230 research outputs found

    A case study of controlling crossover in a selection hyper-heuristic framework using the multidimensional knapsack problem

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    Hyper-heuristics are high-level methodologies for solving complex problems that operate on a search space of heuristics. In a selection hyper-heuristic framework, a heuristic is chosen from an existing set of low-level heuristics and applied to the current solution to produce a new solution at each point in the search. The use of crossover low-level heuristics is possible in an increasing number of general-purpose hyper-heuristic tools such as HyFlex and Hyperion. However, little work has been undertaken to assess how best to utilise it. Since a single-point search hyper-heuristic operates on a single candidate solution, and two candidate solutions are required for crossover, a mechanism is required to control the choice of the other solution. The frameworks we propose maintain a list of potential solutions for use in crossover. We investigate the use of such lists at two conceptual levels. First, crossover is controlled at the hyper-heuristic level where no problem-specific information is required. Second, it is controlled at the problem domain level where problem-specific information is used to produce good-quality solutions to use in crossover. A number of selection hyper-heuristics are compared using these frameworks over three benchmark libraries with varying properties for an NP-hard optimisation problem: the multidimensional 0-1 knapsack problem. It is shown that allowing crossover to be managed at the domain level outperforms managing crossover at the hyper-heuristic level in this problem domain. © 2016 Massachusetts Institute of Technolog

    A Weight-coded Evolutionary Algorithm for the Multidimensional Knapsack Problem

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    A revised weight-coded evolutionary algorithm (RWCEA) is proposed for solving multidimensional knapsack problems. This RWCEA uses a new decoding method and incorporates a heuristic method in initialization. Computational results show that the RWCEA performs better than a weight-coded evolutionary algorithm proposed by Raidl (1999) and to some existing benchmarks, it can yield better results than the ones reported in the OR-library.Comment: Submitted to Applied Mathematics and Computation on April 8, 201

    MEMOTS : a memetic algorithm integrating tabu search for combinatorial multiobjective optimization

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    We present in this paper a new multiobjective memetic algorithm scheme called MEMOX. In current multiobjective memetic algorithms, the parents used for recombination are randomly selected. We improve this approach by using a dynamic hypergrid which allows to select a parent located in a region of minimal density. The second parent selected is a solution close, in the objective space, to the first parent. A local search is then applied to the offspring. We experiment this scheme with a new multiobjective tabu search called PRTS, which leads to the memetic algorithm MEMOTS. We show on the multidimensional multiobjective knapsack problem that if the number of objectives increase, it is preferable to have a diversified research rather using an advanced local search. We compare the memetic algorithm MEMOTS to other multiobjective memetic algorithms by using different quality indicators and show that the performances of the method are very interesting

    Neuroevolution for solving multiobjective knapsack problems

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    The multiobjective knapsack problem (MOKP) is an important combinatorial problem that arises in various applications, including resource allocation, computer science and finance. When tackling this problem by evolutionary multiobjective optimization algorithms (EMOAs), it has been demonstrated that traditional recombination operators acting on binary solution representations are susceptible to a loss of diversity and poor scalability. To address those issues, we propose to use artificial neural networks for generating solutions by performing a binary classification of items using the information about their profits and weights. As gradient-based learning cannot be used when target values are unknown, neuroevolution is adapted to adjust the neural network parameters. The main contribution of this study resides in developing a solution encoding and genotype-phenotype mapping for EMOAs to solve MOKPs. The proposal is implemented within a state-of-the-art EMOA and benchmarked against traditional variation operators based on binary crossovers. The obtained experimental results indicate a superior performance of the proposed approach. Furthermore, it is advantageous in terms of scalability and can be readily incorporated into different EMOAs.Portuguese “Fundação para a Ciência e Tecnologia” under grant PEst-C/CTM/LA0025/2013 (Projecto Estratégico - LA 25 - 2013-2014 - Strategic Project - LA 25 - 2013-2014

    Optimal deployment of components of cloud-hosted application for guaranteeing multitenancy isolation

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    One of the challenges of deploying multitenant cloud-hosted services that are designed to use (or be integrated with) several components is how to implement the required degree of isolation between the components when there is a change in the workload. Achieving the highest degree of isolation implies deploying a component exclusively for one tenant; which leads to high resource consumption and running cost per component. A low degree of isolation allows sharing of resources which could possibly reduce cost, but with known limitations of performance and security interference. This paper presents a model-based algorithm together with four variants of a metaheuristic that can be used with it, to provide near-optimal solutions for deploying components of a cloud-hosted application in a way that guarantees multitenancy isolation. When the workload changes, the model based algorithm solves an open multiclass QN model to determine the average number of requests that can access the components and then uses a metaheuristic to provide near-optimal solutions for deploying the components. Performance evaluation showed that the obtained solutions had low variability and percent deviation when compared to the reference/optimal solution. We also provide recommendations and best practice guidelines for deploying components in a way that guarantees the required degree of isolation

    A Memetic Lagrangian Heuristic for the 0-1 Multidimensional Knapsack Problem

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    We present a new evolutionary algorithm to solve the 0-1 multidimensional knapsack problem. We tackle the problem using duality concept, differently from traditional approaches. Our method is based on Lagrangian relaxation. Lagrange multipliers transform the problem, keeping the optimality as well as decreasing the complexity. However, it is not easy to find Lagrange multipliers nearest to the capacity constraints of the problem. Through empirical investigation of Lagrangian space, we can see the potentiality of using a memetic algorithm. So we use a memetic algorithm to find the optimal Lagrange multipliers. We show the efficiency of the proposed method by the experiments on well-known benchmark data

    Evolutionary population dynamics and multi-objective optimisation problems

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    Griffith Sciences, School of Information and Communication TechnologyFull Tex