36 research outputs found

    Interfacing IEC 61850-9-2 Process Bus Data to a Simulation Environment

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    IEC 61850 – Communication and networks in substations is the standard for building communication infrastructure between the different Intelligent Electronic devices (IEDs) in the substation automation system. It consists of several parts which include Specific Communication and Service Mapping for the transmission of sampled values (defined in part 9–2 of the standard). The Sampled value communication is a high speed, time critical Ethernet based communication for the transfer of data over the network. It defines the sampling rate and time synchronization requirement of the system. The main purpose of this thesis is to extract sampled value data (four voltages, four currents) from a PCAP data file captured over the network in the ‘Sundom Smart Grid’ environment and convert the data into the format needed for analysis on PSCAD simulation tool. This thesis serves as an interface between the real Smart Grid environment and the test environment in the University of Vaasa. This thesis explains fundamental concepts that relate to IEC 61850, and the Sampled Value in particular. It describes the frame structure of sampled value and a software application has been developed based on WinPcap Application Program Interface (API) to extract the data points needed and fulfill the data format requirement of the PSCAD which is adaptable for use in MATLAB.fi=Opinnäytetyö kokotekstinä PDF-muodossa.|en=Thesis fulltext in PDF format.|sv=Lärdomsprov tillgängligt som fulltext i PDF-format

    Microsoft .NET and Security Provided by High -Level Internet Protocols

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    This paper describes a class of insecure .NET client applications, which avoid higher layer protocol protection through using a “raw” send and receive API. The .NET Framework rests on many other Microsoft components, including the Windows Driver Model (WDM). This model supports four driver types, two of which were considered in this paper: protocol and miniport drivers. By compiling and executing client applications using the “raw” sockets interface, we demonstrate that insecure clients can be written with minimal programming effort (lines of code)

    IPv6 Network Monitoring Tool

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    IPv6 is a new version of the internetworking protocol designed to address the scalability and service shortcomings of the current standard, IPv4.Unfortunately, IPv4 and IPv6 are not directly compatible, so programs and systems designed to one standard can not communicate with those designed to the other. Consequently, it is necessary to develop smooth transition mechanisms that enable applications to continue working while the network is being upgraded. In this paper the author presents the design and implementation of a network monitoring tool for the latest Internet Protocol; IPv6 which is designed for Microsoft Windows platform. The development of network has increased the need to monitor the nodes that is operating across the same network. The network monitoring tool aims to capture and analyze IP related packets (IPv6 packets) before executing report on the results found

    Accurate and Precise Network Performance Testing in Windows 2000

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    The purpose of this study is to develop a network performance test system which measures jitter and latency of low bit-rate voice over IP traffic. The system is capable of making accurate and precise measurements in a Windows 2000 Operating System environment. Precise, GPS-synchronized timing is achieved with the use of a dedicated bus-level time processing card. Packets are timestamped in a protocol driver for versatility but can be timestamped in a network card driver for more accurate timing. The overall error associated with the system's measurement was assessed and was found to be less than 90s in the worst case and less than 10s in the best case. Example network tests such as broadband Internet service, wireless LANs, and wireless data service are analyzed. Concatenated networks were tested as well. The work is applicable to not only voice over IP systems, but any real-time, low bandwidth systems.School of Electrical & Computer Engineerin

