188 research outputs found

    State-of-the-Art and Trends in Scalable Video Compression with Wavelet Based Approaches

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    3noScalable Video Coding (SVC) differs form traditional single point approaches mainly because it allows to encode in a unique bit stream several working points corresponding to different quality, picture size and frame rate. This work describes the current state-of-the-art in SVC, focusing on wavelet based motion-compensated approaches (WSVC). It reviews individual components that have been designed to address the problem over the years and how such components are typically combined to achieve meaningful WSVC architectures. Coding schemes which mainly differ from the space-time order in which the wavelet transforms operate are here compared, discussing strengths and weaknesses of the resulting implementations. An evaluation of the achievable coding performances is provided considering the reference architectures studied and developed by ISO/MPEG in its exploration on WSVC. The paper also attempts to draw a list of major differences between wavelet based solutions and the SVC standard jointly targeted by ITU and ISO/MPEG. A major emphasis is devoted to a promising WSVC solution, named STP-tool, which presents architectural similarities with respect to the SVC standard. The paper ends drawing some evolution trends for WSVC systems and giving insights on video coding applications which could benefit by a wavelet based approach.partially_openpartially_openADAMI N; SIGNORONI. A; R. LEONARDIAdami, Nicola; Signoroni, Alberto; Leonardi, Riccard

    MASCOT : metadata for advanced scalable video coding tools : final report

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    The goal of the MASCOT project was to develop new video coding schemes and tools that provide both an increased coding efficiency as well as extended scalability features compared to technology that was available at the beginning of the project. Towards that goal the following tools would be used: - metadata-based coding tools; - new spatiotemporal decompositions; - new prediction schemes. Although the initial goal was to develop one single codec architecture that was able to combine all new coding tools that were foreseen when the project was formulated, it became clear that this would limit the selection of the new tools. Therefore the consortium decided to develop two codec frameworks within the project, a standard hybrid DCT-based codec and a 3D wavelet-based codec, which together are able to accommodate all tools developed during the course of the project

    Macroblock-level mode based adaptive in-band motion compensated temporal filtering

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    Motion estimation and signaling techniques for 2D+t scalable video coding

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    We describe a fully scalable wavelet-based 2D+t (in-band) video coding architecture. We propose new coding tools specifically designed for this framework aimed at two goals: reduce the computational complexity at the encoder without sacrificing compression; improve the coding efficiency, especially at low bitrates. To this end, we focus our attention on motion estimation and motion vector encoding. We propose a fast motion estimation algorithm that works in the wavelet domain and exploits the geometrical properties of the wavelet subbands. We show that the computational complexity grows linearly with the size of the search window, yet approaching the performance of a full search strategy. We extend the proposed motion estimation algorithm to work with blocks of variable sizes, in order to better capture local motion characteristics, thus improving in terms of rate-distortion behavior. Given this motion field representation, we propose a motion vector coding algorithm that allows to adaptively scale the motion bit budget according to the target bitrate, improving the coding efficiency at low bitrates. Finally, we show how to optimally scale the motion field when the sequence is decoded at reduced spatial resolution. Experimental results illustrate the advantages of each individual coding tool presented in this paper. Based on these simulations, we define the best configuration of coding parameters and we compare the proposed codec with MC-EZBC, a widely used reference codec implementing the t+2D framework

    Fully Scalable Video Coding Using Redundant-Wavelet Multihypothesis and Motion-Compensated Temporal Filtering

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    In this dissertation, a fully scalable video coding system is proposed. This system achieves full temporal, resolution, and fidelity scalability by combining mesh-based motion-compensated temporal filtering, multihypothesis motion compensation, and an embedded 3D wavelet-coefficient coder. The first major contribution of this work is the introduction of the redundant-wavelet multihypothesis paradigm into motion-compensated temporal filtering, which is achieved by deploying temporal filtering in the domain of a spatially redundant wavelet transform. A regular triangle mesh is used to track motion between frames, and an affine transform between mesh triangles implements motion compensation within a lifting-based temporal transform. Experimental results reveal that the incorporation of redundant-wavelet multihypothesis into mesh-based motion-compensated temporal filtering significantly improves the rate-distortion performance of the scalable coder. The second major contribution is the introduction of a sliding-window implementation of motion-compensated temporal filtering such that video sequences of arbitrarily length may be temporally filtered using a finite-length frame buffer without suffering from severe degradation at buffer boundaries. Finally, as a third major contribution, a novel 3D coder is designed for the coding of the 3D volume of coefficients resulting from the redundant-wavelet based temporal filtering. This coder employs an explicit estimate of the probability of coefficient significance to drive a nonadaptive arithmetic coder, resulting in a simple software implementation. Additionally, the coder offers the possibility of a high degree of vectorization particularly well suited to the data-parallel capabilities of modern general-purpose processors or customized hardware. Results show that the proposed coder yields nearly the same rate-distortion performance as a more complicated coefficient coder considered to be state of the art

