32 research outputs found

    Information technology governance domains in hospitals: a case study in Iran

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    IT governance is a set of organizational structures ensuring decision-making rights and responsibilities with regard to the organization's IT assets. This qualitative study was carried out to identify the IT governance domains in teaching hospitals affiliated to Iran University of Medical Sciences. There were 10 heads of IT departments and 10 hospital directors. Semi structured interviews used for data collection. To analyze the data content analysis was applied. All the interviewees (100) believed that decisions upon hospital software needs could be made in a decentralized fashion by the IT department of the university. Most of the interviewees (90) believed that there were policies for logistics and maintenance of networks, purchase and maintenance, standards and general policies in the direction of the policies of the ministry of health and medical education. About 80 of the interviewees believed that the current emphasis of the hospital's IT unit and the hospital management for outsourcing of services were in the format of specialized contracts and under supervision of the university Statistic and IT department. A hospital strategic committee is an official organizational group consisting of hospital executives, heads of IT and multiple functional areas and business units in a hospital. In this committee, "the head of hospital" acts as the director of IT activities and ensures that IT strategies are alignment with the hospital business strategies


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    Information Systems (IS) strategic leadership literature is an important research stream in the IS field. Chief Information Officers (CIO) are central to this literature, with several themes discussing the roles, characteristics, effectiveness, CIO/TMT relationships, and organizational impact of CIOs. This paper discusses the IS leadership literature in last decade (2007-2017) with the objectives of synthesizing the recent articles, identifying new emerging themes, and presenting opportunities for “Blue Ocean” research. We argue that more research is still needed in this field, and potential contributions for both academia and practice are great

    How Does Information Technology Governance Impact Organizational Performance: A MetaSEM Study

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    The literature establishes a positive association between IT governance and business performance. Nevertheless, we still do not completely understand how IT governance impacts firms. Informed by the literature, we hypothesize that IT strategic alignment and IT-enabled dynamic capabilities are two mechanisms that mediate the impact of IT governance on performance. We use a meta-analytic structural equation modeling (MetaSEM) method to create an integrative view of the existing fragmented literature. Our findings provide empirical support for our hypotheses. Our work contributes to the technology-mediated business value creation by providing a refined perspective on IT governance. Besides, our work yields a high-level understanding of why IT initiatives may fail and how to use IT governance to improve the performance of IT investments

    Information technology governance in small and medium enterprises - a systematic mapping

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    Information Technology (IT) governance in small and medium-sized businesses is a subject that still requires more effort. Many of the studies that deal with this subject refer to large companies. IT governance structures, originally developed for the context of large enterprises such as COBIT, ISO/IEC 35800 or ITIL, when applied to the context of small and medium enterprises, lead to undesirable results and failures in the deployment process. The objective of this work was to perform a systematic mapping on IT governance in small and medium enterprises between 2007 and 2017. Systematic mapping studies are useful for categorizing and summarizing the existing information concerning a research question in an unbiased manner. Thus, from an initial set of 63 papers, a total of 17 research papers were selected for the mapping study. The results obtained allowed us to reach conclusions concerning the state-of-the-art of IT governance mechanisms, theories applied in the context and the consequences of IT governance. From the results of this study it was possible to perceive the low use of relational mechanisms of IT governance in the studied context, the constant need to adapt frameworks such as COBIT and ITIL, so that they can adapt to the reality of SMEs, the wide variety of theoretical approaches and the importance, for SMEs, of the concept of IT value for the business

    Auf dem Weg zum digitalen Krankenhaus : Eine empirische Analyse über die gemeinsame Wirkung von Intrapreneurship und Informationsmanagement

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    Das Informationsmanagement steht im Zentrum erfolgreicher eHealth-Innovationsprozesse von Krankenhäusern. Im Kontext komplexer, zum Teil tradierter Krankenhausstrukturen kann die Gestaltungsfähigkeit des Informationsmanagements durch eine ausgeprägte Intrapreneurship-Kultur erhöht werden, wovon vermutlich auch der Digitalisierungsgrad der Einrichtungen profitiert. Vor diesem Hintergrund verfolgte die vorliegende Studie zwei Forschungsfragen: (1.) Welche Effekte hat Intrapreneurship auf den Digitalisierungsgrad der Krankenhäuser und (2.) inwiefern werden diese Effekte durch das Informationsmanagement beeinflusst? Zur Beantwortung der Forschungsfragen wurde ein konzeptionelles Untersuchungsmodell entwickelt, welches mit Daten von 224 IT-Leitern evaluiert wurde. Die Ergebnisse bestätigen, dass Intrapreneurship die Umsetzung von eHealth-Anwendungen positiv beeinflussen kann. Die identifizierten Effekte waren jedoch vorwiegend indirekter Art, vermittelt durch den Professionalisierungsgrad des Informationsmanagements. So kann Intrapreneurship auf IT-Leiter-Ebene und auf Ebene der Gesamtorganisation zu einer Professionalisierung des strategischen Informationsmanagements führen. Auf Ebene der IT-Abteilung profitiert vor allem das operative Informationsmanagement von einer ausgeprägten Intrapreneurship-Kultur