    Network Traffic Capturing With Application Tags

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    Zachytávanie sieťovej prevádzky a jej následná analýza sú užitočné v prípade, že hľadáme problémy v sieti alebo sa chceme dozvedieť viac o aplikáciach a ich sieťovej komunikácii. Táto práca sa zameriava na proces identifikácie sieťových aplikácií, ktoré sú spustené na lokálnom počítači a ich asociáci so zachytenými paketmi. Cieľom projektu je vytvorenie multi-platformového nástroja, ktorý zachytí sieťovú komunikáciu do súboru a pridá k nej aplikačné tagy, čo sú rozpoznané aplikácie a identifikácia ich paketov. Operácie, ktoré môžu byť vykonávané samostatne sú paralelizované pre zrýchlenie spracovania paketov, a teda aj zníženie ich strátovosti. Zdrojová aplikácia je zisťovaná pre všetky (prichádzajúce aj odchádzajúce) pakety. Všetky identifikované aplikácie sú uložené v aplikačnej cache spolu s informáciami o jej soketoch pre ušetrenie času nevyhľadávaním už zistených aplikácií. Je dôležité túto cache pravidelne aktualizovať, pretože komunikujúca aplikácia môže zatvoriť soket v  ľubovoľnom čase. Nakoniec sú získané informácie vložené na koniec pcap-ng súboru ako samostatný pcap-ng blok.Network traffic capture and analysis are useful in case we are looking for problems in our network, or when we want to know more about applications and their network communication. This paper aims on the process of network applications identification that run on the local host and their associating with captured packets. The goal of this project is to design a multi-platform application that captures network traffic and extends the capture file with application tags. Operations that can be done independently are parallelized to speed up packet processing and reduce packet loss. An application is being determined for every (both incoming and outgoing) packet. Records of all identified applications are stored in an application cache with information about its sockets to save time and not to search for already known applications. It's important to update the cache periodically because an application in the cache may close a connection at any time. Finally, gathered information is saved to the end of pcap-ng file as a separate pcap-ng block.

    IPv6 Network Monitoring Tool

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    IPv6 is a new version of the internetworking protocol designed to address the scalability and service shortcomings of the current standard, IPv4.Unfortunately, IPv4 and IPv6 are not directly compatible, so programs and systems designed to one standard can not communicate with those designed to the other. Consequently, it is necessary to develop smooth transition mechanisms that enable applications to continue working while the network is being upgraded. In this paper the author presents the design and implementation of a network monitoring tool for the latest Internet Protocol; IPv6 which is designed for Microsoft Windows platform. The development of network has increased the need to monitor the nodes that is operating across the same network. The network monitoring tool aims to capture and analyze IP related packets (IPv6 packets) before executing report on the results found

    Netodyssey: a framework for real-time windowed analysis of network traffic

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    Traffic monitoring and analysis is of critical importance for managing and designing modern computer networks, and constitutes nowadays a very active research field. In most of their studies, researchers use techniques and tools that follow a statistical approach to obtain a deeper knowledge about the traffic behaviour. Network administrators also find great value in statistical analysis tools. Many of those tools return similar metrics calculated for common properties of network packets. This dissertation presents NetOdyssey, a framework for the statistical analysis of network traffic. One of the crucial points of differentiation of NetOdyssey from other analysis frameworks is the windowed analysis philosophy behind NetOdyssey. This windowed analysis philosophy allows researchers who seek for a deeper knowledge about networks, to look at traffic as if looking through a window. This approach is crucial in order to avoid the biasing effects of statistically looking at the traffic as a whole. Small fluctuations and irregularities in the network can now be analyzed, because one is always looking through window which has a fixed size: either in number of observations or in the temporal duration of those observations. NetOdyssey is able to capture live traffic from a network card or from a pre-collected trace, thus allowing for real-time analysis or delayed and repetitive analysis. NetOdyssey has a modular architecture making it possible for researchers with reduced programming capabilities to create analysis modules which can be tweaked and easily shared among those who utilize this framework. These modules were thought so that their implementation is optimized according to the windowed analysis philosophy behind NetOdyssey. This optimization makes the analysis process independent from the size of the analysis window, because it only contemplates the observations coming in and going out of this window. Besides presenting this framework, its architecture and validation, the present Dissertation also presents four different analysis modules: Average and Standard deviation, Entropy, Auto-Correlation and Hurst Parameter estimators. Each of this modules is presented and validated throughout the present dissertation.Fundação para a Ciência e a Tecnologia (FCT