263,130 research outputs found

    A template-based approach for the specification of 3D topological constraints

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    Several different models have been defined in literature for the definition of 3D scenes that include a geometrical representation of objects together with a semantical classification of them. Such semantical characterization encapsulates important details about the object properties and behavior and often includes spatial relations that are defined only implicitly or through natural language, such as \u201can external access shall be in touch with the building only when it is classified as a direct access\u201d. The problem of ensuring the coherence between geometric and semantic information is well known in literature. Many attempts exist which try to extent the OCL to allow the representation of spatial integrity constraints in an UML model. However, this approach requires a deep knowledge of the OCL formalism and the implementation of ad-hoc procedures to validate the constraints specified at conceptual level. Therefore, a new approach is needed that helps designers to define complex OCL constraints and at the same time allows the automatic generation of the code to test them on a given dataset. The aim of this paper is to propose a set of predefined templates to express on the classes of an UML data model, a family of 3D spatial integrity constraints based on topological relations; all this without requiring the knowledge of any formal language by domain experts and supporting their automatic translation into validation procedures

    Semi-automatic Search-Based Test Generation

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    Abstract—Search-based testing techniques can efficiently generate test data to achieve high code coverage. However, when the fitness function does not provide sufficient guidance, the search will only generate optimal results by chance. Yet, where the search algorithm struggles, a human tester with domain knowledge can often produce solutions easily. We therefore include the tester in the test generation process: When the search stagnates, the tester is given an opportunity to improve the current solution, and these improvements are fed back to the search. In particular, relevant problems occur often when generating tests for object-oriented languages, where test cases are sequences of method calls. Constructing complex objects through sequences of method calls is difficult, and often the traditional branch distance offers little guidance – yet for a human tester the same task is often trivial. In this paper, we present a semi-automatic test generation approach based on our search-based EVOSUITE tool, and evaluate the usefulness and potential on a set of example classes. Keywords-test case generation; search-based testing; manual testing I

    Automating property-based testing of evolving web services

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    Web services are the most widely used service technology that drives the Service-Oriented Computing~(SOC) paradigm. As a result, effective testing of web services is getting increasingly important. In this paper, we present a framework and toolset for testing web services and for evolving test code in sync with the evolution of web services. Our approach to testing web services is based on the Erlang programming language and QuviQ QuickCheck, a property-based testing tool written in Erlang, and our support for test code evolution is added to Wrangler, the Erlang refactoring tool. The key components of our system include the automatic generation of initial test code, the inference of web service interface changes between versions, the provision of a number of domain specific refactorings and the automatic generation of refactoring scripts for evolving the test code. Our framework provides users with a powerful and expressive web service testing framework, while minimising users' effort in creating, maintaining and evolving the test model. The framework presented in this paper can be used by both web service providers and consumers, and can be used to test web services written in whatever language; the approach advocated here could also be adopted in other property-based testing frameworks and refactoring tools

    A Survey on Software Testing Techniques using Genetic Algorithm

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    The overall aim of the software industry is to ensure delivery of high quality software to the end user. To ensure high quality software, it is required to test software. Testing ensures that software meets user specifications and requirements. However, the field of software testing has a number of underlying issues like effective generation of test cases, prioritisation of test cases etc which need to be tackled. These issues demand on effort, time and cost of the testing. Different techniques and methodologies have been proposed for taking care of these issues. Use of evolutionary algorithms for automatic test generation has been an area of interest for many researchers. Genetic Algorithm (GA) is one such form of evolutionary algorithms. In this research paper, we present a survey of GA approach for addressing the various issues encountered during software testing.Comment: 13 Page

    Automatic Test Generation for Space

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    The European Space Agency (ESA) uses an engine to perform tests in the Ground Segment infrastructure, specially the Operational Simulator. This engine uses many different tools to ensure the development of regression testing infrastructure and these tests perform black-box testing to the C++ simulator implementation. VST (VisionSpace Technologies) is one of the companies that provides these services to ESA and they need a tool to infer automatically tests from the existing C++ code, instead of writing manually scripts to perform tests. With this motivation in mind, this paper explores automatic testing approaches and tools in order to propose a system that satisfies VST needs

    An Automated Framework for Structural Test-data Generation

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    Structural testing criteria are mandated in many software development standards and guidelines. The process of generating test data to achieve 100% coverage of a given structural coverage metric is labour-intensive and expensive. This paper presents an approach to automate the generation of such test data. The test-data generation is based on the application of a dynamic optimisation-based search for the required test data. The same approach can be generalised to solve other test-data generation problems. Three such applications are discussed-boundary value analysis, assertion/run-time exception testing, and component re-use testing. A prototype tool-set has been developed to facilitate the automatic generation of test data for these structural testing problems. The results of preliminary experiments using this technique and the prototype tool-set are presented and show the efficiency and effectiveness of this approac

    An evaluation of pedagogically informed parameterised questions for self assessment

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    Self-assessment is a crucial component of learning. Learners can learn by asking themselves questions and attempting to answer them. However, creating effective questions is time-consuming because it may require considerable resources and the skill of critical thinking. Questions need careful construction to accurately represent the intended learning outcome and the subject matter involved. There are very few systems currently available which generate questions automatically, and these are confined to specific domains. This paper presents a system for automatically generating questions from a competency framework, based on a sound pedagogical and technological approach. This makes it possible to guide learners in developing questions for themselves, and to provide authoring templates which speed the creation of new questions for self-assessment. This novel design and implementation involves an ontological database that represents the intended learning outcome to be assessed across a number of dimensions, including level of cognitive ability and subject matter. The system generates a list of all the questions that are possible from a given learning outcome, which may then be used to test for understanding, and so could determine the degree to which learners actually acquire the desired knowledge. The way in which the system has been designed and evaluated is discussed, along with its educational benefits
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