yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini. Pendekatan kuantitatif digunakan untuk metodologi penelitian ini. Data primer berasal dari survei yang terdiri dari kuesioner yang diisi oleh 92 orang secara total. Analisis data dilakukan dengan metode Partial Least Square (PLS) dengan menggunakan aplikasi SmartPLS 3.0. Menurut temuan penelitian, 1) Ekspektasi Kinerja mempengaruhi Sikap, 2) Ekspektasi Bisnis mempengaruhi Sikap, 3) Pengaruh Sosial mempengaruhi Sikap, 4) Kondisi Fasilitas mempengaruhi Ekspektasi Bisnis, 5) Sikap mempengaruhi Niat Perilaku (e-government), 6 ) Kondisi Fasilitas tidak berpengaruh terhadap Niat Perilaku, dan 7) Persepsi Risiko tidak berpengaruh terhadap Sikap. Perlu adanya peningkatan kesadaran masyarakat tentang keamanan Aplikasi Berkelanjutan NTB dan infrastruktur jaringan, dan hal ini harus dilakukan dengan cara yang meyakinkan bagi masyarakat umum dan pengunjung


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    Smart cities rely on digital technologies that might be questionably acceptable among the population due to their newness. Millennials as a generation that was born into the setting featuring smart technologies seem to be an appropriate focus group for understanding the attitudes towards these technologies. Given that autonomous vehicles (AV) are the future mobility service in smart cities, an important question regarding their adoption arises. Previous research has shown that technological enthusiasm is an important factor for adopting new technologies. The purpose of this paper is therefore to examine the attitude of millennials towards semi- and fully AV. AV trust, AV concerns, AV benefits, AV safety and AV data sharing have been shown to be additional factors that are important in addressing AV adoption. Besides, statistically significant differences between the groups, namely technologically more enthusiastic and technologically less enthusiastic, were identified and further analysed

    Effect of Use of Mobile Banking on the Student’s Satisfaction and Loyalty

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    This study aims to measure the main factors that could predict the use of mobile banking as well as how to use such a system that could contribute to both customer satisfaction and customer loyalty. This study combines two models, i.e., UTAUT2 and D&M IS Success Model. An empirical study was conducted by distributing a questionnaire to 255 Respondents. Respondents of the study were students who live in Surabaya and use mobile banking. Non-probability sampling with a purposive sampling type was applied as the sampling technique. Data processing was conducted using SPSS 18 for Windows and Amos Graphic 21 for Windows and analysis using the Structural Equation Model (SEM). The result of this research showed there are main factors; social influence, price value, facilitating conditions, hedonic motivation, habit, system quality and service quality were found to have a significant impact on actual use behavior
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