46 research outputs found

    Hybrid genetic algorithms in agent-based artificial market model for simulating fan tokens trading

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    In recent years cryptographic tokens have gained popularity as they can be used as a form of emerging alter- native financing and as a means of building platforms. The token markets innovate quickly through technology and decentralization, and they are constantly changing, and they have a high risk. Negotiation strategies must therefore be suited to these new circumstances. The genetic algorithm offers a very appropriate approach to resolving these complex issues. However, very little is known about genetic algorithm methods in cryptographic tokens. Accordingly, this paper presents a case study of the simulation of Fan Tokens trading by implementing selected best trading rule sets by a genetic algorithm that simulates a negotiation system through the Monte Carlo method. We have applied Adaptive Boosting and Genetic Algorithms, Deep Learning Neural Network-Genetic Algorithms, Adaptive Genetic Algorithms with Fuzzy Logic, and Quantum Genetic Algorithm techniques. The period selected is from December 1, 2021 to August 25, 2022, and we have used data from the Fan Tokens of Paris Saint-Germain, Manchester City, and Barcelona, leaders in the market. Our results conclude that the Hybrid and Quantum Genetic algorithm display a good execution during the training and testing period. Our study has a major impact on the current decentralized markets and future business opportunitiesThis research was funded by the Universitat de Barcelona, under the grant UB-AE-AS017634

    Swarm Intelligence

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    Swarm Intelligence has emerged as one of the most studied artificial intelligence branches during the last decade, constituting the fastest growing stream in the bio-inspired computation community. A clear trend can be deduced analyzing some of the most renowned scientific databases available, showing that the interest aroused by this branch has increased at a notable pace in the last years. This book describes the prominent theories and recent developments of Swarm Intelligence methods, and their application in all fields covered by engineering. This book unleashes a great opportunity for researchers, lecturers, and practitioners interested in Swarm Intelligence, optimization problems, and artificial intelligence

    Multi-objective tools for the vehicle routing problem with time windows

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    Most real-life problems involve the simultaneous optimisation of two or more, usually conflicting, objectives. Researchers have put a continuous effort into solving these problems in many different areas, such as engineering, finance and computer science. Over time, thanks to the increase in processing power, researchers have created methods which have become increasingly sophisticated. Most of these methods have been based on the notion of Pareto dominance, which assumes, sometimes erroneously, that the objectives have no known ranking of importance. The Vehicle Routing Problem with Time Windows (VRPTW) is a logistics problem which in real-life applications appears to be multi-objective. This problem consists of designing the optimal set of routes to serve a number of customers within certain time slots. Despite this problem’s high applicability to real-life domains (e.g. waste collection, fast-food delivery), most research in this area has been conducted with hand-made datasets. These datasets sometimes have a number of unrealistic features (e.g. the assumption that one unit of travel time corresponds to one unit of travel distance) and are therefore not adequate for the assessment of optimisers. Furthermore, very few studies have focused on the multi-objective nature of the VRPTW. That is, very few have studied how the optimisation of one objective affects the others. This thesis proposes a number of novel tools (methods + dataset) to address the above- mentioned challenges: 1) an agent-based framework for cooperative search, 2) a novel multi-objective ranking approach, 3) a new dataset for the VRPTW, 4) a study of the pair-wise relationships between five common objectives in VRPTW, and 5) a simplified Multi-objective Discrete Particle Swarm Optimisation for the VRPTW

    Particle Swarm Optimization: Basic Concepts, Variants and Applications in Power Systems

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    Many areas in power systems require solving one or more nonlinear optimization problems. While analytical methods might suffer from slow convergence and the curse of dimensionality, heuristics-based swarm intelligence can be an efficient alternative. Particle swarm optimization (PSO), part of the swarm intelligence family, is known to effectively solve large-scale nonlinear optimization problems. This paper presents a detailed overview of the basic concepts of PSO and its variants. Also, it provides a comprehensive survey on the power system applications that have benefited from the powerful nature of PSO as an optimization technique. For each application, technical details that are required for applying PSO, such as its type, particle formulation (solution representation), and the most efficient fitness functions are also discussed

