5 research outputs found

    Development of Education Kit Prototype Based on Internet of Things (IoT)

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    In answering the challenges of industrial revolution 4.0, robotics and the Internet of Things (IoT) should be used as one of the learning curricula at all educational stages, especially at the high school level. Furthermore, robotics and IoT education are now becoming an important aspect to implement and learn about Science, Technology, Engineering, and Mathematics (STEM) education. To support robotics and IoT education, an easy and user-friendly education kit as a learning medium is required. This work aims at developing a prototype of a robotics and IoT education kit that is suitable for senior high school students. The education kit is designed to be interesting and challenging enough to increase the student's interest in learning robotics and IoT. The kit is developed by using various independent and unattached sensors so that the users, i.e., high-school students can choose their sensors and can investigate the microcontroller pins that are used for these components. In addition, users can also learn to connect an electronic component with other electronic components on the kit to be able to produce various logical embedded systems that can be connected to the internet

    Development of Education Kit Prototype Based on Internet of Things (IoT)

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    In answering the challenges of industrial revolution 4.0, robotics and the Internet of Things (IoT) should be used as one of the learning curricula at all educational stages, especially at the high school level. Furthermore, robotics and IoT education are now becoming an important aspect to implement and learn about Science, Technology, Engineering, and Mathematics (STEM) education. To support robotics and IoT education, an easy and user-friendly education kit as a learning medium is required. This work aims at developing a prototype of a robotics and IoT education kit that is suitable for senior high school students. The education kit is designed to be interesting and challenging enough to increase the student's interest in learning robotics and IoT. The kit is developed by using various independent and unattached sensors so that the users, i.e., high-school students can choose their sensors and can investigate the microcontroller pins that are used for these components. In addition, users can also learn to connect an electronic component with other electronic components on the kit to be able to produce various logical embedded systems that can be connected to the internet

    AcquaSmart: An Environment Big Data Analytics and Internet of Things to Education and Research

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    Being an interdisciplinary area, Internet of Things presents great challenges to learning. However, it already is and will continue to be part of the daily life and thus requires qualified professionals to advance projects in this area. Apart from acquiring theoretical concepts, students need to put knowledge into practice. This practical learning aims to provide a means of easy assimilation to the student and that can mirror real situations of implementation. This work presents an Internet of Things learning methodology based on the development of environments that enable the student to put theoretical knowledge into practice in a scenario of easy assimilation. It is expected that the student will be able to understand the process of developing Internet of Things projects and the technologies involved in it. The proposed methodology is composed of 5 steps. The student analyzes the development environment, defines the type of implementation to be carried out, develops the hardware, the software and documents of the project. The data architecture together with the methodology allow the student to use and propose various types of development environments, controllers and web applications, being very flexible for learning. The implementation of temperature control was carried out in an aquarium environment. The proposed methodology proved to be efficient for the development of this project, so it can be applied in Internet of Things learning in educational institutions

    STEAM, sociedad y extensi贸n universitaria en Colombia: Una propuesta preliminar desde el Buen Vivir

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    This paper presents a descriptive analysis of three university outreach projects in the STEAM area, in light of the objectives of Buen Vivir. It discusses about the role of the university in society, both from the hegemonic vision and some alternative proposals in the Global South. In addition, the different dimensions of the STEAM are shown and how they can be articulated to the idea of Buen Vivir. Various models of university extension are described, focusing on solidarity outreach from Universidad Nacional de Colombia, that is the way by which the projects studied were carried out with rural and urban communities. Although these were not carried out based on Sumak Kawsay, as they were thought, designed and executed from a transformative critical position, the analysis is possible and compatible. It is concluded that it is possible and viable to manage and execute STEAM processes of outreach within an academy against the logic of the prevailing market, generating concrete and diverse alternatives to development.Este trabajo presenta un an谩lisis descriptivo de tres proyectos de extensi贸n universitaria en el 谩rea de STEAM, a la luz de los Objetivos del Buen Vivir. Para ello se discute el rol de la universidad en la sociedad, tanto desde la visi贸n hegem贸nica como algunas propuestas alternativas en el Sur Global. Se exponen, adicionalmente, las diferentes dimensiones STEAM y c贸mo se pueden articular a la idea de Buen Vivir. Se describen modelos de extensi贸n universitaria, y se enfoca en la extensi贸n solidaria de la Universidad Nacional de Colombia, bajo la cual los proyectos estudiados fueron realizados con comunidades rurales y urbanas. Si bien 茅stos no se realizaron basados en el Sumak Kawsay, al ser pensados, dise帽ados y ejecutados desde una postura cr铆tica transformadora, el an谩lisis es posible y compatible. Se concluye que es viable gestar y ejecutar procesos STEAM de extensi贸n dentro una academia en contrav铆a a la l贸gica del mercado imperante, generando alternativas concretas y diversas al desarrollo

    ChangeMakers: exploring social consciousness through making and the Internet of Things

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    Since the advent of the computer, digital technologies have transformed our engagement with society. Not only are technological competencies required for economic participation, they also facilitate creativity, self-expression, and personal fulfillment. Technology has also broadened citizenship beyond our local communities, necessitating the development of social consciousness and skills to navigate global challenges. Given the need for tools that facilitate digital competencies and social action in schools, this study investigated how passion-based making with the Internet of Things (IoT) could facilitate students??? involvement with citizenship and social justice. Over the course of a five-day makerspace camp, this study employed a qualitative multiple case study design to explore the IoT learning and social participation of ten elementary school students. The findings revealed meaningful development in participants??? understanding of concepts and concerns related to IoT, as well as thoughtful engagement with societal challenges through the construction of socially oriented IoT artifacts