14 research outputs found

    A bibliometric analysis of the Journal of Molecular Graphics and Modelling

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    This paper reviews the articles published in Volumes 2-24 of the Journal of Molecular Graphics and Modelling (formerly the Journal of Molecular Graphics), focusing on the changes that have occurred in the subject over the years, and on the most productive and most cited authors and institutions. The most cited papers are those describing systems or algorithms, but the proportion of these types of article is decreasing as more applications of molecular graphics and molecular modelling are reported

    Application of Lotka’s Law in Bell’s palsy (facial paralysis) research output during 2004 -2018.

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    This paper examines the validity of Lotka’s law of scientific publication productivity of the articles published on Bell’s palsy disease during 2004-2018. Data for this analysis was retrieved from WOS data base of Clarivate analytics. In this study, the straight and complete count of authorship was used. A total of 4039 articles along with 3384 and 14517 authors were identified by using straight and complete count method of authorship respectively. K-S goodness of- fit statistical test were employed to verify the applicability of Lotka’s law. The results showed that, Lotka’s law fits with the data of straight count of authors. While this law doesn’t find fits to complete count authorship\u27s. Hence, it is concluded that Lotka’s law partially fits with Bell’s palsy literature

    Power-law Distributions in Information Science - Making the Case for Logarithmic Binning

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    We suggest partial logarithmic binning as the method of choice for uncovering the nature of many distributions encountered in information science (IS). Logarithmic binning retrieves information and trends "not visible" in noisy power-law tails. We also argue that obtaining the exponent from logarithmically binned data using a simple least square method is in some cases warranted in addition to methods such as the maximum likelihood. We also show why often used cumulative distributions can make it difficult to distinguish noise from genuine features, and make it difficult to obtain an accurate power-law exponent of the underlying distribution. The treatment is non-technical, aimed at IS researchers with little or no background in mathematics.Comment: Accepted for publication in JASIS

    Lotka’s Law and Authorship distribution pattern in Global Synthetic Biology Literature

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    An attempt is made to examine the authorship distribution in Synthetic Biology (SB) literature and to validate Lotka\u27s law of author productivity. Authors obtained data for this study from the WOS database. A total of 12012 papers with 33151 unique authors has identified , and used for further analysis. Authors calculated the exponents n and c . Researchers employed Kolmogorov-Smirnov (K-S) test of goodness-of-fit to verify the validity of Lotka\u27s Law in SB literature. The results of this study proved that Lotka\u27s Law of author productivity does fit with SB literature based on the calculated values n = -2.45 and c= 0.74

    Applicability of Inverse Square Law of Scientific Productivity in DESIDOC Journal of Library & Information Technology

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    The popular quoted statement of Lotka’s law is attempted to apply in the domain of DESIDOC Journal of Library & Information Technology. The authors contributed their views in the journal published since its first volume up to its 38th volume is considered in the study. The attempt has been made to test the mathematical formula i.e. a(n) = a(1)/n2 with the dataset developed during the study. Moreover, most productive authors who have contributed their views in the DESIDOC Journal of Library & Information Technology are also identified

    Application of Lotka’s Law Price’s Square Root and Pareto Principle on Research Publications of Manonmaniam Sundaranar University - A Scientometric Analysis

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    This study analyzes the application of lotka’s law, Price’s square root law, Pareto principle and collaborative measures on Manonmaniam Sundaranar University research publications. The data retrieved and downloaded from Web of Science database from the year 1992 to 2020. The findings of the study revealed that the highest number of publications is in the year 2018 with 200 records. Multi authored contributed 97.80% of research publications whereas single authored contributed only 2.20% of total contribution. Padiyan DP is the most prolific author with 94 records during the study period. Mohanraj K and Sivakumar G is collaborated highest number of research publications with 56 records in the dataset. The highest number of publications collaborated between India and USA with 89 records. Collaborative measures such as degree of collaboration (0.99), collaborative index (9.26%), collaborative coefficient (0.67) and modified collaborative coefficient (0.66) for the study period. The study also applied statistical tool such as Kolmolgorov-Smirnov goodness of fit test to verify Lotka’s law

    Journal Productivity in Fishery Science an informetric analysis

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    Knowledge is a human resource which has the ability to consolidate the valuable results of human thinking and civilization through different times. It is the totality of understanding of nature and its features for improved quality of life of human society. Because of this, knowledge has been increasing in volume, dimension and directions. The term ‘information’ and 'knowledge' are often used as if they are interchangeable. Information is ‘potential knowledge‘ which is converted into knowledge by the integration of memory of human beings. In modern times there is a confusion on knowledge usage. Therefore an understanding of the concept ‘knowledge’ is needed for formulation of strategies in information science

    Dados de contagem e modelos de regressão : aplicação ao número de citações recebidas por trabalhos de instituições portuguesas