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    Recent developments in artificial intelligence (AI) promise significant benefits but also invoke novel risks and harms to individuals, organizations, and societies. The rising role of AI necessitates effective AI governance. However, translating AI ethics principles into governance practices remains challenging. Our paper recasts the “AI ethics translation problem” from a unidirectional translation process to a bidirectional interaction between multiple institutional logics and organizational AI governance practices. We conduct a theory adaptation study using the AI governance translation problem as a domain theory and institutional logics and institutional pluralism as method theories. Using this framework, we synthesize key AI governance practices from the literature and outline four central institutional logics: AI ethics principlism, managerial rationalism, IT professionalism, and regulatory oversight. The institutional logics and AI governance practices reciprocally influence one another: logics justify practices, and practices enact logics. We provide an illustrative analysis of the ChatGPT chatbot to demonstrate the framework. For future research, our conceptual study lays a framework for studying how plural institutional logics drive AI governance practices and how practices can be used to negotiate conflicting and complementary institutional logics

    Enterprise Architecture in Healthcare and Underlying Institutional Logics: a Systematic Literature Review of IS Research

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    This paper reports on a systematic literature review of empirical studies in the information systems literature focusing on Enterprise Architecture (EA) in healthcare. 30 papers were selected for extended analysis. We utilized institutional logics as a theoretical lens and focused on the logics of IT professionalism, medical professionalism and managerialism. According to this lens, we identified three foci of interests. In addition, we utilized the institutional level as an analytical dimension. The logics of IT professionals and the purpose of organizational implications of EA were dominating. Generally, there is a need for more in-depth understanding for all logics, however, the logics of managerialism and medical professionalism need particularly more attention. Moreover, there is a need for more empirical research to understand how institutional logics for similar professions may differ across institutions. Finally, few studies on EA apply theoretical lenses, and EA research is immature in sense of theoretical contributions

    A Green Information Technology governance model for large Mauritian companies

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    Green Information Technology (IT) has emerged as a vital IT governance concern to promote environmentally-friendly IT use and ecologically responsible business processes. Organisational adoption of Green IT is growing in strategic importance, but remains a concern in developing countries, particularly Small Island Developing States (SIDS) such as Mauritius. Despite a strong economic dependence on IT and growing challenges resulting from their environmental vulnerability, the governance of IT and Green IT in SIDS such as Mauritius remains uncharted in existing literature. This study examines IT Governance (ITG) and Green IT in Mauritius by exploring the ITG and Green IT accountabilities, practices and drivers of large Mauritian businesses pertaining to the prime pillars of the Mauritian economy. 109 companies from the population of 192 responded, leading to a response rate of 56.8%. Findings resulting from the exploratory and confirmatory factor analysis of responses were used to develop an IT Governance and Green IT model (ITGM) representing ITG and Green IT accountabilities, mechanisms and drivers among the businesses studied. It is envisaged that the ITGM and its resulting recommendations will provide both Mauritian and other SIDS' companies with a baseline for IT Governance and Green IT practice for improved business IT strategic value


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    As all organizations are attaching more strategic importance to information technology (IT), IT governance has gained researchers’ interest. In fact, a large body of literature focuses on firm-specific or executive management attributes such as leadership as determinants of IT governance. However, it is still relevant to identify other factors influencing IT governance. Since executive management demographics and demographic diversity have an impact on strategic decisions, we explore the influence of executive management diversity on IT governance. Results suggest that IT governance for a high educational-high tenure diversity profile differs significantly from that for a low industry-moderate tenure diversity profile and a high industry-low tenure diversity profile. Furthermore, IT governance structures differ according to executive management diversity profile more than IT governance processes and relational mechanisms