    Pathfinding Algorithm Optimization Via Evolution

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    Pathfinding is a popular computer science problem in both academic research and industrial development. The objective of pathfinding is to search for a path, often the shortest path, from one location to another on a graph. Many real world applications can be considered as pathfinding problems, including motion planning, video games, logistics, and decision making. Computer scientists have proposed different algorithms to efficiently search for the shortest path. A* search algorithm is the de facto pathfinding algorithm that uses a heuristic function to determine the best action to take based on the given information. It is the most popular pathfinding algorithm due to its simplicity and efficiency. The performance of A* is heavily dependent on the quality of the heuristic function. The heuristic function determines the search speed, accuracy, and memory consumption. Hence, designing good heuristic functions for specific domains becomes the primary research focus on pathfinding algorithm optimization. In this dissertation, we address and solve several commonly known challenges in pathfinding problems and A* algorithm. First, designing new heuristic functions is a difficult and time-consuming task, especially when they are used to solve complex problems. The task requires the user to have expert knowledge of the problem. Moreover, a single heuristic function might not be enough to digest all the provided information and return the best guidance during the search. Previous works suggest that multiple heuristics for complex problems can dramatically speed up the search. However, choosing the appropriate combination of heuristic functions is tricky. Current optimization approaches rely on hand-tuning the parameters via trial and error by engineers over many iterations. There is a need to reduce the difficulty of designing heuristic functions for search performance maximization. Our first contribution is to propose an improved A* with a self-evolving heuristic function named Evolutionary Heuristic A* (EHA*) that reduces engineering effort to design the heuristic function for A* and maximize the search performance. Our experiment results show that EHA* (i) preserves path optimality; (ii) is not limited to a particular application; (iii) speeds up the path searching process; and (iv) most importantly, dramatically reduces the difficulty for software engineers to design heuristic functions for A* search. Moreover, our work can be applied to other existing works on the performance improvement of A* search. Search, A* search suffers from poor performance on large search spaces. Although EHA* improves the quality of heuristic functions, large search space still leads to many unnecessary searches. Our second contribution is Regions Discovery Algorithm (RDA), a map clustering technique to partition a grid based map into different categories to reduce search spaces and increase search speed. Our approach reduces the size of search spaces by partitioning a graph into many segments and identifying the segments by their characteristics. By identifying segments in different categories, we can easily eliminate search space, such as rooms, that are not possible (better use needed?) to be part of the optimal solution. Unlike the existing approaches that might result in non-optimal solutions, our experiment results show that RDA guarantees optimal solutions. Our third contribution, the Hierarchical Evolutionary Heuristic A* (HEHA*), further improves the search ability of handling complex pathfinding problems and boosting the search performance, by reducing search spaces and exploiting parallelism techniques. HEHA* combines the strength of EHA* and RDA to reduce search spaces and improve search speed. HEHA* shows that it provides better search performance with less memory consumption. In the pre-processing phase, first HEHA* partitions a graph into different segments and then applies different optimized heuristic functions for each segment to maximize the search performance. During the online process, HEHA* searches on the abstract level first to reduce search area, and exploits parallelism to speed up the search. Fourth, we improve and apply HEHA* to Multi-Agent Pathfinding (MAPF) problems. MAPF is the fundamental problem of many robotic and logistic applications, where the main constraint is that all agents can find the shortest paths while not colliding with each other. While the current trend favors the central controlled system, our approach is to develop a distributed version of HEHA* that can efficiently plan the optimal path for each agent. Such a system requires data sharing and exchanging among the agents, so that each agent can make its own decision without a supervising system. Our experiment results show that the Multi-Agent version of HEHA* maintains a high success rate when the number of agents increases. While EHA* and HEHA* provide a novel approach for heuristic function design, the pre-processing times are not trivial. To boost the performance of the preprocessing steps in EHA* and HEHA*, we propose a FPGA-based reconfigurable hardware accelerator that is not bound to any specific applications as our fifth contribution. Since GA requires many independent processes, it is suitable to implement it in a hardware accelerator to gain maximum performance. We apply the following techniques to enhance performance: deep pipelining, reconfigurable computing, massive parallel processing, and degree of parallelism maximization. Our results show that the FPGA accelerator for EHA* improves the scalability, throughput, and latency

    Multi-objective tools for the vehicle routing problem with time windows

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    Most real-life problems involve the simultaneous optimisation of two or more, usually conflicting, objectives. Researchers have put a continuous effort into solving these problems in many different areas, such as engineering, finance and computer science. Over time, thanks to the increase in processing power, researchers have created methods which have become increasingly sophisticated. Most of these methods have been based on the notion of Pareto dominance, which assumes, sometimes erroneously, that the objectives have no known ranking of importance. The Vehicle Routing Problem with Time Windows (VRPTW) is a logistics problem which in real-life applications appears to be multi-objective. This problem consists of designing the optimal set of routes to serve a number of customers within certain time slots. Despite this problem’s high applicability to real-life domains (e.g. waste collection, fast-food delivery), most research in this area has been conducted with hand-made datasets. These datasets sometimes have a number of unrealistic features (e.g. the assumption that one unit of travel time corresponds to one unit of travel distance) and are therefore not adequate for the assessment of optimisers. Furthermore, very few studies have focused on the multi-objective nature of the VRPTW. That is, very few have studied how the optimisation of one objective affects the others. This thesis proposes a number of novel tools (methods + dataset) to address the above- mentioned challenges: 1) an agent-based framework for cooperative search, 2) a novel multi-objective ranking approach, 3) a new dataset for the VRPTW, 4) a study of the pair-wise relationships between five common objectives in VRPTW, and 5) a simplified Multi-objective Discrete Particle Swarm Optimisation for the VRPTW

    An exploration of evolutionary computation applied to frequency modulation audio synthesis parameter optimisation

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    With the ever-increasing complexity of sound synthesisers, there is a growing demand for automated parameter estimation and sound space navigation techniques. This thesis explores the potential for evolutionary computation to automatically map known sound qualities onto the parameters of frequency modulation synthesis. Within this exploration are original contributions in the domain of synthesis parameter estimation and, within the developed system, evolutionary computation, in the form of the evolutionary algorithms that drive the underlying optimisation process. Based upon the requirement for the parameter estimation system to deliver multiple search space solutions, existing evolutionary algorithmic architectures are augmented to enable niching, while maintaining the strengths of the original algorithms. Two novel evolutionary algorithms are proposed in which cluster analysis is used to identify and maintain species within the evolving populations. A conventional evolution strategy and cooperative coevolution strategy are defined, with cluster-orientated operators that enable the simultaneous optimisation of multiple search space solutions at distinct optima. A test methodology is developed that enables components of the synthesis matching problem to be identified and isolated, enabling the performance of different optimisation techniques to be compared quantitatively. A system is consequently developed that evolves sound matches using conventional frequency modulation synthesis models, and the effectiveness of different evolutionary algorithms is assessed and compared in application to both static and timevarying sound matching problems. Performance of the system is then evaluated by interview with expert listeners. The thesis is closed with a reflection on the algorithms and systems which have been developed, discussing possibilities for the future of automated synthesis parameter estimation techniques, and how they might be employed

    Computational intelligence approaches to robotics, automation, and control [Volume guest editors]

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    Acta Cybernetica : Volume 18. Number 2.

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