9 research outputs found

    Musculoskeletal Disorders in Agriculture: A Review from Web of Science Core Collection

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    Agricultural workers suffer from many work-related illnesses. Some of the most common include musculoskeletal disorders (MSDs). These types of disorders are caused by diverse factors. This research study intends to demonstrate the worldwide concern for MSD in agriculture. The objective is to compile and recognize in detail all the available studies on musculoskeletal disorders in agriculture developed in the world and by countries in the last 26 years. The Web of Science database was used for this purpose. Two hundred and fifty-six documents were found, of which 221 were finally selected for inclusion in the study. The studies span a period from 1995 to 2020. Of these, studies that were linked to improving sustainability stood out. Most of the research of this type emanates from developed countries. The conclusions to be drawn are that few countries pay attention to this area and that preventive measures are insufficient. Mechanization and improvement in work methods and organization are methods to reduce risks

    Faktor Determinan Work Related Musculoskeletal Disorder pada Petambak di Desa Langnga, Kecamatan Mattiro Sompe, Kabupaten Pinrang Tahun 2021

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    Petambak termasuk pekerjaan informal, dimana pekerja informal paling sering terkena musculoskeletal disorder terkait pekerjaan atau work related musculoskeletal disorder. Berdasarkan data dari World Health Organization, musculoskeletal disorder merupakan bagian dari PAK dan merupakan penyumbang utama kecacatan di dunia yang mencapai 149 juta kasus. Laporan Riset Kesehatan Dasar (Riskesdas) menyatakan bahwa di Indonesia, Provinsi Sulawesi Selatan memiliki angka prevalensi musculoskeletal disorder sebanyak 34.958 kasus, dimana Kabupaten Pinrang memiliki angka prevalensi tertinggi kedua di Sulawesi Selatan sebanyak 9,42% kasus. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui faktor determinan (postur kerja, lama kerja, usia, masa kerja, dan kebiasaan merokok) terhadap work related musculoskeletal disorder pada petambak yang ada di Desa Langnga, Kecamatan Mattiro Sompe, Kabupaten Pinrang. Penelitian ini merupakan penelitian kuantitatif dengan pendekatan cross sectional. Sampel penelitian adalah keseluruhan populasi berjumlah 44 responden. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan proses kerja petambak yang memiliki postur kerja paling berisiko adalah penyiapan tambak, semua responden mengalami keluhan WMSDs, dan responden lebih banyak berusia ≥ 35 tahun, memiliki masa kerja ≥ 3 tahun, lama kerja ≥ 8 jam perhari, serta merokok. Berdasarkan uji chi square diketahui ada hubungan antara variabel yang diteliti dengan Work Related Musculoskeletal Disorder (WMSDs), yaitu postur kerja (p=0,028), usia (p= 0,005), lama kerja (p= 0,008), masa kerja (p= 0,001), dan kebiasaan merokok (p= 0,003)

    Public Health Research Day 2020

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    XVI Agricultural Science Congress 2023: Transformation of Agri-Food Systems for Achieving Sustainable Development Goals

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    The XVI Agricultural Science Congress being jointly organized by the National Academy of Agricultural Sciences (NAAS) and the Indian Council of Agricultural Research (ICAR) during 10-13 October 2023, at hotel Le Meridien, Kochi, is a mega event echoing the theme “Transformation of Agri-Food Systems for achieving Sustainable Development Goals”. ICAR-Central Marine Fisheries Research Institute takes great pride in hosting the XVI ASC, which will be the perfect point of convergence of academicians, researchers, students, farmers, fishers, traders, entrepreneurs, and other stakeholders involved in agri-production systems that ensure food and nutritional security for a burgeoning population. With impeding challenges like growing urbanization, increasing unemployment, growing population, increasing food demands, degradation of natural resources through human interference, climate change impacts and natural calamities, the challenges ahead for India to achieve the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) set out by the United Nations are many. The XVI ASC will provide an interface for dissemination of useful information across all sectors of stakeholders invested in developing India’s agri-food systems, not only to meet the SDGs, but also to ensure a stable structure on par with agri-food systems around the world. It is an honour to present this Book of Abstracts which is a compilation of a total of 668 abstracts that convey the results of R&D programs being done in India. The abstracts have been categorized under 10 major Themes – 1. Ensuring Food & Nutritional Security: Production, Consumption and Value addition; 2. Climate Action for Sustainable Agri-Food Systems; 3. Frontier Science and emerging Genetic Technologies: Genome, Breeding, Gene Editing; 4. Livestock-based Transformation of Food Systems; 5. Horticulture-based Transformation of Food Systems; 6. Aquaculture & Fisheries-based Transformation of Food Systems; 7. Nature-based Solutions for Sustainable AgriFood Systems; 8. Next Generation Technologies: Digital Agriculture, Precision Farming and AI-based Systems; 9. Policies and Institutions for Transforming Agri-Food Systems; 10. International Partnership for Research, Education and Development. This Book of Abstracts sets the stage for the mega event itself, which will see a flow of knowledge emanating from a zeal to transform and push India’s Agri-Food Systems to perform par excellence and achieve not only the SDGs of the UN but also to rise as a world leader in the sector. I thank and congratulate all the participants who have submitted abstracts for this mega event, and I also applaud the team that has strived hard to publish this Book of Abstracts ahead of the event. I wish all the delegates and participants a very vibrant and memorable time at the XVI ASC

    Pseudo National Security System of Health in Indonesia

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    ABstRACt Adolescence is a crucial period where one tends to identify who they are as an individual. However, as a teenager is struggling to find his/her place in this world, it is also a time where they are prone to engaging in risk behaviors, which tend to have an extreme psychological impact. The objective was to explore the experiences of an adolescent who engages in risk behaviors and to understand their level of personal fables. The study was a qualitative design with content analysis with semi-structured interviews of ten male adolescents aged 16-18 years. The major findings of the study indicated that adolescent’s pattern of thinking revolves around the fact that they are invincible and invulnerable. Furthermore, adolescents are aware of the risks they are putting themselves through and how in the process they are hurting others. The implications of the study are to conduct more life skill programs in schools; greater awareness has to be created on the impact and harmful effects of such behaviors

    Policy Implementation Analysis of District Health System to Improve Health Services: Study in North Central Timor Regency, East Nusa Tenggara Timur Province, Indonesis

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    Context: Improving degree of public health in a region requires quality health services. For this reason, district health system has been formed which can be implemented comprehensively to the target community. A study is needed to find out the factors that influence policy implementation so that quality of health services can be improved. This study used quantitative method with structural equation models to find patterns of the relationship between the district health system and health services. The results showed that there are 7 indicators that are part of the district health system factors, 2 indicators that are part of the resposivensss factor, 8 indicators that are part of the policy implementation factor, and 3 indicators that are part of the health service factor. These indicators have loading factor ≥ 0.5. The district health system consisting of 7 subsystems if properly implemented will have a positive impact on health services by 1.98. Contribution of policy implementation in improving health services will be great if the district health system is implemented together with responsiveness, so that the total effect becomes 2.20