7 research outputs found

    Exploring live cloud migration on amazon EC2

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    Cloud users may decide to live migrate their virtual machines from a public cloud provider to another due to a lower cost or ceasing operations. Currently, it is not possible to install a second virtualization platform on public cloud infrastructure (IaaS) because nested virtualization and hardwareassisted virtualization are disabled by default. As a result, cloud users' VMs are tightly coupled to providers IaaS hindering live migration of VMs to different providers. This paper introduces LivCloud, a solution to live cloud migration. LivCloud is designed based on well-established criteria to live migrate VMs across various cloud IaaS with minimal interruption to the services hosted on these VMs. The paper discusses the basic design of LivCloud which consists of a Virtual Machine manager and IPsec VPN tunnel introduced for the first time within this environment. It is also the first time that the migrated VM architecture (64-bit & 32-bit) is taken into consideration. In this study, we evaluate the implementation of the basic design of LivCloud on Amazon EC2 C4 instance. This instance has a compute optimized instance and has high performance processors. In particular we explore three developed options. Theses options are being tested for the first time on EC2 to change the value of the EC2 instance's control registers. Changing the values of the registers will significantly help enable nested virtualization on Amazon EC2

    Interoperability in the Heterogeneous Cloud Environment: A Survey of Recent User-centric Approaches

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    © 2016 Copyright held by the owner/author(s). Cloud computing provides users the ability to access shared, online computing resources. However, providers often offer their own proprietary applications, interfaces, APIs and infrastructures, resulting in a heterogeneous cloud environment. This heterogeneous environment makes it difficult for users to change cloud service providers; exploring capabilities to support the automated migration from one provider to another is an active, open research area. Many standards bodies (IEEE, NIST, DMTF and SNIA), industry (middleware) and academia have been pursuing approaches to reduce the impact of vendor lock-in by investigating the cloud migration problem at the level of the VM. However, the migration downtime, decoupling VM from underlying systems and security of live channels remain open issues. This paper focuses on analysing recently proposed live, cloud migration approaches for VMs at the infrastructure level in the cloud architecture. The analysis reveals issues with flexibility, performance, and security of the approaches, including additional loads to the CPU and disk I/O drivers of the physical machine where the VM initially resides. The next steps of this research are to develop and evaluate a new approach LibZam (Libya Zamzem) that will work towards addressing the identified limitations

    Enhancement of LivCloud for live cloud migration

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    Virtualization techniques aim at handling the growing demand for computing, storage and communication resources in cloud computing. However, cloud providers often offer their own proprietary virtualization platforms. As a result, cloud users’ VMs are tightly coupled to providers’ IaaS, hindering live migration of VMs to different providers. A number of live cloud migration approaches have been proposed to solve this coupling issue. Our approach, named LivCloud, is among those approaches. It is designed over two stages, basic design stage and the enhancement stage. The implementation of the basic design has been introduced and evaluated on Amazon EC2 and Packet bare metal cloud. This paper discusses the implementation of the second stage, the enhancement of the basic design on Packet. In particular, it illustrates how LivCloud is implemented in two different scenarios. The first scenario deploys KVM bridge networking, OpenvSwitch and C scripts used to meet the network configuration changes during the VMs relocating. This scenario achieves better downtime of one second compared to the basic design of LivCloud. The second scenario uses OpenVPN, OpenDayLight (ODL) and Cisco OpenFlow Manager (OFM) to successfully live migrate VMs back and forth between LivCloud and Packet. This scenario achieves better downtime between 400 and 600 milliseconds. As part of the discussion, the paper proposes a third potential scenario to successfully meet the live cloud migration requirements. This scenario aims to eliminate any downtime occurred in the first two scenarios by utilizing the Open Overlay Router (OOR), Locator Identifier Separator Protocol (LISP) and ODL

    An Approach to Designing Clusters for Large Data Processing

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    Cloud computing is increasingly being adopted due to its cost savings and abilities to scale. As data continues to grow rapidly, an increasing amount of institutions are adopting non standard SQL clusters to address the storage and processing demands of large data. However, evaluating and modelling non SQL clusters presents many challenges. In order to address some of these challenges, this thesis proposes a methodology for designing and modelling large scale processing configurations that respond to the end user requirements. Firstly, goals are established for the big data cluster. In this thesis, we use performance and cost as our goals. Secondly, the data is transformed from relational data schema to an appropriate HBase schema. In the third step, we iteratively deploy different clusters. We then model the clusters and evaluate different topologies (size of instances, number of instances, number of clusters, etc.). We use HBase as the large data processing cluster and we evaluate our methodology on traffic data from a large city and on a distributed community cloud infrastructure

    Cloud Computing Architecture

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    Programiranje u oblaku je u konstantnom porastu kao nova paradigma online usluga vezanih uz razna područja primjene i interesa. No, dizajniranje novih usluga u oblaku kao i dizajniranje usluga u već postojeće poslovne koncepte predstavlja veliki proces u koji treba uključiti puno elemenata. Od velike je važnosti za dizajnere aplikacija u oblaku da znaju koja su glavna pitanja i problemi sudionika usluga u oblaku kao što su korisnici oblaka, pružatelji oblaka i posrednici oblaka. U ovom su radu istraženi glavni izazovi i pitanja tijekom izgradnje aplikacije za oblak kao i različiti arhitekturalni pristupi vezani uz rješavanje spomenutih pitanja. Istraživanje je pokazalo da sigurnost i privatnost podataka predstavljaju najveći problem za korisnike oblaka kao i za pružatelje usluga u oblaku. Ovaj rad daje kompletnu kategorizaciju studija koji opisuju razne pristupe i razmatranja arhitekture prilikom dizajniranja aplikacija za oblak.Cloud Computing has emerged as a new paradigm in the field of network-based services within many industrial and application domains. However, building new services in the cloud or designing cloud-based solutions into existing business context is a complex decision process involving many factors. It is important for the cloud designers to know what are the main concerns of cloud stakeholders such as cloud consumers, cloud providers and cloud brokers. In this study were investigated the main challenges and concerns while building cloud-based architectures and different architectural approaches are proposed to meet these specific concerns. The study revealed that security and dana privacy is on the top of the list of concerns for both cloud consumers and cloud providers. This study gives fully categorized studies that describe architectural approaches and design considerations when architecting for the cloud

    Achieving Adaptation Through Live Virtual Machine Migration in Two-Tier Clouds

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    This thesis presents a model-driven approach for application deployment and management in two-tier heterogeneous cloud environments. For application deployment, we introduce the architecture, the services and the domain specific language that abstract common features of multi-cloud deployments. By leveraging the architecture and the language, application deployers author a deployment model that captures the high-level structure of the application. The deployment model is then translated into deployment workflows on specific clouds. As a use case, we introduce a live VM migration framework that maintains the application quality of services through VM migrations across two tier-clouds. The proposed framework can monitor the performance of the applications and their underlying infrastructure and plan and executes VM migrations to eliminate hotspots in a datacenter. We evaluate both the application deployment architecture and the live migration on public clouds