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    Mestrado em Matemática Aplicada à Economia e à GestãoEste trabalho centra-se na especificação, estimação e avaliação de modelos de regressão para dados de contagem. Consideram-se apenas os casos mais comuns, os modelos de Poisson e Binomial Negativo, cuja estimação resulta do uso de métodos com diferente níveis de exigência em termos dos pressupostos distribucionais. Em todas as situações, avalia-se a validade da formalização adoptada para o valor esperado condicional e, sempre que se assume uma distribuição condicional para a variável dependente, examina-se a sua adequabilidade. Estes modelos são utilizados para descrer o número de citações que um dado documento, publicado por um ou mais investigadores filiados em instituições portuguesas, recebe num determinado horizonte temporal. Como os dados sobre publicações são geralmente tratados na área da bibliometria na primeira parte do trabalho efectua-se uma síntese das principais perspectivas bibliométricas. Contudo, a aplicação empreendida_surge como uma abordagem original desta problemática. Modelo construído cumpre os critérios de selecção estabelecidos, permitindo concluir sobre as características dos trabalhos que mais contribuem para o seu número esperado de citações. Além disso, empregando-se um processo auxiliar, é possível identificar as observações cujas particularidades incorporadas no modelo originaram uma estimativa do valor esperado condicional de citações significativamente diferente da quantidade observada e que são, portanto, merecedoras de uma análise caso a caso.This study focuses on specification, estimation and evaluation of count data regression models. The models considered are the most common ones, such as Poisson and Negative Binomial. Several estimation methods with different demands in terms of distributional assumptions were used. In ali cases, the adopted specification for the conditional expected fiinction is tested and, when a conditional distribution for the dependent variable is assumed, its goodness of fit is examined. The models considered are used to describe the number of citations that a given document, published at least by one investigator from a portuguese institution, receives in a given period of time. Regarding that the publication data are usually analysed in bibliometrics, a review about the principal bibliometric perspectives is included in the first part of this study. However, no similar approach to the constructed application could be found. The model built satisfies the selection criteria, allowing to conclude which of the work^s characteristics have a higher contribution to his expected number of citations. In addition, the observations which particularities included in the model, produced a conditional expected value of citation significantly different from the observed value, were identified using an auxiliary process.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    Analysis of Scientific Production in Colombia on Education Indexed in ESCI

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    En la sociedad moderna es un hecho constatado que la ciencia, la tecnología, y la innovación, tienen un papel protagonista en el crecimiento económico, en la productividad, en la competitividad, en el desarrollo y todo ello para incidir de forma positiva en el mejoramiento de la calidad de vida de la propia sociedad. Toda actividad de carácter académico y científico debe estar sometida a procesos objetivos de evaluación que permitan determinar tanto su calidad como cuantificar sus resultados. El aumento de los costes y el alcance de las propias investigaciones científicas, y las nuevas necesidades socioeconómicas han acentuado la importancia de la evaluación como herramienta científica. Para ello se recurre a la bibliometría, disciplina que ofrece una serie de indicadores bibliométricos validados en su aplicación en muchos campos de la ciencia, permitiendo realizar estudios cuantitativos de la actividad científica. Por todo ello, el objetivo general de esta investigación es analizar la producción en Educación realizada en Colombia a través de un estudio cienciométrico de las publicaciones indexadas en el la base de datos Emerging Sources Citation Index (ESCI) de WoS. Este estudio ofrece una visión global del panorama investigador en Colombia relacionado con la Educación a través de un estudio cienciométrico de las publicaciones indexadas en el la base de datos Emerging Sources Citation Index (ESCI) de WoS. En este sentido, se ha estudiado el desarrollo diacrónico de dicha producción, las instituciones que promueven las investigaciones analizadas y las distintas redes de conocimiento generadas (a nivel nacional, internacional, de autoría, institucional, etc.). Por otra parte, de han identificado distintos patrones de citación y colaboración y se han establecido valores para los indicadores de la dimensión cuantitativa de la producción científica sobre la temática. Por último, se han identificado las distintas temáticas abordadas. El presente trabajo ha puesto en evidencia una serie de patrones de publicación sobre Educación realizadas por autores colombianos e indexada en ESCI a través de la búsqueda, descarga y análisis de la producción científica se halla indexada en dicha base de datos, de manera que pudiese obtenerse una visión panorámica sobre ella y pudiesen complementarse, además, trabajos previos sobre la producción científica colombiana. Asimismo, se han podido identificar patrones de producción y de colaboración. La metodología utilizada en la que se complementaron técnicas bibliométricas con el análisis de redes sociales puede ser aplicada para analizar la producción colombiana en educación presente en otras bases de datos bien de carácter más regional como SciELO o Redalyc o en otras de carácter internacional como Scopus o SSCI

    Estudio de revistas científicas españolas: el caso de “Bordón. Revista de pedagogía” (1984-2008)

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    En esta tesis se lleva a cabo un estudio de la revista Bordón desde las siguientes modalidades de análisis: ajuste a normas internacionales de información y documentación científica, análisis cienciométrico, análisis temático y análisis de las redes de colaboración en la autoría e institucionales. Para ello se han analizado los 944 artículos publicados en dicha revista en el periodo 1984-2008. Se constata un alto grado de ajuste a normas internacionales de estandarización de esta revista, el cumplimiento de las leyes o patrones propios de la Cienciometría y se comprueba un bajo grado de colaboración científica entre los investigadores y también entre las instituciones. Igualmente, se lleva a cabo una clasificación temática de todos los artículos analizados que nos ofrece un mapa de los temas que han suscitado mayor interés entre los autores que publican en la revista Bordón. En definitiva, podemos decir que, en base a los resultados obtenidos, la revista Bordón se convierte en un ente valioso para el campo de la educación española