    Motion Scalability for Video Coding with Flexible Spatio-Temporal Decompositions

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    PhDThe research presented in this thesis aims to extend the scalability range of the wavelet-based video coding systems in order to achieve fully scalable coding with a wide range of available decoding points. Since the temporal redundancy regularly comprises the main portion of the global video sequence redundancy, the techniques that can be generally termed motion decorrelation techniques have a central role in the overall compression performance. For this reason the scalable motion modelling and coding are of utmost importance, and specifically, in this thesis possible solutions are identified and analysed. The main contributions of the presented research are grouped into two interrelated and complementary topics. Firstly a flexible motion model with rateoptimised estimation technique is introduced. The proposed motion model is based on tree structures and allows high adaptability needed for layered motion coding. The flexible structure for motion compensation allows for optimisation at different stages of the adaptive spatio-temporal decomposition, which is crucial for scalable coding that targets decoding on different resolutions. By utilising an adaptive choice of wavelet filterbank, the model enables high compression based on efficient mode selection. Secondly, solutions for scalable motion modelling and coding are developed. These solutions are based on precision limiting of motion vectors and creation of a layered motion structure that describes hierarchically coded motion. The solution based on precision limiting relies on layered bit-plane coding of motion vector values. The second solution builds on recently established techniques that impose scalability on a motion structure. The new approach is based on two major improvements: the evaluation of distortion in temporal Subbands and motion search in temporal subbands that finds the optimal motion vectors for layered motion structure. Exhaustive tests on the rate-distortion performance in demanding scalable video coding scenarios show benefits of application of both developed flexible motion model and various solutions for scalable motion coding

    A DWT based perceptual video coding framework: concepts, issues and techniques

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    The work in this thesis explore the DWT based video coding by the introduction of a novel DWT (Discrete Wavelet Transform) / MC (Motion Compensation) / DPCM (Differential Pulse Code Modulation) video coding framework, which adopts the EBCOT as the coding engine for both the intra- and the inter-frame coder. The adaptive switching mechanism between the frame/field coding modes is investigated for this coding framework. The Low-Band-Shift (LBS) is employed for the MC in the DWT domain. The LBS based MC is proven to provide consistent improvement on the Peak Signal-to-Noise Ratio (PSNR) of the coded video over the simple Wavelet Tree (WT) based MC. The Adaptive Arithmetic Coding (AAC) is adopted to code the motion information. The context set of the Adaptive Binary Arithmetic Coding (ABAC) for the inter-frame data is redesigned based on the statistical analysis. To further improve the perceived picture quality, a Perceptual Distortion Measure (PDM) based on human vision model is used for the EBCOT of the intra-frame coder. A visibility assessment of the quantization error of various subbands in the DWT domain is performed through subjective tests. In summary, all these findings have solved the issues originated from the proposed perceptual video coding framework. They include: a working DWT/MC/DPCM video coding framework with superior coding efficiency on sequences with translational or head-shoulder motion; an adaptive switching mechanism between frame and field coding mode; an effective LBS based MC scheme in the DWT domain; a methodology of the context design for entropy coding of the inter-frame data; a PDM which replaces the MSE inside the EBCOT coding engine for the intra-frame coder, which provides improvement on the perceived quality of intra-frames; a visibility assessment to the quantization errors in the DWT domain

    Real-time scalable video coding for surveillance applications on embedded architectures

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    Macroblock-Level Mode Based Adaptive in-Band Motion Compensated Temporal Filtering

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    Research and developments of distributed video coding

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    This thesis was submitted for the degree of Doctor of Philosophy and awarded by Brunel University.The recent developed Distributed Video Coding (DVC) is typically suitable for the applications such as wireless/wired video sensor network, mobile camera etc. where the traditional video coding standard is not feasible due to the constrained computation at the encoder. With DVC, the computational burden is moved from encoder to decoder. The compression efficiency is achieved via joint decoding at the decoder. The practical application of DVC is referred to Wyner-Ziv video coding (WZ) where the side information is available at the decoder to perform joint decoding. This join decoding inevitably causes a very complex decoder. In current WZ video coding issues, many of them emphasise how to improve the system coding performance but neglect the huge complexity caused at the decoder. The complexity of the decoder has direct influence to the system output. The beginning period of this research targets to optimise the decoder in pixel domain WZ video coding (PDWZ), while still achieves similar compression performance. More specifically, four issues are raised to optimise the input block size, the side information generation, the side information refinement process and the feedback channel respectively. The transform domain WZ video coding (TDWZ) has distinct superior performance to the normal PDWZ due to the exploitation in spatial direction during the encoding. However, since there is no motion estimation at the encoder in WZ video coding, the temporal correlation is not exploited at all at the encoder in all current WZ video coding issues. In the middle period of this research, the 3D DCT is adopted in the TDWZ to remove redundancy in both spatial and temporal direction thus to provide even higher coding performance. In the next step of this research, the performance of transform domain Distributed Multiview Video Coding (DMVC) is also investigated. Particularly, three types transform domain DMVC frameworks which are transform domain DMVC using TDWZ based 2D DCT, transform domain DMVC using TDWZ based on 3D DCT and transform domain residual DMVC using TDWZ based on 3D DCT are investigated respectively. One of the important applications of WZ coding principle is error-resilience. There have been several attempts to apply WZ error-resilient coding for current video coding standard e.g. H.264/AVC or MEPG 2. The final stage of this research is the design of WZ error-resilient scheme for wavelet based video codec. To balance the trade-off between error resilience ability and bandwidth consumption, the proposed scheme emphasises the protection of the Region of Interest (ROI) area. The efficiency of bandwidth utilisation is achieved by mutual efforts of WZ coding and sacrificing the quality of unimportant area. In summary, this research work contributed to achieves several advances in WZ video coding. First of all, it is targeting to build an efficient PDWZ with optimised decoder. Secondly, it aims to build an advanced TDWZ based on 3D DCT, which then is applied into multiview video coding to realise advanced transform domain DMVC. Finally, it aims to design an efficient error-resilient scheme for wavelet video codec, with which the trade-off between bandwidth consumption and error-resilience can be better balanced